
Creepiness Quotes

There are 300 quotes

"This place is super creepy, and what's even worse, we're not alone."
"This movie is just creepy to watch; it fills you with a weird sense of dread."
"When he drove up to Synanon, everyone was waving bye at Francis and they were all bald, and he was like, 'This is creepy. This is like a cult.'"
"My entire contention with you was saying it was creepy."
"This hands down has got to be the most creepiest story on the channel."
"Despite the creepy feel of the place from the very start, the men brave it out and continue exploring."
"The character designs are legitimately creepy."
"This movie doesn't get the credit it deserves. Think about how creepy this movie really is."
"This test footage was actually kind of creepy. That's what I'm saying."
"Tyler, who has one important job of bringing in the board games, as she yells to her mom in this creepy house while Owen plays outside with the dog. Absolutely Sigma male behavior."
"But perhaps the creepiest incident of the night..."
"To make a creepy idea charming doesn't make it charming, it makes it more creepy."
"This game is getting creepier and creepier by the second."
"There's not a more isolated and creepy ghost town in the entire West."
"This normal looking video with a creepy backstory was posted by a YouTuber named Jay to the Sea."
"This is the exact same case I used to have um and this cooler is the exact same cooler I used to have. This is actually really really creepy."
"That is so creepy and I feel like people are so extremely brave."
"I give this tree 10 out of 10 stumps for being unintentionally creepy."
"Negative 10 tree stumps because this toy land theme is forever creepy."
"The real scientific explanation of chupacabras might be even creepier than the legend."
"Tiktok viewers were left creeped out by these videos uploaded by flat 7 ghost."
"This thing has revolutionized the look of the office... it has everything that you could want."
"There are so many secrets being kept in the oceans and lakes of the world and some of them are frankly very creepy indeed."
"An inanimate object at times can be much creepier than any living creature."
"One of the creepiest movies I've seen in recent years."
"Crashbox creeped me out... it was very creepy."
"There are some things men and people do that are just downright creepy."
"The Descent... it's genuinely creepy, genuinely scary, unnerving."
"It's not that creepy to me, it doesn't seem odd at all."
"That's some creepy stuff, family would just be going through all the stuff crazy."
"Maybe the steps are carpeted to muffle its footsteps, but it's beyond creepy how fast the shadow moves without making a sound."
"Megan is a freaking creepy doll that comes to life and literally takes down everything and everyone she sees."
"What if Circus Baby's watching us right now? Bro, that's so creepy, man."
"Girls can be incredibly creepy if you're a guy."
"If your fandom expresses itself just as being promotional, something about that really creeps me out."
"Stayed creepy, because this world is a strange one."
"Reality is usually much creepier than fiction can ever hope to be."
"Everyone wants some of me, and I got the creepy fan that proves it." - Angel Dust
"The world of Termina can be [__] creepy, and it just gets worse and worse the longer you let the current three-day cycle pass without doing anything."
"I thought this trailer was really effective I thought it was creepy I thought it focused on characters."
"That's definitely creepy, bro. You can't really explain it."
"This mask is utterly horrifying, complete with a malicious grin accentuating the large predatory eyes."
"Nope, this cupid is much scarier looking, much like a porcelain doll with the kind of blank emotionless eyes that befit the creepiest predators."
"It's highly memorable and, yes, more than a little creepy."
"Real life Sirens: eerie, animalistic, and luring."
"There's something super creepy about a disembodied voyeur."
"It is so creepy now... I used to be liberal now I'm conservative."
"Blur that out. It was really creepy to look at."
"If monster is your favorite character... you're that person in your friend group that is super into all the creepy things."
"Tonight I'm going to be sharing some creepy and allegedly true Argentina horror stories."
"The school is actually kind of creepy as well."
"This crystal ball, absolutely genius the way that they did this, and also very creepy the way that they did this."
"It's like they're setting it up to be creepy."
"Creepypastas: Modern-day campfire stories times 1000."
"This is terrifying... evil porcelain dolls come to life."
"It's really freaking creepy but it is not a horror game in the sense that it's all about jump scares."
"It goes without saying, but the video is pretty creepy to say the least."
"This game got to be so creepy. We were okay at the start and then it just took a full turn for the worst."
"It's the creepiest thing that I've ever experienced."
"The mandres have always stood out to me as one of the creepiest entities in the entire franchise."
"Dude, that is so creepy, is that real? I think so, I think that's real, bro."
"Barty Crouch Jr. is maybe the creepiest character in the whole series, and that's all thanks to David Tennant's deliciously slimy performance."
"What is happening right now, I mean it, there's a lot of things that go along with this that are very creepy."
"I stumbled across it when I was in middle school watching a compilation of the creepiest YouTube videos."
"The downright creepy nature of this sketch has made it so popular outside of crime."
"I don't know what it is about watching two Japanese schoolgirls interacting with giant dead doll eyes, but it's kind of creepy."
