
Appropriation Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"Until we can own our economics, we won't own our culture, and it will continue to be appropriated."
"People love hip-hop, people love black culture, and people love black things on people, but a lot of times, they don't like it on black people."
"Cultural colonialism and its modern iteration of cultural appropriation requires a power dynamic in which an ethnicity dominates the other ethnicity by taking a claim to their cultural markers and redefining said markers through the dominant cultural lens and claiming it as their own curation."
"It's offensive, yeah, it's not your culture so I don't think you should appropriate it."
"It's actually unbelievable how much of our culture was yoinked from this."
"Appropriation is only negative if you're financially exploitative or doing it in bad... everybody should be encouraging everybody to do that's awesome."
"There is definitely a fine line between appreciating a culture and appropriating from it."
"Young people's experiences and ideas are being appropriated by adults and then fed back to them as their voice."
"He is appropriating the moral framework and the language that the Bible uses to his own ideas."
"Put some respect on black language and refrain from engaging in black linguistic appropriation."
"I love you, I appreciate you, and I stole your idea."
"Everybody takes from everybody else. And as long as you're not attacking that culture, take it and do something beautiful with it for the people that it's gonna benefit."
"When we gatekeep our culture and call out their appropriation, now we're starting to gatekeep our Black American culture, and we should have done that a long time ago."
"This illusion disguises how much labor, how much of others' ideas and creativity, how much art and passion and life has been used and sometimes appropriated."
"Cultural appropriation is such a hot topic now, everybody wants things back."
"There's no such thing as Greek philosophy; it's stolen African philosophy."
"You can't braid my [__] hair and then say, 'Oh, stand in front of my green wall.'"
"It's like she didn't just steal a language, she stole an identity."
"To say that James was livid was an understatement she felt robbed her hard work and creativity stolen and repackaged for a white audience."
"Stealing someone's thunder comes from an 18th-century playwright."
"We're colonizers, we just come here and claim stuff, start planting flags and taking it."
"We black people made country, and white folks just took it over."
"Yeah but i never really thought about the fact that there are like some people in other countries and okay we're not talking about appropriation because that's a different discussion yeah but just like taking a logo from a city that some people would be mad about."
"European history begins with Greco-Roman civilization, eliminating or appropriating much of African history as their own creation."
"He says 'I have always thought ‘Dixie’ one of the best tunes I have ever heard. Our adversaries over the wat attempted to appropriate it but I insisted yesterday that we fairly captured it.'"
"He remembered very clearly down to the smallest detail how that night he spent a long time working on the project and in the end the result of his painstaking work was appropriated by the boss and the company fired him."
"He had just turned 25 he remembered very clearly down to the smallest detail how that night he spent a long time working on the project and in the end the result of his painstaking work was appropriated by the boss and the company fired him."
"Trying to come into the game by exploiting their culture is not gonna get too far, you know what I'm saying?"
"Faith doesn't make God do anything. Faith just reaches out and appropriates what God has already provided."
"You can satisfy self by appropriating the feeling that you are what you want to be."
"Rest is the highest kind of faith. Faith appropriates. Faith takes possession of what Jesus has already made available."
"comradeship then on the one hand was all was a was invoked by the left as a kind of Brotherhood of the trenches as opposed to the Brotherhood of the working-class but the Nazis managed to capture the term for their own use."
"It may be fashionable to play Indian now, but it was also trendy 125 years ago when people paid five dollars a piece for falsified documents declaring them native on the Dawes Roll."
"Culture appropriation is intersectional."
"Appropriation is not appreciation. If the culture that you're copying isn't appreciating it, it's not appreciation."
"The term woke is something that was [__] hijacked by white people where woke initially came out and it was about being aware of social injustices for black people and then now white people stole the word woke and now they would just apply woke to everything that we don't like."
"Hallelujah came from Hebrew, but the modern expression, and we owned that [ __ ]. They took it over, hijacked it, they tried to use it for our detriment, and we turned around and turned it into something that feels good."
"Faith only appropriates what God has already provided by Grace."
"An architectural space is appropriated once a building is completed and everyday life begins."
"Faith is simply how you appropriate what has already been provided by grace."
"You cannot appropriate what you postponed. Religion postpones the kingdom."
"Black artists have always had to be more Innovative more creative than their white counterparts because again didn't matter what it was they were doing it was going to get stolen and repackaged."
"Cultural appropriation and misappropriation are a real concern."
"I feel like they just shouldn't have touched cultures at all."
"The original Candyman has been not only a staple of the character but the very nature of how Candyman was originally appropriated for both American and African-American storytelling."
"That's messed up, you know what I mean? Like, the fact that they're just putting Joe Biden's name to it, yeah, that just makes it even more messed up."
"Paul does something quite radical. What he does is he appropriates an old pagan motif."
"Appreciating culture is way different from appropriating it, and I can see the difference from a mile away."
"He realizes he does know somebody that's using his symbol that kid flash in the Teen Titans."
"'Kid Flash just showed up one day and he took the Flash's name and his symbol just not cool in the superhero community.'"
"A white photographer figured out a way to profit off black women without ever having to pay one."
"The totality as it appears in the head, as a totality of thoughts, is a product of a thinking head which appropriates the world in a way different from the artistic, religious, practical, and mental appropriation of this world."
"You go get your own names, that's a whitey name. Well, you're now appropriating, I'm saying the cultural appropriation, it's a two-way street."
"...it's not striving, it's not earning, it's not even trying to appropriate my faith into what Jesus has already given me, it's like no, I already have these things, does Jesus already have it, so do you, so do you."
"Faith is how you reach out and appropriate what God has already provided."
"Appropriate the bodies of young black people."
"That's the thing he knows how to do, and it's yeah, and I I think probably the smartest thing he's done in this whole process is co-opt the Matrix movies in his messaging."
"Gucci ruined culture by suing Dapper Dan. Now they're ruining it by ripping him off."
"Somewhere along the line, these Nazi characters took it on and just ran with it."
"Bumpy is nothing other than the hero of the little engine that could, a subject position that has been appropriated by Tony in this text."
"cultural appropriation is real and a huge problem in kpop"
"Cultural appropriation is simply when people borrow or use elements from other people's culture."
"The influences come together here harmoniously, giving the sense of near familiar cultural heritage that is different enough to not become culturally inappropriate."
"To rapidly create, in the city, beautiful, joyous settings that can be appropriated."
"This was yet another case of a white celebrity claiming to have started a beauty technique that has only been practiced by women of color."
"It is the nature of the soul to appropriate all things."
"The history of cultural appropriation and whitewashing in Western media has its roots in blackface, yellow face, or brown face."
"When you consume that product directly at the expense of the producer... you're not just an appropriator now but you're an objectifier and thereby a dehumanizer."
"All is yours. Do not go seeking for that which you are. Appropriate it, claim it, assume it."
"At what point does imitation become cultural appropriation? You be the judge."
"Mandalorians were using it first, and the empire was like, 'I like that, I'm going to take it. It's mine now.'"
"Cultures are complex and they change over time; they're dynamic processes that do not merely participate in appropriation but are themselves composed of appropriation."
"Communism deprives no man of the power to appropriate the products of society; all that it does is to deprive him of the power to subjugate the labour of others by means of such appropriations."
"I think cultural appropriation is very real."
"There's a difference between appreciation and appropriation."