
Air Superiority Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"The F-22 Raptor is widely understood to be the most capable air superiority fighter on the planet."
"The Russian Air Force maintains a considerable advantage over its Ukrainian opponent."
"If you are interested in achieving air superiority over a region, the best way to do it is with heavy fighters."
"Air superiority is what enables the land battle, so if we could enable them to have air superiority, then they would be able to progress."
"The legacy of the battle is that of a huge victory for air forces over a superior naval foe that was also superior in number with his land forces."
"The Flying Tigers frequently came out as the victors in most engagements, dominating the skies above Burma."
"If the Russians want to deploy enough air power to a particular location on the front line they can essentially achieve near-air superiority in the local area."
"For longer-range S-400 and older S-300 batteries, F-35s equipped with glide bombs are able to overwhelm their missile defenses and destroy them."
"NATO forces wrest control of the skies over the front away from the Russians."
"No great victory is possible without air superiority."
"If you have air superiority then blocking ground advances doesn't matter because you can reach over them with aircraft."
"Air dominance is not an American birthright."
"The F-22 is considered one of the world's most invincible fighters."
"The RAF struck at Iranian airfields... quickly gaining air superiority."
"Is the F35 a savvy National Security investment that ensures we will have US Air superiority?"
"Cannons are a little bit obsolete in today's most air superiority warfare."
"America's F-22 remains the single deadliest airplane in the sky."
"The U.S Air Force's Hypersonic capabilities give it a decisive Advantage by ensuring its Fighters can strike swiftly and effectively."
"The f-15 is still to this day one of the most powerful air-superiority fighters out there."
"Air dominance is better than anything in the world."
"By the third week of the campaign, air superiority over Iraq had been decisively won."
"...the Allies have complete control of the Skies..."
"The combination of extremely rapid maneuver and precision strikes on Iraq's command and control complex enabled by the attainment of air superiority induced a fatal paralysis."
"The battle for air superiority was really won in the air."
"The F-22 Raptor will be the aircraft that goes in there first and not only clears the skies of air threats but also with the air-to-ground munitions can go in there and basically take out emerging threats."
"The Allies had finally won air superiority over the battlefield"
"The F-15 was largely a result of that...and essentially brought the kind of drawings and intelligence from the Soviet side that allowed the United States to build the electronics and avionics...vastly improving our ability to maintain air superiority."
"In the Persian Gulf War...we enjoyed almost complete air superiority...almost absolutely."
"In order to make air operations work, he had to achieve air superiority, duh."
"The NGAD program is the U.S. Air Force's enthusiastic endeavor to retain air superiority in the 21st century and even beyond."
"This demonstrates the Navy's commitment to dominating the skies of the 21st century."
"The superiority of Allied air forces was a major factor in this rapid advancement against the German ground forces."
"They'll never know how close I came to destroying our air superiority in one go."
"Despite the military and economic support from 20-plus countries... Iraq was never able to maintain air superiority during the eight year war, all because of the magnificent Grumman Tomcat."
"This thing is meant to be the beast mode air superiority fighter that really controls and patrols the skies around the globe."
"The P-47 was designed originally as a high altitude air superiority fighter; it could fly as high as anything that was flying in those days."
"The Su-57 was designed with one goal in mind - total air superiority."
When it comes to "total air superiority", only time will tell who will claim dominance.
"The advantage will lie with the fleet which wins in the air."
"We're entering an era where adaptability and versatility will become the defining features of air superiority."
"The NGAD platform is more than just making a new fighter jet; it's about a complete plan for being in control of the skies."
"At the end, we were unmolested in the sky; total air supremacy."
"This plane is meant to ensure you have air superiority to take down enemy aircraft, enemy fighters, enemy helicopters to keep your troops on the ground safe."
"The main role of the J20 seems to be air superiority."