
Career Focus Quotes

There are 191 quotes

"Focus on your career right now, and your angels will bring you the right person."
"I've enjoyed it for the most part, but never as much as I enjoy stand up. The real problem is that I've spread my focus out into all of these other things. My stand-up is what has suffered, and that's the thing that's the most important to me."
"The thing that really matters is my work. Mike Worth is a titan."
"Your degree should always be focused toward job prospects."
"Don't focus on width, focus on depth. Narrow down your target companies and excel at them."
"I want to be one of the best basketball players who have ever played... every decision I made in my life was centered around that purpose."
"Focus on your work, your business, your career. Some of you are gonna find love at work."
"Your heart is really engaged in where career and legacy is going."
"How hard is it, people? Stop thinking about your careers, think more about just doing the right thing. Bureaucratic challenges and inflexible mindsets continue to plague the department at all levels."
"Nothing stems from competition, you know. It all stems from wanting to do something, maybe in the beginning, I was looking left and right, but at this point, it's such crazy tunnel vision."
"I didn't come here to dine out in London or visit the tourist sites. I came to play football, to work." - Thiago Silva
"The money will come if you focus on passion, you focus on information and relationship."
"Crypto Twitter mess with your head. One move doesn't mean anything to a career. Just focus on what's next."
"It feels like you're able to really focus on your career as well with again so much enthusiasm and joy."
"YouTube and music are my one and only, it's the only thing I can really imagine myself doing."
"Miranda represents the modern woman's head and what it looks like if she lets her mind take charge."
"The work is everything. The work is everything."
"I don't think there's anything wrong with it, I think women nowadays are focusing on their careers and I think that's beautiful."
"This is what I do, this is my lane, this is your lane, you gotta murder it."
"Be selfish with your time, be selfish with your career."
"If truly if I had it my own way and all I had to do was make content that's what I would do."
"By the end of 2017, I already knew YouTube was going to be too big not to focus full-time on."
"Honed in on being the best dialysis person in Georgia, doors opened up."
"Your financial success may be linked to focusing on work rather than love."
"I'd rather hate it and would much prefer to spend my time on design and engineering."
"Determining, focus, and a lot of momentum in your career life."
"You gotta be an accountant that is it; you know you got to be an accountant that is it."
"My whole practice all these decades has been about getting to yes, how do you make a deal and then how do you get it documented."
"Your dollar comes first because your career is going to go by fast."
"I'm literally 27, I've made my whole career talking about children's media."
"It's a trajectory I've seen before, almost always with young and youngish men who are laser-focused on making their own careers and arrive at racism and misogyny almost by accident because that's what gets clicks."
"This stuff did not happen overnight... it's a lot of hard work and dedication."
"Boys are distractions, and for me to be one of those people that always preach about putting your career and your money first..."
"Find your niche and lean into it hard right now because this is the moment."
"Max Payne and I only care about four things: my wife, my kids, my dogs, and my job."
"He no longer wanted to go out, no longer to travel the world. He would focus on the products." - Walter Isaacson
"Some of you... you are married to your career."
"She's a strong independent woman who is focused on her career."
"When I see guys who are over 30 and they're like, you know what, maybe I'll have a family when I'm 45, it's like, I don't hold that against them."
"A lot of men are choosing to just work on their career, go to the gym, make money... because these girls are just absolutely not worth the commitment."
"It's my entire career... questioning the status quo."
"This is something I've been working for for a long time."
"My name's Sam and I'm studying environmental science and engineering."
"I'll probably join that not a problem but right now I see myself really just focusing more on coaching people."
"Your main focus right now should definitely be your career, just getting more abundance for yourself."
"Never ever ever look back and can't consider doing anything else."
"I've never done anything else other than sing."
"This is my career. There are people who have spent their entire career writing about it."
"You don't need to live with everyone around you. Everyone has their own life and deals with their own stuff, and that's how I go about it as well. I just focus on my job and I love racing and I love winning."
"If I could only perform one trigger for the rest of my life, it would be my voice."
"No more responsibility of getting homework done, just focus on careers."
"I sometimes scratch my head because it's like, why am I doing anything else? I should just be doing that trade."
"Opportunities that you need to focus on in career and money situations."
"I'm just very set on maintaining my own independence and concentrating on my career this year."
