
Barrier Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"The primary part is not even part of the immune system; it's the barrier that prevents 99.99% of infective agents from coming in."
"People don't like to hear this, but difficulty is a moat."
"A physical barrier is the best way to control who's coming in."
"This gate nestled in the heart of Jerusalem serves not only as a physical barrier but also as a symbol Laden with profound messages."
"This is a situation of glass ceiling being broken."
"This barrier is a mercy from my Lord God, but when that time comes of which my Lord has warned, He's going to bring down this barrier."
"They opened the door and closed it, or they paved the way for themselves and then closed the road for everyone else."
"Sin was sin and it was holding me from getting to God." - Joe Keim
"Don't overthink, overthinking for me has is the biggest barrier."
"You cannot enter here," said Gandalf, and the huge shadow halted.
"It's actually quite sad to think that what started out as a major highway and the lifeblood of London now spends most of its time sitting uselessly empty - a physical and mental barrier between north and south London."
"He tells his slimes to place themselves outside the town at equal distance and then transfers his magic to them to create a giant barrier around the town."
"Boasting an impressive effective range spanning from 10 to 30 ft, this remarkable device creates a barrier that keeps mosquitoes at bay, ensuring a serene and enjoyable outdoor experience."
"From the days of Camelot to the age of Churchill, the Channel's cold, choppy Waters formed an imposing barrier."
"See yeah, no that's that right there is what will stop me from doing anything any type of puncturing of the walls."
"It's like, no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't get through to you."
"The biggest problem you students have, I know, is language."
"Closing the sale was the key psychological barrier for me."
"Small is good. The biggest barrier to entry a lot of times is people feeling that they can't carry it because it's too big."
"That second barrier of doubt, I actually would say that it's even bigger than the first barrier, for anyone who transcends that first barrier, that second barrier is so seductive."
"The barrier to an extraordinary life is solely these negative emotions."
"Humans Who falls down here must die with enough Souls we can shatter the barrier forever."
"Twice in a row they've been stymied by a low ceiling."
"It's a very difficult time, and a lot of people are finding these barriers that are coming up."
"The biggest thing we see in sensitive skin is a disrupted skin barrier."
"It is a bastion of protection, a wall against the frozen wind."
"The protective barrier only repels those who wish to do harm or are evil."
"It's extremely disappointing that a series as beloved as Tokyo Ghoul will always have that barrier in front of it that turns people away."
"It's starting to look like this mysterious rock wall around the beach acts as a kind of barrier for the area."
"Real life? Oh, that's not a barrier."
"That hatch is all that stands between life and death."
"Easy to install and deploy flood barriers."
"Interrupting the blood-brain barrier does not somehow predispose the patient to getting infections in the brain that would normally be excluded by the blood-brain barrier."
"We cannot enter the wall on the other side of this because the front patio is already poured."
"Lower the barrier to get into the sport."
"It is hard to get farm work if you don't have a car."
"If you believe God made you sick, that's going to be a tough barrier to get through."
"Fear is like a brick wall. Every time you turn away from that fear, you place another brick on that wall."
"Beyond failure on the other side of failure that fear of failure that that devil that sits on the wall between your current reality and opportunity that sits on the other side and growth and a new reality and expansion of ourselves, fear sits on that wall."
"Your brain has these gates, you know, you have the blood-brain barrier, but the gate allows in certain vips, yeah?"
"Give in charity, it may remove the barrier to your healing."
"I'm about to graduate from high school. Yeah, I was like, 'Dude, I'm about to burn down the barrier!'"
"Basic feels so far ahead of its time in barrier of entry and approachability." - David
"The barrier to self-love is self-acceptance."
"Stress causes a leaky brain. We talk about leaky gut, but there's a barrier in the brain that protects the brain, and when there's stress, that barrier breaks down."
"Fear is the greatest barrier to you fulfilling God's plan in your life."
"I cast a barrier to prevent your kind from getting to the human realm. The only way that would be possible is if someone broke this."
"There's no language barrier that vodka cannot overcome."
"If you reduce the barrier to entry, then the system becomes more accessible."
"Quality of life, don't let it be the barrier."
"An iron wall that stands between them and sins."
"This SPF spray creates a barrier to the skin from pollution and sun."
"Don't be scared off by the high cost of entry into the laundromat industry. In fact, the good news about that is that the high barrier of entry weeds out a lot of people."
"People think that having a disability is a barrier--"
"He smiled, and that familiar growl reverberated through the thick glass door between us like a purr."
"Your mindset is the only thing that is separating you from what you want."
"I've got no problem in doing that, that barrier is gone."
"Estera Edo Barrier 365 Cream: deep replenishing, fortifying your skin barrier."
"The only thing that prevents you from becoming a good artist is you."
