
Media Freedom Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"I think it's better that we have a situation where the media can say mean things to powerful people."
"Hopefully Rumble recognizes that they have value in allowing different voices on their platform."
"If we don't have the ability to control currency, if we don't have the ability to create independent media, then we are slowly being corralled into a totalitarian space where nobody has any individual power."
"We have zero tolerance for any incidents that bring bad name to Pakistan, and media freedom is probably top of the list."
"I just want to point something out. I think it should be apparent to people why we, uh, on our show, are less likely to get censored."
"The real issue is does social media have the right to suppress true stories?"
"I tell you, it's weird having the ability to actually choose what I'm going to talk about for a video instead of just having to respond to whatever the authoritarian in power just tweeted. It's kind of nice."
"It's not about Alex Jones, it's about censorship."
"Assange has been essentially locked up for the last 10 years without ever once being convicted of a crime."
"The antidote to racism is seeing people as humans."
"Kanye West's move into the Free Speech media space will never have to fear being removed from social media again." - Parlor representative
"Thank heavens for the Telegraph and other papers that hold freedom of speech so vigorously."
"Canada does have freedom of speech... Canada is a country with... Free Press."
"But we have billionaires trying to silence us like YouTube and yeah this big machine that's trying to keep us from telling you what we want to tell you."
"CGTN has been blocked from broadcasting in the UK."
"This is our triumph for freedom of media and a triumph to stamp out censorship."
"For instance, maybe criticism of the Chinese regime becomes impossible because of China's economic influence over other countries, which is already happening."
"If the options are censorship and no access to Chinese markets or it's when it comes to like American media, I think that's worthwhile."
"Press freedom is what matters more than anything else."
"There's no such thing as needing media credentials in America."
"Even his detractors now fear that if he is ultimately convicted for espionage Assange's activism could herald a new media environment with even less freedom and not just in the United States."
"The end of a free press began in earnest when Reagan stepped into the White House."
"One of the key differences between us and those adversaries is the fact that they shut down newspapers, broadcast stations, and social media platforms. We do not." - Representative Jim Himes
"I had to fight for my right to freedom of press and freedom of speech when Judge Keith Kelly unlawfully ordered me to remove the video from the internet."
"This is America, it's about accountability and freedom of the press."
"We're exporting to dictators around the world the ability to say fake news and delegitimize the independent media."
"Ain't nothing that I'm mad about. Please don't call me trying to scold me about who the [__] I got on my show."
"The top Republican House member criticized an attempt by House Democrats to pressure television carriers to deplatform Fox News and two conservative news channels."
"We try and push views and ideas that are fairly good."
"If the most Googled man on the planet can't be written about in a newspaper then I'm honestly not sure what any of us are here for."
"You're challenging the media gatekeepers and the corporate censors to bring the facts straight to the American people."
"Anything you can do to support him in WikiLeaks moat them as journalists."
"Freedom of press is extremely important, even if press makes tons of mistakes."
"That's what living in a free society means: you don't have to watch it."
"The saddest part of Trump's presidency was him denigrating the Free Press."
"Anyone who presumes to try to attack or manipulate the press for his own purposes should be made to realize his mistake."
"The idea that the president of the United States is saying he wants to open up libel laws to sue the media for publishing negative stories about him, that's like an easy like yeah, that's horrible anybody should be able to admit that readily."
"Suspensing the twitter account of a major news organization for publishing a truthful story was obviously incredibly inappropriate."
"No one should tolerate censorship of any kind. Go, Glenn."
"We are allowed to have it printed now, so whereas before, there was such deniability, yeah, right now it is a part of the conversation."
"You allowed opposing opinions to be aired on the show. God bless."
"Protect journalists, stop targeting women journalists."
"Freedom of speech is the backbone of the American Media."
"The idea that Turkey is imprisoning journalists because Trump is saying the words fake news is absurd."
"Censorship causes radicalization." - Unapologetic Live
"So I said well you know [ __ ] it, I'm gonna just keep going, I'm gonna just get on there, next."
"You know they dealing with somebody who ain't afraid to say anything, don't have no industry politics holding him back, owns his own brand, can say whatever the [ __ ] he wants."
