
HTML Quotes

There are 290 quotes

"Angular has often been described as what HTML would have been if it were created for dynamic web applications instead of just static websites."
"HTML... is the basis of defining how websites are actually defined."
"The first two technologies that you're going to want to learn are always going to be HTML and CSS because these are the building blocks of the web."
"HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, and it's a markup language, not a programming language."
"The body tag, everything inside this, this is the stuff that actually gets rendered to the browser."
"The head tag is for page information like the title."
"If you're ever wondering on a website how they've done something or how they've coded something, you can just right-click that element and see how they've created that HTML code right here."
"This course is designed to get you up and running with both of these, HTML and CSS, in no time so that pretty soon you can start making your own awesome websites."
"HTML is the foundation of all websites. It allows your websites to display text, images, videos, like anything you see on websites today."
"You can design websites without learning HTML coding, but it's not recommended."
"Fear, mistrust, division; werewolf ravages your town."
"Use Emmet for shorthand, dramatically speeds up HTML and CSS workflow."
"You're talking about HTML, I would know this because I'm a smart fourth grader."
"When HTML defines something, you know that it's important."
"It's always a good practice to have an alt tag for your images."
"With these inline elements, you can just store them right next to each other in the file, and that's the difference between the two main display types in HTML: block display and inline display."
"HTML is classified as a declarative language. Declarative languages describe a desired result without explicitly listing steps."
"A view is a website and it's the HTML code that you can modify."
"HTML: it's a bunch of tags and attributes with values."
"Let's add one more code block to the base.html file for the browser's tab title."
"HTML is structured in a way where all the information is contained within certain tags."
"You don't have to be extremely familiar with HTML in order to scrape websites."
"HTML is well-structured, containing all the necessary information within its tags."
"You can actually see the HTML that makes up any element on a web page by right-clicking an element."
"Semantic HTML is so important... it makes it easier to consume."
"Semantic HTML: exploring why it's important and easy solutions to follow."
"It gives us a lot of accessibility tools, including a really easy way to break down semantic HTML."
"Landmarks assistive technologies can use to identify different parts of a page."
"HTML deserves a spot in the amazing category."
"This basically means emphasize something, and what the browser does when it sees something inside the e/m tag is it italicizes that."
"This right here is going to make this text orange in the browser."
"Look how quickly we can do this, just shift tab and boom, we have our boilerplate generated."
"Let's take a look at some fairly common HTML elements that we use."
"HTML actually does some validation for us if we specifically specify that 'Hey, this is an email.'"
"HTML provides various elements and attributes to create interactive and user-friendly web pages."
"That's how to create a table in HTML."
"If the guy who made the HTML Plus+ framework thought that this is how it worked, that's a fault of the language, not a fault of the individual."
"we can also do it like this where we specify a selector which is some sort of input or class or id and then we can specify the content itself"
"Super spicy take as soon as hydration existed this should have existed too the fact that there was a concept of HTML that react hydrates and binds things too and that can fail that is the point at which we should have had these types of Errors."
"...jsx is what HTML would be if it were a programming language and it had logic."
"Components can be thought of as custom HTML elements."
"As you insert different headers into your HTML file, don't think of how it looks. Instead, choose the header based on the meaning that you want to convey."
"So anytime you add an image to a page, it's always good to include these four attributes, including the source, the width, the height, and also the alt text."
"If you're interested in using audio or video, do know that you have additional attributes that you can use."
"We've now looked at many of the different available elements within HTML, but up to this point, we haven't yet formed a proper HTML page."
"Look at that. We're creating our very first HTML file."
"We've now included some content into our HTML file."
"Headers actually give semantic meaning, saying this is the main topic, this is a sub-topic."
"Headers do have semantic importance and that means giving meaning to our content."
"Lists are very useful and are used in many places on the web."
"Documents need organization and our HTML files are no different. HTML achieves document organization with semantics."
"Congratulations on completing your HTML project! Remember to keep striving for progress over perfection."
"HTML is an acronym that stands for Hypertext Markup Language."
"Hypertext is the ht in html and it's what links together everything on the web. It's really what makes the web work so well."
"HTML achieves document organization with semantics."
"A semantic element clearly describes its meaning to both the browser and developer."
"Using semantic elements makes the code more readable and accessible."
"Section should be used for grouping related content, while article is best for content that can be distributed independently."
"Remember, HTML defines the structure, and CSS defines the style of a web page."
"Google actually gives you all the HTML you need to load that. So what you do is just copy it from here, you paste it here in the head of your document, and you're good to go."
"HTML is good, HTML in fact is better most of the time for web applications."
"What block, inline, and inline block are, what the differences are, and why it matters."
"Block-level elements will always force a new line of content."
"Inline elements are for when you don't want a new line of text."
"It's actual HTML that's generated which we'll show here in a second, and then your web developer copies and pastes that online to then be modified to the format and the look and feel of the rest of your website."
"There's all these interactive widgets you can use for HTML to add more functionality to your documents."
