
MLM Quotes

There are 168 quotes

"Small towns are infested with multi-level marketing companies."
"Since TikTok banned MLM recruiting on its platform, creators have mentioned that other social media companies might take similar action."
"MLM sell you the dream while knowing full well that it's nearly statistically impossible for you to achieve that dream."
"There are no sides, no MLM vs anti MLM. There are no women hating other women. All there are, are vulnerable women in a toxic business structure and concerned women and men who are trying to help them."
"Nu Skin and plenty of other MLMs loved the DSA, I'm sure."
"You've got a choice in how you treat people who get involved with MLM."
"Unique's revenues and profits declined year over year, with Coty attributing the weakness to decreasing hype, a complex business structure, increased consumer awareness of the risks of participating in an MLM scheme, and Facebook's algorithm changes."
"According to a report by the Federal Trade Commission, 99% of representatives lose money from MLM companies."
"Multi-level marketing companies are money-making schemes and nothing more."
"According to some studies, 99 percent of people who join an MLM never even make back their initial investment."
"MLM stands for multi-level marketing. It is very similar to a pyramid scheme."
"Rick Allen Ross said getting someone out of an MLM was the same as getting them out of a cult."
"You can't put it on yourself if you're one of those people who's in an MLM or you were out of an MLM and you're embarrassed about it."
"I could not believe that she was so desperate to recruit that she recruited herself a second time with my name and address."
"She was so desperate to live that perfect life she was promised when she was recruited that she was willing to recruit me and pay for it herself just to appear successful and to fake a downline."
"Some of this stuff that MLM reps have been posting lately and doing, just misunderstanding what's going on in the world, coming from a place of white privilege and not understanding what that means, it's disheartening."
"MLM is evil. It's not an accident, it's calculated evil."
"MLMs you need to recruit others to even have a hope of making money."
"The 'New York Times' reported that MLMs were number one cause of fraud."
"LuLaRoe operated an unlawful pyramid scheme."
"The Jordans said that their company would be for distributors, and they wanted to treat others the way they wanted to be treated, yet the Jordans created an environment exactly like the MLMs they escaped."
"Customers told Jane that they weren't actually losing any weight, and Jane had to spend $200 each month on boxes just to stay active since she could no longer sell any herself."
"In an MLM company, you cannot question anything; if you do, you're told to stop being negative."
"After being in the top 1% of 3 different companies over five years, my self-esteem was shattered."
"It usually is like a slow death when somebody gets out of an MLM."
"Nothing they can do can ever be wrong, so if you fail, hunty, that's on you."
"Remember that most MLM victims are just people who made a bad choice, and the best day for them to get out was yesterday, but the second best day is today."
"You're five times more likely to be profitable gambling at Caesar's Palace than being involved in an MLM."
"The worst that happens in an MLM is you walk away losing money, losing so much time, having damaged relationships, and feeling like a complete failure."
"I've never actually heard of an MLM having a legitimate onboarding training experience like you would at a real job."
"But with mlm you are not only are you you have no protected market at all and no limitation on the number of distributors you're actually recruiting people who are selling the same thing that you're selling."
"The point is obviously the absurd fact that these Young Living reps are recommending somewhere in the ballpark of four to five thousand dollars worth of products that pregnant and postpartum women need to have."
"People who join mlms are putting themselves at risk of being put into debt by being a part of that company because it's become part of their routine."
"Her denial and allegiance to this MLM and its leadership was approaching cult-like status."
"What makes an MLM a pyramid scheme is when a distributor makes more money from recruiting than they do from a product sale."
"Isagenix is very pyramid schemey and I obviously do not recommend that anyone joins it."
"Do not believe anything you see on social media especially if it is coming from somebody in an MLM company."
"People in these companies are taught very specifically and very strategically about how to present themselves on social media."
"Remember that 99.7% of people in Monet do not make a full-time income."
"There are valid reasons why MLM companies should not be supported."
"You are at the mercy of those who decide to buy a product from you or those who decide to join your downline and stay in your downline if you don't sell something or recruit people you don't make any money at all."
