
Legalization Quotes

There are 220 quotes

"I want to free every single nonviolent drug offender in this country. I also want to legalize marijuana. I want to decriminalize all substances."
"Marijuana should be legalized all across the country and those people should be freed."
"Voters approved legalizing recreational weed everywhere it was on the ballot."
"If drugs were all legally regulated, some drugs would be taken significantly less. For example, heroin, the most dangerous of drugs, because you would only ever have a medical model for heroin."
"Some of the revenue from legalizing and taxing marijuana will certainly go into research, go into treatment, go into support for people struggling with challenges."
"Legalizing and decriminalizing drugs is a gimme."
"I think with the decriminalization of marijuana and the states now legalizing it, I think you're finding that people are gravitating towards alternate routes of healthcare."
"It's like sports gambling has gotten a lot better in my eyes when it's gotten legalized."
"Legalization cannabis in Canada is legal for recreational medicinal purposes."
"If Boris Johnson said we are legalizing cannabis, he could be picking the curtains for number 10."
"Legalizing cannabis would remove criminal intent."
"Mushrooms are starting to be legalized throughout the country."
"Marijuana is an important remedy for many people...it's certainly much less dangerous than some of the opiates."
"The public followed the logic; 55% of Americans had now come to favor the idea of legalized, regulated gambling."
"Four states vote for legalizing marijuana for recreational purposes."
"We need to be revisiting all of these different paths to legalization and starting to strip away some of the unnecessary burdens and obstacles that are put for both consumers and producers of this perfectly reasonable and mostly harmless substance."
"Should all drugs be legalized? They should be legal, taxed, and regulated."
"It's also pretty perfect that this film was made in Vancouver, Canada, a city that's been weed crazy since long before it was ever legalized."
"Yeah, it's gonna be cool to see how this will change people's perspective of it, you know, if the stigma will kind of go away once it's legalized."
"At least he kept his promise to legalize weed. You guys 20:18 here we come."
"Legalize all drugs legalize pot in order to get that passed they generally aren't as forthcoming about the harms of marijuana."
"America's legal marijuana boom has massively reduced the demand for illegal pots smuggled into the US curtailing cartel run imports from South America and Mexico."
"Without Federal legalization this Shadow Army of unremarkable cars will continue to fill the void of a regulated supply chain crisscrossing the country and delivering hundreds of tons of illegal pot."
"Right now is a really special time in history. Cannabis is going from being illegal to being legal."
"Legalizing cannabis did not lead to the downfall of society; it did however lead to almost a billion dollars in tax revenue."
"Marijuana should not be considered a drug; it should be legalized both recreationally and medically."
"There is absolutely no reason why marijuana should be illegal and stigmatized."
"In my personal opinion, the only way that the war on drugs will be won is to legalize all drugs."
"One in three Americans already live in a state where marijuana is legal."
"The only reason why it's being legalized is because of the push by our community."
"It's really exciting to see... the building momentum towards nationwide legal pot."
"Federal legalization of jack jackson is coming guys it is coming and it's going to come a lot faster than a lot of people really think."
"I don't see anything wrong with legalizing prostitution."
"People are divided more by class than nationality."
"It's about time the bloody British people legalized and decriminalized it here."
"Legalization is the way we restore order to this madness."
"Cannabis or ganja as it's traditionally known here has been decriminalized and that's led to a bonanza potentially worth billions of dollars."
"I mean the West Coast has spoken—Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Colorado. There is a movement here of states that have said, 'We as a policy matter think locking up people for marijuana is not helping the problem.'"
"Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn't the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit paranoid?"
"Weed and psychedelics are the righteous drugs."
"This can be the new exciting thing. Now let's say 10 new states get legalized in the next five years."
"One day we want to take cannabis off schedule one. Yes, that's very important. Very important."
"It should be legalized... it's just the right way to go."
"Marijuana has been a thing for a long time and now it's becoming legal everywhere because people see the benefits of it and it is used as a treatment."
"We will make marijuana legal in every state in this country."
"Broadly speaking, I am for the legalization of Class A drugs."
"The most effective way to destroy a violent and bloody mafia or any criminal organization is to force it to become legit through legalizing its product."