"What's the creepiest thing you've ever found hidden in your home?"
"That is freaking creepy dude, have fun sleeping in here."
"Nothing is creepier than a story that leaves you with more questions than answers."
"It's so crazy creepy in here, man, like all these rooms filled with patience."
"Wow, does she give a creepy performance."
"Sometimes the dark can be very creepy."
"This was the first night, and I was already so creeped out that I didn't want to go to bed."
"Do your eyes do that too? That's creepy, that's crazy."
"It's pretty creepy yet interesting to think about what exactly happened here."
"Welcome to Poo Corner looks incredibly creepy, which makes it pretty awesome."
"That's creepy. What was that? The only time you've ever experienced something like that?"
"...a creepy ghost that does not realize it's a creepy ghost."
"This is freaking creepy, man. Oh, my God."
"I just think that that woman whispering can be super creepy."
"That is so cursed, dude. Oh my God, that's scary, dude. My God, imagine just chilling and seeing this staring at you through the window."
"what's a lot scarier to me is the stuff that isn't meant to be creepy like the aforementioned things hopefully are"
"It was and is by far the creepiest thing that's ever happened to me."
"That's just creepy to me, man. Creepy."
"A lot of people might think the story is too mild to even be considered scary, but for me and Katie, this is one of the creepiest experiences to have ever happened to us."
"Sometimes less is more when it comes to being creepy."
"They're creepy looking things, man."
"I gotta say, this one really gives me the willies."
"Is that not cool, a little creepy?"
"...for something which came from a time period that was so cartoonish and lame, Osborn's creation actually felt legitimately creepy."
"I think it's a kind of a loft apartment where a creepy guy lives with his appliances."
"If you are a female that is super creepy. I know it's a double standard but it's just creepier for a woman because the chances are greater that a male would continue to pursue and cross the line."
"Creepy, it wasn't necessarily like a scary, like a horror movie, besides the rodent thing."
"Hello Johnny, would you like to make a call? Okay, that sounds super creepy."
"Stir of Echoes is genuinely creepy as [__]."
"It's still creepy, it's still cool."
"Even after my fifth time, I was still creeped out."
"The house was always a little creepy."
"...a classic example of a creepy youtube video would have to be illusion of bias you've most likely heard of it by now countless times but for the two of you who don't there's an animated short film released in june 2009."
"It's pure [ __ ] fun. It's so fun. It's silly. It's still creepy."
"The goal of this one was to make the audience feel a certain way, to make them feel totally creeped out with visuals, its goal was to make the spookiest atmosphere they possibly could and I think they totally achieved that."
"I find the ambiguity awesomely creepy."
"This is one of the freakiest spots where I find always in basements."
"This commercial satirizes other soap company ads. But here it gets creepy."
"The whole house is creepy, isn't it?"
"Like, clowns freak me out, but I think that is the creepiest clown that I've ever seen."
"It was still creepy and suspenseful."
"You got a creepy [__], that's what that boy is."
"This kid is like the creepiest kid in the world but he's even weirded out by her."
"Sometimes the creepiest and most unexplained things in existence are just a head turn away. Be careful out there."
"That was creepy stalker vibes in my opinion."
"This guy is really disturbingly creepy."
"It was one of the creepiest and weirdest things that I've ever seen in my life."
"This is becoming so creepy and I'm loving it."
"It's a wonderfully creepy and vibrant atmosphere."
"I'm a ghost, I'm a spooky spooky guy. I'm going to wait until you go to sleep. Good to see you, and then I'm going to gently position my testicles, my ghostly testicles above your sleeping forehead. Spooky."
"This holds up as being more enjoyable, more effective, and more creepy than most modern horror films."
"It's creepy, it's unsettling, and it sticks with you."
"So creepy and just such a well-made horror movie."
"It's the creepiness, it's this is abnormal and this is weird."
"Successfully creepy in its concept and execution."
"It's hard to say something's one of the creepiest moments in Hollywood history but that that's got to hit the mark."
"Tex Arcana is home to one of the creepiest cases in the state's history."
"This is the creepiest game I think I've ever played ever."
"Is there anything creepier than a haunted doll?"
"Oh my god, that's creepy. That is creepy as hell."
"I do think that they're more appropriate... because they creep me the hell out, and maybe I'm supposed to be creeped out by murder. Maybe that's a good thing."
"Either way, it's fascinating and it adds to the seeping creepiness that permeates this whole movie."
"The darkness that lurks, but it's also like... it was just creepy."
"How creepy does this look guys? Are we like creeps for setting this up and doing this?"
"I think you guys are gonna like it. This is one of the creepiest, strangest Les Pauls that I've seen show up on Reverb in a long time."
"I don't see anything paranormal about this video, it is creepy I will give you that."
"That song is freaky as hell in the middle of the night, like wet your pants freaky."
