
Angular Quotes

There are 183 quotes

"Angular gives you rapid development. You can do things like routing, event handling, validation, and many other things in a fraction of the time and the amount of code that it would take using just straight JavaScript or something like jQuery."
"One of the questions that a lot of beginners ask me is, 'Maash, how do I save my data in Angular?' Well, you don't."
"Angular has a huge community support; it's backed by Google."
"The demand for Angular developers is increasing constantly."
"Components are the basic building blocks of your Angular 5 application."
"Components, interpolation, property binding, two-way data-binding, event binding, and animation—key concepts in Angular 5 development."
"That's how you use and share data between different components using a service file."
"Angular binds HTML and JavaScript objects... so you don't have to write such kind of a binding code."
"Angular animations module: simplifying animation implementation."
"Implementing fade in and fade out effects in Angular."
"Angular's already entered a new era, this Renaissance."
"Angular has the concept of services, which increase modularity and reusability."
"Ivy offers numerous advantages: improved type checking and error reporting, better debugging, smaller bundle sizes, and so much more."
"Angular apps saw a reduction of 30% in bundle size."
"Meet standalone components, a new, simpler way to build components in Angular."
"As your team grows, Angular makes it easy to onboard new developers."
"The Angular CLI's ng update command unlocks all that the newest Angular has to offer."
"We're committed to moving the framework forward while providing a backwards compatible experience."
"There's never been a better time to be an Angular developer."
"Understanding reactive forms is a very valuable skill to have as an angular developer."
"Angular makes your app installable as a PWA with just a few steps."
"Bundling your code? Not a major pain with Angular."
"Angular ships with a ton of features out of the box."
"Structural directives: powerful tools for conditional rendering."
"Component-based UI architecture: a cornerstone of Angular."
"Smart component vs. UI component: understanding the difference."
"Angular makes it easy for you to keep your app data in sync with the UI."
"Angular was really the first major framework to encourage the use of TypeScript."
"Angular CLI is powerful, allowing dynamic generation of components and services."
"Custom methods in Angular components extend functionality beyond basics."
"A component in angular 6 provides you with the basic building blocks of your angular app."
"The purpose of the service files makes it so that if we have any type of reusable code that we want access through all of our components then we can create a service out of it."
"We're going to import HTTP client, it's all one word, and then from angular common HTTP."
"Angular 6 comes with its own animation library, and it is quite powerful."
"There's a lot of benefits for using a reactive approach in Angular than using a procedural approach."
"Angular offers code consistency and easy testing, making developers' lives easier."
"The 'app.component.ts' file defines a component in Angular, including metadata like selectors, template URLs, and style URLs."
"Angular applications start from the 'index.html' file, where the root component is rendered."
"You can use the Angular component selector directly or mount the component inside an HTML element using its selector."
"The 'app-routing.module.ts' file defines the routing configuration for the Angular application, enabling navigation between different components."
"So with the help of the service class you can transfer the data from one component to the another component which are not in any relationship right so these are the ways by which you can transfer the data in angular right so yeah."
"This is the angular way of creating navigation, awesome."
"Angular is one of the most popular front-end frameworks out there."
"Angular material library contains some components that do a lot of otherwise time-consuming work for us."
"Even binding in Angular allows listening for and responding to user actions like keystrokes, mouse events, clicks, and touches."
"Two-way binding in Angular enables sharing data simultaneously between parent and child components, combining event and property binding."
"Angular Services provide a way to separate app data and functions, allowing reuse across multiple components, with extended support for HTTP client."
"HTTP interceptors in Angular perform various tasks related to HTTP requests and responses, such as adding headers, handling errors, and authentication."
"Angular Forms are used to handle user inputs and apply validation, with two types: template-driven forms and reactive forms."
"Template-driven forms in Angular are the simplest way to build forms, utilizing two-way binding and NG model."
"Reactive forms in Angular provide access to form controls through properties and methods, based on reactive programming principles, allowing for dynamic form handling."
"Angular Validators class is used for checking validations, providing built-in functions such as minimum length, maximum length, required, and pattern validations."
"Angular offers several state management options, including component state, RxJS, services, and ngrx, with local state options like session storage and local storage."
"Data can be passed between components in Angular using input and output decorators, view child decorator, or through services or ngrx for unrelated components."
"Signals in Angular are wrappers around values that can notify interested customers when the value changes, similar to observables."
"Lazy loading is a technique allowing the deferred loading of certain parts of an Angular application, reducing initial load time and improving performance."
