
Early Education Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"The most fertile minds don't need reprogramming if you catch them young."
"If we only expect people to take an interest in the early years when they have children, we are not only too late for them; we are underestimating the huge role others can play."
"All of the signaling that probably came from young Richard Feynman's dad showing this deep attentiveness to questions about the physical world probably made it such that young Richard would spend a lot of his own time thinking about those things."
"We partnered with Yale University...to create a curriculum. The goal is to educate America from an early stage."
"If you start training right when you get your puppy, you don't even have to, at six months your dog is good to go."
"Early Education is sort of misunderstood... you think the child is fine just sitting at home playing, but actually they do need some sort of interaction and beginning to learn about language and alphabet."
"At its heart, Montessori is about the child and what's most important is setting them up for success so that they can be happy, confident, self-sufficient little people from as early as they are ready to be."
"Imagine if you started saving and investing when you were 10."
"Boundaries are important... It's important to establish healthy boundaries energetically from a young age."
"I think that being a girl is a weakness... it was pounded into us at a very early age."
"Start early when they're young so when you get a little bit older, have a high credit score."
"Opening kids up to try to teach them a certain way around the world that parents probably disagree with and I would say is not good to teach a kid under nine years old."
"It's imperative that we have those conversations from a young age."
"Viewing the child as capable, competent, curious—they're discoverers, explorers, active participants in their own learning."
"Learning to hear is the first step to learning to read."
"You just cannot be raised for the first six to seven years in an English-speaking home and later on not be able to speak English without an accent."
"Prince George could count the numbers up to 10 in The Language by the time he was four years old."
"If a government really wants to invest in early years, as they said they will do, they must invest in nurture groups because time and time again it's shown it does improve a child's self-esteem."
"What surprised you? Surprise was how young they were getting trained up at an early age."
"High quality pre-school is one of the best investments of public dollars."
"Normalizing mental health from a young age is very important."
"Early education before school is really important."
"Getting taught from an early age the basic skills you need to carry you through life."
"Mother is your first teacher, the one who teaches you how to say your first word, how to walk..."
"Help is on the way. I've laid out a clear plan for child care, a clear plan for starting early education as well, so three and four and five-year-olds are in school."
"Teach them life purpose and mastery early on."
"Never too early to teach kids how to stay away from unhealthy relationships."
"It all started when I was very, very young... my parents were music teachers... they got me started on bass immediately when I was four."
"Kids today learn things a lot faster and earlier than we did."
"Children are taught from a young age that it's okay to change their gender."
"Train them young the most effective way to brainwash people."
"It would be a great idea to start teaching personal finance early."
"All the kids who end up being raised racist or taught to bully, had they been taught at an early age to just question that, what a better world this would be."
"They should have us in America learn another language wait like an elementary school because they don't make you do that until high school and at that point it's like the best time to learn another language is when you're super super young."
"The smartest strategy you can come up with is to hook people when they're young."
"Education that early is [__] really important."
"Education is key, teaching kids instincts, empathy, and compassion at an early age."
"Solar sails work by having a large sail that used the energy of sunlight to propel itself."
"You can never go wrong with reading to your child."
"What my kids are learning at the ages of five and six is what it took me until the age of 40 to learn."
"Teaching kindergarten for both the last 30 years, dealing with five year old is a lot like double-ended up like you approach these horrible creatures and we want to figure out that they're actually warm compassionate people underneath amazing."
"Teach them as young as they could possibly understand."
"Give a kid a head start, give them a chance, prepare them."
"Children are naturally eager for knowledge and capable of initiating learning themselves."
"We are so excited didn't you do too much baby sign language play go baby go."
"I attribute like 98% of my business success to the fact that I learned how to code when I was in secondary school."
"Anybody could learn, really. I mean, Spasky learned at five."
"By the time these kids leave second grade, they're going to be able to list medically accurate names for body parts including the genitals."
"Teaching kids the importance of communication, even for unimportant things."
"Children must early learn the beauty of generosity. They are taught to give what they prize most that they may taste the happiness of giving."
"Nobody cares nobody's going to look at little kids little kids don't care what exactly they all look like in kindergarten."
"Setting up your kids for Success starts when they're young."
"Better to train a child well than to fix a broken adult."
"Teaching sign language to first graders, yay yay!"
"The formidable years of conditioning are birth to 12. We give that to white people, and then when they turn 21, they already have habits and personalities."
"I will call the police on you so you're starting at a very young age."
"I should by law have started school when I was five. I was in the workshop helping my father fit new brake linings to the rear wheel of a big Ford on my fifth birthday."
"Quality preschool is key. It's about finding quality preschool that focuses on the child's development."
"It's never too early to introduce art and cultural appreciation."
"Early knowledge is even more powerful. So absolutely, anybody that even thinks, 'Well, gosh, I'm kind of interested in this,' well, that's the time to get this information because you can be so proactive in your life."
"Kindergarten is one of the most important years of your child's life."
"My dad is also a doctor and he is a vascular surgeon. So from a very early age, we were really exposed to pretty much all things medicine."
