
Home Management Quotes

There are 191 quotes

"Maintaining a simple living focus allows for a peaceful and easily manageable home, making time and space for what truly matters."
"Creating a routine is the key to having an efficient home and a cleaner home."
"Flat surfaces... tend to become the most cluttered and when we have clean flat surfaces it's one of the things can make our house feel so much cleaner and so much more spacious."
"We try and keep things very clean and organized throughout the house."
"We have a lifetime to clean your house and so if it's not perfect that's okay."
"I suspect most of us would rather like the idea of our power and heating or cooling supply being a big rod in our basement."
"Management of the home is the greatest test of a man's leadership."
"Logistical problem: You don't want to come home to this blocking your front door."
"I'm gonna be so upset like it's my house now before I was always like oh I'm just ranting somebody else's problem or I'm just uh uh living in my parents house who cares."
"Our culture celebrates women who run large complex enterprises, unless it's their home."
"Leading in the home is what makes you a man, not just being present."
"So, you're having artichokes, onions, and looks like there's a tomato there too, yeah, these kids, it took me two years to whip this place into shape, now we got a professional cleaner."
"I actually love the way a clean fridge looks like."
"Let the Lord keep your house; He moves things around."
"Leading an expert around your household on fire and just saying how great your electrical code was."
"If everything had its space and its home to go to, it'd be so much easier to clean up."
"You're gonna become very proactive with things regarding your home and family, gonna fix a lot of problems there almost like very fast."
"When your house is organized, your brain feels organized."
"It's a lot like Tesla they'll put solar panels on your roof a battery pack in your house and let you take power during the day."
"Now, if I click on 'I need to clean my room,' you'll see it's right there, and now if I click on this one, it should say 'I need to clean my floor.'"
"Creating zones for your stuff makes a huge difference."
"There is nothing more satisfying than organized foods when your cupboards are empty. It's just the best."
"This is my home management binder. It has been a tremendous help to keep me organized and has brought so many blessings to my life."
"You can't declutter wrong, and there's nothing in your home that you could get rid of that would be so awful that it's worth living in a home with so much stuff that every day you feel like crap about yourself."
"Creating a rough weekly meal plan and then writing requirements on the back."
"The goal is to cook dinner in the morning and have a clean house by the end of the day."
"It just looks like a clean space all the time."
"Honestly it always looks really tidy... because there's a lot of hidden storage."
"Having a place for random clutter keeps your home tidy long term."
"Get yourself a basket throw everything in the basket and then go put it where it belongs."
"House hacking is a strategy that involves renting out portions of your home in order to offset the cost of your rent or offset the cost of your mortgage and basically live for free."
"Happy home, happy home, planning, organization, managing."
"Having a tidy and cleaned up home is really important."
"It's always a good feeling to have the fridge clean inside and outside and to have the fridge restocked finally."
"Keep a list on your fridge of things that you're running out of to avoid multiple trips every week to the store."
"Life pro tip: Professional house cleaning is cheaper than you think."
"I love having multiple sets of sheets ready to go."
"Think about that before picture and now the after, it is so much better, so much more organized."
"It's about time that I start putting some order to this place, get things a little bit more organized, a bit more neatly, a bit more tied together."
"If I can't put something away quickly, it just doesn't get put away."
"Closets done, how the it's been a week, it still looks just as gorgeous which means that I did a good job of organizing it because nothing's made it onto the floor and when nothing goes onto the floor that means everything has a place."
"Even if you just take on your small junk drawer, I promise you it will make your life easier."
"Home energy is definitely spilling over into December as well."
"Getting a handle on heating and cooling your home is the best place to start since it accounts for half of our energy use."
"Don't be afraid to move things around to create new homes."
"You can still have your stuff and have it organized too."
"If it helps your mental health and if it helps your home to run the right way."
"Mothers affect the heart of a home, nurturing the legacy and spiritual authority."
"We really wanted to have a water well for sure, and that way we're not focused on the city well or rural well to run our water into our home."
"Feels so good when you have an empty fridge and then you stock it up."
"Having good places to organize your stuff is incredibly important."
"During those three years, we tried to maintain doing everything we were doing at the home."
"I've been closing this pantry door during the day especially during the summer when the kids are home and putting fresh snacks in the kitchen."