"Interpolation in Angular is the data binding syntax allowing the embedding of expressions into marked-up text."
"If you can angularize a curve, do so. This is still your kind of light, sketchy drawing. Go for an overly angularize."
"Angular leverages a component hierarchy in the markup."
"Continuous learning and improvement in Angular development."
"Using the Angular CLI, we can generate a service."
"Angular is this a cool framework built by Google to help developers build a front end with more smart, fast, and more secure."
"Every component is associated with a template and template would be like this section where you can have your mock-up HTML markup."
"With Angular, most of the decisions are already taken for you, so just go and start."
"The incremental DOM updates directly in the DOM tree, so you don't have an intermediate tree."
"With two-way binding, the data change if it changes on the template, the component updates those changes."
"Just make sure that you use the latest release of Angular and follow the best practices."
"Behavioral subject is the ones type of observable you would want to use whenever you want to emit something immediately."
"With ngFor, you can iterate over a list of items and create some dynamic part of the application."
"I love the just the angular design, just really jagged lines to the headlights, they just look really, really good."
"NgRx is a useful tool for people who are learning Angular, not just for its intended purpose managing state in your applications, but also to help you learn important concepts for building professional quality applications with Angular."
"Now it's time for us to look at how do we go and explore more and advance our knowledge using Angular documentation."
"Lazy loading is one of the best things in Angular."
"This video has given you enough knowledge that you can start building Angular applications."
"This just tells Angular to only rerender items that have changed and it will dramatically improve the user experience and performance."
"The special thing about Angular is that we can wrap this attribute in square brackets and then bind it to our TypeScript."
"The advantage of Angular is it is a single page application... and it is flexible, flexible and extensible."
"NgRx is a collection of open-source libraries for Angular, built with reactivity to supercharge your Angular apps."
"If we know just these two pieces of RxJS, how to use observables and pipeline operators, we can solve most of the problems that we encounter in our day-to-day Angular lives."
"Angular is an epic framework; it contains so many great building blocks that allow us to write well-structured and clean code."
"NestJS is deeply inspired by Angular, so it allows us to use a similar approach also in the backend."
"My mission for as long as I can remember is to make learning Angular easier to everyone."
"Caching for performance tells the Angular worker it's okay to use the cache to speed up requests."
"This is now a fully-fledged Angular Progressive Web App."
"Angular is actually one of the top projects by number of contributors."
"Angular is an open-source JavaScript front-end framework which is completely written in TypeScript."
"Angular enables users to build their own components that can pack functionality along with rendering logic into reusable pieces."
"Angular is a full-fledged framework and provides out-of-the-box solutions for server communication, routing with your application, and more."
"Components are the most basic building blocks of the UI in an Angular application."
"Pipes are simple functions that are designed to accept a particular input value, process this value, and return an output which is a transformed value."
"Promises emit a single value at a time while observables are only executed when subscribed to them using the subscribe method."
"Angular uses the regular DOM, which updates the entire tree structure of HTML tags until it reaches the data that has to be updated."
"It became the second most popular state management library in Angular."
"Angular gives us quite a few features out of the box that other frameworks don't."
"We're taking an Angular application with TypeScript and it's compiling down to JavaScript that's being translated to native API calls on the devices."
"The ability to run Angular on a native application means I can share some code between the two applications."
"Angular is actually built on TypeScript."
"Our mission with Angular is to help you deliver web apps with confidence."
"Change detection is the process where we check all of our binding values and if they've changed, we rerun through the view to reflect the updated values."
"This might seem like a micro-optimization, and it is, but over large templates, it actually makes a big difference."
"It's easier than ever not to leak memory accidentally because we're no longer responsible for managing subscriptions, and this makes it possible to build entire Angular applications without zones by leveraging the idea that all of us use observables to track state changes."
"I want to know: can we provide a better experience for reactive programmers trying to author Angular components?"
"My goals for improving reactivity in Angular are this: I want to make it so that developers can use observable values easily in their template."
"Zones tell Angular when to run change detection."
"That's actually currently the best and fastest way to get started with Angular."
"You just created your first Angular application."
"The Angular documentation is really good."
"As Angular developers, we often work with RxJS and observables."
"Over the years, I have profiled hundreds of Angular applications, and I have noticed that the majority of performance challenges fit into a couple of different patterns."
"Angular DevTools is a Chrome DevTools extension that you can install from the Chrome Web Store."
"It allows you to preview the structure of your application in the Component Explorer."
