
Forces Quotes

There are 322 quotes

"Remember, we are not in a battle against people but spiritual forces of thievery, death, and destruction."
"In recent years, the world has seemingly been steadily pulled apart by forces either too subtle or too momentous to discern."
"The interconnected and interdependent forces... are not in Conflict but are complementary."
"For every action force, there is an equal and opposite reaction force."
"Gravity, as amazing as it is, doesn't perform alone in this dance; it shares the spotlight with other forces."
"In the world of killer7 the forces of light and darkness are equally necessary."
"The best theory in physics today tells us that there are four known fundamental forces or interactions of nature."
"When a helicopter is in flight, there are four forces acting upon it constantly: thrust, drag, lift, and gravity or weight."
"Titanic forces are constantly at work, leaving a trail of geological mysteries behind."
"The only force capable of fracturing the ultra-tough Yosemite granite like this originates deep within the earth."
"The dynamic geological phenomenon of the Grand Canyon is a place where the vast fiery forces within the Earth's crust do battle with the inexorable power of water."
"In this moment, you realize there are greater forces at play here and for me, that's a liberating experience."
"We spend our whole lives planning everything, trying to take control, but in this moment you realize there are greater forces at play here."
"Electrostatic repulsion is a harsh mistress."
"Understanding how the Alps were made has unlocked deep secrets of the powerful forces that shape our planet Earth."
"Any market that is created by fiat as opposed by real natural supply demand forces is prone to shenanigans."
"It really shows also how the Porsche Active Ride shares the forces for the tires."
"Sometimes the immovable object meets the Unstoppable force."
"The net force is the sum of all forces acting in the same direction."
"Friction and gravity are slowing that down and pulling it towards the earth."
"Summoning ceremony is too large and complex. Its forces cannot be dealt with yet."
"Spiritual discernment brings us in tune with those forces and helps us to navigate them."
"Every time he comes up against these things, where there's this kind of occultish thing, there's the idea that there are forces at work from the other side."
"This last 500 years has been a quickening where the Empire Force has spread over the world, but it feels like there's other forces that are at work extra-dimensional, extra-planetary forces."
"As the battle rages on, the attacking Sioux, Cheyenne, and Arapaho have managed to separate the two forces further."
"That feeling of being swept up by larger forces that are just beyond us."
"But you would be wrong to think that they're only that they're forces you're working... you're working with like when you get in water you're moving through the water."
"The electric force is millions and millions of times stronger than gravity—it's one of the strongest forces in nature."
"Everything in chemistry, almost everything, is governed by the fact that the electric force between electrons or electrons and protons is millions and millions and millions of times stronger than gravity."
"There are forces that even the glorious vastness of the green and the ravening hunger of the inner dark do not understand."
"It is the representation of reality in motion, being the very Cosmic force that pushes space and time forward."
"...if this guy is pulling this way and this guy's pulling this way then the sum between them is going to be at this angle and it's going to be lower than both of them together."
"The winds of our planet are this fascinating weave of interplaying forces."
"Gage theories describe all the known forces of nature."
"Skyscraper design must take into account these turbulent forces."
"Therefore, a roller coaster which boasts a maximum of 5Gs, 5 g-force, causes you to feel five times the effect of gravity."
"We've got to take command over our destiny by using the forces."
"Conflict is created by two opposing forces."
"Ancient forces stirred, awakened by the expanding reach of the Galaxy's inhabitants."
"Electromagnetism is a much shorter range force compared to the other two."
"History most call these forces the sage force, the strength force."
"A great commander one way or another always seems to understand how all these forces are interrelated."
"Most physicists hope to find a unified theory that will explain all four forces as different aspects of a single Force."
"The standard model explains forces at the subatomic level as the result of an exchange of force-carrying particles known as gauge bosons."
"'The greatest forces lie in the region of the uncomprehended. A fairy tale, a sonata, a gathering storm, a limitless night seizes you and sweeps you away, giving you an alternate experience of time and of space.'"
