
Objects Quotes

There are 198 quotes

"These are pencil cases, and they are incredible."
"You've turned a beautiful timepiece into an evil thing."
"These aren't just objects; they're our shared history. They're things that we made and used and things that completely changed our lives."
"I have an affinity for anything that is old and derelict and doesn't run."
"Objects should not touch because they are not alive."
"Everything concrete, everything that allocates memory, everything you can toss around is an object."
"Objects don't have rights, only people have rights."
"Pillows: reliable, strong, supportive things. Velcro sticky, noisy, and fond of hooking."
"Knives look for something to cut while chairs look for a person to whom they can offer themselves as a seat."
"Have you ever just got a worrying feeling from an object without really knowing why?"
"Mythology is filled with incredible powerful and occasionally unbelievable objects."
"It's one thing to have a pen but it's another thing to have a pen with a story around it."
"What would interest me about this pen and then try to convey that information."
"Certain objects bring different gameplay modifiers."
"Ever got the feeling that some things felt off after bringing in a new or sometimes antique object to your home."
"Nothing is more eerie than abandoned objects that appear out of place."
"Objects can be thought of as a key value storage like a dictionary."
"The power of splines... it's super useful for animating objects and that kind of stuff like defining paths."
"A magical item is an object that does something supernatural to the person wielding it or something to the world."
"Do you ever personify objects and feel bad for them? Like for example, I have two watches. Whenever I wear one over another, I get worried that what if the other watch feels sad that I didn't pick it? Am I okay? Do I need to get a therapist? Lol."
"I really like objects that have a fun story behind it."
"The field of egyptology was now no longer only about mysterious and beautiful objects; it had found its voice again."
"Every object has one and only one owner."
"What objects have you fallen in love with?"
"Objects are a really great way to make your presentation stand out."
"Objects and arrays are managed by reference as opposed to by value."
"You never change arrays or objects in place; you create a new object or array to replace the old one."
"This won't just be the case for abstract animation; pretty much any object or character you animate will benefit from spacing and timing ideas that you learn with this exercise."
"So now we have these three things that can happen to an individual mesh or an object."
"Sometimes you can find great value in the most humble of objects."
"This is not the first time an object has been purchased, brought home, and then very strange things started happening."
"Objects can tell stories. You just always try and do your best."
"Objects could tell stories and that you were connecting with people."
"You want a metal object, same shape and size that could have been connected to mains or cable."
"Really any object can be haunted by a strong enough spirit or entity, so leaving Barbie out is just wrong."
"Eternal objects are objective possibilities."
"It's comparable to Fincher making everyday use of objects look really interesting."
"Objects imbued with particular tendencies by their creators exemplify something like independent consciousness or will."
"Integers, floats, bool, and NoneType are types of objects. There can be many different objects you can create of that type."
"Objects also allow us to use multiple values together."
"Objects basically group different values that are related together."
"Everyday objects often have a fascinating and strange history behind them."
"One that can take any of these objects and trap them like flies in amber, encasing them in a hard plastic looking shell."
"Constructors help in making new objects."
"We deal with arcane and occult objects."
"Objects that get a high score here increased power levels and objects that get a low score can't be used by a single person or they don't give a user a new ability or an amplified ability."
"I love the wheels. I love the seats."
"The second way to do this is to just copy and paste an object from one blender file to another."
"The museum is beautifully curated and filled with approximately 10,000 fascinating objects."
"Each object in One Piece seems to have a soul, whether it be a ship and its Klabautermann, a devil fruit possessing its own will, or even a Katana."
"By default, like I said, whenever you upload an object you automatically get placed into the standard storage class."
"Persistence is an interesting idea... being able to drop objects into the real world and leave them there."
"We now know that two objects that are completely identical identical in every way can behave differently."
"Preserving connections means preserving the connections between objects. If there is no connection between two objects in the original category, we will not map this connection. But if there is one, we will never break it."
"Categories are named after their objects, so the category of sets is the one whose objects are sets."
"There are certain objects that actually maintain their value silently."
