
Salmon Quotes

There are 134 quotes

"This is the last major salmon drainage, healthy one in North America."
"Creating super salmon to protect wild stocks."
"The salmon salad... it is the best freaking salmon you will ever eat, I can guarantee you that."
"Salmon is super super important for our bodies."
"The salmon dies when they enter the fresh water from the salt water, they lose their stomach, they don't eat anymore."
"King Salmon also called Chinook salmon is one of the five species of wild Pacific salmon swimming through the Alaskan Waters."
"Salmon have always been a resource that is fundamentally best managed at a local scale."
"Salmon is something that you'll see quite often poached or baked, lends really well to pan searing though, it's awesome for obviously sushi, sashimi, things like that."
"Wild salmon tends to be a richer color, a lot less fatty, a lot more solid and lean meat."
"Salmon is perfectly prepared, very light, flaky, perfectly cooked all the way through."
"Salmon: grilled to perfection, seasoned with care."
"Salmon is cooked when it flakes easily with a fork."
"Salmon are still one of the most important foods in the Northwest, with millions of fish making their way from the Pacific Ocean up the Fraser's many tributaries to spawn each year."
"This is really an amazing way to cook salmon."
"It's amazing for me to think about... what an impact salmon have on the livelihoods of so many people."
"Right there is the final product. Beautiful jar of canned salmon with garlic, herbs, and jalapenos."
"All the salmon over here has been absolutely beautiful."
"Copper River King Salmon can cost up to 120 dollars a pound, that is six times as much as other wild salmon and 10 times as much as farmed salmon."
"Why do salmon swim upstream in the Autumn? They can afford bus tickets."
"We focused on salmon yesterday as the perfect protein partner. Guess what? It's one of the best sources of super healthy omega-3 fats too."
"Trying to find a spot on the river with some deeper holes, because salmon like hanging out in the low deep spots."
"This last one is something that is incredibly easy and totally foolproof it's air fryer salmon."
"Everybody enjoyed the rain now we came out here today and we fished the Douglas and salmon run yes you're correct it is a private two mile section of water but it's one of the best decisions we've ever made."
"All of our salmon were caught on two baits today be honest this is the first time we've ever done this you guys know we're team Potsky."
"Great tip if you like salmon: put honey and soy sauce on it. I know it sounds like a weird combination, but when it's cooked in the salmon, it gives it so much flavor."
"For me, in the past few weeks, I've cooked a ton of their salmon as well as two delicious barbecue rib racks in the oven. Super simple, they were the most delicious pork ribs I've ever prepared."
"Okay, so I have the salmon and honestly, smells delicious."
"Can I just say something really quickly? This salmon is insane."
"Eating salmon is greater than the sum of its parts."
"Whenever I thought about salmon fishing or steelhead trout, what comes to mind is Alaska. That's where salmon was, and I had heard that you could catch salmon in New York, and it just blew my mind. I couldn't wrap my mind around it, I just couldn't make sense of it."
"Catching monster landlocked salmon on light action downrigger rods in the crystal-clear waters of Lake Champlain is a blast."
"The introduction of alewife has really improved the amount and size of salmon."
"You watch those salmon streams and you watch those salmon fight going up river, and it's impressive."
"Salmon and steelhead are the biggest draws to Oregon fishing."
"Salmon swim up to 3,000 miles to return to the exact place of birth to reproduce."
"The Petraway River, home to thousands of anadromous salmon and resident trout."
"That is a good salmon, a sauce it tastes like a little teriyaki sauce on that, that is really good."
"The flavor of wild salmon is infinitely preferable even if I can only have it just once a year."
"The salmon is very fresh, has no fishy taste at all, that's exactly how I like my fish."
"This is called gravlax, and also dilled salmon, this is a Scandinavian dish."
"We're going to season the salmon cakes also, so no need to go crazy, but you want to get a little bit of flavor on there."
"You can use that for egg rolls, you can make salmon burgers or salmon croquettes, salmon cakes like we're doing today."
"We're going to take our marinated salmon bites with the skin on... tons of nutrients in the skin, guys."
"One thing about salmon, when you've got them into the slack water, you can lead them like a dog."
"As summer's prominent thunderstorms begin to shake the Earth, the very first batches of mature King Salmon begin to stage at the river mouths."
"There's not a salmon on the planet at some point in its life that could ever resist a cut plug herring."
"Salmon is great because you can do many, many things with it."
"We're going to do some little deep-fried salmon in herbal crust and we're going to serve it with a nice beetroot risotto."
"You guys need to try pesto on your salmon."
"You turned salmon into bacon of the sea. That is amazing."
"Spicy salmon, quite delicious, I'm really happy with that."
"Our chef's recommendation tonight is the grilled salmon with lemon herb sauce; it's popular among our regulars."
"All salmon, whether they are stocked or naturally reproducing, want to come back to their origin river."
