
Social Importance Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"The messaging in these stories is extremely important."
"The life of every African-American is important, and there is no place for racism in this country."
"They help bring missing kids home. It's so important."
"This goes to show Chinese Community is such a big thing and they really put a lot of importance on staying fit, staying healthy, and getting the social connection."
"By virtue of being born a black female, my voice has become abundantly important in today's day and age."
"The reason these conversations are important is about people's lives."
"Style matters, fashion matters, cool matters."
"We know the power and the importance of the black voice."
"Protesting is usually a right and a pretty important one."
"Community is as important, if not more important, than ever before."
"All the conversation you have about mental health nowadays, it's critical."
"Human relationships are dire, just as important as eating and drinking water."
"Listen, I know how much everybody around me matters and I think a lot of people, you and I are lucky because we were gifted with DNA that allows us to communicate, motivate."
"Let's have a conversation about this because I think it's very, very important."
"Relationships remain the most important thing you could do for your health."
"Make sure you give importance to other people in your life as well, it's not all about yourself."
"Realizing that those really petty things are actually important to some people."
"Real-life interactions are very, very, very important."
"The things that we have in common are extremely important."
"We should take religion seriously. It's an important institution."
"We will discuss major disorders like depression and anxiety because of their profound social importance."
"Courageously courageous, sermon about the social importance of having the courage to apologize for your stupid mistakes."
"The companionship of peers becomes increasingly important. These interactions are not just social. They are a fundamental part of their emotional and psychological growth."
"Thank you for writing this book and for sharing that with us because it's important and it's necessary."
"Nothing but respect for him, man. Thank you, Dana."
"Human connection is so important in order to create any sort of longevity through any sort of relationship."
"It's important because representation in media is important."
"We have to talk about race because it's the only way to identify solutions."
"Success in life is impossible without other people."
"Friends are important, comedians are really good people."
"Don't underestimate socializing when it's such an important part of success when you are leveling up."
"Every black person, every person of color matters."
"You don't know how important you are, especially that first lockdown when football was taken away from us."
"I hope that you guys appreciate the importance of friendships as well."
"Comedy is so important... when people are losing their sense of humor."
"Gender equality isn't a fad or a trend. It's a serious issue."
"Women are important, children are important, guess what? Black men are just as important."
"So, social matters. But humans in relationships are just honestly my man."
"Representation matters. If there's one thing that you can give to the left over the past few years that they've been harping on, it is that."
"Now more than ever, No More is such an important organization."
"Good to have friends. It's good to not go at it alone."
"It's important to me to highlight minority genders."
"Prioritize community, the relationships are really everything."
"You bringing this out into the mainstream and making it part of the conversation so important."
"Social issues are very important actually because it's about democracy and principle and about we have a principled stance against murder."
"It saddens me to know that the disappearance of a four-year-old child is not as important as playing the blame game."
"Being able to share with you guys some insights about the differences between how these two areas live, I think, is super important."
"These people are some of the most important people in society honestly because without them our streets would look like Paris a few months ago and nobody liked that."
"It's massively important to portray this element of hesitation and exploration towards sexuality because there's no one clear-cut way of figuring these things out."
"Friends are very, very important."
"Our children matter, African-American children still matter."
"This advocacy work they were doing was very compelling and very important."
"It's important to talk about it, get it out in the open."
"Social interactions are the currency of humankind."
"Science is no longer for Honduras but for the whole world and above all this is a social importance."
"It certainly shines a light on human interaction and the importance of togetherness."
"Over time you start to realize that there are important things that come along with that connection to society."
"How important is human connection and human contact."
"The topic of network became so interesting and important for people."
"Social matters, but humans and relationships are just honestly my man."