
Natural Cycle Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"This is all part of that natural cycle that you can't pay for. That type of stuff is actually priceless."
"It's just so you know, everything in nature is all about recycle."
"We are all connected atomically and through the cycling system of the Earth; we're never truly fully removed from dinosaurs in their lives."
"Cockroaches make the world go round because they eat dead things."
"The night and day shouldn't be lost on us. Allah brings the sun to a close every night and then brings out the morning the next day."
"At least, you know, we leave it out there. At least we could've got another animal. You know what I'm saying? Them vultures be out there. They do be out there."
"On screen, Pikmin are constantly born and constantly dying. It’s a deep game that really understands how the world is a cycle of life and death."
"Nothing goes to waste if you just don't put it in the bush, something's gonna eat it."
"When the sun goes down and the moon comes out and it's dark outside and it's cold outside and everyone scurries away, we don't worry about the Sun not coming up."
"Spring will be coming, I promise. It has come every year, it will come this year again as well, and it's going to be a beautiful season."
"You belong to this world. You are made by it and will return to it once your time has come. Live your life, it is yours."
"All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full."
"The earth will take him now, make his ever-restless remains part of its cycle of rebirth."
"It's part of the natural cycle of life: you have to eat, but you have to fast. Fasting is merely the absence of eating."
"Everything is either in a state of building up or a state of decline as part of that natural cycle."
"The fish are on the cusp of Spawn...so, in other words, we are in that pre-spawn...time."
"Water doesn't die. We see it reincarnate in front of us all the time."
"Your body isn't going through the cycle that God made it to go through every month. Of course, there are going to be effects on your mind, on your body when you mess with that natural cycle."
"Nature is doing this you know why because it's our time."
"Stick around, stay tuned, because this is just the beginning of hatching season here at Garden State Tortoise."
"Honor the natural rhythm of the sun's rise and the sunset."
"That's how the Earth recycles itself."
"The day and the night have the same amount of length on that particular day."
"The sun will rise in the east and set in the west."
"The light would be called day, and the Darkness would be called night."
"The energy that gets stored through the day gets released at night."
"The Sun riseth, and the Sun goeth down, and hasteth to the place where he arose."
"Sun is going down, sun is definitely set."
"Feeding and fasting is what we're designed to be doing in terms of evolutionary biology."
"Nature is like that, it creates, destroys, creates, destroys, always a cycle."
"It's called Spring of the Year; love is in the air, hormones in the air, it's nature."
"The mayfly rises from the bottom of the lake, hits the surface of the water, breaks out its wings and flies away."
"The Arctic, like every other place on Earth, spends half of its year in darkness."
"There's a fixed amount of water on Earth, most of which, approximately 97%, is saltwater contained in the world's oceans."
"Indeed, as tragic as our environmental situation is, there is still this free lunch, and of course, it's sunlight, it's sunlight and grass and animals in the healthy food chain."
"Energy levels have their peaks and valleys."
"The law of return basically says what falls down from a plant is meant to fall down and stay there because that is what's feeding the plant and keeping it alive."
"When you sleep without an alarm, how many hours do you sleep? That's how much sleep you need."
"There's nothing to fear in death; it's as natural as birth, it's inevitable for all of us."
"Like the sun gives into the moon into the night."
"You shall come to your grave in a full age, like as a shock of corn cometh in in his season."
"There is nothing sad in this death; it goes its way in broad daylight with the sun flooding everything with a light of pure gold."
"The trees are fully leafed out, grasses and forbs are filling out the understory, and shrubs are starting to produce their first fruit."
"God also sets into motion the dark/light cycle."
"The sun rises, and the sun goes down, and hastens to the place where it rises."
"Spawning fish may leap upstream for many seasons, yet come home to stay."
"Nature herself demands a death and a rebirth."
"Rot is good, decay is good, all things let go back."
"Technically, it would be like a farmer doing a controlled burn on their fields to enrich the soil, allowing the next crop to grow back even stronger."
"You lose something at sunrise, you gain something at sunset."
"Here in Nova Scotia, he rests for 365 days, thus creating the cycle of the seasons or the cycle of one year."
"What comes from alone will go by itself."
"It's that time of day when better fish feed."
"We do need the rain and it is a good soaking rain."
"Her death was an entirely natural part of everything."
"This would also suit Minecraft's feel more, as a creature that is less objectively evil and more part of the natural life cycle."
"We are all earthlings on this planet, we are here to live, to feel, and to die of natural causes."
"If you traveled with one little droplet of water around the whole of the great conveyor belt, it would take 1,000 years to complete that whole journey."
"The best food for trees is other trees. The best food for fruits and vegetables are other fruits or vegetables."
"We haven't had really any moisture in the months, and obviously, this is heralding the beginning of spring."
"Stepping into the natural cycle of how your energy moves."
"Endings are not a bad thing; as a matter of fact, endings happen all the time."