
Gaming Influence Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"It's a little bit scary just how much of this game's influence can be felt today."
"This franchise has not only been hugely successful but has also been fundamental in shaping how we experience stealth action in video games today."
"Medal of Honor is primarily responsible for the rise in popularity of World War II shooters throughout the early to mid-2000s."
"It inspired H1Z1, PUBG, and eventually Fortnite. So if you like Fortnite, you basically have the Survival Games to thank."
"Quake influenced and pushed the medium of games to the next level."
"Huge speedrunning personalities like Trihex, Spike Vegeta, Grand Pooh Bear, and many more inspired a massive number of people."
"It's almost impossible to quantify just how much of an impact that studio and this series has had on the games we play today."
"It is a truth that's universally acknowledged that any 2D action platformer in the modern era must owe a debt to Mega Man X."
"Half-Life is a remarkable game that set standards for storytelling and immersion, influencing gaming permanently."
"This game is an institution to what games could be."
"Without The Walking Dead, we don't have 'Life is Strange,' 'Dreamfall Chapters,' or 'Until Dawn'."
"He is the most influential gamer that I have ever known, in terms of, especially in terms of Starcraft, but just of all time."
"The things RE4 did for games is a list and a video in itself."
"Gaming has the potential to be that gateway something that millions of people can discover love and potentially carry with them for the rest of their lives."
"Gran Turismo 3 helped start the system's legacy..."
"Gaming dictates entertainment today... where it was kind of an offshoot that was only recognized by the real core gamers."
"It's astonishing to see how much True PKFR has been able to capture."
"This is the game which created the arena side-scrolling beat-em-up genre. Without Renegade, we wouldn't have titles like Final Fight, Streets of Rage, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, River City Ransom..."
"Resident Evil 4 influenced so many third-person shooter games that it honestly doesn't feel out of place among the big action titles of today."
"The mechanics in every installment following this one were inspired by the systems and pacing introduced right here in Kingdom Hearts 2."
"Without D'Arnot, there'd be no UFO, no wave, there wouldn't be any levels with good deco, no fixed on 1.9, and everyone will probably be using 1.0 blocks all because of one creator."
"You can really influence a game by how you describe failure."
"Gray made this game, I feel like without gray maybe this game is a whole lot less interesting as well."
"Content creators showcasing high damage numbers with powerful constellations influence player spending."
"Maybe it was the dozens of iconic franchises the machine was home to."
"Starmie's influence on Generation 4 truly cannot be overstated."
"Metroid has been a part of my gaming mindset for as long as I've been gaming."
"I started playing Dark Souls because of the cast... now I'm a huge From Software fan."
"Slender brought about a revolution in horror games."
"The first fantasy star just did such a number on me... it helped shape who I became."
"Without that world that I had showed you guys in that video, I would have never gotten into both of these games and I would have almost surely never done youtube."
"System Shock 2 started a lot of mechanics that have made their way into just about everything in gaming."
"This series very well may be one of the most influential game franchises."
"Double Dragon set the standard for beat'em up."
"He's going to be transfer listed because people probably talk about all the time as they did in my football manager 2014 save"
"Some borrowed from the grittier, more mature, minimalistic, and more immersive feel of Myst."
"It's hard to do much else and I think that's why you take the top player's word for so much."
"Dungeon Master helped to popularize an entire frickin genre."
"Combat Evolved is responsible for pretty much the entirety of modern console first-person shooters."
"Resident Evil 4 is one of the most influential games of the current Millennium, no pressure or anything."
"Fortnite has become a gateway for children and adults alike to discover and love gaming."
"Minecraft developer's survival experiences can guide the future."
"Essentially, Mario Party helped create the party game genre as we know it today."
"Super Metroid was released on the SNES... it influenced an entire generation of game designers and is still thought of as the gold standard of the metroidvania."
"Symphony of the Night... where's its Super Metroid influence on its elegantly tailored sleeve."
"Games that stick in your gut long after you've put down the pad, games that change your perception, that gets inside and shift your core as if someone's tightened the focus ring on the lens through which you see life."
"Bam's Minecraft VR video literally made me get the catwalk and everything."
"Few games have influenced the landscape of PC gaming as much as DayZ."
"Max Payne's gameplay did for gaming in general at the time."
"We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for halo and its powerful impact on gaming."
"Street Fighter 2's influence cannot be overstated."
"One of the most influential games of all time."
"The impact this game has had, the ripple effects to modern games I've played is so hard to describe."
"The Elite Four commanded a respect that no other characters in Pokemon managed to harness. Some would go as far as to call them the heroes of their childhood."
"Resident Evil 2: the game that started my love for the genre."
"Golden Sun was such a big part of my childhood... it really shaped my interest as far as games that I would seek out in the future."
"The influence of Elite on open-world sandbox games cannot be overestimated. A mind-blowing achievement back in 1984."
"Metal Gear sort of became my one acting outlet."
"There will be an entire generation of TF2 players who will cite competitive mode as a reason why they started to play the game."
"Super Metroid, one of the most influential games of all time."
"Pokémon have been featured on actual currency."
"Halo's superb design and smooth control scheme simply worked better than any controller-based shooter had before it, and basically every shooter since has followed its lead to one extent or another."
"The Legend of Zelda did to action adventure games what Super Mario Bros did to platformers."
"Whenever I play something good, I always wanna see how it influences future titles."
"Mountaintop and Recluse are two weapons that were likely a big inspiration for the great sunsetting event that happened with the launch of Beyond Light."
"The Ranger is what happens when you have a book in a movie series that popularizes the characters so much that everybody wants to be that character in their own games."
"This game laid the groundwork for so many things to follow and once it hit shelves nothing was ever really the same again."
"Finding interest in gaming-inspired fashion."
"This game would go on to influence every Spider-Man game that came after it with its open world free roam design."
"Undertale is an influential game to say the least."
"It's like half video game and half car."