
Professional Skills Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"The amount of money you earn is a direct ratio to the need for what you do, your ability to do it, and the difficulty there is in replacing you."
"Elite nannies...are not just babysitters; they're professional coaches, speak three languages or more, and provide emotional support."
"Being a good lawyer is asking the right questions."
"By the end of the course, you'll be able to create a consistent design system and know how to solve design."
"Documentation is one of the most essential skills."
"The impeachment hearing will be challenging for a skilled trial lawyer."
"Character matters more than skill, character matters more than capabilities."
"Creative thinking, good communication, problem-solving skills, and negotiation skills – essential soft skills for any business analyst."
"It's just comical that you guys are so upset."
"The power that the DAX gives you and being able to write these measures really makes a big difference to the sort of reports that you could be producing."
"Every word matters, especially in voiceover work."
"Rare and valuable skills... that's the only currency in the end knowledge work."
"All these people are doing these things and they have no expertise in the field whatsoever because we stopped valuing expertise."
"Index and match, another one, a pairing of functions that are perhaps one of my favorite ones inside of Excel."
"We're nurses and we learn to adapt and do whatever the best thing."
"If you're great at anything, you make it easier for everybody."
"He's doing such a good job, he's going right down the line of how to approach these questions."
"McClane is a guy who is good at his job and bad at his life."
"For me, it's been the professional footballers' FIFA ability that separated the two teams."
"A good hitman is able to adapt, improvise, and use anything that comes to hand as a weapon."
"If you possess these skills, if you are good at this particular skill set, I assure you, you will be making huge amounts of money."
"Data analysts are problem solvers. You need to be able to find and troubleshoot problems."
"There's a lot of great game designers that aren't good at interviewing."
"Your hard skills are what are going to get you into that interview."
"It's all part of being able to act calmly under pressure."
"When I applied the same skills that CIA had taught me in a corporate context... I had this incredible advantage over all the people around me."
"I can bring a wealth of experience in this industry, a positive attitude and mindset, loyalty, and the promise that everything I do will be geared towards helping you maintain your position as a market leader."
"The ability to communicate is the greatest skill that murder squad detectives have."
"Every designer is as strong as their knowledge of what they're using."
"I am perfectly made. I can wax eloquent on complex legal issues in English while also belting Guayaquil de mis amores in Spanish."
"I'm not just gonna show you how to make any website, we're gonna make professional and beautiful looking websites."
"It's almost become a trait that's valued as much as talent."
"Learn about design patterns and architecture to work on large systems and real code you'll actually see in a production environment."
"Can you handle the client, can you solve the problems, can you do all those things and make the firm look good?"
"Is engineering about typing? Yes. Is it about thinking? Yes."
"Learn to make your wrestling look good but really, really, really, really work on your mic work."
"You have to be really good at what you do for people to make sure that they're not too terrified of you."
"Lead generation is one skill that is at a very high premium."
"The composure, the focus, the discipline - very impressive."
"There's no saying in psychology, there's no such thing, there's no such test for psychologists that tests their ability to heal people."
"You create your own happy ending. Right? And you write your own story."
"He proved himself not just to be a great physical worker, but also a highly intelligent one who understood the politics of the business."
"Pro doesn't mean having auto modes that take your brain out of the decision-making process."
"I get paid to try to break into companies' networks... the professional name for it is penetration testing."
"Developing a pro-level game sense is really just a matter of absorbing all that game knowledge and experience."
"It takes a certain level of attention to detail when you're working with a bunch of different aircraft."
"It was really communication skills. It wasn't so much sales, it was more logic."
"Real editors don't use a mouse ever - it's all keyboard."
"My job is to listen, the oldest method of learning."
"Digital marketing is an incredibly valuable skill to learn."
"Her skill set should never be taken lightly."
"Good judgment calls so much more than firearms proficiency."
"Communications and good judgment is the most important weapons we have."
"Being an effective Communicator should be an important part of every job."
"Pro level players on land doing things fundamentally right."
"Learn how to build amazing, professional, and responsive websites."
"You got to do your procedures correctly you know there's more to being a mechanic than having fifty thousand dollars worth and snap-on tools and a scanner plugged in"
"Just knowing your basic vector arithmetic dot product and cross product, that's going to give you guys 99% of what you need in this industry to succeed."
"If you cannot get results without being sucked into somebody else's frame, you're an amateur."
"Finding solutions to complex challenges every day."
"The two most important skills: business understanding and analytical thinking."
"We have a guy who has become expert over his career in doing it."
"Even after all of that, they still think highly of you. This person, whoever it is, we have the mother of Pentacles."
"Both MSF and GDQ teams are pros at getting things done fast."
"She's a brilliant surgeon... but then she has a huge heart."
"Martinez and Veran are different levels of center-backs."
"To be a good financial advisor, you have to be part therapist."
"Get good at marketing, get good at building relationships, get good at effective communication."
"You have to prove and you have to show the record and stuff like that but this is what it ultimately comes down to is your skill level, and your connection - Who you know and how good are you?"
"He was very well known for his Crocs examination skills in the courtroom."
"It's really important that people work in a team."
