
British History Quotes

There are 203 quotes

"Queen Elizabeth II reigned over a rapidly changing country, weathering scandals and changes with a steady hand and sincere devotion to the British people."
"Her legacy will loom large in the pages of British history and in the story of our world."
"Buckingham Palace holds a unique place in Britain's heart, its balcony is a focus for national rejoicing."
"The continuity of the British state in these circumstances, and the core of the British state has a thousand years of experience in dealing with these things."
"Of 196 countries in the world, the British have invaded or had a military presence at some stage in 171 of them."
"General Arthur Percival was about to oversee one of the greatest British defeats of modern times."
"In 2013, the Battle of Imphal and Kohima was declared to be Britain's greatest battle by the National Army Museum in London."
"The introduction of Christianity was arguably the most enduring contribution and legacy of the Romans in Britain."
"The blitz was seen as actually drawing the British people together and uniting them in defiance."
"90.99% of British land is owned by like 0.01% of the population since the 1600s."
"Queen Mary, wife of King George V and grandmother of our current queen, may have been largely forgotten, but her influence on Britain has been huge."
"There are very few moments that could be described as truly historic, but the death of Britain's longest reigning monarch is, of course, definitely historic."
"What was remarkable about the industrial revolution we gave to the world was how much it relied on what Britain was - a place of stability, of contracts and commerce, of parliamentary democracy, and freedom of conscience."
"Queen Elizabeth II embodied the continuity and unity of the British nation for over 70 years."
"Queen Elizabeth ably led England through dark moments with her confidence in her people and her vision for a brighter tomorrow."
"Celtic nations still holding on to their Celtic roots today."
"The Queen Mother is one of the main reasons why Great Britain still has a monarchy."
"News that everyone knew would come and yet no one was really prepared for the death of the only monarch most Britons ever knew."
"A failure to reconcile with all of this history to understand what Britain's role in the world has been." - Akala
"A carriage procession of heralds travels to the statue of Charles the First at Trafalgar Square to repeat the proclamation."
"To be part of a moment, a true moment that will be remembered for generations, centuries to come in British history."
"After the Union Jack lowered for the final time, the last British governor Chris Patten made a speech marking the end of over a century and a half of history."
"If you want to stop the British feeling pride in themselves, you've got to take out Winston Churchill."
"Margaret Thatcher is one of the great leaders who has arisen in a thousand years of British history."
"Battle of Hastings...permanently changed the course of history in England and beyond...everything about the history of Britain changes in that moment."
"Britain's history...made by a whole host of ordinary people doing a lot of really terrible jobs."
"This resulted in King John signing the Magna Carta."
"70 years on from the wind rush and Britain is again leaning on its former colonies."
"D-Day is the great victory in the war that the British had been fighting since the first ship rolled off the docks."
"Britain fought a profoundly industrial war, a war of factories, technology, and science."
"A death that marked the end of the best-known battle in British history."
"In the summer of 1940, a small group of young men and their aircraft were all that seemed to stand between the British people and invasion by the Nazi war machine."
"The Hurricane shouldered the lion's share of Britain's defense during the Battle of Britain."
"Every Monarch show I've watched post Oliver Cromwell is like the British just don't revolt."
"He'll be remembered for steering Britain through its darkest hour and inspiring the nation with both his leadership and his courage."
"The British for the last half-century have spent annual sums equal to the revenue of a small Kingdom."
"The suffragettes are the only protest movement in the history of Great Britain that actually succeeded by of violence."
"This is not a tale of a dead past; it still shapes the way Britons live today."
"This moment is a sign that Britain is waking up to its slave trading history."
"That's beautiful, one of the last Roman bronze coins in Britain."
"The collapse of the British economy... has resulted in the collapse of his political position."
"One of the largest and most complex examples of prehistoric architecture in britain."
"I'm on a quest to connect the clues and rediscover the stories hidden among Britain's ancient pathways."
"Nationalism that can succeed it succeeded okay in America and in Britain."
"Slavery, exploitation, and war have definitely been a part of British history and basically every human history."
"Let us now take a tour of western Britain in the sixth and seventh centuries."
"British sailors were unmatched, especially during this time period."
"For the British, the point of no return had not been reached as long as Britain still remained free of invasion."
"Holloway was always going to have a place in the British psyche..."
"Auchinleck had become the first British general to defeat a German General in the Second World War."
"Churchill's rallying of the British population was crucial as the country was now alone against Nazi Germany."
"The bombing had failed to demoralize the British into surrender."
"The Mansell Seaforts accomplished their mission of protecting British civilians, industrial towns, and ports."
"The 1215 Magna Carta was a Key Part of the American Revolution."
"A British victory in the Revolution changes the world."
"The blow had an immediate shattering effect on British morale."
"Dowding's foresight, pre-planning, and organization saved Britain from invasion."
"In 1988, a statue to his memory was finally placed outside Saint Clements Danes, the Royal Air Force church in London, as one of the saviors of Britain."
"In the course of one queen's long reign, the Victorians transformed their capital city."