"Legalizing cannabis... might make it easier to regulate the practices surrounding alcohol."
"We're gonna legalize marijuana in every state."
"Legalized, regulated drugs are treated normally. They're treated as something which is a part of life."
"Not only did they legalize hemp, the CBD has become decriminalized, and that's also because of Trump."
"I did not know that he legalized hemp or CBD, it's incredible how the news media isn't like 'hey, by the way, let's make sure everyone knows this'."
"We're gonna end the so-called war on drugs and we are going to legalize marijuana in every state in the country."
"38 U.S. states, three territories, and the District of Columbia allow the use of medical cannabis."
"Completely descheduling marijuana should not be a scheduled drug at all."
"Three-fourths of Americans think that pot should be legal."
"Look at Ohio, legalization is extremely popular."
"We need to regulate it. If you're going to legalize it, then let's make it like any food product or ingesting product."
"Good for them! Whoops, yeah yeah, the way this happened is they legalized hemp, individually, and they legally defined hemp as having a certain percentage of THC per plant."
"Joe Biden, codify Roe and also legalize weed."
"Marijuana is a great thing out there for people who struggle with issues that are diagnosed with certain mental illnesses and I don't know why the [ __ ] marijuana still legal in 2017."
"Another country has essentially legalized cryptocurrency trading, which is absolutely wonderful because it allows people in that country to legally be able to trade."
"Ross led drugs, all drugs should be legalized."
"When we legalize marijuana, people get the munchies."
"I support legalization, taxation, and regulation. But a lot hinges on that last word: regulation."
"I believe in basically the same position which is they should be legal, taxed and regulated."
"We are going to end the so-called war on drugs and legalize marijuana in every state in the country."
"Uruguay: legalized production, sale, and consumption of cannabis."
"Marijuana federal legalization is being prevented not because the population will become a bunch of lazy slabs, but because it will decrease the division and anger within the population."
"What do you think about weed being legal? Of course, it should definitely be legal."
"Colorado would essentially legalize psychedelic mushrooms."
"I think this guy should be able to smoke weed because you should be able to smoke weed right."
"It was the largest single moment of legalization in American history."
"If they legalized weed in New Zealand, it would be some of the best weed around."
"Marijuana will be legalized federally by 2025."
"We should legalize all drugs... people should be able to choose their intoxicant."
"In the big twist irony, I feel like weed's gonna be legal across the country. Dopeaziola's gonna be the poster boy for it."
"The only way forward to end the war on drugs is to allow for a legal market and regulated producers of drugs."
"Bernie Sanders is for ending the drug war and legalizing marijuana."
"Marijuana for personal use should not be a criminal offense."
"We're probably going to see cannabis and the mainstream use and acceptance of this entering into a number of countries."
"I definitely will make marijuana legal."
"Marijuana I don't even think it should be a drug bro."
"Weed should be in the packs and the cigarettes at the store."
"If we want to end the war on drugs, legalize everything. You're not going to have any crime anymore. It's going to go down, you're not going to have as much violence anymore. It's going to go down."
"Once legalization happens, the market is going to explode."
"People are predicting like soon as you legalize it and you talk about it a lot everyone's going to be a degenerate drug addict. It just never happened."
"The Drug Enforcement Agency is said to be moving to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug."
"It's crazy because, like, in some places in the world, it's not sad, it's just so f***ing normal. Like, this is just weird. The US is just not socially acceptable with weed for some reason."
"'Unless we legalize and formalize documented addicts and eliminate the profit motive, I don't foresee any meaningful change,' Dutton emphasizes."
"If you want to understand, that's a lot better answer than I would have given you about legalization of marijuana."
"Legalize drugs and you would put a halt to so much."
"There's so many benefits for depression, PTSD, cancer patients, it should be [expletive] legal."
"We were doing truckloads 10 years ago, weed was as serious an offense as crack or anything else."
"I don't know if you read Marine Dow's column when Colorado legalized marijuana she had an entire edible ended up she thought she was going to die that night she didn't know that was going to happen"
"There's no reason we shouldn't be legal."