"The gap appears before children enter kindergarten and persists into adulthood."
"College at age nine, yeah, so I've never heard anything like it, that's unreal."
"Preschoolers love to ask questions both to learn facts as well as how to interact with others."
"Every teenager needs discipleship because through discipleship, that's where we're able to understand how we should be living at a young age."
"I fully recognize the importance of that early years education that is provided by nursery schools."
"The impact of parenting on emotional competence starts in the cradle."
"Charlotte Mason encouraged us to give young children a full 6 years of a quiet growing time before we start formal lessons."
"An investment in early childhood education is one of the wisest investments that governments could make."
"The promise and potential of early childhood education has never been clearer."
"Early Education settings need to be viewed as engines of opportunity and basis of security for all children."
"Started reading when she was just three years old and is currently in her fifth semester of law school."
"Secure and responsive relationships in early care and education are important in themselves and they also support and predict learning."
"Relationships in pre-k are the essence of education."
"Make sure to start using some visuals with your child."
"Science in the early childhood classroom is more about helping young children think and try to make sense of the world around them."
"The more of a role the parent plays in the child's life, the more tools the child is going to have when they go off to kindergarten."
"The seeds of tolerance, openness, and acceptance are planted now in our families when our kids are young."
"We've been doing Montessori at home with both of them since they were infants."
"By the time they wake up at ten years old, they'll be fluent in the language of numbers and basic arithmetic."
"These early elementary school years are an important time for character development."
"Young children love to sing and they love music."
"If you start blending early in the school year, your kiddos will catch on fast. It is amazing, a beautiful thing."
"Preschool was an amazing thing for her."
"The emphasis on preschool and kindergarten should be on play and exploration."
"We do have to fight it, and it's ways like these sort of books, I guess, that help do that from an early age."
"Naming things you learn in kindergarten stay with you."
"Music, finger plays, and nursery rhymes are great tools for encouraging speech and language skills in the home."
"Teach your kids young, the things that matter."
"This country must change its way of thinking about education clear back to the kindergarten."
"Universal pre-K and Head Start kids fare way better educationally."
"In the early years, this is the key opportunity to really make a difference for children."
"The reception year is about creating and making the magic happen around a broad and varied and rich curriculum for those reception children."
"If we show children that we read books to babies, that will kind of sink in and maybe they will grow up to read books to their babies."
"One very very good way I think to train those things very early on is through the patterns that are afforded by mathematics."
"It really takes children through not just preschool and kindergarten, but preschool, kindergarten, and grade one."
"Teaching children to read and rhyme early in life is beneficial to their development."
"High quality early education and child care can play a part in tackling the problem of inequality."
"You can predict how well a child will read in third grade based on the number of nursery rhymes they can recite upon entering kindergarten."
"Don't be fooled into thinking that you can only teach these to your child once they turn five."
"Make sure your child can write their name appropriately with a capital at the front and the rest of them lowercase."
"Crucially for school, they are learning how to sit quietly and how to wait their turn."
"Art, music, and language are the things that need to be given to children at a young age alongside math and reading."
"Career Training early in life can really help people out in their adult years."
"There is something that is very very predictive and that's looking at the 11 foundational skills."
"You can become a good pianist if you start to learn at an early age."
"Evan and Otto started reading at four and three, so they've been reading for a really long time."
"We need to change education at an early level to add in financial planning, financial literacy."
"It's never too early to introduce art appreciation to your child."
"It's so important to teach kids at a very young age and basically hone in on the things that they love."
"I want my kids to start reading even earlier than that because if you can give all of these keys to your kid... they're going to have such an advantage."
"The importance of the early years is about the whole development of your child, including their physical, social, emotional development."
"Early childhood is a highly influential setting in which healthy habits can be shaped for millions of children."
"Education needs to start when children are born; we need to reach out to them, these are the formative years."
"It's trying to find something for kids to focus on from an early age."
"Family is everything, right, and you're never too young to start."
"Opportunities for early learning are one of the key factors in brain development."
"Both oral language and literacy skills must be developed in preschool and kindergarten because they affect the children's reading success in later grades."
"Literacy skills developed in preschool and kindergarten have their greatest impact on the reading process in first and second grades."
"Language skills developed in preschool and kindergarten have their greatest impact on the reading process in later grades, third and fourth and beyond."
"Children learning through playing, children playing through learning."
"Language comprehension can and really should start long, long, long before children begin to read on their own."
"If we regard the young child as a scientist, as an investigator going in search of knowledge, our job is to really think in terms of how do we prepare context for learning?"
"He was obviously very bright mathematically, you know he's reading things like Einstein and actually understanding Einstein at an early age."
"'Why can't the preparations begin right from the initial stage of learning?' And I think they can."
"Maria Montessori's earliest work as a doctor was treating abandoned children in a mental asylum in one of the poorest areas of Rome."
"It's never too early to fall in love with books."
"It's never too early for parents and caregivers to get talking."
"Babies are never too young for books, even newborns."
"Preschool lessons: share, cooperate, be kind. That's it, right? So simple."
"It's never too early to teach them the next lesson."