
Movie Analysis Quotes

There are 240 quotes

"The best heel work, in movies, is when the bad guy doesn't believe what he's doing is wrong. He believes in what he's doing."
"Instead of throwing an army of the dead at us, we have one zombie that the priest has been feeding... This movie has no business doing this good of a job at emulating the games."
"Comedy and suspense are two genres that should be like oil and water. How could the two possibly mix? Somehow, 'The Menu' pulls it off."
"I finally watched Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse at 0.25x Speed and found 25 incredible hidden details that will blow your mind."
"We've only begun to scratch the surface of the many wonders contained within The Matrix trilogy."
"I love the decision to give Ant-Man and Hawkeye full story arcs in this film after leaving them out of Infinity War."
"Thor Ragnarok included some fantastic leading female characters."
"There's something about the way the aliens are depicted in Signs that is still horrifying to me."
"When it focuses on Sonic, his friends, and the battle against Robotnik, that's when this film is working."
"Okay, let's start at the most obvious place and sift through all the references, easter eggs, and cameos to various media scattered throughout the movie."
"But now, with the rise and fall of the First Order now complete and its story seemingly over, comes the opportunity to ask, did it live up to expectations?"
"The fist fight with the big guy - it's just awesome to watch Indy's super outmatched."
"I think it is the ultimate movie monster. I do not think it will ever be topped."
"Oblivion has some incredible visuals and a pretty decent story. Now, the story itself I felt like ended up falling a little bit flat. It wasn't quite as epic and grand as I was hoping."
"Spock's death in Wrath of Khan was crushing and poignant... Kirk's character development."
"Wow, it is absolutely time to talk about 'The Matrix Resurrections.'"
"It's not fair to compare the current Marvel titles to everything that came before Endgame."
"Encanto is obviously the point where this trend passes over from 'explicitly part of the experience' to 'literally what the movie is about.'"
"The Langoliers is literally about monsters from the past trapping you there and then eating time and destroying you as a person. So, the movie feels like when you watch it."
"It's got the most well-crafted jump scares I've seen... in a long time."
"Star Wars at the time, it was a movie that was deceptively surrounded by a lot of complex things, but at the heart of it, it was just simple."
"Ryan Johnson said about this movie was to essentially look at Empire and do the opposite of that."
"I think it's about as intriguing as like a fast movie." - Ken Napzok
"Every decision he makes in this movie is an emotional one."
"Endgame could have gone wrong really easily."
"If you haven't seen my Shrek Forever After video I made sure to point out that this movie shows us the first time Shrek ever cries in the series."
"Thor experiences a character arc that has more weight than all of his previous MCU film appearances."
"Thor fundamentally overcame his central character flaw present in all of the previous times Thor showed up."
"The architect scene is an incredible moment because what's being revealed to Neo here is nothing less than that the entire moral and philosophical underpinning of the original matrix was bullshit."
"This scene cannot go ignored and sadly a lot of people slept on this scene because it was attached to a movie they felt they didn't need to see."
"He's still trying to impress madeleine because he actually likes her and he nailed it."
"I think what honestly might be the best part about this movie at all is the fact that they made Nebula a prominent character."
"The whole movie looks like it may be a dream."
"I think it's the all-dream interpretation that makes it better."
"It's an example of potentially a perfect movie."
"I heard one person refer to it as a magic trick and I think that is a perfectly apt way to put this movie. You will not know what's coming."
"It's about the horror of that and it was a great movie but like you said the horror doesn't it doesn't become an out-and-out horror movie until the third act otherwise it's a suspense it's a thriller it's a mystery."
"When fanservice is done brilliantly, it's called payoff."
"Bella: 'So then the main conflict of the movie actually starts.'"
"Greatest written films of all time: Casablanca, Network, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind."
"This movie is all about establishing rules, and the rules really do work in concert with the way that we experience dreams."
"I made a note because I just had to see it: seven minutes into the film, there are 10 vitally important questions that have been raised."
"Last Crusade has more emotion, genuine stakes; it humanizes Indiana Jones more than any of the films."