"Declutter your home regularly... it's so nice to have less stuff."
"Don't have it in your house, if it's not there, you're not going to eat it."
"As we have highly simplified and decluttered our home, it became much easier to start to involve everyone."
"That is so sick, I have to do some housekeeping."
"We just keep it we really do just keep it this picked up all the time everything in our house has a place so it's really easy to keep it clean that's really it but we have no help it's just us."
"I have full confidence that you can stay on top of paper in your home."
"Cleaning the entire space stays cleaner for longer than if I were to just clean one room. Anyone else feel the same?"
"I feel like this is going to be so easy to keep and keep tidy and to put everything away."
"It's really important to keep yourself busy during quarantine, clean up around your house, and keep a schedule."
"Having an organized fridge is not just because we're anal, it's because when it's organized, you have a clearer mind state."
"You might find that it's cheaper and healthier to make some things from home."
"You are the CEO of your home, run it like a business, make it efficient."
"You actually have to do the work in order for your home to not feel messy."
"Clean as you go, don't let your house get out of control."
"My home has always stayed organized when I have a place for everything."
"So I've been putting off doing this house tour for a little while for one we're waiting on the table I really wanted to get that in before I did the house tour the other thing is it's like so hard to have every single room in the house clean at the same time."
"This idea of inventory, of looking at everything in our home as items that we have to take care of and manage, that has been one of the most helpful ideas."
"You are taking care of your home every day to where you feel like you don't want that home to become a dumping ground for everything."
"One thing you don't want to be doing is having your central heating system on all day when you're not in the house."
"Creating systems for a smoothly, peacefully productive home is kind of my specialty."
"If a messy home is something that really stresses you out, put your house on a schedule."
"In conclusion, I don't think there's any exact way to organize a kitchen."
"Set goals for your home just like you would if you were out in the workplace somewhere."
"Exceptional skills can be exercised in any environment, including running a home."
"Never put down put it away. This is for things in your house."
"Then we're going to run it, I can heat the house, I can cool the house, and most importantly, I can get the humidity out of the house with the dehumidifier."
"I'm really trying to train myself as well as my children on how to maintain a home so that the job doesn't become overwhelming."
"I've loved having them home, don't get me wrong, but the house is just... I've never fully felt like I've got on top of the house."
"Definitely hit the Subscribe button if you guys want that type of home organization, cooking, cleaning, and things like that from me."
"Every week I like to take an hour or two to refresh the kitchen through simple routines."
"...moms do run the household, the mother is a heartbeat in the home."
"I kind of want to run my house in communication and as a business."
"I'm not like a clean person, I'm a tidy person. Like, I like everything having a home, I can't have anything sitting out, it needs to be put away."
"This makes me feel so like woman of the house, so mature like I've got life together."
"Keep things organized as best you can, all that you can, tub that you can and don't stop because this is truly the lifeline of you your home and yourself sustainability."
"Keep your pantry stocked up with a few things that you'll always have."
"Everything has a place, everything has a home, we know where everything is now."
"It saves a ton of time and energy and effort in the home."
"This is why it's so important for my family and I to have permanent homes for all of our items."
"Clean up your clutter; what happens in a chaotic home is we want to get away from it."
"The altar of the home pays the bills of the house... everything will shift."
"It's very handy; it's got like the overview for all of the major things to clean in the house."
"Why not start helping couples who would manage their homes and eventually have a stronger society?"
"It's his house too and he's doing a lot of work."
"One who does a good job at home can be expected to do a good job with God's family, the church."
"There's nothing worse than putting off cleaning and then coming home to a messy house, and it just feels gross."
"I've got a ton of stuff laying around the house, so I like going through and just reusing things in different ways because it really helps me optimize everything I have."
"I even saw a couple of these baskets that I thought would be really great for practical life activities."
"Before I decorate for fall, I really like to just get the house organized and back in order."
"An organized home doesn't mean I'm on call all day to guard the perfect state, but rather it's manageable and has an easy reset."
"I love to find really clever and efficient ways to organize all of the items that I have in my home."
"Having less stuff really does help to minimize the mess and I just feel like my house is much easier to tidy up now."
"Knowing what you already have at home can help you eliminate wasting money on food because you won't be buying duplicates."
"Learn proper food storage techniques... it's really important that you learn how to properly store your food so that they can last for you."
