
Cloud Services Quotes

There are 203 quotes

"Rumble cloud services are the essential cloud services you need for any size business to innovate and grow."
"Amazon disrupted the old business model because S3 scaled with its customers."
"For startups, the use case was immediately obvious: low-cost storage and compute."
"Platform as a Service (PaaS) gives you a platform ready for developing, testing, and managing applications."
"Microsoft Azure is the second largest cloud services provider."
"Vulture is a global cloud hosting service allowing you to easily deploy cloud servers, bare metal, and storage."
"Google Drive, very similar to Dropbox but linked to your Google account."
"Lots of audio clouding basically is to have a detrimental effect."
"Azure Resource Manager provides consistent monitoring, policy, and representations of objects across all Azure resources."
"Cloud gaming subscription services are integral to its goal of expanding gaming to three billion gamers worldwide and enabling gamers to play the games you want with the people you want anywhere you want."
"Cloud gaming subscription Services provide a way to play games that is distinct from running them locally."
"Google Cloud depends on the service is $111 per some per some amount of gigabyte."
"As a reminder, GeForce Now is a bring your own games affair allowing users to access an RTX 3080 server and then log into your existing digital storefronts such as Steam, Epic Games, GOG, or whatever."
"You can finally send an iCloud link on any photo."
"Files app integrates with other services like Google Drive."
"Using cloud-based services like LastPass, you really do have to put the trust in them."
"Apple's iCloud: unlocking its full potential for all Apple users."
"Photos on iCloud: Your memories, safely stored in the cloud."
"Parlor right now is hosted primarily by amazon cloud services now this is again the big service that caters to apple to netflix or whatnot now if you think for instance at any moment amazon can come up with a new terms of service on their system."
"API Gateway is a super powerful service because it offers additional functionality on top of just kind of using a load balancer to distribute your traffic to different nodes here."
"As your user base grows you can add more and as it shrinks you can pair those down and no longer pay for them"
"Oracle's cloud is a serious competitor to Microsoft Amazon and Google."
"iCloud encrypts your data to keep it secure."
"Services make scaling really easy. If you want to scale, you tell Docker Cloud to increase the number of containers and it'll automatically spin up some more for you."
"It gives access to reliable sources which usually the cloud provider themselves are using for their use case."
"Speed is one of the defining characteristics of Google Cloud services."
"Live migration of apps is one of the features which organizations usually like."
"Edge locations allow for low latency no matter where the end user is geographically located."
"Event Grid is really focused on the idea that... something generating events."
"Azure is constantly changing, stay up to date."
"Memorystore is Google Cloud's highly available, in memory service for Redis and Memcached."
"Cloud Monitoring collects measurements or metrics to help you understand how your applications and system services are performing."
"Google Cloud Marketplace lets you quickly deploy functional software packages that run on Google Cloud."
"Running servers at your home allows you to run your own cloud services or even internal services to make your life easier."
"Interoperability is the ability of one cloud service to interact with other cloud services."
"Organizations need to have a clear understanding of their ability to migrate or exit a cloud service or cloud platform entirely if necessary."
"All of your files will always be safe in iCloud..."
"Cloud security will become increasingly relevant to many security professionals as more organizations migrate to cloud services."
"BigQuery allows you to query data directly from Cloud Storage, Bigtable, SQL, and Drive, supporting formats such as Avro, CSV, JSON, Parquet, and more."
"BigQuery Data Transfer Service supports data sources such as Cloud Storage, YouTube Channel, S3, and Redshift."
"The demand for cloud services is skyrocketing, and the opportunities are limitless."
"...try to reproduce the same idea using managed cloud services."
"The biggest parts of Amazon, Microsoft, and Google are continually going to be the cloud businesses."
"Terraform can connect to multiple things. Terraform can talk to AWS, Terraform can talk to Azure, Terraform can talk to GCP. How Terraform comes to know where it has to create the resources that you are writing in this file?"
"Abuse and nefarious use of cloud services: an opportunity for attackers to execute disruptive attacks at scale."
"Cloud services allow users to avoid construction expenditures and maintenance problems associated with on-premise setups."
"Some clouds have made our lives better, some worse. The flexibility with cloud services enables more business flexibility."
"Non-metered cloud services are indeed a flat fee."
"AWS has the richest set of services or the most mature services model in cloud."
"I just announced about nine different services that will help you build deploy and operate your application of the cloud without the fear of being locked in to any specific vendor."
"What makes OpenStack a cloud computing platform is that developers can actually say, 'Hey, I want 10 machines that now network together in this way with this amount of storage,' and never have to talk to an operator."
"Notability can back up to five cloud services."
"Cloud Storage for backups, Cloud Monitoring for logs, and Cloud VPN for secure network connectivity."
"The best bit about that is as long as you're not running any containers, there's no bill associated with that as well."
"Your data isn't getting mixed in with anyone else's, it still offers what you'd want from a cloud offering."
"You could have, for example, a copy of your Snowflake data warehouse in Azure and another copy of your Snowflake data warehouse in AWS."