"We're working on this thing called the Ivy project. It is the next generation Angular renderer."
"Angular, of course, is a popular open-source JavaScript framework, and we write that with TypeScript."
"As a front-end developer, this should be really important to you because you can take advantage of native development concepts with Angular."
"Let's build something useful, so maybe we'll learn some Angular along the way."
"An Angular service is simply a TypeScript class with an @Injectable decorator."
"Angular services are singleton, meaning that only a single instance of a service gets created and the same instance is used by each and every building block in the application."
"Angular provides a built-in directive called ngModel, using which we can easily bind the data in a two-way direction."
"Angular makes use of observables as an interface to handle a variety of common asynchronous operations."
"The Angular package format is a set of guidelines and best practices which the Angular team itself develops and uses for distributing the Angular core packages."
"So that's why the Angular team coined the term FESM, flat ECMAScript modules."
"That's how you can build a sortable and searchable table with Angular."
"I think directives are the coolest features of Angular because what they basically let you do is teach the browser new tricks."
"Directives is basically this magic that is very unique to Angular."
"Applications like Gmail, Upwork, Nike, and Forbes, among others, are built using Angular."
"Angular has been built from the ground up with testability in mind."
"The learning curve of Angular is clear cut; in the beginning, it could be a little intimidating, but once you start using the tool, it becomes way easier to comprehend."
"Many top-tier companies like Nike, Forbes, Google, HBO, Sony, Upwork, among others, readily deploy Angular."
"Angular pipes are inevitably used when you want to format data."
"Angular sings when it has a real model."
"The gamification of Angular... it's a really cool term that a friend of mine coined for this, and I really like this term."
"After a while, you're gonna feel like Angular really rocks, and you're gonna kind of run with it."
"I can assure you that at the end of this series, you will be able to build an entire feature module and Angular CRUD functionality in your application if you follow this series."
"Angular 2 is known for its super heroic abilities."
"Angular is very, very modular and this really results in very small bundles and very quick load times."
"Templates tell Angular how to render components, they are like HTML with some enhancements."
"Cool things are happening in the world of Angular."
"Angular has less code, therefore less bugs, maintainability."
"I think it's a fantastic framework."
"It's full-featured, it's a new syntax from the old way that you wrote your Angular apps."
"I am a big fan of Angular, have been for a long time now."
"One of my favorite features that's come out is the ability to do data binding."
"The Angular stuff is basically the same thing."
"These lifecycle hooks are being facilitated by Angular so that you can make use of different stages in the component lifecycle."
"ngOnInit is called when the component is initialized."
"ngAfterViewInit is the lifecycle hook where you can access the DOM elements."
"These are the methods which will be called only once in the lifecycle of a component: ngOnInit, ngAfterContentInit, ngAfterViewInit, ngOnDestroy."
"How to programmatically navigate to other routes? You have to use router module and you have to use navigate method."
"There are two types of forms in Angular: template-driven forms and reactive forms."
"The biggest thing that will change with the Angular compiler is not the compiler itself, but that we will make AOT the default."
"This is all about being one with Angular, and Angular is one with me."
"We can create components in Angular using Angular CLI."
"Services are classes that main objective is to share data and functions among different components in Angular app."
"Directives can be predefined or we can build custom directives."
"The one-way data binding is unidirectional and it allows to bind data only from component to the view or from view to component."
"Angular router allows to navigate from one view to another without reloading."
"We aim to use best practices for Angular and serve as an example for the community."
"Witness the power of our fully functional Angular application."
"I used to say I'm a father of Angular, or the Creator."
"Feature modules or modules in general are the fundamental blocks of building Angular applications."
"Angular material is a project from the Angular team with the aim of creating a set of high-quality UI components based on Google's material design specification."
"Angular says, 'I got you covered, I'll inject that with dependency injection.'"
"We start our journey with Angular... we needed a way to dynamically bootstrap components on demand based on viewport or user actions."
"With Angular 2, we have template code that is easy to read and easy to write; new developers can easily understand what's going on in the view."
"A tremendous thank you to the Angular team who I think have done a fantastic job."
"Angular Material is simply Google's material design made to use for Angular projects."
"Now we have to iterate through these using ngFor and we're going to embed these in Material Design cards."
"Typescript is a language in itself; Angular was actually built using Typescript."
"Angular 2 is really leaning towards... they shouldn't have to reload the entire page."
"We're probably gonna be writing multi-platform Angular 2 applications."