"Where does this leave people in media when it comes to freedom of speech?"
"South Park said what nobody else could without being threatened, sued, blacklisted, canceled, losing their jobs, losing their reputation."
"We don't have freedom of the press, we have suppression of the press. There's never been a time when it's more obvious than right now."
"Freedom of press is the core value when we think about our democracy."
"We're honored to give Psy a platform denied by compromised mainstream media."
"None of that would have been possible if the censors had had their way."
"The best you can afford in the news business at this point is the freedom to tell the fullest truth that you can, but there are always limits." - Tucker Carlson
"If Trump starts restricting CNN, it will do one of two things."
"That was too much of a threat, of course, and that's why they've tried it. That's why they got Julian Assange who now languishes in the maximum-security prison in London."
"Enough with this, we need an independent and free media."
"The free speech and free media, freedom of the press is ensconced as the main thing."
"The best way to respond to disinformation is to ensure we have a free and independent press."
"Blanket censorship of all the press is basically saying the truth is no longer allowed."
"We should be the ones deciding what we want to read, what we want to watch."
"Nobody's forcing us to hit play on any of those forms of media." - "The really great thing is we live in a society where we can make the choice."
"You guys won't jump on them and say they can't record because they have a First Amendment right as well."
"I will definitely do a video about censorship."
"This is not a regime of censorship that will Target exclusively the right."
"His case is the most important for media freedom since the Pentagon Papers case."
"China expelling American journalists from several mainstream media."
"This is very chilling and should cause an outrage among every journalist in the world."
"This show will offend, mock, and laugh at most of the sensitivities that today's and possibly future cultures will bring us, and all I gotta say is let's hope it continues to do so."
"what you need to worry about is what cool project you guys can watch you guys like you guys should have the freedom to watch whatever you want to watch in whatever way you want to watch"
"We're watching Facebook, a major private corporation, take down Project Veritas."
"We are not going to fold to any of these cancellation requests. We're not doing it. We're just going to let people do what they want to do. If you don't like them, don't follow them, don't read them. That's the way journalism should be honestly."
"Major news organizations were censored, wasn't allowed a voice, wasn't allowed to discuss what happened here."
"They frequently don't even allow basic reporters and journalists inside of them which is an extreme violation of all of our rights to Freedom of Information and freedom of the press rights."
"Freedom of speech for an individual is very different from freedom of speech for a newspaper."
"I think the conversation around free speech for individuals and media freedom in a world of platforms and monopolies are quite different."
"Suspending the account of a major news organization for publishing a truthful story was obviously incredibly inappropriate."
"They're aiming at independent news channels whether you're left or right, they're coming after you."
"Remember before the EU banned RT, the Biden Administration openly supported Zelenskiy banning opposition media outlets."
"Never again will Netflix or Disney+ tell me that I can't watch something straight."
"A robust democracy needs a free media, needs a robust media."
"We are seriously concerned about the impact of Assange's continued detention on media freedom and the rights of all journalists worldwide."
"That's how we get into some friction. Otherwise, there's no. The radios, Uganda has got one of the freest media in the world. Check how many radio stations are there. They say whatever they want to say. If they break the law, they are accused in court and they fight it out."
"This was the only platform which wasn't controlled by Kremlin."
"...how do we as societies that believe in freedom of the press believe in a certain freedom of information keep that protect that freedom while dealing with actors like RT like Sputnik..."
"Freedom of media and journalism is definitely NOT a triviality."
"The freedom of the media, the freedom of the press is very, very important."
"We believe in the importance of free and unfettered press and media and its role in our democracy."
"Media freedom does not jeopardize social stability; in fact, media freedom can strengthen social stability if it's handled in the right way."
"With media freedom, you can gain transparency and with transparency, you can gain local government acquiescence to the laws that those people are supposed to abide by."
"Countries with free media tend to have politicians that serve much less time in office."
"We have seen some freedom in the media, for example, and that's encouraging."
"The freedom of speech, the freedom of media is something that should be prevalent around the world."
"This is towards protecting against all known government attacks on media freedom."