
Cultural Respect Quotes

There are 282 quotes

"The cultural norms of a people are honored. Islam does not want to uproot cultures."
"Hip-hop has never been respected by the Grammys. Black music has never been respected by the Grammys."
"I'm just a lover of all music and try to respect as much culture as I possibly can, regardless of what it is."
"Respectful greetings are not exactly what you would call optional. To use the correct phrases and speak politely and with respect towards people is such a significant part of Japanese culture."
"Respect the culture, respect the market, respect the consumers."
"We have so much respect for our Muslim cuties who celebrate Ramadan every year."
"It does for the 80s action movie a pretty good job of trying to be respectful of Chinese culture and society and characters."
"Metallica's music is deserving of respect and appreciation."
"We should have ethical ways to consume music that isn't at the expense of culture and artists."
"I hope that honors her and all indigenous women and all indigenous people."
"The answer to cultural appropriation is first respect the culture, understand the context of what you're adopting, give appropriate recognition, and please actively be anti-racist."
"Goodbye, grandma. We'll miss you so much. Let's bring honor to your feudal lord."
"There is so much culture to respect, understand, and appreciate."
"You don't talk to no black American you don't fix your lips doing no shit like that you better bow down and thank every black American you see."
"There's respect for other civilizations, or there's the default that if you're not Western, you're not human."
"I want the viewers to know that you in Turkish I have a lot of respect for."
"Tolerance is not good enough, what we asked for is mutual respect."
"If you move here, respect the culture. That means you, Karen."
"It's a hugely important gesture with regards to consideration, respect, and honor by the Maori."
"Disturbing their final resting place is not only perceived as a physical intrusion but also a spiritual transgression, the sanctity of the burial site intended to serve the emperor in the afterlife is intricately woven into cultural beliefs."
"Part of our work is to respect these medicines and then to change the culture enough that people doing them can be respected and held... not everybody needs to do them, not everybody should or wants to."
"Young men launch revolutions when they feel hopeless, sexually frustrated, and left out of the system."
"Older classics have been redubbed to better honor the spirit of the original property, and some Japanese companies like Aniplex have even started supervising the dubbing of their own shows."
"It's an insult not just to the Greek cuisine, but to the vegetable itself."
"It's necessary to let people from red America lead the way and to show respect to gun owners at all points."
"Ramadan Kareem to everyone who is doing Ramadan at the moment. I know that's a really special time so I wanted to wish you the best."
"You gotta respect the heritage, simple as that."
"We have to handle these incredible cultures we've built thoughtfully and with respect for today in this modern era where we can probably weather most any crisis."
"Namaste: a gesture which marks respect, reverence, and love."
"Just because this site isn't an important site for a western religion or a religion that you hear about all the time doesn't mean that it still isn't a sacred site."
"A burial chamber found deep within the site shows that not only did they display great respect for their dead but that they were of European origin."
"Your job is not to understand a culture but respect the culture."
"If you respect the culture, people will go out of their way to help you."
"In life, this beautiful musician from Thebes endured agonizing pain; in death, thanks to the pioneering efforts of Dr. Lewin's team, she has finally achieved the kind of celebrated and dignified afterlife her culture held so dearly."
"So you better bow down and respect the culture."
"I stand with those in the Jewish community, and that Kanye is how you buy yourself some time."
"Western science still needs to in a way catch up to the indigenous knowledge that we have."
"Y'all respect the culture, y'all belong to be here."
"Flights over Islam's holiest site are banned for religious reasons that forbid aircraft from entering Mecca and more specifically flying over the Holy Kaaba."
"A lot of these new people don't like to pay homage because maybe they weren't taught why weren't they taught I don't know I don't have a kid right now if I had a kid my kid would be taught to salute all the Pioneers."
"The fact that anybody would diss the pioneers of hip-hop you should get cracked in your face."
"But this is literally they were always dark-skinned indigenous people from the jump, and you're gonna change that later on? It's just very much disrespectful."
"You're handing back the talking stick to that Elder who has stories to tell."
"Don't underestimate the power of learning a language to respect others' cultures."
"Indigenous People's Day, I think is just a decency right that should be allotted to the people that lived on this land."
"I think any subculture deserves to be respected and acknowledged."
"Thank you for putting sure islamic to the rest, regardless of what he's done he deserved a warrior's death."
