
Visual Focus Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Using a small F number for a small depth of field is a really powerful way of directing the viewer's eye."
"The darker color on the inside better draws your eyes to the middle of the artwork."
"That is the spot that needs to look the most normal to the audience."
"The monsters look really [ __ ] cool. I just need the monsters on screen for 100% of this movie."
"Convert to black and white when color becomes a distraction."
"The eye innately goes to the brightest point of any piece."
"Your eyes will be glued to the screen as if chaos itself commanded it."
"Obligatory butt shot... an obligation and an honor."
"Selective focus is a powerful tool to direct the viewer's attention."
"Leading lines draw the eye to a specific place in the scene."
"When you change your aperture, you don't just zoom in on something, you literally see different things."
"I'm a big fan of using out-of-focus areas in a frame to draw you in to the subject."
"I can live with the way that this focus is looking."
"That draws the eye in and you've got a nice area of interest there."
"Light areas draw the eye, creating depth in woodland photos."
"Each shot would start off like perfectly zoomed in on the action, and just slowly pull out and then like dead center on this one referee's head."
"If you try and like censor that out with like a gray box then you're just telling everyone where to look."
"It's in the middle, it's all you're looking at it, but double whammy."
"Permission to just close your eyes and take out the visual of the video."
"Where is your eye heading right now? What are you drawn to look at?"
"This shadow is gorgeous, I really want to pull the camera forward so you guys can take a closer look."
"I want the expression going this way, so notice I'm trying to open everything up that way."
"Can you guys see his little nose now? Oh yeah, for sure, little nose. Very cute little nose."
"When in doubt, stare at a friend's eyeballs."
"Lupita is so lovely that like I find myself looking at her face on a screen when I'm watching her movies."
"A change in color can draw the attention of users to a focal point in your design."
"Once you know where your camera's gonna be, and your framing, you get to just worry about what you're gonna see and not what you're not gonna see."
"It's really important to see where the brightest spot is in your environment. That's how you're usually light. Usually, the highest contrast is the one thing that people see the most."
"You want your eye to go where you want the eye to go, whatever your subject is, that's why you took the picture in the first place."
"The brightest thing in the frame is what your eye is going to go to."
"It pulls your eye straight into that because we have our strongest points of contrast and our sharpest edges right there in that area."
"We are going to tone it down later, but I just want to make this area a bit brighter to draw attention to it."
"The details that draw your eye are the eyes themselves because you have this connection since you're a baby."
"We have a simplification of our visual ability to establish a sight picture because we're doing single focal plane shooting."
"You want the main color to be the star of the show, like it's the main actor in the movie."
"You can really manipulate where people's eye goes in your painting through your choices and your values."
"My eyes are immediately drawn to these pins right here."
"The golden ratio... or maybe the rule of thirds is a really easier one to kind of understand."
"It's like black against white; it's a sharp edge, and so that's kind of where my eye goes."
"I love how that stamped with the different gray tones and adding the darkness around the edge really draws your eye to the center where we're going to add the colored stamping."
"This natural triangle just kind of draws your eye to the center where your focal photos are."
"Eyes are very much a focal point in images because we as humans are drawn to other people's eyes."
"The gaze is probably one of the most important things in a character, in a portrait."
"The area of highest contrast, usually the area that's brightest, will command the most attention."
"That red in contrast with the cool blues back there, that is one of the focal point strategies that's going to really cause the viewer's eye to go there."
"The area of greatest contrast is where your eyes will go."
"Our eyes can also fixate on one point to create stability."
"The power of black and white is that you can make your viewer focused on the thing you want the viewer to be focused on."
"Control where the eye is focused by controlling the contrast."
"It gives your shots a real nice feel; it focuses attention beautifully onto your subject."