
Emotional Guidance Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"The heart should be the one driving you; the soul should be driving you in all your decisions."
"Your heart will really affect the way the year is governed, thoughts become things but following your heart is important."
"Your emotions are going to tell you so dang clearly and strongly when you're doing something you're not supposed to be doing."
"Do you think I did the right thing by listening to my heart?"
"Follow your heart, that's all I can say right now."
"Listen to your heart... drop into the feeling of love."
"Get out of your head and back into your heart."
"Your emotions are guiding you, and your instincts are on point."
"From career advancements to deepening connections in love, the stars are aligning to bring positive changes and renewed energy."
"Trust your intuition and navigate through this month with an open heart."
"Chase this uncertainty where your heart is telling you to go."
"If you dictate with love, if you show with love, if you move with love, they'll be willing to present the love."
"They're moving into belief in what their heart and intuition is telling them, following their heart towards you."
"Living from the heart, letting your heart guide you forward."
"Allow emotion to be the gas in your car, but make sure logic and information are at the steering wheel."
"Just trust the love. It's time to trust the love."
"Fear is a very powerful element of your emotional guidance system. So when you feel fear, it makes you know that the next step is to turn your attention towards whatever perception that is or whatever thought you're thinking."
"Film music acts as basically this invisible hand that is guiding you subconsciously."
"I feel like this person helped you kind of get out of the fog. I feel like maybe you were in a point in your life where you were just like, you know what, this is what I'm settling for."
"Don't let your intelligence get in the way of what your heart chakra is telling you."
"Trust your inner knowing because it can save you from heartaches."
"The heart will always tell you what is true for you in the moment."
"Listen to your heart, listen to your intuition."
"Our emotions are like a compass, guiding us toward our soul's highest path."
"You are meant to help people with navigating their pain."
"Our intuition is the very emotional guidance that allows us to know what feels right."
"Let love be your beacon... if there's someone who's really difficult to deal with, then love them a little bit harder."
"Don't lean on worry or fear; clarity will be shown."
"You create your own reality, and your feelings indicate how you're doing."
"This is not a time to be using the mind, it's a time to be using your value, your heart."
"Your feelings are always an indicator... When you're feeling good, you're on your path..."
"Listening to your heart is really important."
"Family ain't always blood... You should make decisions based on your feelings more than anything."
"This is someone who consults their intuition and their emotions when they make decisions."
"Negative emotion is an indicator that something needs to change."
"Follow your freaking heart that's the whole reading nourish what you want to grow I love this card like oh my God it's giving me very mother Mary I love it so much it makes me so freaking happy..."
"Listen to your heart when making this choice."
"It's subtle... your feelings are going to tell you which way to go."
"Your emotions are your messengers. That's all they are. They are messengers. They are feedback in an intelligent system that is highly developed over a long, long time to help you move away from danger and move towards that which is good for you."
"Mr. Rogers could talk about sad things like death depression difficult emotions assassination."
"Trust your intuition, just sit with that gut feeling."
"Love is the answer, you have to love your fellow man."
"Your guidance is to not get sucked into that past energy, that deep energy that had you down for so long, and to stay in this more high vibrating inspired energy."
"My goal is to use the power of astrology week after week to help you navigate your thoughts and your feelings."
"Choose love... be proud of your own unfoldment and choose love all the steps of the way because love will be your guidance to your own inner guidance system."
"Do what feels right for you... your barometer is your feelings."
"Listen to your own feelings and intuition about a situation."
"Follow your heart. It will never let you down because your heart wants what the heart wants."
"Your heart is your compass to your happiness."
"Follow this joyful feeling in terms of manifesting the next new opportunity."
"Your emotions are trying to show you a different perspective."
"Just check in and tune in with how you're feeling and let that feeling guide your journey."
"Keep looking ahead toward a bright future. Your heart will tell you if it's time to move on from this connection."
"Your heart has been nudging you forward for some time now but the cautious mind has kept you at bay."
"Boldly follow your emotions, intuition, spirit, and soul."
"Emotions and intuition are the keys to moving forward."
"Use your strength in your fire for the positive, not for the negative."
"The way you feel is your indication always one hundred percent of the time of whether you are in tune with the way the larger part of you sees this."
