
Book Appreciation Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"This book is fantastic, only 100 pages in but it is easily the best book that I've read so far."
"The entire book (Sorcery of Thorns)...it's everything that I would want from a fantasy."
"Loveless is an ironic title 'cause I fell in love with this book."
"There's something about the yellowed page that is just so beautiful, feels so organic and real."
"No one book is more valid than any other book."
"It's full of so much wonderful folklore and storytelling is absolutely central to the book itself."
"The hating game... loved it. Five out of five."
"The found family vibes immaculate... I'll gas those books, they're just really good."
"I don't think that I'll ever read a better book in my life."
"This book honestly sounds enchanting. I'm particularly drawn to the magic itself."
"I'm so incredibly excited for her future writing and her future books because this was incredible and amazing."
"Something I just really appreciate and I feel like this is like a love song to this book but it's really living up to all the hype I wanted it to."
"I love this book so much, it's definitely very popular but like rightfully so."
"But this story just has so much depth and so much meaning and it has meant so much to me in a very personal way as well and I just love it I love everything about it and I want everyone in the world to read this book."
"There isn't an aspect of this book for me that seems boring or sad or ugly or gross or not informative."
"Honestly, I had a lot of good times reading the book. I just genuinely felt like, holy [expletive], I didn't expect to learn this much from the book, but this is a god, this is like, this is a bible, this is a lingerie bible right here."
"Never ever fear big books because they're great, right?"
"I couldn't stop reading it it's a great book."
"I'm glad I read these books, it was quite the journey."
"I love it so incredibly much, and I think it is a beautiful, brilliant book."
"Google is real free but books are a beautiful companion to Google."
"I've never in my life enjoyed a book so much... I can't even tell you how much I love it."
"But I at least wanted to take this opportunity to throw my shield up in defense of this book because I think there's so much that it did right."
"This is the best chapter so far. I'm really enjoying it."
"Books are so subjectively personal; we all have favorites that other people hate and vice versa."
"The remains of the day really taught me that non-genre fiction are not so much about the premise of the book like the premise of the book doesn't have to be interesting for the book to be interesting to read like it's more about the execution."
"This island is cool hello matriarchy like this is such a amazingly underhyped why a book."
"Reading is bigger than that, most people just don't think to go to YouTube and look up their favorite books."
"The new covers are incredible, the story holds up so well, I loved every single second of it."
"This was obviously a five stars... I'm so happy that this one ended up being a winner... if you hate this book it's probably because you didn't see the value in it."
"I knew that it had to be good and you know what you bitches were right because this book Evelyn Hugo is just very nuanced and real and just has set a high caliber of how characters should be written."
"It's like opening a good book man. It's just like opening a good book that."
"It's so easy to consume... every single time I would read this book I would find something different to love."
"What it means to be human is a genuinely good book, a book that is changing the way I think about things." - Unknown
"But I do think that some of you guys could end up actually really liking the book."
"That book was so good it fully lived up to the hype."
"Just a perfect two-book series that I highly recommend checking out."
"This book is just stunning, I love it, one of my favorite books of the month."
"This book was everything that I did not know that I needed."
"Thank you for writing this book and for sharing that with us because it's important and it's necessary."
"I feel like this book is one of the biggest surprises of the year for me, I wasn't really expecting to like fully love a Penelope Douglas book this year again because their last couple of releases haven't been my favorite."
"I just want to read it again...pure perfection."
"I love the feel of a good book, I love the imagination of a good book."
"I really loved this book because it's a perfect example of how you can write a story about happiness."
"But yeah this is definitely one I would highly recommend."
"Thank you so much for sending me this book because that just sparked me to tell you all that."
"I do feel like it's a pretty faithful nod to the Anna Karenina story and I thought this was amazing I read it in 24 hours it was super fast-paced and I thought the tropes in this sort of this dramatic high school setting was done with such success."
"This book, I just, I mean how could you not love it? Like it's really, really, really good."
"The reason I really like this book and the reason I have Michael on the program is that he gives in-depth evidence and illustrations."
"I'm so happy to say that I am loving this book."
"This book was phenomenal, like so phenomenal."
"It's amazing, it made me cry, I love this book."
"This book just made me feel a lot of things in a really profound way, and I'm so grateful that I read it. I absolutely loved it."
"This book is amazing, they all end the same way."
"I love this book. It's a friend... it comforts me, directs me, teaches me."
"So good, this has like probably one of the best twists you will ever read."
"This book is so good... I feel like I cannot say anything but good things."
"There's no perfect book... but I will always say there's no such thing as a perfect book."
"I absolutely love this and I think you will too."
"This was damn enjoyable, beautiful, loved it, loved it, loved it."
"I absolutely could not shake how much I love these books."
"This is the best book I've ever read. It has been so... Dude, my light stem, by the way, I think the house is haunted."
"Not only is that part great in this book but I love the fact that Deborah Harkness is a historian first and foremost."
"The overall vibes of this book are just absolutely incredible."
"I love, respect, and appreciate books in their entirety... they've been with me since I was reading books as a kid."
"I loved the story of the author and her journey to writing this book. The nostalgia and all that combined, and the cover is just so cute."
"I find it hard to get into a book but I can't seem to put yours down."