"I'm a bad [ __ ] to deal with. I'm confident in my abilities because I know I've put the time in to build that skill."
"Sometimes you can be the smartest person in a room and you keep quiet... These are skills that people need to master in order to succeed, especially in today's environment."
"But if you feel like it, the problems I described today are the type of problems you solve a lot."
"A part that a lot of people neglect is communications."
"Negotiating with clients is an extremely important skill."
"If you are good at what you do, I don't think everyone's just going to disappear."
"In this video, I will show you seven practical examples and techniques in InDesign that will turn you into a real typesetting maestro."
"Having skills like voice leading very, very, very helpful to have as a professional composer to immediately be able to arrange your chords in a brand new way."
"AI can already outperform... smartest doctors... experienced corporate attorneys."
"Ford was an engineer, he was a particularly good engineer who also had organizational skills. He was more productive than other engineers because he had the ability to organize other engineers."
"Artificial intelligence can outperform humans in a majority of professions."
"You need to know how to take great pictures under pressure and listen to direction."
"I hate the term soft skills. Hard skills are the skills we need to do our jobs, human skills are the skills we need to be better humans, and we have to excel at both of them."
"...Bobby Eaton could work with anybody."
"Learning financial systems can help you become a much more valuable professional."
"Once you get into the professional working space you'll realize a person who can produce multiple high-quality iterations of a design over another person is going to be exponentially more valuable."
"Good visual design can really help you demand higher paying jobs."
"You still have to be able to communicate effectively."
"The skill of persuasion is something that good lawyers need to develop in order to gain a distinct advantage in the profession."
"If most of business is communication, and two-thirds of it is nonverbal communication and body language, it's almost as important as knowing how to handle finances or do contract work."
"As a contractor, my job was solving problems; that's what contractors do, they're problem solvers from the time you get started all day long."
"Communication is so important to being an audio engineer."
"Understanding this thermal world is essential to being successful as a thermographer."
"This remains one of my testing superpowers."
"Paul is a trained physicist... he did a really good job, he was a very convincing candidate."
"As a designer in the real world, you will have to be able to communicate your ideas, to present them, and to defend them."
"Cybersecurity professionals must have a solid grasp of computer networking and how they operate."
"If you can learn to use both Excel and Photoshop really, really well, then genuinely whatever line of work you're in, you will be a force to be reckoned with."
"That's what makes a great engineer, flexibility."
"They can be good in government jobs, they can be good in medical jobs."
"You could be the best scanner in the world, but if you're not friendly and you're not approachable and you have horrible bedside manner, then you're not going to get a job."
"When people pass the exam, they truly can indicate to their teams, their colleagues, that they have excellent financial modeling skills."
"It is comforting to know that we can count on the skills and professionalism of pilots like Captain Eric Moody and the crew of British Airways Flight Nine."
"Testing is another topic that a lot of videos don't even mention, which is strange because it's one of the most important things that you'll learn when you become a professional software engineer."
"I am the best person for the job because I have a great passion for this type of role and the skills to work to a high standard."
"Ways of Working, Power Skills, and Business Acumen are the three core areas of the Talent Triangle."
"The kinds of skills that I tend to focus on in my content are accessible to any professional regardless of their background."
"This is called form validation, and because we are learning to be professional developers, we need to take note of all of these things."
"You can target members with a bachelor's degree, expertise in biotech, expertise in computer science."
"Excel test is an excellent choice for data analysts, data scientists, accountants, and finance professionals."
"Completing LinkedIn profile will demonstrate your professional skills."
"I'm probably one of the best statisticians you've never met; I have no spatial skills whatsoever."
"You're so personable, like you remember everything, and I think it's because of your job."
"Customer service is a critical skill in IT support; I can't emphasize that enough."
"Sales and communication is number one and it is going to be the most viable skill that you're going to develop in commercial banking."
"You want to be a working designer in the industry, you have to learn Illustrator and Photoshop."
"Communication is a classic skill required in any job."
"After watching this tutorial, you can not only create this website but any kind of professional websites for yourself or for your clients."
"This is what I'm bringing to the chase: my firefighting skills, my ability to make decisions on a moment's notice."
"The skills that you actually require are to be well organized, articulate, hard-working, and willing to learn."
"Data professionals use Python to analyze data in faster, more efficient, and more powerful ways."
"Knowing how to use Python is a key credential for data professionals and will give you a big boost as a job candidate."
"Your reputation, career, and relationships all rely on your ability to negotiate."
"The evolution of the behavioral competency model has changed over time to show all of the knowledge, skills, and abilities that we need to be successful in the Human Resources field."
"Companies are really interested in us; they love our skill, creativity, and talent."
"Good listening skills are a must."
"Time management skill. Having excellent time management skills ensures that you will be able to finish all of your work on time."
"While these skills are primarily developed over time and with practice, there are plenty of tools inside Lightworks that can help you bring the professional edge to your editing."
"Knowing different languages gives you a professional advantage."
"It's about communicating for impact."
"Their main focus is teaching you things that you can apply in the real world as a professional developer."
"People who get hundreds on all of our tests, they test well, but they may not have the empathy, the caring, the love, whatever the characteristics a good flight attendant has."