"Use monitoring tools like Grafana, your cloud providers, you've got the amigo, you've got tracers that you can plug in, open telemetry if you've ever used that before."
"...so each time you log in with a new user, you basically get this kind of wizard that shows you, here's how Nexcloud Works, here's all the things that you can get out of it."
"Auto loader is very scalable because if you have lots of files, you can leverage different cloud services."
"Snowflake is a fully managed cloud-based data warehouse service."
"It is better to keep the execution time as small as possible because AWS will charge you using this as a parameter."
"... the price of S3 standard has actually dropped over 80 percent since we first launched in 2006."
"Now let's walk through the experience of how you would build an application on App Runner."
"In our opinion, Nextcloud is actually the solution for this post-pandemic world, but in a good way respecting privacy and security of the users."
"We learned how to add routing and SSR to our apps, how to load data from assets from the server, and how to build and deploy our apps to popular cloud services."
"AWS Lambda supports multiple languages through the use of runtimes."
"Step functions natively integrate with AWS services such as Lambda, SNS, SQS, Dynamo, and many others."
"Terraform is able to work with all of the popular cloud computing providers out there."
"Serverless really seems to take over."
"If any client is going to use Oracle Fusion cloud applications, they can go with the SaaS or PaaS or other subscription with any cloud computing company."
"Microsoft Azure provides SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS."
"All these services are available on a pay for what you use model."
"By going with a cloud provider like AWS, we can severely reduce the expense and the complexity of setting all of this up because we're trading capital expense for variable expense."
"That's really the beauty of Google Firebase and Cloud Firestore, and that is exactly how you configure both of them to work seamlessly and play along nicely with each other."
"Google Cloud Platform has a set of cloud computing services provided by Google that runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses for its end user products like YouTube, Gmail, and so on."
"Mobile device is merely a portal to cloud services now."
"This entire ecosystem is on AWS and we use FedRAMP services to make all this magic happen."
"Synology C2 has by far the best implementation."
"DigitalOcean space is pretty cheap, costs $5 a month for 250 GB storage and one terabyte of data transfer."
"You don't need to worry about paying anything extra."
"You don't really have to worry about things like scaling up, scaling down, or disaster recovery."
"More you run, the cheaper we are, and we're happy to have your consistent usage."
"Use free cloud storage for storing your photos, files, and documents."
"Cloud Endpoints is something that has been built to give you more value."
"The Extensible Service Proxy SV is never the bottleneck, because it keeps on scaling with you."
"The Microsoft Graph is the gateway to your data in the Microsoft cloud."
"Let's head right into the code and see more about serverless applications in AWS."
"Azure file shares can be created without the need for you to manage the hardware or the operating systems."
"On-demand self-service and rapid elasticity are key to the perception of an unlimited or infinite cloud."
"Now is the time to move services to the cloud and take back control of your complex hybrid IT."
"They scale automatically for you, so if you get a million users... everything will just continue to work."
"You just need to describe your application and the resources required, and Amazon ECS will launch, monitor, and scale your applications."
"It's a very cool technology, sort of unparalleled in what a lot of other cloud providers offer."
"With AWS Amplify, developers can create a backend for their apps with real-time and offline functionality with just a few clicks."
"K6 Cloud also makes it easy to implement continuous testing."
"The cloud lets you provision a new server in a matter of moments and leverage lots of existing services instead of having to build your own."
"Google Cloud Storage provides a variety of storage services."
"BigQuery is an enterprise data warehouse providing data analysis services."
"So over people is the comprehensive cloud-based HRMS that provides consolidated HR services to businesses of all types and sizes."
"We've designed Amazon RDS to be secure by default."
"Utilize the services provided by us, things like CloudWatch."
"Introducing Access Database Cloud, an online service specifically tailored to Microsoft Access users."
"Access Database Cloud offers 99.95% uptime."
"FedRAMP establishes a mature marketplace to increase trust and fidelity with cloud services."
"Instead, they can rely on the Azure identity of the user to secure that communication."
"As containers start up or are replaced, we update the IP target group and the ALB can start flowing traffic down to the containers."
"The ALB is actually 10% cheaper per month versus the CLB."
"The best part could be we only pay for what we use."
"And then we learned about what EC2 is, what EC2 can do, and how well it integrates with other services in Amazon."
"With commitment savings, you can save up to 57% without upfront cost per instance type lock-in."
"I have no idea what I'm doing, but I think Digital Ocean has a pretty cool Kubernetes managed solution."
"To connect both the domain and the VPS together, we are going to use a free service called Cloudflare."
"A service like Cloud Nari is going to not only just kind of host your media, your videos, and your images, it'll do the asset management part, it will do image manipulation and optimization as well."
"Google Cloud's operating efficiency continues to expand and grow."
"Snowflake combines a completely new SQL query engine with an innovative architecture natively designed for the cloud."
"I'm using this service called Elephant SQL and it allows you to create a Postgres database for free."
"Amazon Relational Database Services make it easy to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud."
