
Debt-free Living Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"I wholeheartedly believe that we can be successful without racking up debt."
"I don't want to pay interest on anything ever again. No, you want to be collecting that interest."
"When you have no debt, you don't have to pay anybody. If you have a thousand dollars in your account, it's going to remain a thousand dollars unless you spend it."
"Live below your means by half and get everything paid off."
"Not being in debt is also fun, damn congratulations!"
"In a world of light and abundance, there is no debt."
"Break the chains of debt. Just imagine for a moment not owing money to anyone. Trust me, it's a great feeling."
"You're going to have a paid-for house, you have no bills."
"You're not truly financially independent unless no one you don't owe anybody any money."
"The Dave Ramsey solution: pay as you go, debt-free."
"Live a life where you don't owe anybody anything."
"Living without debt in a culture that's saturated with it requires a whole new way of looking at things."
"You're free and clear of debt, living on a thriving scenic island. What could be better?"
"It's just so much freedom. I mean, I would rather hand wash dishes, live with no air conditioning and a 1,000 square foot home than have debt hanging over my head."
"Living debt-free actually allows us to have more."
"There is such a freedom in not having debt. Because you can do whatever you want at that point."
"They're 40 years old and their baby steps millionaires. Awesome job, count it down, let's hear a debt-free scream! 3, 2, 1!"
"When you own your home, there is a true emotional, spiritual something happens when you don't have a bank in your life."
"Game with no debt and a pile of money in the bank, dude you're going to be light years ahead of your peers, that's the plan. Thank you."
"When you don't have debt, the stress goes down."
"Financial peace is when you're debt-free, but part of that peace is having structure."
"Once we're debt-free, we will have more freedom and financial peace."
"If you love security that much, then you will love a debt-free life."
"Without credit cards, you don't have to worry about living above your means or going into debt."
"The future is best for those who have balanced their books and go into it out of debt — out of debt mentally, morally, psychologically, as well as physically."
"Having no debt whatsoever puts you in a great financial position and definitely gets you beyond that middle class lifestyle."
"Now we're at a point where I don't owe a dime. It's nice to go home and know that you can pay your bills."
"Reason number one that we should be debt-free is because the word tells us, 'Owe no man anything except to love one another.'"
"Having no car payment is one of the best feelings ever."
"It's time to be more efficient with our finances. Make money off the money that you have, stay out of debt, and reduce your expenses to as little as you can."
"Imagine a life without credit card payments, without car payments, without student loan payments."
"We try to remain as debt-free as physically possible."
"We don't have any kind of mortgage or debt."
"Debt-free existence as the key to freedom in life."
"Stay focused on what you need to do daily and also do focus on that end result: focus on being debt-free."
"They just want to be debt-free. People don't want to owe anybody anything anymore."
"I've never met a wealthy person that regretted having no debt once they got there."
"Don't live beyond your means; pay for everything you can in cash and don't carry debt."
"You can live without a credit card, you can actually save up and pay cash for a car, you can go to school debt-free."
"Enjoy life without the bank, the bank's all on your back, enjoy life like not having to worry about creditors calling."
"It is the will of God for you to live in a beautiful debt-free home."
"If you're living within your means, you don't have credit card debt, and you're always able to save, then enjoy life."
"We don't owe any man anything except to love one another."
"I'm debt free. I've been debt free so long, I don't know what is at all. Everything I buy is cash."
"You spend what you got and you never go in debt for what you have."
"You have a chance to start this new marriage completely free, no house payment, no payments to anybody in the world, no stress."
"Living below your means and not borrowing money is so much better."
"Stop using credit cards and focus on building true wealth through savings, investment, real estate, starting a business, and living below your means."
"Stop living off of debt... spend money based off of how much money you have in the bank, not based off of how much money you can qualify for."
"Raising your credit score is and keeping it high, saving money, budgeting, paying off your bills on time, not being in debt."
"If you stop lending, you will find how to continue living without debt."
"We're huge Dave Ramsey fans, so we pay with cash; we don't have any debt."