
Enduring Quotes

There are 295 quotes

"A love that never fades, no matter time and distance."
"Team Fortress 2 will forever be an insane but enduring and timeless experience."
"Give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy endureth forever."
"It really is this amazing epic, it's a fantastic sci-fi flick, really just a gem that has stood the test of time over decades."
"The love is real, the connection is still there, it's still strong, it's still stable."
"Dune is guaranteed to endure as one of the most lovingly crafted blockbusters of the decade, if not ever."
"It's never going to get old. It's never going to die. It's never going to go away."
"I think that the impulse to piety and the sense of something greater than ourselves is deeply implanted in human beings and will never go away."
"Everyone always talks about the physical pain, but it's the emotional pain that sticks with you."
"Love is extravagant, love is not stingy, love doesn't get moldy."
"Love is like I felt that with Jen but it's been such a long slow burn and it just keeps getting better and better."
"In the end, the aldecados are arguably the most iconic Nomad Nation out there in the new United States, and it's almost certain that their story will live on for many, many years."
"It cannot be understated how endearing such a powerful bond is, a bond that transcends time itself."
"Your love is one in a million, it goes on and on and on. You're not taking just anything, just any old thing."
"Enduring connected Love of a Lifetime."
"This is a love that can withstand the test of time."
"People love Star Wars; they always have, and they always will."
"The memory of Lorien would stay with him forever, unfading."
"The thing about music, it never gets old."
"Watches are things that you can wear and enjoy 24 hours a day, indoor and out, and they have enduring value."
"I think it's a classic. It'll be timeless."
"When you love for Allah's sake, then that kind of love lasts."
"I will always be here, in one form or another."
"I love you and it's something that won't soon go away, no matter what."
"I've never stopped loving you, in spite of what's happened."
"It dominated bedroom walls for decades and it will continue to dominate attention on the road for decades to come."
"The enduring appeal of baseball can be traced back to its rich history and the game's unwavering essence over time."
"This is the type of connection that stands the test of time."
"Love is not confined by time or distance; it transcends barriers and endures through all seasons."
"And after everything we've been through over the years, I'm even more in love with this sailor girl than ever before."
"No matter how big a pain in the bum it may be, you'll still sing its praises for the rest of time."
"Love transcends space and time. Even past connections endure."
"If this person really loves you and cares about you and is willing to, like, literally die with you, we're talking the notebook final scene, 100 years old in the nursing home holding hands."
"There is love, love is always there despite the distance."
"A bond that's durable and timeless and transcends space and time."
"Love never fails. Like that hug, it's warm and apparent."
"Joy is a lasting experience because it's in the realm of the spirit and it doesn't vary."
"...established him as an enduring symbol of the counterculture movement."
"...there's a reason that it's remained such a classic and why it's withstood the test of time..."
"...it will always be a classic and a favorite to me..."
"The sum of your word is truth and every one of your righteous rules endures forever." - Psalm 119:160
"Personalities are evergreen, baby."
"The Black Cat has come to be an enduring character in the Spider-Man mythos."
"That classic theme is still there, and I think that's why it lives."
"I don't think that this one would ever actually go out of fashion."
"Love is everything. The only thing that lasts is love."
"Commando remains to this day one of the actor's most enduring films."
"True love is like a tattoo, it never dies, it never fades."
"No matter what happens, you really do love each other."
"It still holds up in my opinion to this day."
"There's this enduring flame with this person."
"Over 35 years later Stand By Me has lost none of its power."
"Even today, this scene still gives us goosebumps."
"For the serpent is aeons more ancient than our race and will endure aeons after our fall to dust."
"As the years go by, we might get older, but love grows stronger."
"Passion for Rural Simplicity would endure all her life."
"There is no greater love on earth than a mother's love. It's enduring, steadfast, and unremitting."
"At the end of the day, the film is an enduring work of sci-fi."
"...a lot of love there and there still is and there always will be."
"There are wonderful classics that are as popular as ever."
"There's a reason why this thing has been an enduring favorite here."
"I feel like this is one of those pieces that is just gonna last the test of time."