"Without the human element, it's just metal, it's an inanimate object."
"Physical objects can hold energy. I'm not about to carry that energy with me."
"Consider that every object and piece of paper created or found has made its way into your world to transmit its history and join in on your story."
"Abuse does not annul the proper use of something."
"State design pattern allows objects to change their behavior based on their current state."
"The set, the objects, everything is speaking to whatever the story is that you're inhabiting."
"All sense objects are impermanent, so why do you see them as permanent?"
"You'll use CAD software to design any physical object you can think of that includes an iPhone 14 and Northwest 38 or the chair, sofa, or bed that you're currently sitting on."
"Objects large objects bend the shape of space and time."
"Every single object has been purposefully selected."
"An aggregate is a cluster of associated objects that we treat as a unit for the purpose of data changes."
"Just has a good Time Capsule Survivor smell."
"...this is some of the mantlets..."
"Only an object may have a value for the instance variables."
"On the other hand, we have some objects from algebra number theory which would nowadays be called G representations."
"Some people did prefer these, and obviously, you've got better thrusting potential if you want to."
"Look at that knife, little clock, and a lighter oil can."
"Gravity pulls all objects towards each other. The heavier the object, the stronger its pull."
"Objects can be images, charts, shapes, form controls, smart art - basically anything that floats above the grid."
"The reason why I like certain objects or things is because of how they connect to our human experience."
"You might worship your automobile, your job, your house or something, you worship something."
"They were the most enviable objects in Europe."
"Objects calling objects calling objects to do that enrollment."
"I believe many of the objects that we live with today represent some of the highest human aspirations."
"They're designed to be beautiful objects."
"No object will ever fully grasp other objects. Objects are coming back in philosophy because they exist independently, hide from each other as well as from us."
"Taking something or taking a bunch of random objects and turning it into something that's something I've always been into."
"Functions are objects and they can be passed through parameters."
"Every single day there's some new object that, you know, starts off a new collection of things."
"Objects within the Kuiper Belt are referred to quite simply as Kuiper Belt Objects or KBOs."
"Everything in the game that you put into like a room is kind of like an object; an object has a Sprite, it has a collider, it has variables that you can add to it."
"The most important thing about her use of objects is the idea that the objects themselves have a memory and have a life."
"I love that clock, I like clocks anyway, clocks are one of my favorite things."
"Everything is immutable. Everything that's interesting in the class file—they're all objects, they're all immutable objects."
"It's not a washing machine, is it? It's an umbrella."
"This syntax will become incredibly useful for combining two different objects together."
"I always felt it was in the object itself, some piece of magic that was animated through my touch."
"Everything in Python is an object."
"Does anyone else form emotional attachments to inanimate objects, or are you normal?"
"Why do we assign value to objects, both devotional and decorative?"
"Each object has properties and methods defined by their classes."
"Every object tells a story about the people who possessed it. All you have to do is feel the message."
"I love these, wow, they're wonderful."
"Material culture is really all of those physical objects that help define a culture."
"It's very rare that an object has an actual imprint of history upon it."
"The human brain is wired to think that objects can communicate, and they do."
"Once you understand that everything is an object and everything is a message, you understand everything."
"The slow passage of time on objects exposes these to all kinds of aggression."
"Self-sufficient and non-self-sufficient objects... an abstract is a non-self-sufficient Essence; a concret is an absolutely self-sufficient Essence."
"What do you sit on, sleep on, and brush your teeth with? A chair, a bed, and a toothbrush."
"Another thing I will do in this level right now is add some objects."
"It's the stories behind these objects which is so fascinating."
"We talk about all the time about spirits being attached to objects, so it's not that different, right?"
"He surrounded himself with lots of weird and wonderful objects to kind of inspire himself as he's writing."
"Tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?"
"I mean every one of them has a different purpose and use."
"You can mutate different objects so that you don't have to actually have direct access to the code for that class specifically to make a change that is completely important in a different class."
"You can use dot notation to go deep into all of your object levels, no matter how deeply you have them nested."