"The devil and spiritual forces are interested in these questions."
"The balance between forces, energies, situations, elements which comprise the surrounding world. When this balance is broken, there's a risk of devastation."
"In terms, you have pulling and pushing and resisting and inertia and momentum and all of this show up in basic understandings of how people function in the world."
"Godzilla is a force of balance that keeps all the Titans in check."
"The night sky by all appearance is a quiet and peaceful place, but in reality, there are forces that are driving it to an end."
"Matter doesn't create form, it fills the spaces outlined by invisible forces."
"It's a combination of wanting to travel in a straight line, but also being pulled down by Earth's gravity."
"Our planet is defined and shaped by the complicated forces which act upon it."
"There are what I or anyone would call supernatural forces at work."
"Everything in the universe depends on this, there needs to be forces for stasis and forces for flow."
"Understanding weather phenomena and the forces behind them are important considerations."
"The rift brought a chilling reality to these myths, reminding him that there were forces in the universe they barely comprehended."
"Super basic facts about the world around us are a direct consequence of one simple but very striking difference in Scales: gravity is ridiculously weak compared to all the other forces."
"Two major forces emerged each Bound by its own creation myth."
"Active forces create, while reactive forces try to stop active forces from doing what they do."
"It just seems clear to me that when we consider this case, there doesn't need to be any mysterious force... There's no mysterious force operative here that's like preventing me from becoming taller than you."
"Happenings are happening all over the world no matter what time of day or night it is. It just seems like there are other things and other forces at work at all times."
"Life is ruled by invisible energy, invisible forces."
"Magnets not only come together... they can repel each other too."
"The whole thing is about magnetism and repulsion."
"I believe there's forces in this world more powerful than we can imagine, both positive and negative."
"I want a function where I calculate all the different steering forces, weigh all of them, and then apply all of them."
"No nation is stronger than its spiritual forces."
"It's important to understand the structural, the deep, fundamental forces that may be operating slowly just like water might be heating up slowly for the frog but they are nonetheless extremely important."
"If any of the fundamental forces of the universe were to change, the results would be catastrophic."
"These structures follow exactly where the compression forces want to go."
"I need everybody to hear me when I say devil, I mean Devils. I mean spiritual. I'm not talking about people. There are spiritual forces of wickedness in high places."
"This inversion offers a little of everything. You get powerful positive Gs entering and exiting the element."
"Gravity and friction will come into play."
"It's one of the only pictures in a hostile zone showing the opposing forces—an incredible discovery."
"I love when characters are taken out of their element and thrown against these forces that they have no control over."
"These forces, whether they are demonic or just psychological, they cannot intimidate what you truly are."
"Between them is the balance, and each of these forces is served by champions and heroes."
"The strong nuclear force, which is bound by the gluons, is even stronger than the electromagnetic force."
"Form follows not only function but also forces."
"What we observe of planet Earth is mostly on the surface, but deep within its core are forces which continuously shape and reshape the world."
"The three equal forces applied in three equally displaced directions effectively balance each other out."
"We will explain to you how to analyze from what you see, what kind of forces and pressures are excited on these different models."
"The most important and powerful forces on earth are time and change."
"The whole burden of natural philosophy," he wrote, "seems to consist in this: from the phenomena of motions to investigate the forces of nature, and then from these forces to demonstrate the other phenomena."
"The whole of the universe obeys two forces."
"Both attraction and repulsion between magnetic poles are examples of non-contact forces."
"Forces in opposite directions create a turning effect."
"Bosons give rise to forces, fermions give rise to matter."
"When waves are really small, the strength of the hydrogen bonds is stronger than the force of gravity."
"All waves in the ocean are either capillary or gravity waves, depending upon which is their restoring force."
"Equilibrium rest, balance, stationary, or at rest, whenever these terms are being used, upward forces are equal to downward forces and leftward forces are equal to right forces."
"The tug-of-war of electronegativity is crucial in determining molecular polarity."
"We are not in a war against flesh and blood but against principalities, against spiritual forces, against rulers, against powers in the spiritual realm."