"It's that one love-hate relationship we just can't get rid of."
"I love you." - The enduring power of love, even in the face of loss.
"Egypt is gonna be with us forever. It's not a fad that goes away."
"That's the enduring thing, the thing which comes and goes is religion."
"The beautiful, the true, and the good will always outlast every attempt to destroy it."
"It's rooted in 80s production though but it's that production I would argue the synthesizer and blaring guitar that makes it so enduring."
"I still love her like in the end yes"
"25 years and the woman could still turn me into a quivering wreck."
"There are some things that are timeless."
"A lot has changed since then, but peanut butter hasn't changed at all."
"Grief is not a feeling; it stays."
"Even when there's separation, this connection doesn't die."
"It still would have been timeless."
"Classics are the classics for a reason."
"She has a point, classics will always be classics."
"I fell deeply in love, and that love has lasted, now, for forty years, without diminishing in the least."
"But the commitment I made is why I stayed. The feeling of love showed back up because it is a feeling. And feelings come and go, that's right. What does not come and go is the word that we gave each other, that's right."
"Words of wisdom staining the test of time is so true right now."
"This is to me the dictionary definition of Timeless."
"It's something that is not going away that's one thing I can guarantee you."
"It was a pop culture juggernaut and, you know, it still is to this day."
"Most of these games still hold up at their core."
"The love is undying, regardless of the situation."
"There's a reason people still play it."
"Lord of the Rings trilogy has stood the test of time. Nothing will ever destroy or take the beloved movies away from us."
"...the love for this series still goes strong down to this day."
"This film has stood the test of time."
"Some people have that stuff throughout their entire life, and that's incredible."
"Friendship, it never dies, it just gets better."
"It's like friendship, it never dies, it just gets better."
"True and Lasting Love is here for you."
"The fundamentals never go out of style."
"Do they still care? Absolutely. Will they care in the future? Absolutely. It's not over. You're a once in a lifetime type of connection."
"Comedy lasts through time and you don't have to be part of it to laugh at it."
"This was a big deal when it dropped, it's still a big deal now." - Tim Henson
"Little House is enduring because it's healing. It heals a lot of people."
"Star Wars is the gift that keeps on giving."
"Often the pain comes in one moment and lasts the rest of one's life."
"Iris is a song that has kind of stood the test of time and I love it as much as a lot of people I know love it."
"Faith is an inherent, enduring trust."
"It's still there man, it's still knocking around."
"Tupac's legacy is so enduring... people still gonna be talking about it. They gotta get control of it."
"This movie won't ever lose its deserved iconic flair."
"It never gets old, it really doesn't."
"The coolest part about it is that it sort of solidifies the idea that the mystery will endure."
"This is a classic, this is a classic, and we knew it would stand some of it would stand the test of time."
"You'll carry some of this with you the rest of your life."
"A testament to the enduring power of myth."
"Honesty is perhaps the best policy if you want to be a novelist who stands the test of time."
"In the end, date for values. That's the only thing that's going to remain."
"Vinyl: because sometimes, the classics never fade."
"I feel like we're more in love than ever which is really crazy to say after like nearly 16 years together."
"This has been a cult classic fan favorite for years and years and years for very good reason."
"The webslinger has maintained his place at the heart of the comic book industry."
"That's what's cool about it, it's ageless, the test of time."
"The love that they have for you has never left their heart."
"I still can't believe that this passion you've given us is still burning so bright and I'm so thankful for that."
"Hip-hop evolved and adapted into the coming times, never falling behind, and proving to be a genre that is here to stay."
"Everybody still adores that film."
"I know this is going to be timeless."
"Just because the Q&A is over doesn't mean the sleepover is cuz it will go on forever and in our hearts."
"It will last a lifetime, and you can make it beautiful."
"These are ones that I will probably hold on to as being favorites to some extent forever."
"People will still be listening between, it's timeless."
"That excitement never leaves me, it really doesn't."
"...a testament to enduring craftsmanship."
"There's a lot of great stuff that came out of the 90s that still holds up."
"What they were doing is timeless."