"An informal and internalized recognition of the dignity of our prophet within culture, art, literature, and the moral values of the West would be no mean achievement."
"Put some respect on black language and refrain from engaging in black linguistic appropriation."
"Why can't we understand that it is Art and then respect the basic aspects of it? Don't you want to learn more about it?"
"It's about the money. Latino women respect hardworking men regardless of their educational attainment."
"Returning this blade to you, Shogun Momonosuke."
"Supporting those who paved the way in hip-hop should be a prerequisite, not an afterthought."
"It's crucial if we really respect blackness as a culture."
"Through the steps we will deliver an immigration system that respects and even strengthens our culture, our traditions, and our values."
"Legacy is important in Mortal Kombat. Let's not forget the origins of characters and show and respect where they've come from."
"In this religion, we are actually honoring humanity as it should be honored."
"When you come to America, you come showing us respect."
"If you disrespect the sacred site, the site will disrespect you in return."
"The spirituality of indigenous peoples is something that is you can't discount it."
"You can't black appropriate our [expletive] and then not respect us."
"Being trans has existed across so many different cultures for the longest time and respected as well."
"Stop associating or having wars or burning synagogues because you're attacking people."
"You really can't piss uh the Hindu religion off they're very peaceful very kind they're very like they're one of those people who like to like listen you out first and then like you know tell you what the [__] is up."
"People just value different ways of living which I deeply respect."
"First of all, don't ever use the word trash when you're speaking on nothing from our culture unless you're trying to get trashed."
"We all showed love because we respected the culture."
"The opposite of pride is humility... humility respects other people's traditions."
"Approach it with humility and respect, and with some sense of the wisdom of cultures who have a much longer experience of these chemicals."
"Just because we met doesn't mean that you're not going to get clowned on for doing a disservice to the Asian community."
"Honor their stories instead of sweeping them under the rug like they didn't happen."
"This story is weird, or what? I mean, we all know that sailors have to have respect for the sea, right?"
"I am sick of the disrespect of Chinese American food."
"Be nice, follow the cultural norms of the place."
"Respect your ancestors, love your ancestors."
"What they want is, they want to be sure that their values are at least respected."
"Honestly, it's a disrespect to my ancestors for not putting time aside to read books."
"Touch the feet of your parents if they are alive, seek Their Blessings right now."
"You gotta respect any expression of this thing."
"These treasures don't really belong in museums, they belong in the hands of the cultures whose histories gave them meaning."
"The Romans recognize it as a sacred place they appreciate it as a sacred place."
"You have to move with the times, and if black women, we don't want you flippingly just calling out an unproblematic black woman about her appearance, I cannot fault black women for that."
"If a company has to reboot its popular titles the least they can do is offer a little respect to what made these titles the classics we know today."
"They're going to have to respect the Indians and they're gonna have to respect their culture and our culture we all have to understand that we have got to better our society."
"Respecting the Sentinelese: a tribe comfortable with what they know, scared of what they don't understand."
"Wherever you are, serve the human brotherhood. Pray and promote universal principles while understanding and respecting local cultures."
"Respect the animals, respect the other runners."
"It's not right to damage statues just because you don't like them."
"Please don't preach to us, we have our own views and we have our own systems." - Bishop Aubrey Shines
"I think the problem right now is that it's not respectful to art."
"If the mountain is viewed as sacred by the natives, the natives should have entire say of what happens to the mountain."
"Residents of the Russian city of Krasnadar placed yellow flowers tied with blue and yellow ribbons at monuments honoring Ukrainian writers."
"We're not telling them what choice to make but we're treating Africans as equal Partners."
"Burning down churches is not in solidarity with us indigenous people."
"Respect for our ancestors: you become dangerous and what you do is doomed to fail. It must fail when you are not properly connected to the root."
"We're telling everybody to honor Juneteenth, let's just tone it down for 24 hours and see what we can do."
"You don't go to someone else's house and demand they accept everything you do because you want to feel at home. Well, she's not at home, and she needs to respect that."
"We are still so humble because we respect England."
"Stop trying to tell Japan what their culture should be."
"Having respect for people's tastes is very, very important in most forms of art."
"The respect for the land and for Sri Lanka that they have, and this is, it's awesome, it's awesome."