"Check what you already have at home so you don't have to buy more and can save money."
"Do one thing at a time. An organized home is efficient."
"As we've decluttered our house and I am able to keep it more tidy, more organized, that I think it might be nice to have some uniform organization containers down here."
"The goal is that a five-minute pickup gets the whole house picked up."
"Everything should have a spot in your house; that's the best way to stay organized."
"Knowing that I only have to take 15 minutes here and there to work on some of these deep cleaning tasks has made the biggest difference in our home."
"I guarantee you if you just spend 10 minutes a day... you are still able to keep a neat and tidy house."
"I'm doing basically all the housework plus doing long hours at my job."
"Holding down a home is a very underappreciated thing."
"I rely really heavily on doing home resets especially before I start any big projects."
"Are you looking to monitor your home's energy usage? Do you want to cut down on your energy bills?"
"The quickest way to do your laundry at home is by doing it all at once."
"We love a good organizer over here."
"It is a game changer in getting your home to run more effectively, efficiently, and productively."
"Management of the home is the greatest test of your leadership as a man."
"You are capable of managing your home and you're capable of doing it in a way that is pleasing to you."
"I've been doing a ton of decluttering... everything has a proper home now."
"This is really helpful for us because we have a lot of the items that we need on hand at home."
"Minimizing clutter is a really big deal."
"The goal is for everything to have a home."
"Normalize the struggle that it is to keep a home."
"Your house is a container. Containers are natural limits."
"When it comes to getting the most out of your home, you can do this when you Angie."
"What do you guys do when you work from home? I like to get my housework done in my lunch break."
"The best paid for rodent control is not to let them in in the first place."
"Getting your home organized will always start better if you accept that it's always going to be an ongoing process."
"I do not strive to have a home that is clean and tidy all the time; I strive to have a home that is easy to tidy and easy to clean."
"It's really about doing what works for you in your household."
"It's a web-based self-hosted groceries and household management solution for your home."
"I want to be as organized as I can with this house."
"You can tap a routine or a rule quickly to adjust your whole home."
"You can take control of the mess in your home, cleaning up one mess at a time."
"Whenever my house is clean, I feel like my day is more productive."
"America's perfect Hostess, meal planner, home decorator, wedding planner, and magazine editor gets down and dirty when it comes to creating the perfect garden."
"Have a measure before you buy the appliance; there's nothing worse than buying the appliance and then finding that it doesn't fit in the space."
"I'm going to be adding the water filter and also doing some backup, like a backup solar thing, so I can run my house water if we have a power outage."
"I've really been wanting a family command center for quite some time."
"Routine is super crucial not only for your home to run properly but for your family dynamic to run properly."
"Wifey material is a lady that knows how to take care of the home, cook, but also a woman that is understanding, has compassion for her man, and is there for her man, also loyalty."
"This is why it is so important to take time to clean out your cabinets."
"Here's the story: my house is a wreck, I feel like my internal life is a wreck, and there's one of those things that I can fix immediately, and that is my house."
"I love how that simplified my cleaning."
"Freezer meals can be a lifesaver."
"I'm inspired to organize every area of my house."
"Having a nighttime cleaning routine is single-handedly the best thing I ever did especially for my ADHD."
"I'm having a lot of fun organizing the different areas of my house."
"I'm so excited to finally kick off my eight-day series where you and I work together to create our home management systems."
"I'm so excited to jump into our day two of putting together our home management system."
"Feel confident in what you're doing for your home with your family because at the end of the day, that is what matters."
"I'm just going to clean the sinks then I'm gonna feel like I've got a little bit less chaos going on in the kitchen."
"Let's do this together, let's tackle our list, let's get our homes in order."
"If your kitchen's clean, it makes such a huge difference in your life."
"If you have a space in your home and you see that it's cluttered or you see that the family doesn't maintain it, it's probably because you haven't implemented a strong system to keep things in order."
"Since I've been decluttering and being more intentional with what I've been keeping, I've noticed how much easier it is to manage my home."
"I started coming up with all kinds of clever ways to organize things."
"You don't need to go out and buy anything new, you can use the organization tools, bins, and boxes that you already have in your own home."
"What is a win in your eyes? What state should your house be in for you to actually feel good and say, 'Yeah, this is working for me'?"