"MLM apologists will duck and skirt the question, filibuster, talk nonsense just to avoid answering the question."
"MLMs issue is the burden of revenue from labor is leveraged against the customer laborers who are also doing the same."
"MLMs target poor people, desperate people, and tell desperate people that they'll be able to make passive income."
"Chances are virtually certain that you will lose money becoming an Amway distributor or really in any multi-level marketing scheme."
"The FTC literally states that most people make absolutely no money or lose money which is very sad."
"If any MLM says that they have 12 ways of being paid most the time that's BS it's just their different versions of bonuses."
"If you have been in an MLM if you have been in these companies and you feel completely misinformed you've been lied to you've had really bad mistreatment You Are Not Alone."
"Joining an MLM is not starting your own business. You are a glorified salesperson for someone else's company."
"They are another one of those brands that sell a lifestyle of, you work from home, in your own time, from your phone, be at home with your children, be free, that kind of thing."
"From what I gather, all pyramid schemes are MLMs, but not all MLMs are pyramid schemes."
"The mlm industry is filled with companies that co-opt pop a feminist language in order to lure women into their schemes."
"Most of the time, these multi-level marketing businesses are an absolute scam."
"Majority of participants that join mlms make zero money if anything lose money which is a huge red flag in itself."
"That is a very consistent pattern that we see across the board with all MLMs, and it is not debatable."
"MLMs can absolutely become pyramid schemes if that's when the majority of the money and income, especially income of the leaders, CEO, you name it, is being made strictly because a person is being recruited into the system and not actual retail sales."
"Just because you made a poor business decision to spend, spend, spend before you actually work, work, work, that doesn't mean that MLM is bad."
"Statistically, you have a higher chance of making more money off of a no-product-based pyramid scheme than being in a product-based MLM."
"If your product is that good and if you know how to market things and if the MLM's training is so damn good and they'll teach you everything, you should be able to organically market everything off to where people flock to you, right?"
"Somebody has to be getting a commission for this. You can't just be an independent customer of Optivia products without supporting that MLM business model."
"Less than one percent of people in MLMs make any money at all."
"So, the fundamental question: Should we support the body shop? If I had no prior knowledge of MLMs, I wouldn't hesitate to buy Body Shop products from a friend who was selling them."
"The Body Shop at Home is an MLM. It's not the worst. In fact, I think there are lots of things about it that other MLMs should do."
"I'm strongly against multi-level marketing companies and their business structure. Any brand that does this, I'm like instantly, no."
"I absolutely loved it, the documentary chronicles the rise and fall of an MLM company called LuLaRoe."
"It kind of shows you that it's not at all about the product in an MLM. The product is honestly irrelevant. It's all about selling you the dream."
"They claim that anyone who speaks out just failed in their MLM business and now they're bitter. Not only is this claim false, but again, it relies on assumptions over people's motivations or character and deflects from the actual arguments to be had."
"MLMs allow women to feel like they are contributing and supporting their families while maintaining the divinely appointed traditional gender and family roles."
"99% of people who participate in MLMs, even the lawful ones, lose money."
"An MLM is a multi-level marketing company. It's basically a company where you're incentivized to recruit people who then recruit people."
"The income disclosures show you that actually 99 of people in the company lose money."
"There's such a huge need for this type of exposure and education to the public on multi-level marketing."
"99 of people fail, and the setup of these companies makes it so that you are predetermined to fail."
"Everybody knows somebody who was in an MLM. Everybody has a friend, a relative, or know someone who knows someone who was in one of these companies."
"Multi-level marketing is the only scam that has stayed the exact same since the very beginning."
"Every MLM I've ever investigated has said we have the best Compensation Plan in the industry."
"Amway is the grandfather of all MLMs."
"It doesn't matter whether or not Eric Worre was actually ever successful in MLM because it's already sold thousands of people on the belief that he was."
"But if I do ever start selling for an MLM Please know it's because I'm trying scam you, and I'm poor."