"If they legalize weed, I can go home."
"A quarter of the prison population are people who are picked up with marijuana in their pocket."
"It deserves respect, there you go, yeah, for sure. I mean, it should have been legalized 20 years ago, 50 years should have never been criminalized. I mean, 40 years, they've been fighting, and the plant is still winning, that's all I could say about that, right, yeah."
"We’ve finally passed the recreational use of cannabis."
"Descheduling means right now it's schedule one which is comparable to like no medicinal value."
"We need to legalize it with strict safeguards and then see how it goes."
"Marijuana is completely legal in Canada, but in some American states it's still illegal."
"I feel that we should legalize the drugs and then treat it as we treat liquor license."
"We've reached a point in society where we've legalized anything that feels good, apart from God."
"The cop's job, if cocaine was legalized tomorrow the cops wouldn't be busting teeth."
"I'm personally in favor of legalization of assisted suicide."
"I think if prostitution was legalized, I think there would be less sex trafficking."
"...the deciding factor is going to be taxes. Taxes are going to be an important part of legalization."
"It's almost like smoking weed or something, like, took them long enough to make most of that legal."
"I totally agree. You have three strikes in California. Just to go on the record, I'm for legalizing all drugs. If I want to take cocaine, blow my brains out, that's my prerogative."
"I had my first ever walk into a storefront legal drug buying, oh, it was so cool."
"I want to see it legal across America before I die."
"Being able to advocate for cannabis is so important for all of us, it's so imperative."
"Legalize it, and tomorrow it would be $5 a gram for Coke instead of 100."
"Cannabis is legal in the state of California amongst many other states and Canada now."
"If people want to smoke weed in jail, they should be able to smoke weed."
"There's no question in my mind that medical cannabis is the Trojan horse for recreational cannabis."
"Now that it's legal in states like California, weed is big business."
"Legalize drugs, stop having drugs be illegal, no says China."
"There's this huge Groundswell of movements that state and local levels to decriminalize or legalize psychedelics."
"...it shouldn't be looked down upon it shouldn't be criminalized..."
"This legalization of sports gambling is effectively like the end of prohibition in America in the 1930s."
"I'm very excited to just smoke legal marijuana in New York and get down with some rhinestone separating."
"That's why marijuana is still illegal, is to incarcerate minorities, yeah, that's why."
"Oregon voters passed the 2020 Oregon ballot measure 109 making it uh the first state to both decriminalize psilocybin and also legalize it for therapeutic use."
"Prostitution should be legal, legalize all of it."
"When prostitution is legal, rape goes down, oh yeah, yes, that is a real fact."
"We should be legal everywhere, my big thing, no question."
"...I think the benefits of legalized cannabis far outweigh the cons... there are some cons to it but I think not a whole lot though no not as many as people want to claim."
"I'm full for full legalization so you at Spain and Portugal like there should be safe injection sites because it would actually solve the homeless issue."
"We thank the government for legalizing it, for one to smoke it freely."
"...marijuana is now legal in many countries and states, and Jamaica could very very likely be next on the list."
"True wealth comes from the ability to make a lasting impact on the world and the lives of others through his unwavering support for marijuana legalization and his compassionate acts of kindness."
"Germany legalized marijuana for recreational use."
"Just legalize it, man. Just legalize it."
"Once it's legal and regulated and anybody can walk down a high street and buy it."
"So my opinion is that yes, absolutely 100% it should be legalized."
"It wasn't until 2015 that it was decriminalized and now people can have up to two Zips five plants and Rastafarians are allowed to consume it for religious purposes."
"Do you think we should be legal yes right yeah do I think weed should be legal yes."
"How about they legalize online poker and let us all play? How about they do that, right?"
"So we now have 11 states with adult use cannabis."
"Online poker should be legalized."
"Just because something is legalized doesn't mean God approves."
"Prostitution was actually only legalized in the Netherlands in 2000 which is kind of recently."
"As soon as it went legal, it's like all the small-time growers just took a licensing deal or something."
"Legalizing marijuana is a win-win for them."
"All drugs should be legal, I'm sorry yeah."
"Constantine legalized Christianity throughout the empire."