"Money will come, that's fine. I just need to be really good at my art."
"Being responsible, saving, and making money and really focusing on being really good at the thing that you're doing."
"Find what you're passionate about and double down on it."
"I just want to win, I just want to keep working hard."
"Money is a side effect, make sure you do other things to get you the money."
"You have one career, one journey of work, one life's work. So, how do I make the most of that one journey?"
"You're either working on creating something big in your career. A lot of Aquariuses have really big goals and they spend almost all of their time on this one specific goal."
"I want to be able to focus on YouTube full-time instead of having to juggle another job that's rapidly destroying my mental health."
"Concentrate on why you do what you do, not just on what you do."
"Permanent progress in your life unless you turn it into a job."
"Devs are important devs are what you want right now."
"It's time to fully commit myself to making dope videos for a living."
"Your person is focused on increasing their abundance and achieving career success."
"They're focused on their career and finances, striving for stability."
"I get some of you being all about work, career, and business."
"The real value is in going deeper into the work."
"It may feel like no matter how much you want to stay at home, all eyes are on you career-wise. It is your time to shine."
"It reminds me to be madly in love with the work and the work only."
"You might be realizing you've put so much energy into career and reputation, or you're putting so much energy into work, and a lot of you are realizing you need to balance that out by relaxing at home or reconnecting with family."
"Show business is fun to play with, but right now it's the fight business, and that's my main passion."
"Focus on your health, focus on your career which is really at a good pace and on the right time."
"You're definitely going to reach success but I feel you're giving a little bit more energy to your career this month in a way that does not drain you."
"You gotta know your lane and attack it. Some people be trying to get in too many lanes and they just crash."
"You need to focus on what you love to do and add value."
"You need to go out there and like, what do you do for work? What are your specialties? With your trade skills? Anything?"
"Choosing to prioritize a career does not mean completely disregarding relationships or devaluing the role of companionship."
"Your best bet is to be yourself, be single, and focus on your career."
"I'm so desperate to get to where I need to get to, my ambition takes control."
"Focus on that area and focus on that set of Technologies, those tools, and so on."
"I was always very work, career-orientated, I never really hung out."
"Look for who supports your career... dating from that wholeness space."
"So she turns down the offer from Prince Robert and gets to designing for Tatiana."
"Peanuts, peanut butter, anything peanut. Almonds are great too. I like cashews a bit better than almonds though, to be honest."
"Not having kids means that I can focus more of my time on my work."
"You're focused on your career, your finances."
"You can't control another person but you can control your career and finances."
"Michael Jordan couldn't have become Michael Jordan if he was being the referee, the cheerleader, the cameraman. He couldn't have become Michael Jordan."
"This is a time where you're going to be very focused on professional growth and development."
"You're going after your dreams with passion. You're at the top of your game."
"If your grind is more important, avoid relationships till you get where you want to be."
"You cannot let Society make you make bad decisions. It is okay for you to say that my career come first to me."
"There's never a moment where I thought I'm going to get out... I worked so hard once I realized that I wanted to get out."
"My biggest fear is getting so wrapped up in what I do that I end up losing sight of the bigger picture."
"You're honest retrograde rethinking your career, the time that you're putting into your career, what you're doing for your career, etc."
"If you focus too much on the title of the job you can actually forget about what the day-to-day of the thing actually involves..."
"Focus on what you do best and go for it. Go for what you really want to do."
"What are you great at like stop if you a costume designer don't try to be the director because then you'll give up on the dream and you could have been a phenomenal costume designer."
"Craig just travels the world, does super fights, and does seminars, that's it." - "That's your MO right now."
"Would you rather take the time to visit your mother and spend time with your loved ones or would you rather stay on the grind stay motivated stay focused to ensure a better future for yourself?"
"We were both very focused on our careers and wanted to make sure we were both in a good place before we did something as big as marriage."
"Pluto in the 10th would be suggestive of immense tremendous focus on your career that kind of focus that can help you reach fame, visibility, success."
"So I turned it into lemonade like let's get in the gym, you know, and really get my career back."
"He pulled out of the French to train for Wimbledon. I don't think you do that unless you're really trying to make a big push for potentially your last event or last season."
"For the next month, the focus and the spotlight are very much on your career path and contribution to society."
"I don't feel like I'm in the figuring out stage. I feel like I've figured out where my lane is and what I need to do."
