
Scripture Interpretation Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"People do not derive their values from their scripture; people insert their values into their scripture."
"No prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation." 2 Peter 1:20
"The purpose of Scripture is to teach you how to get right."
"Acts 15 reveals the existence of a magisterium."
"Just because a word may not be in some translations doesn't mean that concept is not taught."
"When you come across the word Eternal or eternity especially in the Hebrew scriptures what you're really looking at is language of dimensionality."
"I prefer to say it's authentic. Mark 16:9-20 is written by Mark, was originally part of the Gospel, and belongs in your Bible."
"I think we should include it in our Bibles with footnotes and hopefully a careful and helpful explanation for why there is some question about it."
"This intermediate part, that's questionable, but the longer reading is solid."
"Translating the Bible into other languages reveals different readings."
"That's what scripture says... there's definitely a conflict in the spiritual realm that is reality."
"No man can understand scripture until he is enlightened, and when he is enlightened, he does not need scripture."
"Only 33 verses out of 6,236 verses in the Quran."
"Every Pastor has to quote scriptures in context."
"There's nothing about the context of scripture that suggests it's isolated to a church setting."
"There would be scriptures that you would have read probably a thousand times over."
"There's a lot of humor in the Bible. It was written for our humor."
"The Quran is perfectly organized. If Allah puts a story in a Surah, there's a reason."
"An infallible interpreter just logically doesn't make sense to me... there's no evidence for it within Scripture."
"The Lord used that language so I read the passage from the King James version which uses that same language."
"You can't divorce scripture from the context."
"I believe that the King James Bible is the Word of God for the English-speaking people."
"Scripture testifies about Me. And if you search the Scriptures, you will find Me, you will see My glory, you will discern the truth that leads to eternal life."
"So maybe I'll just give you two other things that I think are key for understanding the Old Testament."
"How dare you take scripture and twist it and conform God to your image?"
"Corporations are trying to exploit the mindless impulsive parts of us."
"There is a danger, I agree, in interpreting scripture literally because it can be so easily weaponized against people."
"You are not human. You are a god, a little G according to the scripture."
"The whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation is about God wanting to come and dwell with his human creatures within his renewed creation."
"The long-term trajectory not according to somebody that had a dream... We're not to be following prophetic voices, I'm declaring to you the written, unchangeable, immutable Word of God."
"From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible says that all scripture is inspired by God. That includes what it says about antichrist."
"God wanted a family. The Bible says, 'God is love.' If God was not a God of love, you and I would not have the ability to give and receive love."
"Let's talk about these issues headon, let's be clear where the scripture is clear."
"Scripture jumps ahead, skipping a lot of other information, to go down to the next point."
"They're missing it right so he became God now God now verse number two the same was in the beginning with this is Jesus we're talking about now."
"When you pray in the name of Jesus, you really need to go to Revelation to find out the king who is responding to your prayer."
"The bias, the prejudice, the bigotry, and the inaccurate positions that he would take especially in regards to the scriptures."
"A Christian doesn't read the Bible as a textbook, but as a love letter. It's not just theology to us; it's direct communication from God."
"Now we're gonna see the scripture on it. There is no single passage that tells us all of it but there are several passages that put together causes this to be the only possible solution."
"For the Christian, the risen Christ sends the Holy Spirit and inspires us to understand the Scriptures."
"when we're reading the word of God God's got a plan for Israel he's getting the land ready for the Return of the King of kings and Lord of lords we have to Handle With Care."
"You start reading and sometimes one verse just kind of jumps out at you. It just kind of speaks to you."
"If I succeed in opening up the scriptures to you, then whatever you hold now as an image called Jesus Christ will vanish out of sight."
"Just know you know this is coming from MacArthur's point of view which I respect and kind of aligns with what I believe you know scripture says."
"God's purposes...are not advanced...because of distortions of the scripture."
"Understanding Scripture's deeper meanings requires diligent study and spiritual insight."
"I realized that this isn't what scripture is describing as freedom in Christ and walking in power and authority."
"You can read the scriptures and see a different thing every time you read them."
"It's taking away from the beauty of the verse which is telling you to feed the homeless."