
Boycott Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"The best boycott is just to use the money that you would spend here and spend it with somebody that really cares about you."
"Thank God for truckers. What could this boycott do to prices not just in New York but for all of us across the country?"
"I boycotted Blizzard games... whenever they revealed themselves to be tools for the CCP censorship."
"The Bud Light boycott is one of the one time in modern history when conservatives have staged an effective boycott against a major corporate brand."
"The only option right now is the fight is over. We completely ignore Bud Light, never buy from them again."
"There's real momentum behind the Bud Light boycott."
"Boycott Made in China goods. Do a little bit of research."
"We should boycott the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics."
"We boycotted Bud Light we took 27 billion dollars off the market cap of the world's biggest beer company."
"A backlash that would lead to negative reviews, complaints, and some people choosing to boycott the company altogether."
"Gay bars are starting to boycott Bud Light too—amazing!"
"Now it's time for people to throw the boycott action to let this need to know that kowtow to China should not be the way out."
"But you know why? The reason nobody would ever say [ __ ] it 'cause there never was a clear-cut boycott called on the NFL by Colin Kaepernick."
"Everybody join the boycott, don't order anything from Amazon. Amazon proving once again to be perhaps the most dangerous private dictatorship in the world."
"Boycotters tend to be chronic rather than isolated."
"The worst way you can damage an artist is just not support their work."
"None of my friends, colleagues, or family members will ever purchase a plan from you. That's a promise."
"There's real momentum behind the Bud Light boycott unlike any other attempted conservative boycott in memory."
"United fans should boycott the games, including watching the games online. A statement needs to be made." - Vinnit
"Boycott became a last resort because they weren't able to have a voice."
"I strongly encourage you to consider exercising one of the most powerful rights that you have as a consumer and that is to boycott this cruel and dysfunctional industry."
"Boycotts like the one that's happening to Bud Light are so important."
"This is not just the most effective conservative boycott in history, it's also the easiest."
"Boycott Quavo, boycott the music, boycott everything."
"The most effective way is to participate in the boycott divestment sanctions campaign."
"Target is the target of boycotts from conservatives and Americans with decent morals and values."
"Boycotting has worked in the past as a peaceful protest method."
"The very idea that we should have boycotted the World Cup on the no evidence say-so of this bunch of chances and retro baits that run Britain."
"The whole world should say I'm not going to send my athletes my press my businesses to this place and reward a regime that is continuing to deny the world information about the pandemic that's the worst one in a hundred years."
"When a company does something that we don't like, vote with your wallet."
"I will boycott popcorn until they reach a deal that the union agrees with."
"This boycott is for that unnamed prisoner nanasika horrendously murdered."
"The threat is real, that if enough people get pissed off and they boycott your product, it's going to have financial repercussions."
"No one should ever support or buy any game EA makes."
"Stop supporting these games, stop buying them. It's the only way we'll get a product we want."
"Support Mike Lindell go to and let's tell target to kiss our **** Let's tell HEB and Kroger and Starbucks and Delta and Coke and bed bath and beyond, tell them to kiss our free American **** We're going to support Mike Lindell."
"This might have been the biggest boycott in human history."
"I am asking that you stand with me and boycott Netflix for gender bias and color bias."
"Vote with your wallet just don't go see the movie. The only reason they're making this video is that they can monetize it they're grifters."
"Boycotting, rallies, allow people to do these things and find what you can be a part of."
"Let's not boycott Spotify because if you pull your music off Spotify even if thousands of us do it unless Universal Warner and Sony do it then it they're not really going to care that much let's face it there a million tracks going on every week or whatever it is."
"Jersey Mike's is even worse than Chick-fil-A when it comes to human rights. Peter CanCrow, funded the Proud Boys. He's allowed and proud of being a racist idiot."
"The boycott changed the way skaters were treated at events. You can't have security put their hands on us. Provide an area for our guests, separate from the general population. You need to feed us. Treat us with respect, catering. It was a turning point."