"You must claim your identity while having 100% respect and loyalty to Britain and to Scotland."
"We as black people have to start making people respect our ancestors to stop using them."
"I respect the culture, that's a new wave, I just want the culture to grow."
"We are not enemies of the world; we are not at war with the world; we are not culturally predatory."
"Imagine being so entitled that you come to other people's homelands and yell at them for speaking their mother tongue."
"Respect other cultures is great as a general principle, but there are some traditions... that aren't worthy of respect."
"The mistake that probably bothers me more than any on this list is when Travelers go looking for America in other countries or they simply don't respect the local way of doing things."
"Do your research and try to respect the local way of doing things, you're a guest here."
"Taking the time to study another language not only helps you feel more comfortable in a foreign country but it is also a good way to show respect to the local people wherever you may go."
"Reverence for jazz and the people of color who built the genre drips from every second of this movie."
"You don't live in that community, you don't get to come in and tell people in that community how they're going to live."
"Once you begin to say that there's a common essentially common code of morality around the world... that humbles you and you learn to respect them."
"It's best not to wander into Japanese cemeteries because it's not a place for tourists but a respect."
"I just think that the concept of Americans not respecting other cultures and it might very well be true but I've seen it much worse coming from many of the European tourists especially the French and Dutch."
"Singapore has a massive Indian population, so doing a food tour without eating Indian food would literally be disrespectful."
"Several Native American stories about Sasquatch, Bigfoot, really hit home with me. We need to respect this biped just like our native brethren who have appreciated and cared for Mother Earth and her wildlife for eons."
"Travel is about your personal experience there's no right or wrong way to do it as long as you are respecting the nature and the people of the place that you are in."
"We can respect each other's cultures and cultural practices but we don't have to continue unethical practices once we have new information."
"Showing them you respect their cultural boundaries communicates a lot. Stay non-defensive when faced with a cultural misunderstanding. Make use of the chance to develop and learn, sincerely apologize, seek clarification, and pay attention to what they say."
"I thought like that was paying homage, I didn't see any like disrespect in it you know what I'm saying like but then again like I'm not Mexican so."
"They're just doing it in a way that I aspire to follow, where the barbecue aspect of it is so respected but so is the food that they're trying to recreate from their own background as well."
"While in Senso-ji, or any shrine for that matter, observe proper etiquette by bowing upon entering the shrine."
"A Jewish girl is a walking Sefer Torah, and therefore, I'm sorry, to me, you are holy."
"When you come to another country, you have to embrace their culture, not try to put your beliefs or whatever on them."
"I think I'd like to go back to England because at least they're going to respect my life."
"If he wants to spread a little bit of wisdom because he has love for it, just say, hey, you know what, bro? I got love for your culture, I embrace it, and, um, you know, what can I do to help? Don't say that you're part of it when you're not."
"Dress and act appropriately. Look like someone that can afford to visit their country and would not cause any trouble there."
"I think if you try to control somebody from dolling their house up for a religious holiday they celebrate, you're probably a terrible person."
"Who am I to tell people in Australia in a completely different culture than me who are doing fine following their own versions of life?"
"If you feel if you keep seeing Oya, if you're feeling some type of presence, and not just with her because no Orisha should be undermined, no matter who they are."
"You can't come to India with its centuries of civilization and tell them that they're wrong and that we know best."
"Chicago is still one of the most respected and prominent areas for hip-hop culture."
"Stop looking down on someone because of their culture and their background."
"I just wanted to say thanks to the traditional owners of this land, I feel very blessed that I can come out here and experience it all."
"Just because you don't like it, don't know how to cook it, or it's not part of your culture doesn't mean you should knock someone else for it."
"I want to see respect for African knowledge."
"That's the lower you bow, the more respectful it is."
"Happy Cinco de Mayo to actual Mexican people."
"The average American deeply cares about respecting you for your diversity."
"Everybody just leave everybody alone, you have your own customs, you know, one isn't better than another, one religion isn't better than another."
"If you come presentable and honorable to the clans on the land, you're supposed to come bearing gifts."
"Good ideas will come out, and that's different from the actual appropriation of indigenous culture, indigenous language, and indigenous methods."
"He is very willing to respect other customs and cultures."
"When you do come out here, do come out with Aloha in your heart and a respect for the people."