"It's the biggest trove of coins ever found in Britain."
"British morale held firm, with people showing balls of steel."
"This could be some of the best prehistoric archaeology in Britain."
"In no world conflict have the issues been more real and vital, in none has the duty to defend a righteous cause being more compulsive upon the British Nation."
"As time went by it marked him out more and more as the man to lead Britain in her forthcoming life and death struggle."
"He deserves his place as one of the greatest Britons in history."
"The British anti-slavery movement remained powerful and unrelenting throughout the 19th century."
"Reverse the long collapse of the last major British car manufacturer."
"Company forces there the British won a decisive victory against the Indians at the Battle of Plassey."
"Richard's reign is also one of the great what-if moments in British history."
"The Golden Hind changed English British consciousness because it showed what was possible."
"It's incredible to think that the ship that went on to shape British history began life in what is now a small fishing town."
"I'm stepping out across Britain to discover 100 remarkable places that have shaped you, me, and the whole world."
"The shortest War was between Britain and Zanzibar."
"Discoveries like this show how archaeology can change the story of Britain."
"The most important vote in modern British history."
"Elizabeth I became one of England's most successful and loved monarchs."
"The House of Windsor has reigned over the United Kingdom since 1917."
"She was the rock on which modern Britain was built."
"It's not the oldest in our puddings, you know. I think traditional Christmas pudding, plum pudding, it was another. George the First, his first Christmas as King of England in 1714, he ordered up plum pudding."
"A chance to reflect on Deer Street and the Britain it dissects."
"The growth of the railway network transformed the landscape of Britain."
"Boudicca remains a powerful symbol of strength, resistance to oppression, and the British people."
"Finally, all the bits of Britain came together."
"I think it's a really nice piece of British archaeology."
"The most mysterious people in British history."
"The rescue of Dunkirk, a symbol of Britain's resilience."
"Brexit was an incredibly positive moment in British history."
"The Landings had been angrily opposed by the British prime minister Winston Churchill."
"When Charles does ascend to the throne, what can we expect?"
"The British economy did take a hit and they responded in their typical fashion by going to Copenhagen and blowing a bunch of stuff up."
"The Glorious Revolution made England a true constitutional monarchy."
"After a rather vicious hand-to-hand action, the Spanish were driven off, and it turned out in the morning's light the British fleet had grown to the tune of two mortar vessels and an unarmed launch."
"The Empire on which the Sun never sets" - a phrase echoing through history, symbolizing vastness and continuity.
"The crash of the r101 was the worst aviation disaster in British history up to that point."
"So all of a sudden Great Britain has access to fine Welsh wool, the finest Scotch whiskey, fresh milk even in the middle of town."
"The name Windrush is a reference to the ship MV Empire Windrush, the first ship to arrive from the Caribbean at Tilbury Docks in Essex on 27th of June 1948."
"Hundreds of thousands of ordinary Britons were subjected to mock biological and chemical attacks."
"Its origins, however, lie in the deadliest conflict in Britain’s long and rich history."
"Lasting almost a decade after its beginning in 1642, the English Civil War claimed hundreds of thousands of lives."
"Unwilling to call another parliament to grant him subsidies, a number of creative measures were used to raise royal funds and at the same time bypass Westminster."
"The Curious Case of the British Civil Service: an interesting epidemiological piece of science."
"The Victorian era saw Britain become the first global industrial power but also a dark and dirty place where supernatural tales were commonplace."
"Her wedding day to Harry was one of the happiest days in modern British history."
"The Abbey is filled with the remains of people who put the great in Britain."
"A whole new chapter of British history was about to be born, and it was all thanks to one woman, Queen Victoria."
"The direct link to one of the longest and most transformative Reigns in British history came to a poignant end."
"These magically modern Royal weddings will forever go down as some of the most memorable moments in British history."
"Of all British kings, Arthur was the most valiant."
"Florence Nightingale is one of the most beloved figures of British history."
"Britons didn't give in to panic or despair- they weren't snowflakes."
"In short, they had 'Blitz Spirit'."
"Showing how this intersectional history is fundamentally a part of British history."
"To criticize anybody who tries to work through these arguments as somehow engaging in some sort of woke Enterprise is to misunderstand British history."
"This story is mad and brilliant halfway through the story i actually found myself rooting for him because this version of british history was just infinitely better and somehow less sleazy."
"This was a time of great events: the Reformation, the civil wars of the seventeenth century, the foundations of the first British empire."
"This is like the epicenter of everything and British history."
"...a piece of British history Worth treasuring."
"For over a century, the legendary tales that have surrounded our Great British airfields have inspired generations of people, including me."
"This is the biggest legal miscarriage of Justice in British history. That's insane!"
"The events that took place enhanced and exacerbated the class divisions that existed in Britain."
"Britain gave the world some wonderful inventions."
"The British has had several panics hysterias over the course of history but by the 20th century that's when we got names like Aleister Crowley and Arthur Edward Waite."
"If you control the tower, then you control the river Thames, you control the Thames, you control London, and if you control London, you control the largest empire the world has ever seen, the British Empire."
