
Language Barriers Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"I'll work to tear down the language barriers that keep AAPI from quality healthcare."
"One of the priorities I will have is...eliminating the language barriers."
"Intelligence is not constrained within the boundaries of any particular language or even a formal mechanism of education."
"All of our clients, they're immigrants. English is not their first language, and so you can imagine that particularly for that community, when they receive a demand letter...it's frightening."
"I don't speak Chinese, I don't read Chinese, so I there's a lot that I probably don't know."
"You don't have to speak the same language to understand that we're all in this together."
"Most learners have had the experience of using a phrasebook or a dictionary to find a word they want to use, trying the word in conversation, and getting a look of confusion from the native speaker."
"Language is a massive barrier, and we've seen how miscommunication has led to death in war."
"Reading the Quran doesn't require knowing Arabic, but understanding is better."
"But one time we went to vacation in Utah to visit my dad's family and my dad's family got upset that we didn't speak English."
"You may not feel confident at times when you're speaking English. You may feel like when you try to speak in English that other people are looking at you, other people are judging you. Don't think that."
"Trying to be yourself in another language strips your personality down to its most basic elements."
"If you aren't familiar with the language hang-up I'm referring to here, I'm talking about the very basic level explanation of how it feels to be trans."
"Experience freedom that's not bound by language or physical location."
"Winning cures everything. If you brought in a guy who couldn't speak french and then he started winning, nobody would care."
"To me, one of the most racist things that some of these pro-CCP shills do is that they've never shown me that they have any meaningful relationship with Chinese people. They don't even have the language skills to forge a meaningful relationship."
"I was living in Japan without speaking English and Japanese."
"You might be able to skip the dictionary and have a meaningful nuanced conversation with somebody who has nothing in common with you."
"Our mission is to solve language barrier worldwide."
"No level of language barrier can stop anybody from experiencing those adventures."
"Why is it that we assume that everyone must speak our language instead of learning to speak theirs?"
"Google Translate is surprisingly good a lot of the time, and at the very least, you're able to have a rough idea of what's being said."
"Art as a tool for communication and bridging language barriers."
"It's about we already been out to China and Hong Kong and Shanghai and all. He had enough of traveling overseas and not speaking English right."
"He said that the kids often made fun of his broken English and, he was self-conscious for years of the way he spoke."
"You don't have to speak Arabic to be Muslim."
"Helping people is nice. The cheerful reactions of rescued clients transcends language barriers and really is one of the most unique gaming experiences I've ever had."
"I felt like I was trying to sit an exam in Spanish and 'No me gusta.'"
"People are super nice... even if they don't speak English, they try."
"In a world as interconnected as ours, language really should not be a hurdle when it comes to vital health care knowledge."
"This is where these modern tensions kind of started because it broke away but you still had so many Russian speakers left over in Ukraine."
"You could be the best doctor or nurse in the world but if you are struggling with fundamental English language skills, ultimately this is an English language test."
"Do you propose that all English translations be removed from stations, airports, menus, etc. in other countries around the world? Half of you couldn't even order an effing beer in Benidorm if that happened."
"It's definitely a dream of mine to be able to just communicate with and have fun with some people who don't necessarily speak English."
"But yeah to answer your question probably not until I get better Spanish scales maybe won't to me because I don't speak Spanish whenever he does like say someone asked him directions or something."
"I don't know, I have a lot of Dutch viewers, I'm butchering their language."
"If there's no interpreter, tongues remain a mystery."
"We've got to do a lot better at understanding the people who might not have all of the right language protocols down but have been left behind by government."
"Your return policy is Babaro Patek Philippe. No, he's like, 'Oh, I got this guy. He's back hashtag ended up speaking English, bro.'"
"I think Tech has made crossing things like language barriers a lot easier."
"It's a bit sad because you try and speak a language in a foreign country and they just speak back in English."
"Your problems don't speak English and demons don't obey your mother tongue."
"...Jews were willing to translate so many texts shows they weren't against or had any difficulties with reading their texts in translation."
"What's the worst thing that's going to happen if you say something's wrong? People won't understand you. It's not the end of the world."
"One of my biggest goals in my career has been to unify my communities from all around the world despite the language barriers."
"With all the technology we got, please, language is not a barrier."
"This one scheme has also had the ability and the advantage, in some cases, to even break down language barriers."
"Why would we discriminate just because she doesn't speak English? That's kind of messed up."
"Without knowing the language, there's no way of having access to all the intricacies of the language."
"I remember the guy from France last year... he just pulls out his phone, says it into Google Translate, this is so funny."
"A translation is when a translator converts the text of one language to the equivalent text in another, but the problem with translation is that there is not always an equivalent text from one language to another."
"I want to be understood, I want to speak the same language, I want to be able to understand the jokes."
"If I do not know the meaning of the language, I shall be a foreigner to him who speaks, and he who speaks will be a foreigner to me."
"To understand the culture of India, to understand what Hindu actually means, one must have a vocabulary that does not exist in the English language."
"Love has no language, no, so we can love anybody."
"I don't think that information does anyone any good hidden in an ivory tower or behind archaic language."
"Sometimes Google translate just isn't enough."
"Consonant clusters can be really difficult because we have so many consonants together and in English we don't need to add vowels between them."
"You can converse with another person only through a known language, and you can never converse with an unknown language."
"One of the highlights for me was a lady called Irena... she had two words that she could speak in English and they were 'thank you'."
"My father helped change the world a bit, and he's a Latin man who doesn't speak English."
"When working with a patient for whom another language is primary, offer printed and audio-visual materials in their native language."
"I can meet new people, I can practice speaking, I can go into places that I wouldn't have normally been able to go into when I was just learning the language, and that's because I've crossed the fluency gap."