"I start by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land, the Pedicle people, and I pay my respects to their elders past and present."
"If you say thank you and you kind of like bow, they understand."
"If you drop bread, you kiss it as a sign of respect because bread is an important part of the culture."
"Cultural appreciation is when you earnestly seek to learn about or explore a different culture."
"It was a true honor that we as visitors to this sacred land were entrusted with telling these stories."
"Perfection, perfection, the entire look screams class and still paying homage to the culture."
"We can no more make indigenous peoples in our own image than we can reverse time and undo the damage that we inflicted upon them."
"When we call two countries in bilateral relations as partners, strategic partners, friends, we expect both the countries to understand each other's perspectives, each other's concerns, respect the cultural diversity of each other."
"You respect the culture and you want to wear something that represents the culture, what's wrong with that?"
"The respect that the crowd has in Japan for wrestling... they're watching art, they're watching sport."
"So we can never judge another culture because there's somebody else that would feel the same way about what we eat. To each their own."
"It may not be educational, but the source material pays respect to French culinary culture."
"I really hope that the tourism that does happen is a sustainable one where it's slow, takes its time, and really respects the local environment and the local culture."
"Respect other people's country and Tjukurpa."
"It means we get to show respect and honor people and talk about our history and our culture."
"Storytellers were respected throughout every generation."
"All cultures, particularly if they have a religious connection to the people practicing them, must be respected."
"It is possible to approach foods and people and cultures outside of your own with dignity and respect."
"I'm trying to be respectful of everything that goes along with the Potter culture."
"It's very important, if you are performing in somebody else's country, to include something you've written especially for them."
"The building had been constructed on top of an old Buddhist burial site."
"Food is a part of cultural identity and should be respected just like the people of that culture."
"I'm respecting all cultures as long as they got love, we socialize and then we rising above."
"We only want to show respect and support for all cultures and communities and certainly do not aim to offend anyone."
"History would not be kind to those that disrespect the core values of Hip Hop."
"We non-indigenous Canadians need to do what we can to respect their traditions, to help protect their rights, and to help reduce the racism and discrimination that unfortunately still exists towards First Nations people today."
"Patriotism is pride in who we are without putting down other nations and other cultures, that is something real, something important."
"You've got to treat Lady New Year kindly."
"We respect each other's culture and background."
"Respect the people's culture when you get there, learn about the culture before you are going there."
"We have a lot of respect for the Asian culture, supreme respects."
"No statue or memorial should be desecrated, and certainly not one like that of Gandhi who really fought for the values that America represents of peace, justice, and freedom."
"We've got to respect different cultures and how they express themselves."
"If you visit Barbados, don't take it away, it's used in an endearing way."
"You gotta respect the culture for real."
"Good morning, Namaste from a new place."
"I have such a respect for everyone's culture."
"Respect is almost, I mean the first, every other Pacific culture, everything."
"To the First Nations who represent 23% of the population of the Yukon, the Sasquatch deserves our respect."
"We had learned to respect the traditions of others, to listen to the warnings of our elders, and to never take the power of ancient rituals lightly."
"It's cultural, you really care about the others, care about the public place, there's no trash."
"It's not a matter of what you give, but rather showing them that you care about the Japanese custom to the point where you've got out of your comfort zone to introduce yourself."
"We never should have invaded. Places have cultures and those cultures matter."
"I'm sorry, okay? Now that I know it's Korean, I will respect the culture."
"Multi-traditionalism is more respectful to worship a deity in the ritual style of their originating culture."
"Respect in the scene, the culture that you operate within, is also worth more than money."
"Europeans are ahead scientifically and economically, but we still respect the accomplishments of other cultures."
"New Zealand has a great respect and integration of the indigenous culture, which is the Maori people."
"I'm no longer going to say it's a type of Indian curry or it's an Indian lentil crap. I'm going to give these dishes respect and call it the way our ancestors named it."
"We've agreed after two world wars that the way to manage it is to give everyone the cultural and linguistic rights that they ask for."
"Respect the place you're in and its history."
"Learn to respect people's culture."
"Give them back their traditions, give them more freedom than they had while the Persians ruled them, and that will make them more loyal to him."
"We pay respect to Blackfoot people's past, present, the future."
"Being in Hawaii felt like this spiritual appreciation for nature and the culture."