"Tyson, after watching Food Inc. I haven't bought one Tyson product"
"Boycott is a very powerful movement."
"Our boycott was to open their eyes to rap music, so next year some rap group will be able to perform on the Grammys."
"The spinning wheel symbolized economic freedom by boycotting British goods through self-spun cotton clothing, making a powerful stand against Colonial oppression."
"If you guys give a damn, let's stop supporting these places."
"Don't purchase any of it, keep spreading the meme, spreading the jokes. This is what happens, this is what they get. It's a beautiful thing to see the first boycott to ever work."
"I was boycotting you at the time."
"What I think we need is almost the opposite to a boycott. We need a way not to boycott doctors or companies or pills, but to talk up."
"Oh my God, you want to really stick it to Kelloggs? Here's all the other brands they own and don't put their name on."
"The Kelloggs boycott is working as the food and beverage company is having to slash prices due to lack of sales."
"Never going back to McDonald's ever again."
"If you boycott someone, then they can't be that irrelevant because a boycott is a deliberate act to negate someone."
"Nearly 28,000 fans attended the boycott, triple that year's average attendance."
"It's not enough to boycott settlement products. I would advise everybody to boycott all Israeli products, because what they're doing is foul and it shouldn't be tolerated."
"They have genuinely held a boycott of their bar. No alcohol is getting drunk there."
"Kennedy said Star Wars doesn't need men so I bought a copy of Rogue One and walked away. Don't give your money to people who hate you."
"I highly highly encourage everyone out there to never support Metal Days or any other event that this abortion of a man slithers his way into next."
"I pick and choose my battles when it comes to boycotting companies, but some things are too dark and grotesque to support."
"Cesar Chavez conducted a 36-day fast to encourage Americans to boycott what fruit?"
"The cartel quickly called for a consumer boycott of 'cheap movies'."
"So if all I gotta do is like just not buy or play a game or put a game on my platform to just show or not even to show but just for me like internally to like not support JK Rowling then that's what I'm willing to do."
"Can we cancel McDonald's by just never going there again?"
"The only way to stop a process like that is to stop buying their product, and in this case, I will not be buying any more Disney 4k discs."
"We can't back up because if we back up in terms of this boycott, this would be the first boycott ever by people of color in America that has zero accomplishments. We've always used boycotts as a means to get in, not to walk away from."
"It's called an unsanctioned foreign boycott."
"The best way to get your voice heard is to stop giving them your money."
"Her quiet refusal to give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger sparked a powerful and influential boycott."
"The ripple effects of a trucker boycott would erode the very fabric of New York City's identity."
"I don't believe in cancel culture... if you really wanted to cancel someone, you do it with your wallet."
"That's how you cancel someone, you know, when you hurt their wallet."
"The only way to really enact meaningful change is by doing things such as boycotting, hurting companies where it hurts the most, and that's their wallets."
"Everyone boycott Amber Heard movies. Me, who didn't go to the cinema for five years: 'I'm doing my part.'"
"Stop using prime until the Amazon workers get everything that they deserve."
"I refuse to support a company that I just don't agree with the business model of."
"No matter how delicious your sushis are, I will never have them again."
"We need to stop buying goods produced in Britain."
"I have started boycotting Amazon just because they're making money hand over fist during this pandemic and as a small business, I just can't get behind it."
"Vote with your wallets, just don't buy the stuff."
"That's how effective a boycott can be, an actual one where gamers actually stop playing the game."
"The boycott soon got national media attention and money was raised to help by people all over the country."
"We as gamers, we can just be like, yeah, we can avoid Blizzard for a while."
"If you can create a boycott such that what you're actually doing is creating a new habit of life that is inherently more aristocratic than your rivals, you have functionally created something that's permanent."
"Only way to get rid of Glazers is to stop merch, season tickets, United scripts, MUTV subscription, hit them where it hurts."