"It seems like most objects do have a story to tell."
"Objects are collections, an unordered collection of name value pairs where the names are strings."
"The objects we see have causal powers that can make a difference in the world."
"The whole notion of objects was triggered off by seeing a number of different systems, some of them in computer science, but the first ones that I looked at were actually biological."
"Thinking of those objects as independent machines."
"Every single chip on any real object has a story behind it."
"A physical cart can have products inside, so our JavaScript object can also have products inside."
"I love inanimate objects more than I love people."
"What I'm trying to do is set up a dialogue of untouched objects."
"These objects, even though they're broken and thrown away, they have all got a story to tell."
"Objects don't change in your hands."
"His enormous wealth allowed him to amass an extraordinary collection of the finest objects that were available on the market at the time."
"For every great spell, it has to be tethered to a physical object."
"We're going to create objects with classes."
"Inanimate objects very often have a life of their own."
"Object-oriented programming is all about creating objects."
"This is a knife. That's not a knife, that's a spoon."
"Something you might find on a wall."
"What is the most interesting object in your room right now?"
"What's got lots and lots of rings but no fingers at all? The telephone."
"Objects are not inanimate, they will tell you a story."
"It's quite possible that your list of options is not simply an array of strings; it could very well be an array of objects."
"The best way to structure what we're essentially doing when we write code, which is applying functionality to data, is to bundle the relevant functionality and associate it directly with the relevant data in objects."
"Constructors construct objects, not classes."
"I love the idea of having objects kind of pass through our lives."
"Object-oriented programming uses the concepts of objects or classes and inheritance to implement specific functionality."
"Every object has a story behind it, no matter how weird, or silly, or strange. There's a story to tell about everything."
"Where have all the big knives gone?"
"A wine glass is a weaker vessel than a root beer mug. Which one's the more honorable vessel though?"
"It's weird how an inanimate object can make you emotional."
"It detects umbrella and chair... it has detected umbrella with 63 percent accuracy or confidence rather and the chair with 58 percent."
"Life is how it's a series of objects and environments and how we interact with them."
"The actual physical house is the object."
"We can create many objects from a single class."
"Creating objects allows us to organize related data and functionalities together."
"We've kind of given up on using our objects to tell stories, to be inspiring, and I think that's a shame."
"Actions are just basically objects with a type that lets us know exactly what type of action it is."
"I believe that we have a direct real perception of objects in the world."
"Everything in JavaScript is an object or an object that's really just a HashMap."
"I'm not sure I've ever been more of a fan of an inanimate object ever in my life."
"In images, we look at different objects like chairs, bicycles, and people; in videos, we look at actions, human activity like running, walking, and jumping."
"Let's try and return objects where we can."
"Functions are objects; in fact, we refer to them as first-class objects."
"The object is smart; it knows a lot about itself, it knows what it is, it knows what it does, and it knows where it goes."
"The objects in JavaScript are nothing more than a bag of name value pairs where the values can either be data or code."
"An object is another way to store multiple things."
"Objects are very flexible data types, they're really strong."
"These objects are first class citizens in Python."
"We definitely put emotions to objects, and I'm trying not to do that."
"When you have objects or experiences or events that happen next to your body, they take on personal meaning."
"This can be handy if you've got loads of objects in your scene and you just want to add a bit of randomization."
"Objects can connect us to our ancestors."
"Now that we've set up this scene, we can now add some objects into it and really start having some fun."
"Some people like to think of the class as the blueprint, and the objects that are created from it are the things that are built from the blueprint."
"Yes, things have more than feelings; they have memories."
"Memories, the more we gather, the more they seem to attach themselves to objects."
"Delegates are a way that you can encapsulate functionality or encapsulate a method and treat it as a first class object."
"Objects can have not only properties but methods."
"Object-oriented programming is about having data structures in memory, generally called objects."
"A proc object is essentially a nameless or anonymous function or block of code that can be represented as an object."
"It's just objects like this really inspire me."
"Functions are also objects, and as a result, there are also what are called first-class functions."