
Learning Environment Quotes

There are 134 quotes

"When we're dealing with science, which is a field of study, it's a different environment; questions are embraced."
"Create an environment where it's okay for people to learn and sometimes succeed and sometimes fail."
"If you're working with great people, you will learn faster."
"We want to create a learning environment to help as many people around the world get started investing."
"Children are like sponges; they absorb everything around them, especially when it's presented with passion and enthusiasm."
"I mean, for instance, this morning we're at the breakfast table discussing the Ampullae of Lorenzini... I get to have breakfast with a bunch of marine scientists saying things like Ampullae of Lorenzini. I mean, come on, that's why everybody wants to get into marine biology."
"We need a no blame culture because otherwise, it's going to lock down and we're not going to learn what we need to understand."
"If you have an organization where people very quickly admit mistakes and they're not punished for making mistakes, that is a very good dynamic."
"Studying with music... I find that it can really make the whole process a little bit more enjoyable and a little bit more comfortable."
"There is no substitute for a child being in school and having the amazing opportunity to sit in front of their teacher."
"Be there in the room because this is your classroom, this is your university."
"The most obvious job of the hub world is... a kind of training area."
"Firelink shrine is a microcosm of Dark Souls... a place to learn, a place to understand, a place to connect."
"Mornings are a great time to learn because it's quiet, relaxed, and you're energized."
"I learned how to be a pro in the hardest system possible."
"I went into a room with just myself, my instrument, and someone who knew what they were talking about."
"No one's gonna want to experiment or strive to learn if they get quickly judged for messing up."
"Spend a week here in our live streams. You'll know the value of this education."
"It's simply the single best place that you could be to learn, and very quickly. It's for people of all abilities and knowledge, no question about that."
"Thank you everyone for being encouraging and showing that we can talk about politics without fighting over politics, just learning together."
"Leave the activity out, allow your child the opportunity to experiment with, to explore the materials."
"Your new rigs will surprise you with their capabilities, and there's no better place than going to a controlled environment to learn what your rig can do."
"For those of you who love learning, setting up a learning environment that is engaging, interactive, and fun is essential."
"There are no dumb questions, only dumb answers."
"One place in the world where you are permitted to make mistakes."
"You always want to be the worst musician in the room so you can rise to their level rather than being the best."
"An equitable learning environment treats students as individuals with individual needs."
"Working around really good developers is one of the best things you can do especially if they're humble and they help you learn."
"Never allow yourself to consistently be the smartest person in the room."
"Get outdoors and move while learning - it's the best way to stay energized!" - AJ Hogue
"Create this environment around yourself. Take the help wherever it is available, whether it is on YouTube, whether it is in a book, whether it is in the company of other seekers."
"I'm about to start my first day of online classes."
"It's like a community square, a gathering point, a watering hole for people to learn about lightning without feeling intimidated."
"Thank you for checking this out, thank you for stopping by, thank you to everybody for being a part of this, been an absolute pleasure as always."
"You always want to be the worst person in the room."
"Psycho-physiological state is important for learning."
"The people that find their way into my world are anxious, eager to learn, and they come sailing with me."
"We have a culture of learning, we have a culture of improving, we have a culture of iteration."
"Teaching adults, they know why they are there, and they want to learn."
"Being with people who are as hungry as you are to learn will help challenge you."
"Laughter diffuses tension and makes learning more effective."
"America is a vicious country; people come here to learn how to sharpen their knives."
"It's a no pressure environment so if you just want to learn about what we're doing we can definitely help you."
"You practice it all here. In your test ground."
"We just created this environment, and it's something that I've learned now."
"Don't be scared to come in here and ask questions."
"Don't be afraid to skate with people that are better than you."
"Kenobi's heroics during the Clone Wars earned him the rank of Jedi Master and a seat on the Jedi Council."
"There's always going to be a value system attached to the education."
"There's no bad question, just how you respond to it."
"It's a great place to learn how to surf or be around like-minded people who also want to learn how to surf, do yoga, just enjoy the week."
"Twitter's the best place for discussion... it's a place to learn and grow and communicate with the people around you."
"Education is not about making people feel comfortable in school, it's about educating them."
"It's feeling safe and comfortable and being able to ask questions and feel like there is no such thing as a stupid question when you're with people that you feel that safety with."
"The facilitator who cares, who prizes, who trusts the learner creates a climate for learning so different from the ordinary classroom that any resemblance is, as they say, purely coincidental."
"Think less about imparting wisdom or like teaching directly and more that I'm going to create a healthy learning environment for them to become the human that they need to be."
"How would you promote a positive learning environment?"
