
Signal Quotes

There are 212 quotes

"A relaxed jaw is a signal to the body to relax."
"Anger is a great signal that there is some part of your body that wants you to say no."
"Even when you're sad, you're firing off a signal to the universe."
"Why has this compelling signal not received more attention?"
"That's a signal that there is no cap to how high this company can grow."
"Out of all of the most privacy-focused messaging apps that I've tried, Signal has the smoothest experience."
"If you can find easy-to-use software, Signal is one of them..."
"It's an amazing technology; it's a signal from outer space coming down to like a watch or a phone."
"The signal that Isaac discovered is the most precise one he’s found so far."
"Familiar Echoes, you hear a distant cry for help."
"The odd signal resembled a burst of energy rather than an earthquake."
"We're gaining that common ground; if there's a horizontally polarized signal hitting a vertically polarized antenna, we don't get the loss."
"It's supposed to be a signal: climate's at the center of everything."
"That's a very bullish signal and good for energy security for the United States."
"The signal is a sedative, the signal is salvation."
"You just been in the building that with that have you been in yeah can you go inside the building with it or n it'll lose signal it."
"Pushing the frequency limit of dividers enhances their division capability, albeit requiring higher input signals at lower frequencies."
"When mind and body are aligned, we send a coherent signal into the field."
"Even if the exercise was not officially intended as a warning to Moscow, it was nevertheless a clear signal."
"I think it's just so how much of your original signal are you mixing in was it like half and half?"
"Linearly polarized antenna just means it sends out a signal in a particular plane."
"...as long as your cable is a multiple of that you're going to get a minimum or the any mismatch at this end is going to have a minimum effect on the quality of the signal you get at your receiver."
"Frustration is just a signal that something needs a little bit more work."
"In 1977, we did get a signal. It was so powerful and like nothing else before, that it was just 'wow'."
"Every signal is usually something old."
"Because there's more stuff, you get more signal."
"If you're looking for a sign, here it is."
"Any differences in color at all hue saturation brightness across the space creates contrast, and when that contrast has order, we call that signal."
"Jealousy is a super important signal because jealousy is just blocked inspiration. That's all that it is."
"I like it. Wait for Lan's signal."
"The lightning and smoke alerted nearby Malian airships to his location."
"The first crypto project that is on Sphere, that's a top signal."
"I think that is really signal, yeah signal."
"It was coming up to the first signal, kicking it up but very jumpy."
"I'm still under this tree and if you can hear this signal, it sounds great."
"This sign means that at the speed shown, the traffic lights at each junction ahead are synchronized to display the same signal."
"The realization dawned that their phones were still devoid of signal, leaving them stranded in the heart of the forest."
"Native tongue is a way to send a very clear signal that cuts through the noise."
"This interest is a signal to exit."
"DBC means decibels relative to a carrier level."
"To get the most sensitivity and accuracy, we want the signal to take up most of the screen without being clipped at the ends."
"You really have to pay attention to the signal and keep out the noise."
"Signal is what we generate, noise is what lives in all electronic equipment, so we want to have a good ratio of signal to not much noise. That's going to be good image quality."
"It is also a kind of slight sign of desperation."
"It's going to help reduce noise; it's going to help produce a better, more pure signal."
"When all was lost when everything just seemed to have fallen and collapsed maybe in her life it was all lost and while everything was disappearing for her or she was losing so many things she felt like it was signaling to the other person to double cross her."
"It's gonna send a signal, bring someone else back."
"Buried amidst the random static is a signal of such extraordinary intensity."
"I had a setup on my balcony back in Sydney and I heard this mysterious signal which will not play now - I'll do it manually."
"The main adaptation signal that strength training is sending is strength."
"Accuracy really just means how true is it to the signal that's provided."
"...most of the time you are not going to have signal or if you do it's going to be very spotty even if you have an eim."
"You don't have a phone? Well...if you ever get in trouble, just send up a flare. I'll know it's you."
"A signal was better than nothing. It was hope, that treacherous little bastard, and it was all I had left."
"We may be looking for the wrong thing or we may be using the right technology but looking for the wrong kind of signal."
"Well, two different satellites have picked up the signal again. The thing is, now the signal's moving."
"Anxiety is a signal alerting you that it's time to pray."
"...you can see it's a much cleaner signal, there's no crackling effect on this one."
"I reset the device again still getting a strong signal from something and it's definitely not coming from us."
"Green flag in the air for Matt Crafton."
"Every good breakout strategy always gives a signal."
"The prettiest color in the rainbow, that shade of green means go for you."
"A green traffic signal light means go."
"How do we call Batman?" "The bat signal, baby!"
"Worshiping him was a translation signal."
"When we can create coherence between the heart and the Brain we create signal that can be measured electrically."
"How do you separate the signal from the noise?"