"If you don't have your life out there... it's only about the movies. Literally just about the work."
"My desire at this phase of my life is to focus on my firm."
"Approaching her 40s, she's diligent and completely dedicated to her profession."
"I'm really focusing on myself and my career, and I do think I'm getting to be a better person which will make me a better partner."
"I enjoy my work and I can't think about marriage or having children yet."
"If you're working really hard and you are disciplined and you are focused on your career, it is a good time to do that."
"People that really want to work have their eye on the prize, which is a job in your career."
"I'm proud of you. I'm glad that you're trying to focus on your career."
"Forget about a relationship in high school, your priority is your education, it's your career, it's building a life for your future self."
"It's really about what you are good at and how you really focus on that to get your foot in the door."
"You focus on your money, career, business success, advancement, you ain't got time for none of this stuff here with these people talking about."
"I'm here to do one thing, I love doing comedy."
"Knowing who you are as a writer, what you like to write, what your end goal is, and then honing in on that."
"I'm trying to just work on myself and focus on my career, make things happen for myself."
"I want to keep focused on my new career."
"Keep your eyes focused on the prize: a career doing something awesome."
"From now on, I want to focus on my own career, work hard, and find truly trustworthy people."
"People are perceiving you as somebody that's focused on your career, your job, your money, your business."
"Hustle culture is a lifestyle where your career has become such a priority in your life."
"You just started to focus on your well-being, on your career, on what you wanted to do, on what brought value into your life."
"You have to focus on your own career, you have to think like a free agent."
"I think in the way this kind of comes across, love life is not the area right now that is reaching its peak; career is really that area."
"Focus on the mastery, not the money."
"It just shows you how far you can come when you focus on your craft and just trying to get it."
"Once you actually build the skill, the money will come along and that's the most important thing to focus on."
"I just want to focus on my career for now."
"Actually getting really specifically good at what you're interested in is like a hireable quality."
"I really wanted to be a young mom, but I really feel like the rest of my 20s I want to focus on work and really dive into it."
"Don't chase money. Ironically, when I stopped chasing money, I started making way more money."
"I'm very honest, very loyal, ambitious, goal-oriented, career-driven."
"I sacrificed so much that I was like, this has to be my entire life."
"Don't worry about a deal, don't worry about a big song, don't worry about trying to do nothing that you don't like."
"This is a very serious girl, in point of fact, concerned about a career, concerned about where she's going."
"Choose a job type and focus all of your efforts and all of your applications and your CV around that particular job, and only apply to those jobs."
"Stay focused on your career and yourself, and moving forward."
"Wendy was focused, laser-focused on her career." - Rox
"I've never felt more comfortable in my skin. I don't want children. I've adored every moment chasing after a career I want."
"It's not whether or not your friends think a university is cool... it's the opinion of employers that really matters."
"The only move that matters is your next one."
"I'm very career-oriented... I'm working hard now to build a strong foundation for the future."
"I've actually spent most of my time as an author writing history books."
"I build businesses. That's the main thing that I do."
"I spent years putting my love and my life on hold to build my career."
"I'm focused on my career, I have huge plans for the future. I'm very goal-oriented, I'm straightforward, and I'm very demanding. I know what I want."
"I got so caught up with the race of life trying to succeed that I took my family for granted."
"It's not shameful for a young woman to be doing so; she's focusing on her career."
"I'm not letting anyone hold me back; I'm coming first, my career is coming first."
"Accomplishments meant everything to me: how many papers I had published, how much money I earned."
"Is it okay not to focus on this girlfriend dating scene and just focus on career for now?"
"You've found a love for something else, and it's either yourself, your work, your businesses, your privacy."
"I'm so lucky my husband agrees with me... it helps me focus on my career so that I can stay late at work if I need to, I can go to an extra meeting on a weekend."
"You're all about your 10th house, your career right now, your success."
"It's more important to focus on your personal growth, your personal finances, your career."
"Music's my tunnel vision right now, so we're here to stay, man."
"You're going to be very focused on career, you're going to be focused on bettering yourself mind, body, spirit."
"You're focused on your happiness, you're focused on your career."
"New Beginnings moving on, new love but focused on career at this time."
"It's okay that in this season that I'm currently in right now, that I am focusing on getting my career, my academic career, jump-started."