"The reign of Henry III is quite an interesting one to try and understand."
"Victoria would take the throne and reign over a grand age of invention and Empire."
"One of the most remarkable things about what happened in British politics in the last decade is the way in which our two parties have managed still to survive dominating our politics despite the way in which brexit cut across so much of our traditional party loyalties."
"Britain was more progressive, open, free, and rich."
"The British Monarchy as we know it today was officially established in 1066 with William the Conqueror."
"The story of British history is to a greater or less extent your story."
"It's the greatest murder mystery in British history."
"But it is extraordinary because he is one of the great Britons, isn't he?"
"Britain controls much of the communications, much of these global trading and financial networks come from London."
"The Maurice Miner mobilized Britain after World War II; its affordable price, simple mechanicals, and wide variety of body styles meant there really was a Minor for everyone."
"The Industrial Revolution... was an industrial Britain powerhouse during the Victorian era."
"They documented so many aspects of British railways."
"There's quite a lot of debates about British identity, about the origins of the different identities within Britain."
"The Gunpowder Plot was a conspiracy by 13 men to blow up the houses of parliament while the king was addressing it."
"The impact the carrier had on the face of low-cost British tourism was beyond profound."
"For the last 1000 years, Britain has been witness to the repeated and continued spectacle of royal coronations at Westminster Abbey."
"That's the kind of enthusiasm we want to see for British history and tradition here in central London."
"It's no ordinary tale of nobility; it's a spectacular saga with characters as legendary as Winston Churchill and as beloved as Princess Diana."
"The narrative of British history would be incomplete without mentioning one of its most enduring figures, Sir Winston Churchill."
"In their absence, four groups emerged to control Britannia: the Picts in the northeast, the Britons in the southwest, the Saxons, a Germanic tribe who colonized the southeast, and the Scotti who came from Gaelic Ireland."
"Collectors today kind of value these British guns because of their features and configuration."
"The Regency strictly lasted from 1811 to 1820, when the wild Prince Regent reigned on behalf of his ailing father, King George III."
"No matter how one remembers George, it cannot be denied that his reign was certainly one of the most unbelievably incredible reigns in the history of the British Isles."
"Britain has the most powerful Navy in the world."
"Now thanks to this unique personal record smuggled back from the front, I'll reveal in intimate detail the dramatic story of one battalion from one British city in the words of one man, Private Frank Meekin."
"This being known as the Glorious Revolution of 1688."
"Do you have a favorite British dinosaur?"
"The Restoration of May 1660 clearly represented a fresh start for the monarchy in England."
"In 2015, Elizabeth surpassed her great-great-grandmother Queen Victoria's record and is now the longest reigning monarch in English history."
"If Lloyd were to win tonight, he creates British boxing history. No British fighter has ever won a World title for the third time."
"The British gained their empire despite their government."
"Marston Moor was the largest battle ever fought on British soil."
"The Spitfire has become emblematic of Britain's determined resistance against Nazi Germany in the early days of the Second World War."
"While countless factors contributed to Britain's victory against the Luftwaffe in the summer of 1940, Miss Schilling's elegant solution to the Merlin's cutoff problem doubtless played a significant role."
"The reality is these are British overseas territories."
"Reliant used to be Britain's second biggest car maker, turning over in excess of 20 million pounds a year."
"The Glorious Revolution saw the Catholic James deposed and replaced by the Protestant William and Mary."
"Tonight we will be endeavouring to establish a cogent idea of British civic life, their institutions and so forth, from pre-Roman times to our own."
"The Queen became the longest reigning British monarch since 1066."
"It's going to be the biggest spectacle in British history, the seventieth anniversary of Her Majesty the Queen on the throne, the Platinum Jubilee celebrations."
"The ancient Britons played a significant role in the early development of modern British culture."
"The first recorded mention of Maundy money was at Nesboro in 1210."
"Increased living standards suggested the British people never had it so good."
"Britain had never had it so good."
"Pelagius is the first known British author."
"The extraordinary success of Britain's industrialization was apparent to everyone by the 1880s."
"Noble Brutus's Britain grew rich in battle, bold knights who loved to fight and fought and often brought pain to their people."
"Of all her kings, Arthur was always the most glorious, as the tales tell."
"Cromwell is generally considered to be one of the great generals of British history, if not European history."
"The British have great representation through warlord models and other miniature manufacturers."
"Hampton Court is just a real arc of British history."
"In 1612, a trial began at Lancaster that would go down in history as one of the most important trials involving witchcraft in Britain."
"This was the golden period which inaugurated a very different style of writing and a very different cultural and religious identity for Britain."
"The most popular blends of tea in the world all came about as a result of the British Envoy to Prime Minister Charles Grey II."
"Blinding the British is not defining the British."
"Britain had just engaged in one of the most famous advertising campaigns in history."
"The eighteenth century would be the golden age of the British East India Company."
"Life for the British people take a turn for the better during the reign of George the sixth."
"Ever wonder why the British are such staunch believers in parliamentary democracy? Because they've been practicing it since 1264."