"This is a movie about determinism versus free will, that's the big thematic element of the story."
"That movie was so far ahead of its time, it's crazy."
"At the end of the day, Morbius never found its audience and is indeed a failure."
"We want to put ourselves into the narrative, feel like we could save a ship and crew. Captain Phillips is the everyman, he's all of our dads."
"When a movie will spark conversation, I like that. I think that's the point. I think that's what you should do."
"The perfect blend of subtle and clear fan service."
"Silence deserved so much more award attention."
"I can't imagine why this movie wasn't a hit."
"There's way more science to this movie than you'd expect, and someone actually did their homework for a comedy movie."
"It's like the longer it goes on, the less threatening Terminators appear to be."
"What matters isn't whether or not they happened but the significance they convey after all you're watching a movie none of it is real."
"Doctor Strange's character arc and foresight add complexity to the finale."
"She really comes into her own thankfully when she realizes the Terminator takes orders from her."
"I love where they take Luke in this movie he's an imperfect hero in the original trilogy and I think that guy is going he's not suddenly going to be perfect you know he's gonna do his damnedest with the resources that he's got."
"His acting was equal parts brilliant and bonkers which makes it so hard to match yet somehow jean-claude Van Damme found a way."
"The tension, the build-up, the nuclear plant being destroyed – it's a great lead-in."
"It's epic in this movie, which is the only way you can go."
"Now that we can scrutinize the movie frame by frame, the Riddler makes a surprise appearance early in the film."
"So it's kind of weird it's a good trilogy but also Avengers age of Ultron kind of fits in perfectly between Winter Soldier and Civil War."
"They're fleshed out and they're stronger characters than I've seen in most movies in this genre."
"That final shot, wherever Blake comes back for his final blow, is just a great note to end the movie on."
"I never really disliked it that much. There was the completion of Casino Royale while also building up to something much bigger which I admit is an odd choice for a standalone movie but it works for me."
"Address all of the things Reloaded and Revolutions posited but didn't prove."
"The positives of Candyman: the script and the writing."
"The lore is sprinkled all over the entire movie."
"The fight scene with Doomsday was spectacular, but planting a seed earlier to foreshadow his arrival could have increased the sense of dread and danger."
"Showing us the killers aren't actually drinking as they would need to stay sharp for all the slicing and dicing they're about to do."
"Back to the Future remains a perfectly structured Thrill Ride."
"But that's also part of what makes it kind of fun. Just how phoned in parts of it are mixed in with new elements that are legitimately good."
"The traps have become as important to a Saw movie as the gadgets are to 007, or I don't know, like the dinosaurs to Jurassic Park."
"It was way more Wanda movie than a Doctor Strange movie."
"And I like the way they kind of gave Broly little human characteristics."
"I miss the idea of Star Wars." - "What people wanted, what people expected, when we heard Han, Luke, and Leia were back on board for Star Wars, was we were gonna follow all three of them through three movies."
"This movie rules as with all scream films part 5 functions as excellent commentary on the horror genre." - James Agenise
"What's the Mission Impossible movie? What's not? This is the Mission Impossible part of the movie."
"Fans have spotted something in the Peter Pan movie that drives this Theory home even more: in Peter Pan we see an unnamed but red-headed mermaid..."
"Welcome back to New Rock Stars, I'm Eric Voss, and Marvel's Eternals has a new trailer that rewrites our creation mythology with giant armored space gods who have had quite enough of us."
"That movie makes total sense if you work backwards."
"He takes the most hits and the most damage across all of his movies and yet still he is the Spider-Man that is synonymous with just trying to talk his villains down."
"I actually think this movie is kind of strong in theme."
"I feel like the politics of this movie were deeply complicated in a way that I found vastly intriguing."
"The original trilogy is the Luke Skywalker movie."
"The Snyder Cut gives us a glimpse at Cyborg's humanity."
"The desperation in King Kong is most acutely felt by Anne Darrow."
"She feels a connection with the tethered girl, paralleling Chris checking on the deer in 'Get Out'."
