
National Progress Quotes

There are 211 quotes

"Let us use history to inspire us to push our country forward."
"I made a bet on you, the American people, and that bet is paying off."
"We've learned so much, and so many good things are going to happen for our country."
"America is booming like never before. We're thriving on every single level."
"Compared to much of its history, the past decade or two has been a golden age for the Republic of Ireland."
"This is Malaysia, an economy tipped to reach high income status by 2024."
"In 1947, India emerged from two centuries of colonial exploitation with its growth stunted and its people poor and uneducated. As of today, it has halved the poverty rate, doubled life expectancy, reached world standards of literacy, and become a global high-tech force."
"The jubilee was about celebrating 25 years of the queen, but actually it was 25 years of royal and national progress."
"Let's face the challenges ahead. Let's keep building a better America."
"America's story is one of progress and resilience, of always moving forward, of never ever giving up."
"Australia, the land of the kangaroos, is making its way in the digital economy."
"What has happened in Rwanda in the last 30 years is nothing short of a miracle by almost every metric."
"Brazil approves bill regulating use of Bitcoin as payment, a huge victory for us bitcoiners absolutely unbelievable."
"What has happened in Bangladesh in the last 50 years is nothing short of a miracle."
"This is just an amazing day that I think, regardless of politics, regardless of where you stand on the political spectrum, should be celebrated simply because of what it says about how far we have come as a country."
"When we prioritize principles over party and humanity over personal legacy, we accomplish far more as a nation."
"China no longer waits for the world to come to her."
"There's no one who can stop this great country from going ahead."
"India should be developing GPT4, GPT5, GPTN. We should be leapfrogging ahead of the West and China."
"We've got to find a way to move our country forward and restore confidence in equal treatment under the law in this country." - Mike Pence
"Everything that will be possible for our country tomorrow will be in large part thanks to what you do today."
"We could be in a much better place as a nation by early summer."
"Imagine what our country could accomplish if we started working together as one people."
"America's story of progress: fitful, incomplete, but progress."
"There's something we're working towards, a better America."
"When we invest in our workers and we build an economy from the bottom up, in the middle out, together we can do something we haven't done in a long time: build a better America."
"Our country is starting to do well. We are going to make it great, better, safer than it ever was before."
"America's moving forward, but we can't stop now."
"I think this country is leaps and bounds better than it was in a fairly recent past." - Barack Obama
"The story of America is a story of progress and resilience, always moving forward, never ever giving up."
"Together we changed the course of this country forever."
"It is our generation's task to reignite the true engine of America's economic growth."
"This vote shows that this country deserves to have this move forward movement."
"We need bipartisan decisions and unity to move forward as a nation."
"I've seen this country go right into the trough and I've seen it come up again."
"In the history of our country, this group's doing the best, and that group's doing the best, and the women are doing the best, and everybody's doing, and frankly, you know what it is? The whole country is doing the best."
"We're creating the world's greatest economic powerhouse."
"Gold exploitation will become a thing of the past, replaced by an era of progress and enrichment for Burkina Faso's citizens."
"President Ibrahim Tror's leadership has ushered in a transformative era for Burkina Faso, marked by unprecedented development across various sectors."
"President Tror's commitment to modernizing Burkina Faso's infrastructure includes extensive road construction and rehabilitation projects."
"But if you would have said that our country would be in the position where now we're ready to move forward... that's a great thing."
"A country that not only proves that escaping poverty is possible, but one that also became a role model for other countries on the continent."
"While we could theoretically screw this up, this is probably also going to be the fastest growth that America has experienced since before the Civil War."
"How did such a poor country become the second-largest software exporter?"
"We must push through, we must not slow down, we must finish well, we must sing the real song of a new Nigeria."
"I stress this fundamental name because it's thanks to this country's collective resolve in achieving that aim that we continue to make progress."
"Ukrainians are future-oriented because when you are focused on your past you're not able to change, evolve or do something."
"America has always been a work in progress... falls to each new generation to renew and rediscover our country's lofty promise."
"If we remain firm in our convictions, if we always put America first, then there will be no limit to the progress that we will make."
"Japan: not just a rising economy, but a rising football nation too."
"America must choose to move forward or to move backwards, to build a future or obsess about the past."
"I will keep America moving forward, always forward, for a better America, for an endless enduring dream."
"America has the foundation to be great... we make improvements on what we've done wrong."
"We're not going to forget it. And now we're rebuilding it back and our economy is setting records."
"I honestly believe that America could be in an American Renaissance in the 21st century."
"If we have leadership that is willing to take the risks associated with leadership... I am very confident that we can have an American Renaissance."
"Unions built this country, and if we can prepare more kids for those kind of jobs, we're gonna wind up being a better country altogether."
"For the first time, since the days of the old empire, China is standing on its own two feet again."