"If civilization is sending us a deliberate signal, they will make it intentionally easy for us to understand the message."
"We're beaten... So we can't have a signal fire, we're beaten."
"After lengthening my antenna and matching the impedance with the tuning coil, I got a loud and clear signal over 70 feet away."
"Their enhanced signal to noise ratio will also be of benefit."
"If you're somewhere where you just absolutely don't get signal and when you go away it's gone, don't waste your money."
"If the VSWR is too high, this will both weaken a transmitted signal and cause reflections back into the transmitter, which can potentially cause damage."
"It is a signal that they are starting from a very healthy point with this reboot."
"The moment a higher low breaks, it indicates that the last lower high has been broken, so a new swing on the daily timeframe is about to form in the direction of the total trend."
"That's our aprons, that means it's pretty much time."
"An event is a signal that a system state has changed."
"Noise in the system... if you're in a noisy environment, you can't see the candle tonight from 30 miles away."
"It's like a signal to play with toys after the meal"
"Fear is a gift when it is a signal in the presence of danger."
"We're receiving a modulated short wave, sir. Frequency modulated, apparently a signal."
"The bracelet is a more effective signal than prayer."
"I like pushing the signals. I like having signal. I like having the amp."
"Neck pain is a signal that there is undiagnosed neck injury."
"It's just going to be a very low-level signal."
"And then this wire here labeled 'SRXL2,' that is the ghost signal wire."
"Good," he said. The word was gruff, guttural, then he made a sign that meant 'enough'."
"I've got a signal here and it's pretty loud."
"It is important to have some representation of atmosphere through which the signal is passing communicated to GNSS receiver from the satellite."
"And that, I think, is nature's way of telling you that you've had enough fun for today."
"This was an interval signal created by Madeleine Fagendini."
"A permissive movement is an instance where vehicles have a green indication but they need to wait until there's a gap in traffic coming in the opposite direction."
"That bell signals the end of the quiz."
"When you're on the bus, you need to signal the bus to stop."
"It's just a whistle to let you know the water is boiling."
"Stress is a signal that you need to change, so you need it."
"Every install has to have the repeater installed because it helps the signal transfer really strongly even in areas of high interference of other type of wireless signals."
"When they see us coming, that fire becomes a signal, gives Mance Rayder plenty of time to throw a party, you know?"
"Let's make an SOS sign here on the white sand, with the black stones on the white sand, this will stand out like a giant sign post."
"Suffering is the signal that success is on the horizon."
"The radio signal is really, really good with this truck."
"This Aid will strengthen Ukraine and send the tremblin' a powerful signal that it will not be the second Afghanistan."
"Helix or helical antennas are a really great kind of easy-ish way to get circular polarization."
"It starts with what later would become the bat signal, which is a very much orchestral affair."
"Divergence is the reliable signal."
"Mono stable is a mode where you have an event occurs... and when that event occurs, we then get a high on the output for a duration that we get to specify."
"We've just seen the beacons, celebrate."
"If any of you need me, just flare your chakra in two consecutive short bursts. I will come to your aid."
"The Wow signal was discovered by Dr. Jerry R. Ehman, an astronomer at Ohio State University's Big Ear radio telescope, on the night of August 15, 1977."
"Depression is a signal. It's telling you something."
"The Wow signal... a mysterious radio signal... unlike any known natural source."
"My name is Riptide. I saw your signal. Are you looking for the Talons of Peace?"
"Knock three times on the ceiling if you need me."
"Fear is a tool. When that light hits the sky, it's not just a call. It's a warning."
"A CW signal will travel further and be readable much more lower in the noise than the voice."
"Stretch your fingers to send a signal to the rest of the arms and the upper body to also stretch."
"If you were to put a giant shell of green around the entire Sun, then it would send out a very bizarre signal to other intelligent civilizations out there."
"Fun fact in Hawaii, you put your pua on the left ear, that means you're taken."
"On August 15th, 1977, a strong narrow band radio signal was received... bore the expected hallmarks of extraterrestrial origin."
"The longer that chirp signal is, the higher the resolution."
"Midnight passed when suddenly I heard a clear whistle, twice repeated."
"Knowing that they had been discovered and that no purpose was likely to be served by remaining any longer, they then summoned me by the agreed signal."
"Volume is what gives me my green light go."
"The beacons of Gondor are lit, Rohan must be ready for war."
"During the quantization, the sampled voltage might still be affected a little bit by the input signal."
"Pain is your brain's way of saying move, pivot, change, stop doing what you're doing."
"The Wow signal was extremely powerful, 30 times the background, far more than what might be produced by hydrogen streaming off a comet."
"A log cabin quilt with a black center was a signal on the Underground Railroad, representing a safe house for runaways to stop at."
"Porch light means it's time to come home."
"When I put the hat on, that means I got to go."
"When that foghorn blows, you know I will be coming home."