"Olaf is not only hilarious, he is a smart, empathetic, and cute character that makes such a great synergy with every other character in the movie."
"This movie has a really good understanding of how to tell a story."
"And that's my old versus new on the Nutty Professor movies."
"At the core of Avatar were the characters who underwent much growth and development."
"There's so much going on with them in this movie that i had to pause and rewind several times just so i could collect my thoughts on the matter."
"This is probably one of the very few movies where the violence actually would have solved almost every issue."
"These are just a few things Marvel already got right in the upcoming Avengers Endgame movie."
"This movie is beyond jam-packed with Easter eggs game mechanics and lore so today I'm taking you frame by frame."
"Deadpool is pretty good, uh, wing, I think, is the strongest."
"The Shawshank Redemption: Universal themes of Hope in the face of Despair."
"The thing that we were scared of the entire movie, we are cheering for. How cool is that? That is power, that is wrestling at its best."
"Die Hard would not be Die Hard without McClane being barefoot the whole movie; his bare feet are what make him a badass, they are basically extensions of his fists."
"Integral scenes were restored, such as Ripley discovering the death of her daughter."
"I'm gonna guess Thor Ragnarok at 750 million worldwide."
"Rey and Kylo Ren make each other more interesting as characters."
"The number 42 is clearly laced throughout the movie."
"Umbridge's breakdown from the Order of the Phoenix."
"The discussion at the grave from the Deathly Hallows part two."
"Wolverine's arc makes perfect sense in Logan."
"One of the greatest aspects of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie is how surprisingly dark it really is."
"New Godzilla, maybe not the worst thing, right? Think about it, Godzilla not an alien, comes from the water."
"This represents an aspect of the movie which was about breaking free from relationships."
"King Kong versus Godzilla would follow a similar allegorical beat to other science fiction pieces."
"Their relationship is probably the strongest out of any in this movie."
"I thought that the movie provided an opportunity for us to examine the various inaccuracies often portrayed in space movies."
"This is my personal favorite Disney movie because I do believe it to be the darkest thing Disney has made."
"Four of the villains in No Way Home learned that Peter Parker was Spider-Man before their deaths in the respective franchises, but not Electro, Max Dylan, who died in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 before learning his rival's secret."
"The whole thing with Joker starting this whole movement from killing those three guys to killing the talk shows murder."
"A New Hope has an extremely tight script and is almost a perfect example of a well-structured and well-paced film."
"This already feels like a very different movie, you know? Like he's not going as all out in the comedy, at least not yet, but I'm digging it."
"Anakin's arc in this movie is kinda split into three parts."
"Promising Young Woman isn’t just a female revenge movie -- it’s a mirror that forces us to confront dark, ugly realities about our society and ourselves."
"He's meant to misguide the audience, a red herring to the true factors of the movie."
"I love that the whole thing about Charlie winning a factory was great but it was Wonka who actually won the most by the end of the movie."
"It was really cool to see it slowly unfold, like the turning point was literally when Jeff Goldblum's character was like talking about chaos and then everything started to unravel. I thought that was really awesome."
"I really liked the horror aspects of it, especially the last third of the movie. I thought having the Raptors come in, that was a really awesome part of the movie for me, just seeing how intelligent they were."
"If there were any hidden details or stuff we missed, Easter eggs from this movie, go ahead and leave them down below as well."
"Cyborg is the only person that can actually tell the audience what the [__] is going on with these mother boxes because I integrated with one of them"
"The biggest, I think, one of the saddest things to come out of the series is that we'll never get the Ben Affleck Batman with JK Simmons as Commissioner Gordon."
"I genuinely think that's why it's in the movie. They're like, 'The hammer looks cooler when it's got the purple lights on it.'"
"Rocky is about kind of like you know spiritual fulfillment almost Apollo is much more about the fame and attention and and all that praise that you get with it."
"Roll up your sleeves ladies and gentlemen. I got seven pages of notes on this movie, let's go!"
"What's key in this, I mean not to get too serious about Con Air again, is the characters."
