
Wholesome Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"It's just like something about that is so wholesome, and watching the relationship unfold over these pages, you're like, yes, like I want it to happen."
"Luca and Alberto's relationship is the embodiment of touching and wholesome."
"He's got that good wholesome kind of sensibility."
"We made salads for everyone. Look at little Indy, aw, such a sweetheart."
"Spreading love through positive stories... seems very wholesome so far."
"Wholesome dad supporting his son at Gay Pride Festival, that is the right answer."
"It's a good choice too very wholesome like I said gosh yes."
"Now that is some wholesome content right there."
"The outdoor boys do the most wholesome camping and outdoor content."
"There were also surprisingly wholesome and inspiring, like there were just so many great quotable moments."
"It's just pretty wholesome and just very adorable and cute."
"Wow, that's very wholesome, actually. Shout out to your mom."
"I thought it was a sweet movie for kids and a good family."
"This is the most wholesome 1v1 I've ever seen."
"It's just a really cute, kind of wholesome fun movie."
"He's genuinely just so wholesome and sweet."
"It was really lovely, it's quite a wholesome date, great conversation."
"She has a way of crafting horror but also throwing in a little bit of wholesome there at the end for you."
"It was so [__] wholesome, it was a movie."
"I'm going to be wholesome and educational, that's my aim."
"If one speaks or acts with a wholesome mind, happiness flows as surely as one's shadow."
"I really liked it. It's a fun movie, right? It was wholesome and nerdy in the weirdest way while also having a little bit of that raunchy element as well. But like, it was weirdly wholesome."
"Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouth."
"It's just so wholesome, I don't think it's missing out on any flavor either."
"We just met the most wholesome man in Target... he was giving us so much wisdom about his life, about dating, about the world, about his past, it was just very wholesome."
"I'd recommend the channel Popcorn in Bed, a very sweet woman who only watched chick flicks reacting to iconic cinema and TV for the first time. Thoroughly wholesome."
"I usually have teary at this point when finishing something, but the epilogue just made me feel so good. It was so wholesome."
"Ultimately it's hard to find anything less than wholesome about these two after all there's nothing better than great parents."
"A book that encompasses the feeling of pure unfiltered wholesome love."
"Spy family adds a really wholesome familiar touch to the whole thing."
"I had such a good, wholesome time with this."
"Everyone is laughing to themselves at this point. It's a super wholesome moment and it's something I'll remember fondly for the rest of my life."
"It's a nice wholesome ending with a solid message to take away from at all regardless of the show going through this period of change for her."
"This is probably one of the most wholesome legal advice stories we have ever read."
"That was actually a fun one, that was a fun one, it wasn't too funny but I felt like it was like weirdly like wholesome."
"This one has a bit of wholesome vibes to it. He's letting his mom use the PC for her weekly book club on Zoom."
"This movie made me feel very wholesome, warm."
"That's wholesome. We need some of those moments, man."
"The houses decorate so well. There's kids that are actually trick-or-treating. It just feels so wholesome and so pure."
"It's just a really nice, wholesome story."
"Just a little wholesome story for you."
"Just something so wholesome between a father and son, it was incredible."
"It was incredibly wholesome and an aspect of the trip I wasn't expecting."
"This is probably the most wholesome one we've heard so far."
"An entire basket of produce from the garden. This is what wholesome dreams are made of."
"Damn, actually wholesome. This anime is so good, y'all."
"It's just nice and it's cool because back then it was so wholesome whatever but now with kids it is so wholesome. Like, I want to go and like see them experience this with each other and they're gonna have these memories forever, you know?"
"You go from the lowest of lows in the previous story to the most wholesome of wholesomes in this one just a great read like that is just a brilliant story."
"I love their relationship, those two, it's so wholesome."
"It was the most wholesome experience I could not even believe it."
"Feller is possibly the most wholesome youtuber that I've ever seen."
"This is making me feel so wholesome."
"I just thought that was somehow really wholesome and heartwarming."
"Here is maybe a little wholesome spiritual one for you."
"This one is so wholesome compared to... I know, this is kind of nice."
"Such a wholesome, lovable character in this series."
"It's just wholesome and hearty especially in the colder months like a warm steamy bowl of oats with some fruit and some nut butter it's just so satisfying."
"We just had such a nice wholesome time we went crazy in like it was such a wholesome trip."
"Really loved it, just a wholesome story."
"That was a cute wholesome activity."
"This is just a wholesome weekend Vlog."
"…Mario and Luigi’s brotherly relationship, despite only really being focused on at the start and end of the film, is also really wholesome and fun to watch."
"You have a tree and it's just such a wholesome gift, isn't that the most wholesome gift you could possibly?"
"This makes me think of wholesome so let's see."
"He realized what it's like, and [__] but he comes home and sees Aruka with a birthday cake for him, and it was a wholesome ass ending to the movie."
"Honestly, such a wholesome show though, isn't it?"
"The comments so far have been like 99.9% wholesome. We really want to thank you for being so wholesome and also so informative."
"I like shows like Bob's Burgers where everyone's actually wholesome and funny and the humor is derived from the environment they're in."
"If you're looking for a wholesome peaceful anime, then this is definitely the one for you."
"That was such a wholesome ending."
"It's an even more wholesome counterpart to the ever-popular Bake Off."