"Ballista made the signal with his bow; the arrow with the bright fletchings shot almost vertical into the dark sky."
"It's not just a signal; that's a call for War."
"The signal was incredibly powerful and lasted for 72 seconds."
"We're going to end up being at the negative trigger point."
"We're going to take the Fourier transform of that time domain signal and we're going to get a spectrum from that."
"From FPGA, we will provide zero to the enable point."
"The output we declare this as a wire and it is a 7 bit signal which is called A to G."
"Pain is our way of knowing something's wrong."
"At one point they become in sync again; that's where you see the strongest signal."
"It has diversity antennas, that's going to give you better flight signal."
"The signal is one of the only ever proven non-terrestrial signals."
"If you prioritize privacy, Signal is one of the best, if not the best app currently available on the market."
"The repeating signal came from somewhere very far away, like billions of light-years away from us."
"Consciousness is the embodiment of that signal as processed by the body."
"It's a signal of trustworthiness, I think, and honesty."
"The wow signal is a truly captivating event that occurred in 1977 while scientists were scanning the skies for signs of extraterrestrial life."
"The main signal in the U.S. economy is education."
"In that day the root of Jesse, will stand as a signal for the peoples."
"The problem we have is a very low signal-to-noise ratio; the signal is small, the noise is large."
"He will appear whenever the bat signal shows up high in the sky."
"We got ourselves a signal from some other form of intelligence, people what have you."
"Having three consecutive dojis is extremely rare but when this pattern appears on the chart, it's a very strong and significant signal and usually after that the price experiences a sharp reversal."
"That SOS sign on the side of this mountain saved the lives of two men from Tokyo in 1989."
"The steamboat captain would let her blow the whistle to let her dad know that they were there."
"Every time it gets an excitatory signal, it's going to generate the excitatory postsynaptic potential, depolarizing, becoming slightly positive, until it hits threshold."
"That's a signal you're dealing with a lot of brain power."
"That's a serious lap signal that will go out."
"VOR stands for VHF Omnidirectional Range, omnidirectional meaning it is sending a navigation signal out in every direction."
"You can also, of course, animate your fields with Signal to produce this animation."
"The purpose of this device soon became apparent when a powerful beacon shot up from the planet's surface into the void."
"If you can't get a minimum amount of power or signal to noise ratio at the end of your cable, you'll never be able to get so many bits per second."
"The black and white checkered flag is used to signal the end of the race."
"The signal is coming from Hyrule Castle."
"A hammer signal in the oversold area tells you the next uptrend is starting."
"The armies are assembled and they blow their conches which is the sign that war is going to begin."
"An analog signal can have any value."
"Everybody wants a powerful receiver, everybody wants the best signal for the weakest signal."
"It's like a beacon, they can hear it in the night."
"Which flag is flown by a ship leaving port? The Blue Peter."
"A continuous signal goes in, how does it come out? It comes out as [-A] cos ωt + kx."
"The super trended moving averages indicator is once again indicating a bullish signal."
"Constructive interference amplifies received signal amplitude; destructive interference attenuates the received signal amplitude."
"Right away signaling to the body that it's okay to relax."
"The time domain shows how a signal changes over time."
"The frequency domain graph shows how much of the signal lies within each frequency."
"A signal is represented by a sum of sinusoids of different frequencies with certain magnitude and, in some cases, a certain amount of phase shift."
"There's no such thing as sending a '1' on a wire; you send a voltage signal or a current signal on a wire."
"This is a one-dimensional signal although you may have multiple channels; nevertheless, it is still one-dimensional because there is only one running variable."
"You can do a signal strength test."
"We return 0 to let the computer know that the program ran correctly."
"The moving average is not the signal; price is the signal."
"A digital mode capable of low signal to noise operation."
"Block the amateur signal with a filter at the antenna input of the affected receiver."
"It is important that all countries, especially the small states, send a clear signal that we are united for peace."
"Signal means intelligence is behind it."
"The data analysis problems here are huge and you have to be able to pick out a tiny signal from huge amounts of data."
"A discrete signal has only value at a discrete time instant, not in between."
"They put SOS in huge letters and they were spotted by a helicopter and picked up."
"Three puffs in a row means emergency."
"We have achieved that with the help of a PWM signal something like this, on for short duration, off for a longer duration, again on for short duration, off for short duration and so on."
"The universe is trying to get your attention about something."
"A small signal... activates an even bigger bunch of enzymes, and at every step along the cascade, the signal gets bigger and bigger."
"Feeling stuck is a signal from your soul that you need growth."
"The beauty of the signal and the beauty of the simple symphony is in what you can extract from the tiny wiggles or the wiggles on tops of wiggles."
"Fasting... it's like sending out a spiritual signal that captures God's attention."
"Communication is the art where the signal is the source and the system is the medium, ensuring the message is faithfully transmitted."