"Four fundamental forces of nature... gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear interaction, and weak nuclear interaction."
"The four forces of flight are going to be equal when the aircraft is not accelerating."
"A star is a balance between two fundamental forces."
"If two bodies exert a force on one another, the forces are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction."
"There are forces holding you together right now."
"Physics is the most basic science; it's the study of forces between objects and between molecules."
"You have spiritual forces beyond your conscious understanding that are guiding you."
"There are inside forces and outside forces operating simultaneously to create outcomes."
"Even before the Big Bang, there was some kind of force that could give the bang a strong acceleration."
"The electric force, the force between two charged particles, is much, much stronger than gravity."
"Greater intermolecular forces is going to lead to a higher boiling point."
"The cosmological constant is a force which grows with distance."
"Gravity is a force acting in other dimensions but just the same as the other forces we're familiar with."
"The most powerful forces on earth are time and change."
"The concept of five dynamic forces is prevalent throughout Asian mysticism and metaphysics."
"Life is a purposeless play, play of infinite forces, beautiful if you don't have an achiever's mind."
"The enemy is moving. Sauron's forces are massing in the East."
"We are not in a war of flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces in the heavenly realms."
"The story of science as being a conflict between two forces: the smooth and the rough."
"Gravity is by far the weakest force of all the forces that we know about."
"Electricity magnetism, the nuclear weak force, and the nuclear strong force comprise what is known as the standard model of particle physics."
"Electric forces are incredibly strong, much stronger than gravity, millions of times stronger than gravity."
"This glass that I'm looking at you through, it has atoms in it. And those atoms are held together by electromagnetic forces."
"It's a highly integrated field of study that examines forces acting upon, within, and produced by the body."
"Mechanics is the branch of physics specifically concerned with the effects of forces and energy on the motion of bodies."
"We're dealing with forces we haven't yet learned to understand."
"The whole of European history, especially the flow of happenings between East and West, is attributable solely to the fact that forces are at work behind the events."
"There are many forces poised against us," he began, talking in the same cryptic way that he always used.
"All the forces need to balance, all the rotations need to balance."
"We're trying to balance forces vertically, we're trying to balance forces horizontally, and we're trying to balance them so they don't rotate."
"There are forces around here other than our own desires and our own thinking which wants us to take away from the path of knowing the truth."
"The lava is another powerful force like the ocean, two of the most powerful forces in the world."
"What makes particle life interesting is those forces are not symmetric."
"Forces can be broken down into two categories: contact where the objects are touching, or non-contact where the objects are not touching."
"There's been an ambition that perhaps the four forces are really somehow different aspects of one fundamental interaction."
"The sum of the forces equals mass times by acceleration."
"A system is in equilibrium if the sum of the forces is equal to zero."
"The initiatic path is to come to conscious knowledge of what each of these forces are both externally as objective forces in reality in nature and as subjective forces within our own microcosm."
"Life and mind are real cosmic forces."
"For every force there is an equal and opposite force."
"The mutiny of its own forces was the beginning of the end."
"The forces that combine them or else there's also a force that sort of separates them, so it's a constant flux."
"All accelerations are caused by forces."
"Where earthly and celestial forces unite and harmonize."
"Shiva Shakti is not the names of some god and goddess; we're talking about two fundamental forces."
"Friction, tension, normal force, weight - these are just some of the forces that we will discuss in AP Physics 1."
"If the only forces that act on a system are conservative forces like gravity, then the energy can be conserved."
"Aeroelasticity fundamentally is a coupling between several different forces."
"Feeling the interpenetration of these expansive and contractive forces."
"The electric force can be attractive or repulsive."
"We do not war against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers."
"Expressing the energy, the motion, and other inner forces."
"If the viscosity is very high... then you can neglect the inertial forces compared to the damping forces."
"We'll introduce what the physicists call fictitious forces."
"Let's try to parameterize it and displace it from equilibrium and look at the forces and try to calculate equations of motion."