"Lead with the heart, it will never lead you astray."
"Patience is the key. All right, let's look at the root. In the root, you got the two of Cups energy."
"Let your heart lead the way... moving towards being more authentic."
"Your heart won't lie to you, your heart will tell you the truth."
"Your heart is your leader, you are heart-centered people."
"Follow your heart because that is the direction you want to go in."
"This person is leading with their heart, that is when everything comes to fruition, that is when it all comes together."
"Listen to your emotions they are bringing you guidance and it doesn't mean you have to fix something it may mean you have to make some clear decisions but immerse yourself in a space of learning."
"Sometimes you lose your way emotionally, and somebody's got to give you that tough love."
"You're not supposed to be anxious as a Christian."
"Telling a story through music is a beautiful way to kind of guide someone's emotions."
"The answer is the North node. It's time to navigate life by pure emotion, by following our intuition, and doing what's in our hearts and souls."
"Trusting how something feels, it feels good, you go for it."
"Trust your heart this month, close your eyes and feel with your heart and see where that takes you."
"Follow your heart, follow your intuition, feelings are mutual, this is your something better."
"Make a decision based on your heart's true desires."
"Trust your intuition, follow your heart and your guts."
"Never do what you're not comfortable with, always go with your heart."
"Follow every emotion that feels right to you."
"Listen to your heart, what is your heart telling you?"
"Take back your power and listen to your intuition, desires, and feelings."
"Choose everything based on energy. How does it make you feel?"
"When you're leading with your heart, that's enough."
"Follow your heart, it's a powerful affirmation."
"You really have to listen to your heart and listen to your emotional truth."
"Listen to your heart because the heart wants what the heart wants."
"I'm ready to listen to my heart and soul and act on my feelings."
"Your feelings are really the GPS of your life."
"Meditation brings answers... get out of your head and follow what you feel."
"Follow your heart because that is where it's at."
"Your heart will illuminate the way, leading with your heart leads to peace of mind."
"Your emotions act as navigators for your reality."
"Your faith can either lead your emotions to understand what God is calling you to do, or your faith can run over the top of your emotions."
"Search your feelings, follow your instincts."
"Feelings are there to help you, not hurt you."
"Have faith. If you keep in this kind of an energy, this five of cups energy, or if you frequent this kind of energy, this is where you're gonna stay."
"When it comes to your romantic love life for the rest of the month, guys, pay attention to your dreams, listen to your intuition here on this connection."
"If you want love, you have to lead with love."
"Now, trust honor and follow the lead of the good emotions that you now have."
"Women are intuitive, we guide men spiritually and emotionally."
"Allow yourself to be led by a soft heart, it can show you a gentler world."
"Don't judge yourself by where you are at any point in time on the emotional scale, just understand that your guidance system is working."
"If I feel both excitement and fear at the same time... that's kind of your emotions telling you, do this, you must try this."
"Follow your heart and don't be afraid of your emotions."
"It is our job as adults to help these adolescents navigate their emotional world."
"Your emotions are your guidance; do not shut them off ever."
"Emotions are powerful guides to shift us into a higher, more balanced state of being."
"Our heart oftentimes takes the driver's seat, and it directs us to where it thinks it should go."
"Your emotions are there to guide your behavior, not to make you feel good."
"Backgrounds can be tonally shaped to help the audience understand how the character should be feeling in any given environment."
"We live by faith, not by sight; we need to live by faith, not by feelings."
"All of us have followed our feelings, our emotions, our gut."
"Artfully handled the subject of grief and loss in a way that I think doesn't tell you necessarily how to feel."
"Follow your happiness on a moment-to-moment basis by tuning into your own emotions."
"Trust that you can move into your heart and you'll know what to do with your emotions."
"Your emotions and convictions will lead the way."
"They're choosing to follow their heart."
"Your emotions, Libra, are supposed to help you move into a new direction, it's supposed to help you awaken to something that you weren't really seeing before."
"Always listen to your feelings, you guys, literally, even if you think it's stupid, listen to your feelings."
"Listen to your heart and follow your emotions; that's the pathway out."
"Anger is powerful but it's also beautiful in terms of it is such a beautiful guide if you understand how to listen to it."