"That was the most adorable, wholesome moment on Chatting with Nuts history. That was adorable."
"...how do you direct your life energy directed toward that which is wholesome or hell..."
"Bob Ross, Steve Irwin, and Mr. Rogers: the Holy Trinity of wholesome."
"Let's bake some banana bread and have a really wholesome weekend."
"What a wholesome experience that was, man."
"It's just super cute and wholesome and adds to her bond with the group."
"Wasn't this such a wholesome way to start off your holiday season?"
"From indulgent and delicious ideas to hearty and wholesome delights, cooking is sheer heaven."
"I hope you enjoy this commentary; it is very wholesome at 100 and it's the biggest Chungus we've had. Stay tuned for the Adam and Pals edit coming tomorrow. Thank you and enjoy."
"Yeah, I like to try and eat things that are wholesome and that are going to fill me up as much as possible."
"This is so heartwarming and wholesome."
"Seeing Broly smile after being reunited with his dear friends is the most wholesome thing ever."
"The weekend was so nice. It was so needed. It was so wholesome."
"If you want to share some Japanese culture with them and some wholesome moments with them look no further than Doraemon."
"It's wholesome, it adds a new incentive for doing things,"
"Did you not feel like the most wholesome kind of warm feeling when Gon goes like yeah, Gon's a great kid."
"It's like an office type romance vibe but it is so cute, it is so healthy, it is so wholesome."
"This just looks good to me, this is such a wholesome just small town any town USA look."
"JJ was watching it and his reaction was wholesome."
"It was literally the most wholesome thing I think I've ever seen."
"Travis and Courtney are so wholesome and so loving."
"Nana... one of the most wholesome characters of the show"
"Please, if you have any recommendations for wholesome feel-good kind of books, let us know."
"It still came off as a family movie."
"I was struck by how peaceful and celebratory and wholesome this all was."
"This movie was so wholesome, it was so cute, it felt like a warm hug."
"See the baby, that is the most wholesome cat tattoo I have seen in a very long time."
"This isn't surprising, this is like actually... this one almost felt wholesome to me in a sense."
"This is so wholesome, Peter Rabbit tales from the countryside."
"The reasons why she loves Naruto are just so... wholesome and sweet."
"We're just gonna have a nice wholesome evening as per uge. Very boring, as I like it."
"It was just really nice, it was really, really wholesome."
"It's wholesome, but it really does warm the soul."
"It's magical, it's pretty, and it's as wholesome as you can get for a modern anime."
"It was a very wholesome like a dinner movie."
"This might be the most wholesome moment in Slipknot's wild career."
"Higehiro", is wholesome, it’s got a nice story, a solid message, lovable characters, and overall it’s just, good.
"It was super wholesome, it was really nice."
"Sarah slowly bonding with her AI is like so wholesome."
"This is a super wholesome story with friendship in here, we have a coffee of course and all of the Cozy Vibes."
"This was just so cute and so wholesome."
"Family-friendly environment, I can't stress that enough, family-friendly is what we're all about."
"That was the most wholesome like Animal Planet like scene you guys have ever experienced."
"It's just the most cutest, wholesome thing in the world."
"It was fun, it was wholesome, it was a vibe."
"It's such a wholesome beautiful film."
"Listening to this album a couple of times gave me the impression that it's wholesome."
"This is another wholesome romance that is so fluffy."
"Good wholesome loving moments make things better."
"This is such a wholesome, magical, just feel-good movie."
"This is just the definition of wholesome, right? Come on, everyone can agree."
"Their friendship is now advanced and very wholesome."
"This might be the most wholesome place you've ever been. It's amazing."
"It's honestly delicious, it's like it has that cinnamony oaty taste almost like a flapjack."
"It is just the most wholesome sweetest thing that I've ever read in my life."
"It was just such a cute and wholesome story."
"He's one of my favorite, like most wholesome friends."
"Thank you to the VIP from Denmark, very wholesome."
"This is as wholesome as you can ever get."
"This has been my favorite lately: organic bread, 21 whole grains and seeds."
"The wholesome people always choose Yoshi."
"You wanna hear something really wholesome? Cammy's mom just called her."
"It was the most wholesome thing I've ever seen."
"There's just something about it that is just so refreshing, it's wholesome."
"...it's very cute, it's so wholesome, it's so sweet, I adored it."
"It's been a lovely little wholesome few days in the sun."
"This is adorable and wholesome, isn't it?"
"It's bright, it's colorful, I like the cape, it just—it's just perfectly wholesome."
"That's so wholesome as [__], bro, that's so cool."
"That is very, very, very wholesome."
"They fall in love and it's pretty wholesome."
"Honestly, it's the height of wholesome for me, getting to see these three reunited once more."
"It's been so wholesome and so much fun and such a great way to connect with friends."
"Fantastic character-driven, almost wholesome story for sci-fi."
"Have you seen Lincoln's video on you with the cup noodle? Super wholesome, was nice to see."
"What might be the easiest dinner but tastes like the most advanced dinner ever, the beans, the mash, the steak, it's everything you need."
"I just wanted to do something a bit more wholesome."
"They catch some feelings and it's just the most wholesome, cute love story I've read in a long time."
"It's time for the wholesome content now, sitting by the fire by the Christmas tree."
"It's also just like really adorable and really wholesome."