
Economic Justice Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"If you work full time, you should make enough money to survive."
"Black America, wake up, stand up for yourself, demand what is rightfully yours: economic inclusion."
"We need to make this economy work for us, because if the economy doesn't work for us, what's the point?"
"If you go out and work for a living, you should be able to take care of your family, you should have a health service that can look after you, you should be able to retire in dignity, you should be able to get your kids educated, you should be looked after when you're sick. I don't think there's too much to ask for in one of the most advanced economies."
"Together we are writing the wrongs of the past and delivering a future of economic justice and security for American workers, farmers, and families."
"We have to create a society where everybody who works is guaranteed not to live in poverty." - Chris Hughes
"Any bailout must go to the people, not corporations, not the pharmaceutical industry, but the people."
"The Islamic economic system is based on justice."
"Every paycheck must have dignity in it as well." - John Fetterman
"In America, if you work 40 hours a week you should not be living in poverty."
"No billionaire should be paying a lower tax rate than the school teacher or firefighter."
"Labor is the superior of capital and deserves much the higher consideration." - Abraham Lincoln
"We're in New York City because we're simply following the money and demanding that those who created that wealth, the miners, get their fair share of it." - United Mine Workers Association president
"What we are trying to do... is bring millions of people together... to stand for economic justice... social justice."
"The very richest...pay fewer taxes...because they have most of their income from capital gains."
"There's deep passion surrounding screwing those billionaires who screwed everyone else when they played casino with the economy."
"Economic justice cannot be realized without ensuring that all communities, especially low income and minority communities are protected from the exploitation and abuse that often accompanies concentrated economic power."
"People deserve $15 an hour now because they are living below the poverty line while working 40 hours a week."
"A $15 an hour minimum wage is not a radical idea. Making $600 a week in the United States of America, barely given the high cost of rent and all the other living expenses that people have to pay, that's not a lot of money."
"Workers deserve a fair share of the benefits they help create for an enterprise."
"We know that this revolution cannot stop until freedom from want has been attained."
"Maybe we should structure an economy in which people don't have to work three jobs in order to pay their bills."
"There needs to be some level of redistribution of wealth."
"Shout out to my fellow radicals who believe crazy things like a full-time job should be enough for you to live."
"We must fight for economic fairness and economic justice for everyone because that's what makes a stronger America."
"This is actually silver demand running headlong into a silver market that banks have irresponsibly shorted to such a level they deserve the losses that hit them." - Reddit User
"Everyday people were finally able to collectively organize and get back at the folks who have historically had all the marbles on Wall Street."
"The rich had gotten rich by taking from the poor."
"It's the workers we should bail out, it's the people we should protect, not the corporations."
"Will we fight for an economy and a democracy that works for all?"
"Why should he be the richest person in the world?"
"The little guy won, and that's for sure, but the primary driving mechanism of the vibrant stock market has been these large wells that were in a sense manipulating the market in their own ways."
"We're here not just to talk about economic issues, we're here to talk about racial and social justice."
"Never in a million years would I ever think that would replace the vast systemic multi-trillion dollar debt that is owed to black people for reparations."
"FinTech is here to stay. BLOCK chain is here to stay. Crypto. I think jury's out."
"We're going to fight to make the minimum wage a living wage."
"We're going to help the 99%, make the billionaires pay."
"This is the wealthiest country in the history of the world... CEOs do not deserve to make 300 times more than their employees."
"We need an economy and a government that work for all the people, not just wealthy campaign contributors."
"We will not have liberty and justice until we have economic rights. Americans love liberty and justice until it is called socialism."
"Whenever black folks are about to get some type of economic prosperity, the white supremacist suspects come in and they undermine it. This is an old Jim Crow tactic."
"We believe that in America, the richest country on earth, that if you work 40 hours a week, you should not live in poverty."
"Everybody who works for a living deserves to be paid a wage that honors the value of the work that they're doing." - Michael Shields
"I think if it isn't quite as catastrophic as we thought it was then at least we can build a society that fuses climate Justice and economic Justice."
"Black women have always been essential; now how are you going to pay us like that?"
"Thank you, America, for supporting human rights, democracy, and economic justice."
"Did you know that? And so if we're gonna use this fake money, maybe we should at least make sure everybody gets paid a living wage because everybody deserves a living wage."
"Make sure that every American who has a job gets paid enough to live a dignified life without having to rely on food stamps."