"So don't get lost on the idea that a book can't be a great gift because it absolutely can especially when you make it meaningful and you write something on the inside and you make it kind of like a more sturdy love note if you will."
"The romance was like actually making me cry it's so good her books are so good I love her."
"This book is such a lovely summary and I actually really want to reread it this summer because really it's just a perfect read."
"Ink-stained wretches like us, my favorite book."
"Interview with the Vampire changed the landscape."
"I really enjoyed that. I thought it was really well done."
"Just so thankful for this book and absolutely love it."
"So coming in at number 14, we have 'Leave the World Behind' by Rumaan Alam. I do not think this is a book for everyone, but for me, it worked. It just worked so well."
"I love this book. I was up till 1 in the morning reading last night. I literally could not put it down."
"I loved the entirety of The Curse from start to finish."
"I enjoy making videos where I just kind of flip through some books talk about the books I like and why I like them and what I get out of them."
"I love this book. I think it's so brilliantly written. It's so much fun. It's so engaging."
"This book is incredible I love it I love Rose and Connor I love their Dynamic their relationship."
"I'm in love with Jasper because this man I am so shocked at how much I'm loving this book it is actually phenomenal."
"I love everything about this book."
"I have that like after you finish a book, the kind of excitement you get when you really like it."
"...I loved this book so much I've never loved a memoir this way."
"...I think one of my favorite parts of this book is definitely watching Dante and Vivian grow closer to one another and just watching Dante like open his heart up I guess you can say it to like the possibility of being with Vivian."
"This is just such a great book, I don't know why I like it so much but I really do."
"I just love that book so very much, like the ending always just gets me just a little bit emotional."
"Such a awesome book absolutely love that comic."
"I love this book such a great book."
"Such a great book absolutely love it."
"It's been so long since I finished a book and I wanted to just read it again."
"Honestly, I am absolutely loving the writing style of this book."
"This book is such a blessing to have. 14 volumes."
"I do think that the books that I forgot about or that I didn't mention in any other videos they deserve to be talked about."
"It's okay to like books that are not the best written ones because we need those for the entertainment."
"Book one still is one of the greatest books I've ever read."
"My family is kind of, we're kind of book lovers."
"Books are always better than the movies."
"Everybody loves the snitch's choice truly and that's something like a why a book that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside."
"Books always go for quite a bit because knowledge is power and has very high value."
"I actually loved this book, five out of five loved Aidan."
"I think it's brilliant and I love the title. It's clever and it draws you in."
"Thank you so much to everyone that has purchased a copy. We absolutely love you, we adore you, we appreciate you."
"I cannot even explain how amazing this book is."
"This book was beautiful, I was truly delighted by it."
"It is an immensely rewarding book in my opinion."
"I did generally like 'A Light in the Mist'."
"It's spooky, it's intense, it's great."
"It was such an amazing read and I'm really, really glad that I read it this month."
"I'm very glad to have read 'What Lies in the Woods' so quickly; this was very enjoyable, I had a really good time with this one."
"Once you read a book and you love it, if you feel the need to buy a nice premium copy, then go right ahead."
"These are all the best books that I've read this year and I just realized that they were all written by female authors."
"It's so pretty but my favorite thing about this book is the humor."
"Howl's Moving Castle is one of the most charming books I've ever met."
"I really liked everything this book had to say about language and connection in family."
"This is one of my favorite books ever, I really, really love this book."
"Books are some of my favorite things because stories are great, and they're so much longer than what you get in a movie."
"I do like him, honestly, the book is great."
"I feel like my life is so much better now that I've read Harry Potter."
"The book is amazing, the movie is amazing, guys, for very different reasons."
"I love this book so much, it talks about trauma so good."
"It's so good, my heart is like palpitating thinking about it."
"You never judge a book by its cover, but some of these book covers are really lovely."
"I love the feeling of a hardback book in my hands."
"I cannot recommend this enough, it is so, so good."
"I know that Supernatural is just a book. I know the difference between fantasy and reality."
"I love books, as things go more digital, I love a tactile book you can hold in your hand."
"It's an extraordinary book and this idea... it's like an amazing aha moment."
"I love books that have really good opening lines."
"This book actually takes place over one day which I think is really cool."
"This is what I meant, look at this nice hard cover, nice printed material, very nice."
"I'm excited to see Where the Crawdads Sing because I read that book and I really, really liked it."
"Books to me represent a hideaway, a way to escape the world."
"It's just so awesome to be able to get huge books just to learn, you know."
"I loved it... I wish it was longer; I think that's the main thing."
"I loved everything about this book; this was my favorite book that I read in that class."
"Sometimes I just need to not put pressure on myself to read, and I enjoy the book so much more."
"I'm gonna own it, I love this book, I enjoy it, I back that hype."
"I love Way of Kings so much, and I love Kaladin."
"I just love the feel of the book."
"I'm liking this book a lot; one thing I will say is I really appreciate how much of an ensemble cast this book is."
"When they publish books, they tend to be great."
"I'm like always saying I would never read on a Kindle, always books."
"I just love this book so much, it's so freaking cute."
"This cover is beautiful, and the premise of the story is also very intriguing."
"What I just love so much about this book is that it has an accessible writing style and really great characters."
"I love being able to see the book covers in this sort of format."