
Language Usage Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Words don't have intrinsic meanings; they have usages, and the value comes in this is what I mean when I use this word."
"We use the word 'love' very broadly to refer to anything we have good feelings about."
"Some tropes have nice, chill, nonjudgmental names that communicate their general vibe in intriguing and fun ways. And then there’s this."
"Girl is gender neutral for me it's everybody's girl girl all the time."
"We have lost our language in being able to say words like evil."
"I meant unique as it's not so used these days at least I don't think so, but it's not like no one's ever heard of it."
"One of the best tactics... take the exact phrase that they say."
"Cheeky is fun to say and so I say it, and now I can't stop saying it."
"Commands can be used as requests, sarcasm, permission, begging, pleading, praying, commanding, advising, counseling."
"I couldn't care less is a direct statement, I could care less is sarcasm."
"Ian isn't racist and he's just using a word."
"Political correctness is avoiding words that offend groups of people who are socially disadvantaged."
"Titanium is one of those words that has entered common language. It's become synonymous with strength."
"For purpose, goals, and aims, always picture aiming attention from the subject to whatever the purpose is."
"Language matters...we've defined words and roles...to ensure clear communication and understanding."
"Stop making words mean nothing. Cuck and simp are not the words you're looking for."
"You never need to trust anybody who ever unironically likes to use 'big' in front of words."
"At some point you have to use the words people understand to make a difference."
"Did you know that if you look at everyone who speaks English, there are more people in the world who speak English as a non-native language than native speakers?"
"Our words have to reflect how we actually use them in reality otherwise they're meaningless."
"Despite and in spite of are exactly the same so you can use them interchangeably."
"Even when words are synonymous, the implication of the word is slightly different based on its usage."
"The poet uses simple language and common vocabulary, but the poem has great depth in its philosophy."
"How hard can it be to remove a word from your vocabulary?"
"Use adjectives and adverbs, prepositions, prepositional phrases, make sure you appeal to the senses, and the reader will have a much easier time getting your ideas."
"I see people online who say men and then refer to women as females, and I think it's an effort to dehumanize women."
"The way you just use the word incorrect, that was also bad."
"The second requirement is that you actually have to use the language correctly. So this is like, how's my grammar? Do my verbs agree? Or if I'm using a pronoun, is it ambiguous?" - Justin Zhao
"Sometimes EPK pleasing though because sometimes you'll think somebody just placed the word next to you."
"Don't equate doing a good job with death. Don't say 'killed it,' say 'you're doing a great job.'"
"If you stymie something, it means you make it not happen. So, if someone has a plan and you stymie it, it means you make the plan not work."
"Curse words are part of vocabulary too, they just shouldn't be your default."
"Words are tools, they're not here to hurt you, they're here to help you."
"Words are defined by how they're used colloquially, not objectively."
"The word 'bussy' should be able to now be seen in the comments live chat."
"We use this less commonly than we use the positive form. We use this to talk about something that's maybe regular or an expected action that for some reason we are not doing now."
"It's time to retire the 'war' because then the next time you use it, it'll be much more bombastic, it'll be much more special."
"People are writing C++ in really archaic and foreign styles. So they're all trying to be language lawyers and are getting lost in technical details."
"I just said 'epic' and I dosed for it and I, like, waited for the insulin to kick in."
"You usually say things correctly, just not like that."
"Covered with is more appropriate than covered in for this example."
"Words that are used a lot are short... if you want to be a word that's used a lot, like 'to,' you've got to be short."
"Uncanny, yeah. I know what it means. People say it. Let's look it up."
"Natives use very all the time; don't be discouraged by videos telling you not to use it."
"Language uses are context-dependent, simultaneous, complex, and dynamic."
"Two or more than two words used together more often than normal without any grammatical reason is called collocation."
"Grammar and vocabulary are at the heart of learning and using a language."
"I couldn't care less. Why do so many people say 'I could care less'?"
"We use 10% of the language 90% of the time, and the other 90% of the language we go and look up."