"Let's create a basic website layout using HTML and CSS."
"Text formatting in HTML gives special emphasis, creating bold, italic, underline, deleted, big, small, subscript, superscript, monospaced, and highlighted text."
"HTML stands for hypertext markup language."
"Semantic tags nowadays allow you to use actual names of tags, like header and main and even footer."
"Let's build a simple, professional website using HTML, CSS, and a little bit of JavaScript."
"So let's make two more pages here or two more files, first I'll make a file called movie.html which will be the page that's just about the movie that has all the reviews."
"HTML comprises different elements, like the structure of a website."
"So, now that you know the basics of HTML and CSS, I'm going to teach you how to code in JavaScript."
"Don't skip the easy stuff like HTML."
"Selecting an element with its ID is a safe bet because the ID is a unique identifier of that element within the document."
"Now in Spring Framework 5.3.10, that will work with HTML Unit and MockMVC."
"Semantic HTML, and that just means using HTML elements that actually have meaning."
"In HTML, block elements include paragraph, table, H1, H2, and div."
"HTML or HyperText Markup Language is the standard markup language for creating web pages. It is used to structure a webpage and its content."
"An anchor tag or a tag is used to create hyperlinks. This creates a path between two different HTML web pages."
"HTML entities are a piece of text that begins with an ampersand and ends with a semicolon."
"Semantic elements are HTML elements that represent their meaning to the browser and developer about their contents."
"Meta tags are HTML tags that can be included in the web pages that describe what the web page is about."
"Here's the source code for the HTML site."
"So for each of these products, we're going to create some HTML."
"And now inside this template string, we're basically going to copy all the HTML for one of these products."
"Generating the HTML with JavaScript is a lot easier than copy pasting this HTML every time."
"This block is responsible for sending an HTML file to the request URL."
"...so next we want the date so we'll say date equals and let's let's use select this time we'll say select and there's a class of post - date..."
"So what we can do is on our HTML element, we can set a font size on here."
"We need all elements of the HTML to be loaded first."
"It's absolutely amazing what this can do, and this is with just CSS and HTML."
"This is our structure of our HTML. We have one grandparent element, two parent elements, and children inside of them."
"Canvas element is a special type of HTML tag that basically creates a drawing board where we can use JavaScript to create interactive circles, rectangles, lines, and so much more."
"You can host the latest version of HTML reports somewhere."
"If our elements are including the ID attribute, then this is actually the strongest attribute that the element could have to basically identify its uniqueness."
"HTML to me is one of the more easily understood languages."
"Absolutely mind-blowing things that people can do with just some HTML and CSS."
"The curve itself will have a position of absolute and be placed at the bottom of its parent div."
"You can create a whole website without using a single class or ID."
"This is a full client—a single HTML file with graphics, user interface, and JavaScript code."
"HTML was really just Mark, Tinker, and Hiroshi just making stuff they wanted to wear. It wasn't like, you know, it was just like, 'Oh, we think this could be cool.'"
"Let's do an h2 tag right below and we'll say datetime."
"...generates all of this boilerplate HTML for you."
"...you only have to type that opening word to get that tag generated."
"What if HTML had kept going? What if instead of going off and doing WebGL and all this stuff, what if they had said hey let's keep pushing HTML forward as a hypermedia?"
"The fastest way to get to first render on your page is HTML and CSS."
"We're going to take essentially this HTML that has a bunch of cards inside of a container... and we're going to implement this really cool animation."
"It's almost like having a custom modal component built into HTML, which is incredible."
"Relative XPath doesn't start from the root; it starts from the mid of the HTML DOM structure."
"We do not choose our heading elements based on how they look; we choose them based on their importance."
"HTML is rather repetitive; wouldn't it be great if you could organize it the way you do with functions and classes in Python? Spoiler alert: you can. Next up, template inheritance."
"HTML was pretty simple and it was pretty clear, so it must be really easy for search engines to digest everything there."
"We're going to be pulling the HTML code and then making use of the structure of HTML to be able to find specific pieces of data that we want."
"Beautiful Soup is an open-source Python library and its only job really is to extract data from HTML files."
"This is what it looks like when you combine HTML with just a little bit of CSS."
"When working with HTML and PowerShell, the command you're going to have to get used to is Convert to HTML."
"This command is a shortcut for taking objects and converting them to an HTML table."
"Sanitize HTML prior to rendering."
"HTML CSS support... gives us nice intellisense features to know about IDs, classes, embedded style sheets, and even external style sheets."
"Div stands for divisions; you can think of it as a section of the page."
"HTML plus Python Web Frameworks is a beautiful thing."
"None of what we do would be possible without HTML acting as the foundation."
"It has long seemed like HTML wasn't evolving, but things may be changing."
"This is literally all the HTML that we're going to need."
"We're going to make each one an li so the first one is going to say home."
"That's essentially all the HTML that we're needing."
"We're going to return our HTML content: 'Hello, world!'"
