
Financial History Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"The story of black wealth, the financial history of blacks, is an incredible story of resilience."
"Stock buybacks were not permitted prior to the Reagan administration. For most of American history, they were."
"Hamilton was the patron saint of Wall Street."
"Throughout the entire history of the stock market, a 20-year holding period has never once produced a negative result."
"Nathan Mayer Rothschild's control of the Bank of England was significant."
"One of the most impressive stories in market history."
"The great great grandfather of Wall Street bets: Timothy Dexter."
"It's the highest performing, best performing asset that's ever existed in history mankind."
"Nathan Rothschild became the most successful after establishing NM Rothschild in London, providing credits to the British government during times of crisis."
"Let's talk about that greatest speculative bubble of all time."
"The dollar's lost 96% of its purchasing power since the creation of the Federal Reserve."
"Interest rates have been falling since 1981, right? So that's 40, 41 years."
"Southern plantation owners' money couldn't be kept under mattresses; American banks accepted their deposits and counted enslaved people as assets."
"This will go down in the history books as one of the greatest trades of all time."
"Devil Take the Hindmost will walk you through the major cycles of boom and bust in recent history."
"Gold correlates with one thing and one thing only back 400 years as far as they can track it inflation not deflation."
"The longer your credit history, the better your score."
"We are at a Tipping Point right now in U.S financial history."
"What do you think about Michael Milken? Let us know in the comments section below."
"We are in the longest bull market in history."
"This is the first time in 50 years of COMEX control that a price setting mechanism has come under attack."
"If we look at their earnings, we can see that they peaked in 1993."
"The quantitative easing that the Fed has done since March is greater than all of the quantitative easing that they did that they started back you know in the little financial crisis."
"Literally three years ago my bank account was minus ten dollars."
"This is one of the most interesting times to be alive in financial history."
"So that there is Peter Lynch. He ran the Magellan Fund at Fidelity for 13 years and turned 18 million into 14 billion at an average annual return of 29.2."
"The Roth Shields invented the banking industry."
"This is the largest transfer of wealth that mankind will ever see in history. And he said, 'Dave, I did it all for them.' I mean, how to get goosebumps just saying it again."
"I don't believe the reputation excuse at all especially when you look at the history of big banks."
"This is supposed to be the greatest financial event in human history we're about to witness."
"The 60 40 portfolio just had the worst year in a hundred years."
"The way a mortgage works today is not the way it used to work prior to 1930s, especially prior to 1913."
"This is a crazy moment in our financial system. You're witnessing history right now." - Trader
"So the Titanic okay was there motive behind it right so evidently in the 1910s or early 1900s there was one man that owned like 80 percent of the mortgages in the United States."
"America discovered a passion for stock exchange, dabbling in five years, stock market prices were multiplied by four."
"In the peak of their struggle, Tesla was the most heavily shorted stock in history, yet they revolutionized the automotive industry."
"Gold basically went from $700 in the fall of 2009 to $1900 in the fall of 2011."
"Every bubble throughout history ends in collapse."
"Bitcoin's the best performing asset in human history."
"History was made for Bitcoin and the broader crypto space."
"A single dollar invested in Microsoft at its 1986 IPO would have turned into $4179 by the end of 2022."
"You are alive at one of the most interesting and exciting times in financial history."
"...it's hard not to be impressed with a 165 year continuous dividend history dating back all the way to 1857."
"Can you believe that if you had a lot of cash to redeem I guess you were given silver bars 1967 right after that 67 - 68 I guess the world price of silver went sky-high."
"His hunger to learn and apply the lessons of financial history helped him to maintain composure during the frenzied bubble market."
"In 1958, they introduced BankAmericard, which was essentially the first modern-day credit card."
"Even something as what you would think is as simple as the history of money is generally misunderstood."
"Financial crises have been around for a very long time, ever since the invention of credit."
"The average Osage family with three kids received over $65,000 a year, which is over $1.1 million today."
"The family that developed Candlestick signals in Japan... became the financial powerhouse of Japan for centuries."
"The Basel story remains exciting."
"Elliot discovered and identified fractal structures in the financial markets in the 1930s."
"What I saw unfolding was something that had not really happened in a long, long time legally on Wall Street."