"MLM stands for multi-level marketing, so their business model at the end of the day is to get you to go out and recruit your friends."
"All of this language feels disingenuous and like it's meant to trick people into recruiting more, which after all is what the MLM needs to survive and make money."
"With that being said, I believe that our best bet on stopping MLM gurus like Frazier is to continue educating people on the harms of the MLM industry so that less people fall for the likes of Frazier Brooks."
"According to the FTC, 99.6% of people who join an MLM will either make no money or lose money entirely."
"If you were in an MLM and you got out because of any creator any person any individual that whether it was Instagram whether it was a YouTuber whoever it was comment down below your experience and the person that helped you because I'm trying to see something."
"Majority of participants who join an MLM do not make any money. That is a fact."
"As long as you have that 100 personal purchase in order to make commissions, they do make money when someone signs up for a premium starter kit."
"It's sad that some people will start to think that the only way they can have a mission and purpose is in the MLM."
"Sometimes the relationship's not good for you, just like an MLM. It's not good for the people that participate. Thank you very much. I'll be done."
"According to the FTC, 99.6% of people who get involved in multi-level marketing will lose money."
"From the moment you sign up, you are quite literally a pawn being used to make somebody else money."
"...it serves the point that you do not have the authority to be making judgments about other people's Financial situations and quite frankly it's bizarre that MLM reps think that they are entitled to these assumptions about other people's finances."
"Take everything with a grain of salt because if an MLM rep can lie about something as obvious and blatant as this, I'm sure the lies and deception run so much deeper."
"You don't have to have any experience, and personally, I feel like the fact that MLM companies allow people to join without any experience is kind of one of the main issues."
"I see MLM reps using this terminology to create a sense of legitimacy around the business opportunity but really it's just a front for them to gain your personal information so they know how to contact you and pester you in the future."
"Saying that part of her job is to teach others to do what she does pretty much indicates that it's a pyramid scheme, does it not?"
"What she's actually describing is a money-making scheme that values recruitment more than selling a product."
"Most of your time in an MLM is going to be volunteered towards promoting this company's products. You are not going to be paid for most of the work that you do."
"Most of your time and energy in an MLM business opportunity is going to be spent doing meaningless tasks that do not translate into money."
"Telling others that you are serving them by recruiting them into your MLM company is a Band-Aid that you place on your own discomfort with your own actions."
"I hate MLMs with a passion. No, you're not running a business, you're a customer recruiting other customers."
"I guess my point is that Scentsy seemed like a harmless company, but it's the exact same MLM as all the rest of them."
"No, spending money to join an MLM is not an investment towards bettering your financial situation."
"I just want to leave you with a reminder that social media is completely curated, and that you should not be taking health or fitness advice from random people on the internet, especially those who are in an MLM and have something to sell you."
"MLM reps like to spread because they want you to believe that their opportunity that they're presenting to you is totally normal and it's totally not scammy."
"It's showcasing how MLM reps sometimes feel like they have to sweeten the deal a little bit and that they have to incentivize people to convince them to join because the opportunity isn't great on its own."
"I know that you've taken a look at what this opportunity offers and you're not very convinced but maybe you would be convinced if I threw in some free stuff."
"Anyone who joins with the home essentials kit which is my favorite kit and I think just like the best bang for your buck gets you everything you need to get going we'll get 50 like a 50 grab bag for me."
"So anyone who joins my team this month with that kit I will send you some goodies some freebies."
"If an MLM product costs you your health, it's not worth it."
"I think it does expose some of the tactics that people in mlms will use to try and like relate to you and then pitch a little bit and then relate to you a little bit more and then pitch."
"Trying to reason with people in mlms is never going to be effective nine times out of ten."
"So I mean it's like MLM style so you get a technician yes you get so underneath the doctor."
"Joining an MLM is the worst thing you could do if your goal is to be an influencer."
"Most people in MLMs lose money. Most people in MLMs are women. Therefore, women lose money in MLMs."
"Remember that the vast majority of people in an MLM don't make better money than they could in a professional career."