"...it's definitely creepy knowing any of these things can happen to the average person even you."
"It's just a sort of creepy story that is great for Halloween."
"These were honestly some pretty interesting stories, some of them were just downright strange and others were definitely spine-chillingly creepy."
"Deeply creepy. I can't believe these things are so collectible."
"That man is creepy, okay? Norman Bates all the way."
"Looking back, the story is really creepy."
"Creepy and allegedly true Southern horror stories that'll freak you out tonight."
"... it was definitely the most interesting and creepiest experiences of my life."
"I uh haven't told this story much and it still creeps me out to this day."
Every once in a while I'm asked what's the creepiest thing a kid has ever said to you, and this is always my response: "My son used to say things like, 'In former times when I was older,' usually followed by something older people would say."
"It was certainly creepy that anybody would be standing in the middle of a dark alley at that hour."
"Creepy things caught on camera that defy explanation bro."
"The whole thing really creeped me out a lot."
"People are really comfortable being really creepy and weird and other strange things on the internet."
"To say that the relationship between Homelander and Madeline Stillwell was creepy, I think is the understatement of the year."
"What a creep, that's so creepy, man."
"It always looks so creepy, especially like with clown masks, right?"
"This is about to get creepy, man. This is about to get real sacrificial."
"It's a white walker. They look so creepy, and so do their horses."
"That's creepy bro, that's so creepy."
"They're so well designed and so creepy."
"Easily the creepiest intro sequence in any MCU movie."
"Okay, that's creepy. Guys, we might have unleashed something."
"You're not even really scared or nothing, this thing is so creepy."
"I honestly love being a little creeped out by these Grizzly Tales."
"Some of the ones that I would say are more creepy in their unexplained nature."
"Four paws faces are so [__] creepy, but it's not real."
That creeped me out. After that, I was like, "Mom, this guy's psycho."
"Perhaps the creepiest are the dolls that are rumored to have the soul of some evil entity hidden inside."
"Swamps are creepy...it's very atmospherically rich."
"I mean, I just can't. It might not be the scariest doll on the list, but it is still haunted, and that is creepy enough for me."
"His creepy and objectively horrifying behavior gives me chills just thinking about it."
"It's not just the creepiness Factor towards women, it's also theft obviously."
"Toys are so sweet and innocent and they have this like extra level of like I don't know how to explain it it's like when something creepy happen with them it's almost creepier because you're just not expecting it."
"One of the creepiest things I've ever experienced."
"Chairs can be crazy as [__] chairs can be creepy."
"Quite honestly, it's one of the weirdest and creepiest experiences that I've ever had."
"The man reported that keys was very creepy and that he made him uncomfortable. Keys did not answer when the man asked him how the massage was, and he stated that Keys looked at him like he wanted him dead."
"This hallway consistently creeped me out noises movements out of the corner of my eye and a mounting sense of dread every time I stood in the hallway."
"Oh my God, this is creepy as hell."
"This damn place just always gave out the most creepiest of vibes."
"That's creepy, I'm not going to lie to you."
"This is one of those stories that might not really seem too scary more weird and creepy."
"In this video, I'm going to be covering some of the creepiest stories I've read in the outdoors."
"There's something really creepy about being in this room, a room which I know isn't that big. It's not like an endless darkness like some of the areas in the prison."
"Heath Ledger I thought was great. I thought Jack Nicholson was incredible. I love like that one just it felt very creepy."
"It's kind of funny but also kind of creepy."
"How creepy and fun, just in time for Halloween."
"Imagine you're in the woods and then you wake up to kids crying, that's [ __ ] creepy."
"I thought it was legit creeping me out."
"It's spooky. It's one of those movies you really don't want to watch alone or in the dark because it's that creepy."
"The original James Whale classic Frankenstein starring Boris Karloff is just a classic tale. It's so creepy and the monster is kind of sympathetic."
"Some newer horror movies... have been successful in having that staying power to occasionally pop up in your mind and have that residual creep factor."
"The Death Eaters are so creepy, especially with the green fog."
"I love just how ewie and creepy she is, but at the same time she's honestly just so brutally honest."
"The angle the doll's head lolled gave it an almost ebbing life."
"This is one of the creepiest books I've ever read."
"What makes it even creepier is that it's based off of a true story."
"The house feels so creepy, there's like a lot of atmospheric vibes going on."
"This is getting to be the creepiest program on television."
"It's slightly creepy, but it is on the whole marvellous."
"You made mistakes, you did some stuff, and you can be a bit creepy, but at the end of the day, you're just a father."
"If you wake up in the night by the sound of like a baby laughing... that's creepy."
"It is so much fun, so incredibly creepy."
"Now sit back, relax, and get ready for some truly creepy military stories."
"Humans can be the creepiest thing we know."
"It was pretty creepy getting here after humans entered the apocalypse."