"With the destruction of the statues, the wind barrier slowly disappeared."
"Thou shall not pass like he's Gandalf, not Randolph."
"The wall is not about how high physically it is; it has magic in it that prevents things passing through."
"The systematic neglect of culture in health and healthcare is the single biggest barrier to the advancement of the highest standard of health worldwide."
"The greatest barrier of all: yourself."
"The wall is not just a physical wall to prevent people going past... there are magical barrier spells in the foundations to it."
"So really happy with that magical barrier, obviously."
"Your river of experience is a massive barrier to innovation and creativity."
"Can you fall in love with somebody through a wall?"
"Basically, you need to strengthen your skin barrier."
"To us humans, it's a window; to a fly, it's an invisible force shield."
"To me, perfection is the Kryptonite of creativity; it stops you in your tracks."
"They have built walls around themselves; they are absolutely no part of this community."
"Jesus took away that flesh barrier that was a veil between us and the spirit of God."
"You shall not pass the wall of Dimension Force."
"Forgiveness means that I'm not going to allow anything to stand between me and God."
"Your skin is an amazing barrier against pathogens; it's very hard for a pathogenic cell to go directly through your skin."
"Fear represents a massive barrier to so many people."
"Supersonic ceased to be a barrier for the lightning."
"Discernment acts as a huge protection and a barrier."
"Don't let your age get in the way."
"The culture of an organization is the biggest barrier to equality."
"Mountain ash basically acts as a supernatural barrier."
"All natural laws fell away and the barrier between the worlds dissolved."
"The only thing stopping you in life is you."
"Petroleum jelly creates a protective physical barrier to prevent moisture loss."
"Something there is that doesn't love a wall, that sends the frozen-ground-swell under it."
"All we needed was the barrier to drop a little more, and we'd have been able to successfully finish the summoning."
"There was true relief in his eyes, and I wanted so badly to reach through and take hold of his withered hand, but the magic wouldn't let me."
"The second I crossed that barrier, a rush of comforting warmth shot through me."
"We have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling, but someday, someone will."
"And whenever you read the Quran, we insert between you and those who do not believe in the delayed (diligent) interpretation, a Hijaab" which is a barrier.
"Injustice is the greatest barrier to peace."
"If I ran for president, they really would build a wall on the border to keep Americans from trying to get out."
"The British accent, guys, my God, it is a barrier to communication."
"The tension was so thick it was almost a physical obstruction between them."
"The problem it solves for the cell is how to do I make a barrier around myself to define what's in me and what's outside of me when most of what's around me and what's in me is water."
"The skin is designed to keep stuff in and to keep stuff out."
"It's not meant to be this physical barrier... it really is a magical barrier that has got a physical component to it."
"Reading a translation is like a husband trying to kiss his bride through her veil."
"The wall was too high, as you can see. No matter how he tried, he could not break free."
"You electrify the atmosphere, pulled it up to the highest voltage; nobody can cross over."
"The reason why I'm creating this particular video is to help traverse a barrier for a lot of people who are learning to mix."
"You shall not pass, long time since anyone tried to pass through the spirit gates without a travel permit."
"The principal barrier to a successful strategy is the ability to finance it."
"Our fear is the dividing element; it's the thing that keeps us not fully experiencing that source."
"Wearing the hijab can also become a kind of barrier for you in terms of helping you not to cross the line in lots of certain situations."
"The absence of self-discipline stands as a formidable barrier, leading to a lifetime of wasted potential."
"The biggest obstacle to everything is ignorance."
"The stomach is an ecological barrier you cannot underestimate."
"Our skin is a fantastic defense system; it means that viruses and bacteria can't directly enter our bloodstream."
"Getting the degree sucks, but once you have it, you have that nice barrier to entry."
"Let me in, Billy," he pleaded through the glass.
"The biggest barrier to success for almost every trader that I've ever talked to is in fact trading psychology."
"Distance shall not and will not be a barrier because His invisible hand is everywhere."
"Scientology's poor reputation is a huge barrier to entry."
"If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then grief is the door."
"For 2,000 years the Thames has been London's lifeline but it's a barrier as well."
"These cells are dead and form an impenetrable barrier for microorganisms like bacteria."
"The problem is our sin... it creates a barrier between us and our Creator."
"It's like putting a net across the river, and all those little swimmers now can't pass through."
"Petroleum jelly is awesome because it is a barrier ointment."
"Sometimes your skin just needs a break from all the actives, and a healthy barrier is one of the most important things."
"Niacinamide is a good ingredient for people who have hyperpigmentation on body sites because it tends to help the moisture barrier and not be irritating."
"Let's break that barrier and let's keep on going."
"Ceramides work alongside free fatty acids and cholesterol to form a liquid matrix which prevents trans epidermal water loss."