"Exposing the MLM industry is a grassroots effort. The anti-MLM movement wouldn't be what it is today without the work that's been done by the thousands of individuals that comprise this community."
"99% of people who join MLMs actually lose money."
"MLM comp structure is designed to reward those at the top."
"The net negative for our friend who's been jumping into all these MLMs so far is negative fifteen thousand dollars."
"I've got 99 problems but an MLM pitch ain't one."
"An MLM is not a shortcut to the perks of self-employment."
"MLM are incredibly predatory companies that prey on vulnerable people."
"Gaslighting is commonly used in MLM to make the victim doubt his or her own memory or sanity."
"If you are currently in an MLM or considering joining one, please note that the MLM system is inherently cult-like."
"If you decide to move forward with your MLM business, please keep in mind the cult manipulation tactics mentioned in this video and treat them as red flags."
"Lula Rich, I actually watched Lula Rich when it first came out. That's an Amazon Prime documentary, if I'm not mistaken. And I was hooked the whole time. It's basically... It's basically like an anti-MLM documentary."
"99.7 percent of people that join a multi-level marketing company either lose money or don't make any at all."
"I don't support MLM companies; I think they're scams, harmful, and ruin the finances and relationships of far too many people."
"The FTC literally says that most people don't make money in MLMs. That's a fact."
"The primary issue with the MLM business model is that people are paid better for recruiting than they are for actually selling the product."
"Thank you for what you do in educating about MLMs."
"It was Despicable that he allowed his wife to try pedaling her MLM products to extremely impressionable children."
"I provide a lot of information and resources regarding the pitfalls of the multi-level marketing business model."
"I can't believe that this many people have personal experiences with multi-level marketing companies."
"If you have to pay to sell their product, well, that's more like an MLM instead of an actual true affiliate program."
"Stop saying you're a small business in an MLM. You're an independent contractor for a big corporation that already has a CEO."
"The vast majority of people who used to be in an MLM left for a good reason and are happy to say, 'Yeah, that's a scam.'"
"Please remember how valuable you are, you are way too good of a person to be in an MLM."
"Leaving an MLM is traumatic, like leaving a cult."
"I truly do feel that many people recruited into MLMs were recruited because they were in a very vulnerable position."
"I realized I was just a body being used to prop up my upline's pyramid."
"I love your kind, compassionate approach to MLMs and the poor Huns that are trapped in them."
"I knew MLMs were shady, scammy, and predatory, but I think Amway reps are probably one of the worst."
"I love the anti-MLM content; my favorite thing that the huns say is that they are small business owners."
"Don't be mad at those and don't blame those people who don't want to be in an MLM."
"Hopefully, someone hears this will steer clear of MLM schemes."
"MLMs are basically legal pyramid schemes."
"It's so amazing that they are making really great points when it comes to multi-level marketing companies."
"Speaking out like this against a high-ranking person in a multi-level marketing company is really brave."
"I'm a pro-MLM guy when done right, anti-MLM guy when it's done wrong."
"When MLM is done right, we support it, and when it's done wrong, we don't."
"If you sell at least as much as your household uses, then you would have 50% retail sales."
"Research for the FTC shows that on average 99.6% of MLM reps lose money."
"It's the company's fault because the company, the multi-level marketing business structure, creates an environment for this kind of behavior to thrive."
"I hope this story will help others recognize the underhanded tactics MLM distributors use."
"Survey: Vast majority of multi-level marketing participants earn less than 70 cents an hour."
"I don't support pyramid scheme/multi-level marketing."
"Take care of yourselves and don't join an MLM."
"Being anti-MLM means that you know the statistics, you know the stories behind these companies."
"Tackling the stereotype surrounding MLMs head-on using our real-life experiences."
"Actually, ninety-nine percent of people who join an MLM statistically lose money."
"Nobody joins an MLM when their life is going good. People join when they're desperate because that's when your critical thinking is suspended."
"I'm proud of you stranger, when you see someone finally left their multi-level marketing company."