
Critical Commentary Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"I swear that you and I could sit around with a six-pack and come up with a better withdrawal."
"This is what systemic racism looks like in America."
"It's not about wokefulness, it's about woefulness."
"Fair washing... we built the racism machine."
"Black people, we unfortunately will follow anything the white supremacists do, but the thing is, they will do things but it won't be a detriment to their society like it's a detriment to ours."
"Corporate jargon applies an attractive glaze to even the most dire of circumstances."
"Parody is the quintessential example... demonstrating the target's illogic or absurdity."
"The Boys has no qualms satirizing pop culture and real-life events TV shows and even ads and the most notable instance of this is the cringe-worthy commercial A-Train shoots for his energy drink Turbo Rush."
"YouTube is all like [__] you, my aunt died from you know whatever Therapeutics."
"Alina Haba's comment serves as a pointed critique of the judge's conduct."
"Why is the chosen one always a teenager? We're really going to put the fate of the universe on someone with an undeveloped prefrontal cortex?"
"Bottom Line: Mario nafal is destroying the credibility of Twitter and Elon Musk right now."
"Wokeness eating itself: identity politics before merit."
"This is the film DC so desperately need it because we keep saying beta DC."
"Yes Joy it is nuts and no I'm not referring to the case which I mean yes it is also nuts but I'd also venture to say that uh you know posting over 150 videos on one Topic in less than a couple weeks that's pretty [ __ ] nuts as well."
"People like Tucker Carlson who know they're lying to the public can convince tens of millions of people of those lies."
"Creationism is a form of religious extremism."
"At a time when the left is desperately pushing divisive terms like white privilege, he pointed out the unique American privilege everyone in this country has right now."
"Unfortunately, the world that we live in now... including people like Scott Adams... know nothing about science."
"This situation has quickly become one of the most hilarious and pathetic YouTube dramas I've ever been involved in."
"Robbery invasion and rape, these are not criminal acts, these are the acts of the state."
"Aw, thanks 'Girl Defined.' You just cured gender dysphoria by asking those people to just stick with it and be sad until they eventually die."
"There's something criminal about making [ __ ] up about a vaccine." - Louis Black
"It's like the cherry on top of this 'I don't get it' Sunday."
"If your thoughts and prayers are really with everybody you'd have done something by now."
"Scientology is such an insane rabbit hole. Parody is my favorite form of commentary."
"Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere. It's just faux outrage and virtue signaling. That's all Royce, on this... I think there's a point you want to make connecting some of this to abortion."
"Injustice is a white supremacy of both fact."
"It just sucks how we don't really put a standard of behavior or Excellence or performance on females at all."
"You cannot tell me that the federal government does not have money for toothpaste and soap."
"The NRA's claimed financial status has finally met its moral status. Bankrupt. Got him."
"We are on a Razor's Edge where careless advancement could result in a widespread Schism between fact and fiction."
"When even Sean is like, that's looking bad for you Ed..."
"Just incredibly sad how jealousy can make people do such terrible, evil things."
"He is the reverse Midas of politics... everything he touches is just crap."
"Old man shakes old man shouts at cloud - that is a lot of the energy of especially the later books to me."
"The cruelty is the point, granted this is second hand from the producer of the zero collection."
"I will challenge any gangster rapper to rationalize what's going on here none of y'all talk about it because all y'all do is make money off of these [] while promoting this dumb []."
"Ain't no reason why she should have got shot at all, ain't no way to slice that [ __ ] it ain't cool in any type of way."
"That wasn't accidentally racist. That was on purpose racist."
"Bernie Sanders making the strong case for single-payer even as he finally calls James Carville a political hack."
"It's a fact that existed for the history of [expletive] mankind... they're always idiots and crazy [expletive] out there."
"God damn America for treating us citizens less than humans."
"Vice is filing for bankruptcy... equates it to BuzzFeed... similar sort of lowbrow rubbish refuse."
"People dying because they don't have health care - exactly. Good point Shelby."
"This result is dodgier than a nine dollar banknote," implying the legitimacy of elections in Belarus.
"X-Men period was never for you in the first place, just you, full stop." - Blurred Without Fear
"It's creative arrogance. I don't know what else to call it. It's creative arrogance. They think that they are above it all."
"Watching Matt's unbelievable fall into lazy reactionary commentator and now PR hand for the Royals richest man is depressing."
"This is the actual real-world damage that comes when we elect these unserious, dangerous people."
"Herd immunity has been a term in science for a while, but he was explained herd immunity, and he clearly didn't get it. He was totally fine with the potential death that would take place."
"If I asked you to make a website you wouldn't know what to do the most technological thing most people do in a classroom is take other people's kahoots and play them like let's be honest here."
"Failing to fully publicly explore and explain what drove Brooks to commit mass murder would only allow the evil to further metastasize."
"This is an absolute failure of the most basic standards of government which is to look after people."
"71 bullets, like how could you not kill a guy with 71 bullets, you know what i'm saying?"
"I should remove a sin for the scene being so emotionally powerful, but since I can't see what I'm writing while ugly crying, I'll just let this encounter do what it wants."
"Cancel culture is strong enough to turn any robot army to Ash."
"If I had that kind of power, you know what I would be doing? I would be cleaning up the [__] show."
"It's kind of ridiculous that we're appealing to the fact that women were better suited to stay in the cave with kids in hunter-gatherer societies."
"Legitimate trans rights, that statement coming from Blair, why is so poignantly hypocritical that there is nothing I can even say about it."
"All they do that is of any note is trashing our royal family and the British public, right? And they're not being taken seriously. Hollywood is laughing at them, making them the butt of all jokes. It is happening, guys, it's happening."
"You are the idiot for letting your child climb on that."
"The most ardent disruption these days often comes from the supposed adults who should know better."
"The reason why the schools and churches are closed is because that's where the phone polls set. They want you to mail your ballots real simple."
"If Republicans agree with you, you're given a platform to spread any conspiracy theories, no matter how harmful." - Stacy Plaskett
"That man cannot even put together a sentence that would instill anything positive in anyone." - Brett Cooper
"Statistics are used very much like a drunk uses a lamppost for support, not for illumination." - Vin Scully
"This is the same guy that said, 'Inject bleach.'"
"Flat earthers are quick to dismiss evidence based on dumb reasons."