"Israel will develop the ancient ruins and make the desert bloom."
"Leadership is at the core of whether a nation grows, moves forward, or backward." - Christian Wachovia
"Taking back control is about doing things better, succeeding, and prospering."
"If we want to get back on track, we definitely need to reindustrialize."
"The economy as a whole will grow. We can do this."
"Do you want to know what it takes for a country to escape poverty?"
"The United States is stronger, safer, and a richer country than it was when I assumed office less than two years ago."
"Communication can solve many things. Thailand is on its way now to be a better country with some transparency."
"We now stand on the precipice of a new age for Greece, a golden age where stability reigns supreme."
"With your help, we will transcend every obstacle, defeat every threat and trial, overcome every single challenge. We will lift our nation to new heights of greatness and glory."
"Decisions which will cement the progress and the movement of the country for next thousand years."
"America's best days are ahead, and yes, we're on our way forward boldly."
"Together we're on a mission to move this nation forward from doubt and downturn to promise and prosperity."
"America is thriving again, America's winning again, and America is being respected again."
"Our partnership will be a great Catalyst to make India the world's leading Digital Society."
"China is very close to becoming a high-income economy - what a wonderful thing this is for the world."
"China has its national rejuvenation within its grasp."
"What the economy needs to work is faith in the system and belief in the rule of law."
"And if you all do your part, I promise you, my wife, Aporva, and I, and our family, we're going to do ours to make sure that our country's best days are actually still ahead of us."
"I would love to solve these problems and move this country forward."
"Brazil's economy grew from 1.72 trillion to 2.8 trillion dollars during Lula's tenure."
"It's about building a better future for all Canadians."
"We are America; we went to the moon 50 years ago. Let's make our moonshot justice for this generation."
"Together we can create real and lasting change not only for our country today but for future generations."
"America is thriving again, winning again, and being respected again."
"There's no nation that has made as much progress towards perfect equality of opportunity for citizens."
"Under this administration, America is working again, America is winning again, and America is respected again."
"We're pulling our economy out of the worst crisis in 100 years."
"Sweden's rise as a tech power did not happen by accident."
"We're not perfect, we're a work in progress. But we've gotten it better than any other country."
"President Biden has called a historic moment for science and technology."
"Our economy is booming, wages are rising, crime is falling, poverty is plummeting, and our nation is stronger and more powerful right now than it has ever been before."
"This agreement signals to the world that we can function, deliver, and do significant things."
"Women in Sierra Leone can finally own land. Good job, Sierra Leone."
"The surge really was enough to start moving the rest of the country in the right direction."
"We're going to be the ones that are securing better future opportunities for Canada."
"Unforgettable, yes, but Uganda is moving on."
"The leaders of the workers Revolution can guide the country to new heights and bring us to progress far greater than any Monarch ever could."
"We're not there yet but we're making progress there are some good things happening in the country and you deserve the credit."
"Liberia has fallen out of the old loop of being exploited, now it challenges those using it and is more concerned about its future."
"I'm here to get things done, to move this country forward."
"India, once worried, is now a leader in feeding itself through innovation."
"Industrializing India is quite frankly insane."
"China's economy continues to grow and raise countless millions out of poverty each year."
"Yesterday I don't think is the exaggeration to suggest that we took a monumental step forward as a nation." - President Joe Biden
"Yesterday, we took a monumental step forward as a nation."
"We can keep our country moving forward if we listen to the science."
"We're going to see this and this is why America we can't fall behind."
"Innovation, technology drives this country. It always has."
"It's your job to move this country that we love not left not right but forward."
"Poland's transition from tragedy to thriving shows the power of free market."
"There's no argument against reparations except you don't want your country to continue."
"We have such a powerful story to tell, we've made the country so much better."
"The incredible great news yesterday the president united states addressed the american people about the progress."
"...now is the time that we have to come together as Americans around those foundational principles and get our country back on track."
"I want our country to succeed. If we do not invest in this country, we are hindering ourselves."
"So it is a tough environment, but it's the pain the country needs in the short term in order to bear the fruits over the medium to long term."
"We're making historic investments in Detroit, in Michigan, and all across the country that aren't just righting this ship, but they're positioning this country for generational economic opportunities for all Americans, not just some, but all Americans."
"It's about confronting a deep and persistent challenge in order to chart a new course for our future and for the future of our country."
"Changed this game and it changed that country for the better."
"What causes the standard of living in a particular country to change over time?"
"If there were one thing that could explain differences in the course of development, it was whether there was in a nation a rule of law."
"Singapore can continue to do well and we can create many more good jobs for Singaporeans."
"It's a huge opportunity for the country if we get this transition right."
"That is what the Singapore story is about: continually evolving, progressing, and moving forward."
"I'm so proud of the progress that our country is making, and it's gonna keep progressing."
"It imagines an America that is capable of change and growth."