"What elevates the first movie is a little bit what you just said of like that Michael Crichton science that he really brought to especially the first one or just like you think to it you go yeah that that sounds just believable enough."
"It's a movie that doesn't need a real villain in the classic sense."
"Even though Viggo is our final boss I appreciate that John kicks the snot out of him and Viggo has to cheat and pull a knife to prolong what's left of his life."
"But before we get to the 'Panda' part, we have to get to the 'Kung Fu' part…and to get to that, we have to talk about OOGWAY AND KAI."
"The movie showcases Batman's internal struggle with fear and vengeance, portraying his flawed humanity."
"...the Terminator made Arnold a phenomenon, his inimitable physicality which Cameron instantly tapped into, now married with a then-unseen range."
"Gremlins wound up being a film without a genre at once a GUI Gateway into Creature Feature horror and the heartwarming tale of a boy and his dog thing who birtheds a bunch of destructive monsters."
"What a single alien manages to dispatch two predators and a facehugger manages to jump on the other predator in a space of 10 minutes. Who wins? Aliens do."
"But I also think a lot of this stems from there was never any real interest in this movie from people in general, right?"
"I could watch this every time, I think in his absence, the sinister first order new bad guy has risen from the ashes of the empire."
"The last Jedi is a story about men learning to trust women's ideas and decisions and then becoming better people and better heroes because of it."
"This movie just like other Dragon Ball movies is an alternate version of one of the Dragon Ball arcs."
"The final scene of the movie shows that it is night again and the train for yosu arrives at Soul station for its last run."
"As the movie concludes, the story leaves us with this unexpected twist and the prospect of new adventures in the world of vampires and hunters."
"So there you go folks that is Undercover Brother if you haven't seen it in a while stick with us we're going to talk about this and we're going to get into a lot of things with this this movie you know we like to do deep dives with this it's not just a review it's a discussion."
"I think that the fact that Hugh Jackman was so good and people loved him so much meant that they were like yeah let's do individual Wolverine stories let's put him in everything and I I think especially this version of Wolverine is best in in little doses."
"I am so excited to watch this and find out what is the godfather all about, why is it hailed as one of the greatest movies of all time?"
"It just ends with Dirty Harry walks off into the distance and he's still out there scaring criminals."
"The fact that this movie brings in all that classic lore and actually utilizes it well for kind of the tension of the movie and not so much the laughs side of it I love it."
"Easily what makes this movie so awesome are the characters."
"I do really appreciate that they didn't get back together. Yeah, there's no reason for them to. That's not the message of the movie."
"At the end of the movie, Tony lip is a changed man."
"The scene where Selena is about to murder Falcone shows Batman's commitment to preventing others from crossing the line into killing."
"This movie very much does for Goofy what I just praised DuckTales for doing with Donald."
"The fact that this movie, people want to know every single thing about it, people are discussing every single frame and we still have a lot of things we don't know."
"...this movie is just a bunch of references and nothing more."
"By the end of The Batman, it’s clear that the Caped Crusader’s mission is just beginning and although he is The Dark Knight, he is also Gotham’s light in the midst of darkness."
"There's a lot of that in Apocalypse Now and I think the further they go upriver I think the more the the movie emphasizes that it's kind of like this weird psychedelic acid trip where everyone's like losing their minds."
"First of all, I absolutely felt like the movie was going to great length to let us know that the Qilin was ultimately going to bow before one of our characters."
"Evil Dead 2 is the one movie in this franchise that really tries to maintain an even mix of both throughout the entire film."
"...but today I want to go over this movie and talk about why it did so terrible in the box office and why now it's considered one of the best movies ever."
"Groundhog Day is not only an extremely easy film to watch, it's also a profound film about you and your own mental prison."
"Memento uses recontextualization perfectly. At the very end of the movie, it's revealed that Leonard already got his revenge on the real John G. Teddy."
"...Easter eggs and callbacks to the original movie."
"It’s telling that in a movie about Michael Jordan playing basketball with an animated rabbit, the most memorable aspect is still this weirdly sexualized rabbit woman."