"Fetch helps us get the HTML markup of a website."
"Now we are printing out some HTML."
"If you find it within the actual HTML with HTML tags and everything like that, then there's a good chance that this method is going to work."
"Static generation is the pre-rendering method that generates the HTML at build time."
"Server-side rendering is the pre-rendering method that generates the HTML on each request."
"The moment I log in, I will run a particular shell script which will generate a beautiful HTML file."
"HTML has always been about semantics."
"A content model is a description of the element's intended contents."
"What if you want a whole bunch of records at once and you want it to be nicely formatted? Well, this is where the creating of an HTML table can come into play."
"A big part of being an HTML author is looking at the content and deciding what tag, what element works best for that piece of the content."
"It is the HTML pages that render the web application."
"HTML documents are made up of the elements and tags that formatted properly and display it on pages."
"HTML tags are used for placing the elements in a proper and appropriate format."
"The attributes are the properties that can be added to an HTML tag that change the way the tag behaves or displayed."
"The ordered list uses ol tag and displays elements in a numbered format."
"An unordered list uses ul tags and each element of the list is written between li tags."
"A table in HTML can be created or displayed using the table tag."
"You can insert a copyright symbol by using ampersand copy semicolon or ampersand hashtag 169 semicolon in an HTML file."
"The HTML SVG is used to describe the vector or raster graphics."
"The HTML iframe tag defines an inline frame."
"The logic behind an H1 is to be the most important content on the page."
"It just gets really easy to create whatever HTML you need for your web app."
"If I change this div to an h1, for example, it automatically updates the bottom tag."
"Web components... allow you to define your own custom HTML tags."
"To create a form, we'll need a pair of form tags."
"The action attribute sends data to this location, to this file."
"By default, the type is a text box, but we can specify that with the type."
"When you click on the label, your cursor will move to the text box."
"Adding a form to our HTML page makes our HTML interactive."
"HTML, HyperText Markup Language, is not a programming language; it's a markup language."
"Tag helpers are very focused around the HTML element and are much more natural to use as compared to HTML helpers."
"The latest version of HTML is called HTML5."
"We can add CSS to these web pages, we can add new content to the HTML."
"You'll want to use HTML and CSS when it's helpful for making very specific adjustments to your web page."
"Markdown is basically just simplified syntax for HTML being run through a processor when you render it to other formats."
"We provide a title of 'DOM' in this HTML."
"HTML lets you put the content on the page, and then we use CSS to make it pretty."
"Inline SVG elements, like any HTML element on the page, become controllable from outside."
"You never have to leave your HTML sheet in order to design or style your page."
"JavaScript can interact with the HTML, which means if we say type something into an input box or we click on a button, JavaScript can handle that action for us."
"Creating an HTML string that used our JSON data was not very enjoyable. Is there a better way of doing that? Absolutely, yes, there is a better way."
"The root layout is a function which we can use to determine how we structure the actual HTML of our website."
"We're coming to the end of the HTML section now and in the next videos, we will be working on our end of unit project."
"HTML or Hypertext Markup Language is a language we use to describe the structure of the web page."
"The browser receives bytes of HTML down the wire and from this, it constructs a DOM."
"Remember, the one thing that the functional component needs to do is return the so to speak HTML that we're going to be putting in the page."
"Hopefully, you can see how the idea of web components and reusable HTML is really powerful."
"A browser can faster generate and display HTML than it can wait for a network request."
"We're going to go back to the world of just HTML pages and JavaScript."
"Let's get started with our first bit of HTML."
"Semantic HTML tags are really important for accessibility."
"Please remember to check out my full HTML email course."
"HTML is short for HyperText Markup Language, which is a language that describes the structure of a web page."
"HTML is composed of a lot of tags that ultimately describe particular elements that show up on the web page."
"The en here just stands for English, and that just means that this HTML content is going to be an English-language website."
"And that tag is img—img standing for image, and the image tag takes some additional attributes, some additional information that the HTML element is going to need to know for the web browser to know how to display the image."
"HTML is the language that is used to create web pages."
"HTML is a little forgiving, but don't rely on that; always make sure to write good HTML code."
"The main table of the template where our table rows and table data tags will be nested within as well as some additional tables depending on the section."
"Functional components are typical JavaScript functions that return HTML."
"We are working with HTML documents. Yes, they are web pages, but technically they are documents."
"The section element is one of the most important and fundamental elements in web design and page building."
"And last but not the least, how to use HTML template within the body of the email."
"When two block elements are next to each other, they stack like actual blocks."
"HTML is one of the most user-friendly programming languages."
"The H1 element defines a large heading."
"It is considered good practice not to include the closing PHP tag if you don't intend to write HTML after writing PHP."
"This is how we get encapsulation for free on the web."
"It's thinking about building apps in a declarative HTML way, which is different than we're currently thinking about it."
"CSS is a really expressive language that helps us map behavior and visual formatting back onto HTML."
"HTML is the greatest programming language of all time."