"Marijuana should be legal and the fact that it isn't is so far beyond stupid."
"Thailand has officially kicked on the doors and set the blueprint for what weed should look and feel like in Asia."
"We're at just the very beginning of cannabis legalization."
"Legalize marijuana, 60% of the American people want to do that."
"They've legalized recreational marijuana, they've instituted automatic voter registration, also super important and super smart."
"Legalization of marijuana has been a hot button issue for probably decades at this point."
"The pros vastly outweigh the cons."
"We wouldn't have to pay so much in prison costs and things like that."
"The benefits I feel like really do outweigh the cons."
"Legalization puts a regulatory barrier between kids and drugs that doesn't currently exist."
"It's gonna be interesting. We get to play in that because we're starting out early on in the legalization of the crop, so we get to be there when all this stuff gets figured out."
"Gay marriage would slowly be introduced into America on a state-by-state basis until 2015, where the Supreme Court struck down all state bans on same-sex marriage, legalizing it in all 50 states."
"I think the wind is behind DraftKings because they're going to have a lot more states they're going to legalize gambling throughout this country and elsewhere around the world."
"I just feel like a lot less marginalized women would die like the women who ended up in the West Mesa bone collector's pit if prostitution was legal."
"Ukraine has legalized crypto, the president signed a bill today. This is huge."
"If marijuana was legalized, it would have to be regulated, which means there'd have to be specific rules about how it was sold, and then it would be significantly safer."
"The plausible answer is to decriminalize and robustly regulate."
"She's fighting for legal marijuana; sixty-two percent of Americans want legal marijuana."
"Make sex work legal so that it can be safe, because it's gonna happen anyway."
"What percentage of Americans support the legalization of marijuana?"
"I'm cool to be able to participate in what's the forefront of the legalization of this whole new industry."
"John Sinclair was a major flower supporter and believed in its legalization."
"Is cannabis a great drug we should legalize everywhere? Yes. Is it dumb that that hasn't already happened? For sure."
"Legalizing drugs would minimize gang violence far more than dumping money into militarizing law enforcement."
"We need to get it off schedule one; it needs to be decriminalized so we can really be doing the studies here that are being done in other countries like Canada or Israel where it's no longer on that schedule one."
"Legalizing substances would probably create less of a problem for people with addictions."
"It's the easiest country for legalization to move in, in the whole Europe."
"It's been the best thing ever. It's now taxed so the government makes money, people aren't turning into potheads and just sitting around doing nothing."
"It's crazy that now it's legalized, black and brown people aren't at the forefront."
"The state of Arizona voted to legalize grass, not the kind you smoke, but the kind you can grow in your yard."
"I'm all for legalization. It's kind of dumb that we haven't embraced this."
"Psychedelics cure for all kinds of ailments; legalized and do the research."
"Amsterdam again was the first city and the Netherlands the first country in the world who legalized gay marriage."
"Sex work as an honorable profession, it should be legalized, regulated."
"President Biden federally legalizes marijuana after accidentally eating a pot cookie."
"I don't think people really fully understand the enforcement that the federal government is going to reinforce when legalization happens."
"Canadians are indeed higher beings, but that's just because we legalized marijuana relatively early."
"The legalization of marijuana makes sense for not only income reasons for the government but also it removes the dangers of dealing with drug dealers."
"It should be legal, obviously it's not that bad."
"The more people who are getting into this, the bigger the movement will be and that's how we got it legalized in a lot of places."
"Two out of three Americans support marijuana legalization."
"Will marijuana ever be legalized on a federal level? Yes, it will."
"If you legalize drugs, you would essentially take the legs off of organized crime."
"If we had a vote in the United States of America right now, legalize or keep cannabis illegal, I a hundred percent guarantee you there would be far more votes for legalizing cannabis."
"I think it should be on a federal level legalized."
"It's very nice to see that same-sex marriage has been legalized in Greece."
"It was in the commission's best interest to get him off the streets and legalized as soon as they could."
"Is legalization the way, is decriminalization the way? I don't think criminalization is the way for the world."
"Making marijuana legal at the federal level is the smart thing to do; it's the right thing to do."