"The electric field and the chemical force are exactly balanced."
"The nature of the forces, the form of matter, the values of the masses are all determined by the geometry, the shape of these hidden dimensions."
"Symmetry is somehow really important, not just leading to conserved quantities but even maybe leading to forces of nature."
"All of these forces are interconnected with each other."
"When a body is in equilibrium, two conditions are satisfied: the sum of clockwise moment is equal to the sum of anti-clockwise moment, and the resultant force horizontally or vertically is equal to zero."
"The question one of the questions of our times is whether we can unify all of the known forces of nature."
"We are now entering the most marvelous of all ages, an age which will teach us something of the intangible forces of the world about us."
"There are things at play here that mere mortals cannot understand."
"The deeper we go into nature's mechanics, the more universal the fields and forces we encounter."
"Measuring the strength of gravity... is notoriously difficult because it is so much weaker than the other forces."
"There are people that say there are four forces of nature."
"I'll find out what dark forces are behind this."
"There are significant forces in society that undermine that equality."
"Orthodontics is really just a series of push and pull force systems applied to the teeth."
"The timing of forces is something you just can't see with your eye."
"All gauge bosons of spin-one vector bosons must be massless, and that means the forces that they describe must be long-ranged."
"If you have a bunch of forces that add up to zero, then it doesn't matter around which point you compute the torque."
"Other than axial forces, a member can be subjected to other external loads that can cause it to twist, bend, and shear."
"When something's falling, you'll get the force due to the weight and the force due to air resistance. When those two are equal, there is no resultant force and no more acceleration, so it's reached terminal velocity."
"For an object in equilibrium, its clockwise moment should be equal to anticlockwise moment."
"The principle of moments states that clockwise moments equal anti-clockwise moments."
"Draw a Freebody diagram for each object chosen... include only forces acting on the object and not forces that the object exerts on its environment."
"Here you have F up and F down, here you have a moment. In both ways, they're just creating this forced couple or a moment or turning effect."
"More importantly than that though, what usually governs the design of beams is what we call bending forces or sometimes you'll hear the term bending moment."
"The fins help move the center of pressure back, and they do this really interesting complex dynamic that is called restoring forces."
"The universe before a lot of particles became particles before the fundamental forces solidified and became the forces we know today."
"Physics kind of deals with the forces that combine the different subatomic particles."
"Its waves ebb and flow with time in an endless cycle, pulled by forces beyond our planet."
"We are subject to forces and such that we often have no idea are working on us."
"There's basically two fundamental forces that run the universe: unity and separation."
"It's truly a landscape where you're in touch with bigger forces than yourself."
"The strength of the weak, strong, electromagnetic forces... vary with energy very slowly, so that they come together at a very high energy."
"The forces between these particles are transmitted first of all by photons, which carry the electromagnetic force."
"When we're drawing a petal, we're drawing something that represents and captures outside forces."
"Electrostatic force, yeah, and the magnetic force."
"The world exists only because opposing forces are held in equilibrium."
"The force pushing the air downwards has an equal and opposite force pushing the tube up."
"Everything in life has a push and a pull."
"The big difference here is you're applying forces and moments and get a physical response."
"You must understand what you are up against here; dark forces control this world."
"The very construct of magic is dependent on a few fundamental forces."
"For every powerful force, there is an equal opposite."
"Joint reaction forces are assumed to be compressive only."
"Your anti-clockwise moments have to equal or cancel out your clockwise moments."
"Newton's laws... explain how forces change the way objects move."
"The object is in equilibrium and therefore there must be balanced forces acting on it."
"Free body diagram is a drawing that shows all the external forces acting or reacting in the structure."
"For this particle to be in equilibrium, you shouldn't have any unbalanced force in X and the same way you shouldn't have any unbalanced force in Y."
"The maximum amount of unknown forces that we can have at this level is only two."
"It's the interplay between all these different forces which I find really fascinating."
"A force can be split up into horizontal and vertical components using trigonometry."