"I'm almost horrified to think that one day we're gonna find out that no that kid didn't have ADD you just stuck that kid in an environment learning environment that was absolutely not created for him."
"The school with its Gothic architecture and stone walls was not just a place of learning."
"Positive reinforcement creates an environment of security because people are encouraged to discuss mistakes people feel like it's okay to make mistakes here and that's how we learn and we grow and it's seen as not not a terrible thing."
"This place is really high on the education quotient. Great place."
"If you came here looking to learn something and be entertained by it, you're in the right place."
"The classroom environment places many heavy demands on a child's working memory system."
"A big part of being here is about calming down and learning to be comfortable."
"When the teacher doesn't speak, it's a sign you are taking a test."
"You don't want to be the smartest person in the room because that's just, you're not going to learn or progress."
"People are extremely supportive; they don't care whether you're a transfer student or not. You still have a voice there, you still have the same opportunities to learn."
"The thirst for knowledge... that impresses me so much about the locker room."
"The only way you get better, the only way you learn about a player, is in a true game environment."
"If the ultimate goal of our teaching is that the students learn the concept, our job as an instructor is to do anything we can to foster that environment so that learning can take place."
"Hello everyone, today I'm going to be sharing with you my preschool and kindergarten learning area."
"You're surrounded by all these people who love to learn, are super down-to-earth, super cool."
"The container is using specific versions of everything just to make sure we have good control over the learner experience."
"The most troubling behavior of children is usually something they learn from the people closest to them, most especially their parents."
"It's going to be a very interesting class."
"It's not just up to you to create a great place to learn, it's up to your kids too."
"Your listening environment at the end of the day is going to be so, so important in helping you learn."
"Pragmatic learning environment: anything you do more than once, make a routine for it."
"Our dream was to establish a Learning Center where such children could study comfortably."
"This might better help facilitate maintenance and generalization of skills because they're learning to do the behavior exactly in the environment that they need to be able to perform it in."
"Remember to stay on topic. I will give you an opportunity to ask questions."
"I did learn from a group of inkers from Wildstorm, you know, I was fortunate enough to learn from people who learn from a studio. I think that makes the best inkers."
"When we treat each other with kindness, it's a lot easier to learn together."
"All right, today we have a cozy classroom."
"Creating a new space for my kiddos to learn and grow is really fun for me."
"UT Dallas's aesthetic campus has given me a place to truly enjoy learning."
"You want this to be a safe learning environment for your students."
"For now it's completely functional like we can school with a beautiful light coming in, it's just open, it really is such a just a great space to do school."
"Remember, there are no dumb questions; we all learn from each other."
"It's a very comfortable safe environment to can learn and develop."
"When we're in the relaxed state, we're good for listening, for learning; it's a state we want to be in."
"Thank you for joining us today and welcome to our classroom."
"Join us and discover an environment in which you'll be supported to learn, grow, and become your best self."
"We're all here together to support each other and learn in this environment."
"Culture is all about making a great learning environment where people feel safe and comfortable, not afraid to make mistakes."
"The sections should be a place where you can go and do whatever it takes to help you learn."
"If you've got a calm, safe environment where everything is in order and things are predictable and knowable, then you can learn."
"The best room to be in when you're learning is when you're the least knowledgeable person in the room."
"School is a place to learn, but it has nothing to do with life."
"It's about creating the classroom where kids think that making mistakes is good."
"Create that culture where teachers can do that learning."
"See your colleagues as people that you know, that they all just want to learn."
"Leave your status at the door, you come here to learn."
"Rats are going to learn best in a well-known and distraction-free environment."
"It's very important to find a school that really suits you, suits how you want to learn, how you want to be taught."
"There's no way to learn and educate unless you are comfortable."
"It's designed specifically for learning, so you don't have to deal with any ads."
"It's a very cohesive environment where everybody is willing to learn and wants to learn from the teammate next to them."
"I want my son to be in a classroom with different types of learners, a healthy mix of learners."
"If we regard the young child as a scientist, as an investigator going in search of knowledge, our job is to really think in terms of how do we prepare context for learning?"
"This is a really safe space for all of us to learn and to, it's okay to make mistakes, we learn from them, it's a good thing."
"You want to learn in an environment that doesn't punish you when you're wrong."
"Kids need to be in the presence of adults working."
"Creating an atmosphere where students are really scholars, coming into the classroom ready to learn, knowing that everything and everybody is focused on that same goal."
"It's a controlled environment, a nice way for surfers to learn how to build their craft."
"Different people have different spots where they learn best."
"The best learning environment is where we are right now."
"If you build an environment there was energy and passion, and the kids wanted to be there, then they wouldn't mind doing the work."
"It's a continuous cycle of really helping and cultivating a great learning environment."