"All you need to do as a developer is submit your application code and Elastic Beanstalk will take care of the rest."
"We often consider cloud services to be super safe because they're managed by big companies, but you never know when something might happen to the data."
"If you've backed up your project to Dropbox and your computer crashes or is stolen, any of your backed up files can be retrieved via another computer."
"A global service will allow you to run a service consistently on every node within the swarm."
"According to Wikipedia, Azure Active Directory is Microsoft's cloud-based Identity and Access Management Service."
"It's a highly scalable service, which means that whenever we require the resources in demand, we can scale up the resources or we can scale down the resources."
"We are ready to restore Nextcloud."
"If you can run an application in that free tier on DynamoDB, that's a real bonus to be able to at least launch a service, get it out there, and see what sticks."
"It provides native support to cloud solve resources for users of ANSYS mechanical, fluent, and electronics."
"MongoDB Atlas Search is an amazing feature exclusive to MongoDB Atlas."
"DBT Cloud... it's a version in the cloud, there's no install, and that's primarily what I'm going to be showing here."
"We're now not really worried about the servers themselves, we're thinking about the services."
"If you're already using Active Directory... why not go with the cloud provider that 100% supports those services relatively seamlessly?"
"Hybrid Mount allows you to connect a cloud surface like Google Drive and use all of the QNAP services."
"If you deploy the AppEngine, you can leverage the existing user service API that they have."
"All the translation is done on their servers, which is awesome."
"Applications on Splunk Cloud... most of our common customer use cases, all of those common apps are pretty much all vetted."
"Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations helps you build, manage, secure Kubernetes clusters across different cloud infrastructure endpoints."
"I'm going to go through a step by step process on how to install and configure your own cloud service."
"DMS can move your data from pretty much any source to any target."
"The best part is that each offer free credit usage when creating new accounts."
"AWS SSO makes it simple for them to create and manage users and groups without setting up any other infrastructure."
"Kubernetes master is running at this URL."
"Story maps are hosted by ESRI in the cloud, so you don't have to worry about hosting."
"So you're building some kind of cloud service today, maybe you need to talk to Event Grid, or you need to talk to blob storage."
"VMware's compute, storage, networking, and security is delivered as a cloud service."
"It's going to be free and it just makes it really easy to take whatever web application you have and just deploy it to the cloud by just pushing a Git commit."
"One of the great things about using cloud computing is you get the latest and greatest a lot of the time."
"Microsoft Azure is an ever-expanding set of cloud services to help your organization meet your business challenges."
"Microsoft Azure is a close second to Amazon web services."
"Amazon is the king of cloud services and I think the future is bright for this business."
"I like that Hybrid Mount can use any cloud service."
"GDMS is the Grandstream cloud-based solution that allows you to provision, manage, monitor, and troubleshoot Grandstream devices from one centralized management interface."
"We're built for clouds and we're delivered as a service."
"This application is a really nice application because it's a message application that uses cloud services like AWS Amplify."
"It's available in all the database cloud services and it runs on-premise, autoclick cloud or even somebody's else cloud."
"We're going to get single sign-on back up into Salesforce."
"Azure Data Factory is a cloud-based ETL and data integration service that allows you to create data-driven workflows for orchestrating data movement and transforming data at scale."
"It's composed of five features that we believe any business needs to build its infrastructure on App Engine."
"Trying it out is really easy, you only pay for the functions that are executed."
"If you want to go serverless and not worry about maintaining servers, definitely check out Vapor."
"We're providing these systems as we expect most quantum computers will be available over the cloud."
"GoPro plus essentially allows their customers to take content from their cameras, upload it into the cloud, transcode that content, edit that content, and then deliver it or share that content to any of the users around the world."
"Most people probably use auto scaling because of dynamic scaling policies."
"So what we are going to do, we are going to deploy our API to Heroku."
"WebAssembly offering is just the kind of stuff we wanted for the cloud."
"We believe we have the industry-leading data analytics and machine learning services on cloud platform."
"Elastic load balancing is a critical part of any DDoS defense."
"...we serve billions of requests, we're using this stuff at large production scale."
"They're going to save you a ton of money over Azure, AWS."
"You only pay for what you use and it's unlimited in terms of growth potential."
"Don't reinvent the wheel; there's lots of services across AWS."
"This is your platform as a service offering on Azure for hosting your code without having to maintain the infrastructure."
"Google Cloud Load Balancing is a network service that allows your applications to scale not only within the region but across multiple regions."
"Azure Bot Service is a very compelling offering when you have to get started with bots."
"So, everything in the cloud is in the UI kit."
"One out of every four developers in our developer survey told us they are using cloud services."
"We believe we've saved about anywhere between 60 and 80 percent of our initial projected costs."
"So, totally worth it, and I'm just very thankful to Azure that they provide that type of option."
"All these services inherently scale, or they give you an option to scale the application."
"Quadrupled their Cloud revenues, quadrupled is good last time I checked."
"Elasticity allows you to really create adjustable capacity."
"If you work in an industry or a large organization, purchasing a workstation or using cloud services makes the best sense."