"Billionaires should not exist because it is absolutely unjustifiable to have people with that much wealth when we still see people sleeping out on the streets."
"Pay black women what they deserve, pay them just as much as you would pay a white man."
"This is really one of the rare clear victories for the working class."
"Nobody wants a mansion or anything like that, but an honest day's pay for an honest day's labor ought to give you an honest living."
"Nobody can raise a family or pay the rent or take care of the necessities of life on these poverty wages."
"Move towards silver rights. If you get those silver rights straight, civil rights will follow."
"Cut SNAP for families and kids while pushing tax cuts for billionaires? Not on my watch."
"No one, no matter what they look like, where they're from, or what they do for a living should have to choose between taking time off to heal from being sick or caring for a family member or paying the bills." - Mary Kay Henry
"We should expand Social Security, we should expand funding for health care and education, and we must demand that the billionaires stop paying their fair share of taxes."
"If you don't deal with the money, you cannot change the conditions that black folks have had to face in America."
"If you can't pay a living wage, then maybe you really don't deserve to exist."
"If an economy does not work for working people, then it does not work at all."
"I want to pay these people fairly what they're worth."
"Record corporate profits should mean record contracts for the UAW."
"Monique is saying that by me taking $500,000, it lays the groundwork for other black women to be underpaid, for other black comics to be underpaid."
"The government eventually fined that company six hundred million dollars which sounds like a lot until you realize they made thirty billion dollars. They got a two percent fine and they killed thousands of Americans."
"You cannot resolve the injustice inherent to a capitalist economy by consuming more."
"You cannot come in and seize the economy of another man's land."
"It's providing more like justice, economic justice and wealth."
"Poor people, people without money, don't deserve having to pay 5, 10, 15 more for groceries."
"We need to get a living wage, we need to at least get a vote on it."
"Marxists argue that the problems we face in our society, many of them, many of the most important, cannot and will not be solved so long as you allow any economic system that is so unjust in its foundation."
"Honestly, black people should be rich. We're fighting for equality, but we should be rich."
"Reparations is the thing that takes you from here, takes you from this little orange thing up to the blue, and you fill in the rest. You fill in money. You have to pour in money until this red becomes blue. That's the erasure of whiteness."
"Why don't they deserve an average raise of $4,300 a year? Stop blocking legislation to raise the current starvation minimum wage to a living wage of $15 an hour."
"That is a moral outrage. It is not acceptable."
"As a society, we do have a tendency to want to be fixed, right? But if you can start your day by saying that, it is very powerful."
"We demand an economy and a government that works for all of us, not just the people on top."
"Until we resolve economic justice, every other kind of justice we resolve is inadequate." - Stuart Acuff
"Justice means we will not allow an economy in which 46% of all new income goes to the top 1%."
"Corporations must be forced to pay living wages."
"That's not true. That's literally not true. They have 30 billion dollars in Revenue annually, they could pay these people a livable wage."
"Calling out the corporate monopolies, price gouging, and greed is a good mentality."
"Let's just stop talking about philanthropy and start talking about taxes. Taxes, taxes, taxes!"
"If you work 40 hours a week in the United States, you should not have to live in poverty."
"I really do believe that economic justice is going to be one of the most important problems of our time."
"Economic Justice is actually having an opportunity, a real opportunity."
"It's hard not to be on the side of Labor because you should pay the people who make you money."
"I really, really fundamentally believe that economic justice is the most important thing you can do for social justice."
"We need to increase the minimum wage to something reasonable, at least $15 an hour."
"An economy in which the rich are permanently rich and the poor are imprisoned in permanent poverty is not progress."
"Poverty is not just a product of low incomes; it's also a product of extractive markets."
"'You should have enough to live without having to slave away for someone else's profits.' That's my hot take for today."
"At a grassroots level, black men and women formed local organizations, staged economic boycotts, picketed businesses, joined labor unions, and engaged in strikes and riots for better jobs."
"Economic justice is a moral imperative."
"We have more work to do to make sure our economy, our justice system, and our government work not just for the few, but for the many."
"Correcting economic injustice is first and foremost an ethical problem."
"What we need is to create a system that eliminates these extremes and brings justice to our economic order."
"An economics that downsizes and right sizes the economic system by design, that centers justice, that centers equity."
"The challenge facing Buddhism today is to show greater concern for social and economic justice."