"The trajectory of this nation has been in favor of justice and freedom and equity."
"This is the time for change and this is the time for healing our nation."
"To take this country forward with fantastic environmental policies and education."
"This country went further and faster than most to protect, vaccinate, and unlock."
"Building a country that truly works for everyone."
"Ireland has been a genuine miracle. It's now got some of the highest life expectancy, educational scores in the whole of Europe, one of the highest GDP per capita from a very very poor base."
"We are not here today to criticize an America of 150 years ago, but to rejoice that we live in a country that has permitted a spiritual descendant of the Buffalo Soldier to stand before you today as the first African-American chairman of the joint chiefs of staff."
"The bigger story from Ireland is the story of change."
"This is the type of innovation and possibility that we need more of in the country."
"I would like to see all Americans do better and I certainly would like to see the outlook economic outlook for African Americans improve."
"History has been consistent in demonstrating that when young people rise and serve in dedication, then their countries thrive and blossom."
"I will not change the state of a Nation until they change what's within themselves."
"The future and are still growing, America is still on words, still upwards."
"Somalia is not in a permanent state of failure anymore; they have the resilience, they have shown it."
"But we're America. And we make progress, we move forward."
"Dr. Barnes really strongly believed that the more enlightened our citizenship is, the stronger and more enlightened our country would be."
"Any country which has to progress has to have their girls educated."
"Our nation does its most fundamental reconstruction of its Civic institutions at these periods of Crisis."
"It's the largest economic investment in the state's history and it actually has the ability to reshape how America works quite literally."
"Stick with us to deliver the long-term change that the country needs."
"This King's speech is about taking long-term decisions to build a brighter future for our country."
"Our country is a perpetual work in progress, constantly moving forward, constantly striving to form a more perfect union."
"Israel's on a very good trajectory... Israel is more secure, stronger economically, stronger diplomatically."
"We want our students to go out as young people who are proud of their country, who are committed to helping that country to make progress."
"I'm pleased to report that after four years of united effort, the American people have brought forth a nation renewed, stronger, freer, and more secure than before."
"I am giving everyone in this nation a better future."
"They believed that our imperfect nation was becoming more perfect every day."
"We're putting a lot of effort, serious amounts of money and effort into training our own population to be equals with the rest of the world in terms of Bitcoin."
"Life is competitive, the life of nations is competitive; you should always hone your competitive edge."
"It's a really impressive achievement what this president has done."
"If you don't love your country, your country will never go forward."
"It's a game changer for our nation and it's a game changer for Western Australia as well."
"That's how a generation is changed, that's how a village is changed, that's how a nation is changed."
"South Korea has gone from poverty to power in just one generation."
"We should have a Progress Day to celebrate all of the progress we've made in this great nation."
"We need to get Americans excited about some sort of shared and collective progress again."
"We have foundational principles that have enabled us as individuals to excel, and as we as individuals excel, our country excels."
"Pick any metric that you want -- America's resurgence is real. We are better off."
"...the first decade of post-apartheid South Africa was an incredible success story economically, socially, politically..."
"This was a new start for the king and a new start for the country."
"Throughout the 1990s and 2000s, Romania slowly got back up on its feet."
"We only hope and pray this 2024 will be an opportunity as a turning point for the better for our country."
"Support innovative, non-traditional thinking because it is the savior of this country."
"We're in the midst of a great revolution, a revolution in Israel's standing among the nations."
"I'm determined to get Britain moving, to get us through the tempest and to put us on a stronger footing as a nation."
"We are a country in need of an update to the way we should view ourselves."
"It just shows that Somalia is advanced; it just shows that Somalia has a lot of things."
"Poland has achieved so far is impressive and what it plans to achieve even more so."
"As we gather here today, America is seeing incredible progress that we can all be proud of."
"All of us should be working for America moving forward and solving problems."
"Let's own the problem together; that's how America has always accomplished big things."
"Korea's diligence is a response to its past adversities, a drive for improvement that has placed it on the global stage."
"America is not perfect but working towards a more perfect union."
"Samora Machel's journey from a nurse to the first president of Mozambique was nothing short of remarkable."
"We do have a country that needs to move forward safely."
"Nigeria will be way better than it is right now."
"It can be questionable for a developing nation to have a space program, but when you really think about it, that might be one of the best things that a developing nation can have."
"Our recovery is by far the strongest of any country."
"We are uniting and leveling up across the country with the biggest program of infrastructure investment that we've had for a hundred years."
"I'm ambitious and hopeful for the future of the country."
"I chose to stay because I know I can contribute to the progress of this country."
"This is really, as they call it, an Amrit Kaal for India, a time of prosperity, a time of progress."
"We are always working toward becoming a more perfect union; it's a work in progress."
"This is how we will get our country working for us again, the American people."
"The country has evolved, and a lot of things are happening that are actually quite good."