"King salmon prefer a range of 40 to 65 degree water and cohos similarly like a range of 45 to 60."
"The best moon phases for salmon are the three or four days before a full moon or a new moon."
"The Gander River has an annual run of wild Atlantic salmon that has increased steadily to over 25,000 fish. This is nothing short of remarkable."
"I love salmon, and the pistachio sauce on here is so good."
"Simple, delicious, perfectly cooked salmon."
"The salmon is cooked to perfection."
"Under the Salmon Act of 1986, it is an offense to handle a salmon suspiciously."
"It's full of salmon," the Duke said, "and I own it. You can help yourself."
"It's amazing what salmon bring to Alaska besides tourists."
"I like to make sure that I get the sauce actually on the salmon meat, not only on the skin or on the bottom."
"Color can make a big difference in terms of your salmon presentation."
"There's nothing like buttery salmon."
"For thousands of years, Atlantic salmon and Arctic char have persisted along this coast."
"Scotland's iconic Atlantic salmon is an extraordinary and mysterious fish."
"Its migration is nothing less than heroic."
"The wild Atlantic salmon is not only an indicator species for the health of our rivers but also an indicator of the physical and emotional health of our nation."
"The Atlantic salmon survival will be an indicator of how smart we are."
"I'm gonna show you guys how I make my salmon."
"The salmon have come home, they have made it at last to these tranquil spawning waters."
"We have an abundance of salmon, five different species of salmon that come from my area."
"In search of the king of fish, the salmon, possibly the most persecuted fish in the world, it still survives."
"I'm a huge fan of salmon when we go out to eat, but I was scared to make it at home."
"The cuisine at Sonora Steakhouse was exceptional, especially the salmon."
"Kokanee is actually landlocked Sockeye Salmon, right, and they live their entire life in the lake."
"God, I love salmon skin; it should be a crime to serve it naked like that."
"Salmon is so tasty in the air fryer, and there's only four ingredients in this recipe."
"Nice little eater fish - this is a Sockeye salmon."
"The tiny fry hatched here have returned as adult salmon."
"That's salmon, oh my good sweet chili and lime infused salmon fillets, that's what I'm talking about."
"Wild salmon never forget their mission to return to their spawning sites to start the next Generation."
"Nature navigated the salmon in freshwater where there is no food supply in the stream to support him."
"Flying over Western Brook, we could see the salmon lying in the clear pools below."
"If you want to make a fantastic salmon dinner, salt a four-pound piece of salmon for an hour."
"Salmon can actually see a little bit beyond into the infrared and into the ultraviolet fairly well."
"Every Salmon River is home to its own distinct family or tribe of salmon which often display their own unique genetic characteristics."
"Wild salmon are programmed to at all costs get back to their birthplace to reproduce."
"Salmon are among the most beautiful of fish, streamlined, silver, and graceful."
"For vending machine salmon, way better than our other vending machine food."
"We've been learning a lot about the salmon ecosystem."
"Wild salmon is pink due to a large amount of shrimp they consume."
"Off the coast of Alaska, undoubtedly the greatest salmon in the world."
"Where there are mosquitoes, there are salmon, they say."
"Salmon is super high in omega-3 fatty acids."
"In the Northwest, you often have smoked salmon dip."
"Doesn't get much better than catching king salmon in the springtime."
"This is my all-time favorite salmon recipe."
"I'm making a quick little salmon bowl and I'll show you guys how I do it."
"The life story of a salmon is one of the most fascinating, almost unbelievable stories of a bounteous nature."
"These specially designed fishways reduce velocities so that the fight is not so hard for the salmon to reach the spawning grounds above."
"If salmon cannot reach the spawning ground in which they themselves were spawned, they will accept no other but will die without spawning."
"Spawning lasts about three weeks, and in that time, the female lays from 2,500 to 3,000 eggs, and then the parents die, their mission in life complete."
"A baked salmon on top, nice sear, I'm going to say it's like the top of a steak with that sear, woo!"
"The salmon is cooked absolutely perfect, super glisteny, moist, you can see."
"Salmon is so versatile, you truly can do a million different things with it."
"I've been really loving my salmon meals that I make."
"We must never forget that the salmon are more than just creatures of the water. They are people just like me and you."
"Salmon is super healthy, it's packed with a whole bunch of protein, a lot of good omega-3 oils."
"Atlantic salmon has a great market, Atlantic salmon has a high dollar value."
"I tend to eat salmon more than any other meats."
"Nearly everyone's life is impacted by salmon."
"The creature that lured so many men to the Alaskan frontier is a fish that engages in one of nature's most remarkable fertility rituals."
"You see that salmon? You see the inside of the salmon, it's perfect, it's just barely cooked."
"If you want some good salmon, follow these instructions; you're gonna have some salmon that's gonna knock your family member's socks off."
"People are surprised you can have salmon when you are pregnant. It is safe."