"But you know I get so many views out of talking about this movie for some reason people constantly gravitate towards Halloween 6 and I think that says something about the movie."
"What is in that envelope Billy gave to Madeline near the end of the movie it looks like we're never going to know."
"'This movie really takes that to heart. The only reason Dr. Doom is able to accomplish anything in this movie is because the good guy stupidity allows him to. It's fascinating how much he is able to get away with simply because no one can be bothered to stop him.'"
"The movie seems to know exactly what it is which is this very like highly stylized kind of kill bill meets, you know, Tarantino."
"As the first real cast expansion in these films, Vendetta transitions these movies from being mostly about Leon to being ensemble pieces as Chris and Rebecca both join up in the fight against an arms dealer looking to weaponize zombie outbreaks."
"Not a lot of dialogue... but also like through like Javier Bardem's character who still got f***ing kills in this movie... not only what he's saying but the way he acts, like it's telling so much of it..."
"...Cobb rescues Saito, who makes the call to allow him throughout the border, and thus he gets to go home to his family."
"...it is possible that this entire movie was actually just an inception, carried out by his friends to finally get him to let go of his wife."
"Ultimately what Cruella is doing that its predecessors failed to is it takes a character we all know and love to hate and lets us go deep into her psyche."
"It could never just be left at that. Maybe you didn't think the movies were very good or that they didn't really offer anything new to the story or franchise on the whole."
"He couldn't win, even from an early childhood he couldn't win, and it was just so cool to see him finally become a cop in Zootopia. I thought that was like a perfect ending through this entire amazing story."
"The ending makes this movie truly unique amongst 80 slashers and more satisfying than it would have been otherwise."
"This movie takes place in a boarding school, so following the logic of the first movie, it should be disguising itself as a kid or something."
"...all those action scenes and procedures were carefully telling a story not of a cop and a crook but of a man losing himself to an obsession."
"I don't know anything about this movie or who is in it. I mean the title seems pretty self-explanatory. It sounds like somebody married a murderer whose chosen weapon is an axe. I don't know how they end up together, but you all know I'm a sucker for a good love story."
"It's pretty ironic that this movie was linked to Five Nights at Freddy's because in a lot of ways it's the complete opposite of the game."
"I love this movie for several reasons the first being I think this is actually one of the great sequels and this is a sequel about sequels."
"One thing I do really like about this movie is that a similar method gets used now to teach children in therapy." - It's definitely a step forward.
"It's easy to nitpick plot holes, but instead, we should focus on the incredible acting, the spectacle, the storytelling, the insane action scenes, the practical effects, and of course, the outstanding score."
"It's very complete and I have to agree with that sentiment. Elf was the result of a perfect storm of elements funny, heartfelt, and fulfilling."
"The movie is using that idea... as part of its thesis on feminism."
"What makes The Empire Strikes Back the best Star Wars movie?"
"I think a lot of this movie is Catwoman and Penguin, like there's not a whole lot of Batman in it."
"I actually looked at it. It took 41 minutes for Batman to have a substantial part of the movie."
"It just stands out, it's so different and I love how movie-focused it is. It feels like such a tribute to horror series like Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street."
"I thought it was going to be just a straight-up action flick, but now knowing that this is the same director, I'm kind of going into it expecting a little bit more."
2. "Teddy's dead daughter visibly moves at the very end of the movie"
1. "The sun only comes out at the end, a major component of Shutter Island's incredible atmosphere throughout most of its runtime"
"Even the title itself, 'Come and See,' acts as a dare."
"Every time I see it, I focus on new things."
"I think one of the things in the movie a night and hopefully I'll pick up on it more with a second third viewing is like they make it they make adrián so sympathetic they make my do so sympathetically"
"The day after I watched the movie they were like, 'Hey, can you give us three takeaways?'"
"The Phantom Menace sets up a lot of stuff: the senate, Palpatine's takeover, Obi-Wan and Anakin."
"I thought this scene was a faithful depiction of the spirit of these sort of things."