"It's definitely going to be one of those books that I keep on my bedside probably for my whole life."
"The love between them still remains."
"It's all part of the culture, and it's here to stay."
"...mathematical achievement whatever its intrinsic worth is the most enduring of all."
"What's fascinating about this album is that 22 [__] years later, it is still so remarkably heavy."
"Love isn't soft like those poets say. Love has teeth which bite and the wounds never close."
"After all this, they still go home together."
"A love that knows no bounds, a love that will last a lifetime and then some. A love that will never fade away."
"It's like a classic, standing the test of time."
"The fire still burns every bit as hot as ever."
"the conspiracy stuff aged great, no matter what era."
"Character is not always flamboyant, it's eternal, it's supernatural."
"I think it's the movie's timelessness."
"Pride's enduring Legacy continues to echo through the country Community."
"Some mysteries endure longer than others though."
"His music continued to be played and loved by people all over the world."
"God's love reaches to the heavens, it's everlasting, enduring, unfailing, surpasses knowledge, and it's abounding."
"It stands the test of time for me."
"His mercy endures forever. Come on, stay with me. For His mercy endures forever, and if you're a King James person, you can say 'endureth.'"
"You and I were going to be linked on my end forever, regardless of the success that we had."
"It's timeless, it's for all time."
"The opposite of trendy is timeless."
"Ellen Corby's Legacy endures, a testament to her remarkable talent and unwavering commitment."
"We've had a lot of experiences but this one is one of the pieces of the puzzle that will never ever get old for us."
"This is what I call an absolutely timeless."
"It's one of those designs that will be around until the end of motorcycling."
"Ideas are bulletproof; ideas don't go away."
"I knew that I never really stopped loving her."
"Those movies are actually incredibly iconic and they still hold up."
"Their feelings for you are still alive and well."
"It's always going to be a classic."
"Love is something which lasts beyond the grave."
"It's timeless, it's classic, it's not going anywhere."
"It's all been a positive experience and that doesn't get taken away."
"That is why it is so powerful even to this day."
"Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, for His grace endures forever."
"A Triumph that I return to over and over again."
"Oh give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good, His mercy endureth forever."
"The biggest language is the relationships that we were bonded and created here probably will go on forever."
"It's timeless, it'll be here forever."
"We may not be related by blood, but we have a truly strong bond that'll last a lifetime."
"It's one of those sequences that just refuses to become boring."
"A classic is gonna always be a classic, it don't matter. Timeless, bro, it's going to be climates."
"That's just timeless, that move isn't it? It's timeless."
"I could see why it was a classic."
"I loved him, I did, I still love him now."
"There was a sense of some kind of this never-ending unconditional kind of love."
"These are all-time Classics that will stand the test of time. Timeless Classics."
"All over the world, this chess set will hold its way, and I doubt it will ever be supplanted as long as chess is played."
"The amount of love I have for my family is exponential; it's never going to die."
"Old Yeller will always be a classic and will go on forever in people's hearts."
"But while records are broken, memories endure, and for the players, coaches, and fans who stood witness, Ohio State's incredible comeback win over Illinois will be a memory that never fades."
"It's definitely a view that you wouldn't get tired looking at."
"I will always remember that nightmare walk."
"That character to this day is legendary."
"Love like yours will come; love never ends."
"Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner, like many Looney Tunes, remain as popular today as when they first debuted."
"Every night in my dreams, my heart will go on."
"It's one of those sort of timeless classics."
"I am so in love with them even after all this time."
"I've always loved you, and I'll always go on loving you."
"Despite the show's ending, the bond between the cast members remained strong."
"The love will never leave you, Temple."
"She wanted Kumachi to know that she loves him, that she always has and always will."
"When you lose someone, they still live inside of you no matter what because they live in your heart and they live in your memory."
"True love that is selfless and endures can quite often creep up on you unawares."
"The love is endless; it's a love that just keeps coming stronger and stronger every day, it never goes away."
"It's been very special and very meaningful, and we hope that it will stay that way for a long, long time to come."
"It seems likely that the love of cookies will be around for a long time."
"It's very atmospheric, it's very good despite its age."