
Global Consciousness Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"We all want to serve humanity, we all know that we're on this planet for a reason."
"You develop an instant global consciousness, a people orientation, an intense dissatisfaction with the state of the world, and a compulsion to do something about it."
"Heart awakening worldwide becoming more powerful."
"Engaging with a situation like this critically and consciously is healthier for you and the world and it is remarkably possible to do."
"That cycle has to be broken somewhere, and that's something we can all do as global conscious changemakers."
"If one pair will come into complete coherence it will change the consciousness of the whole planet."
"The work you are doing is so much greater than you, by transforming yourself, you are committing to the elevating of planetary consciousness."
"There may be something like premonitions of the future that could affect the activity or coalescence of a global consciousness."
"There's been a massive change... in consciousness of the planet."
"The more we rise the vibration of the planet, the more people we wake up."
"We have a window opportunity to connect with our Consciousness and all humanity to the real earth."
"Earth's beauty lies in its variety and the diversity of its people and consciousness."
"It's important raising the consciousness... for humanity."
"The world is waking up, starting to realize what is going on."
"If I could sprinkle the spice like fairy dust it would be to share the love and to respect the planet that we live on."
"There's a Consciousness shift happening on the planet right now and most people are not even aware of it."
"Humanity must level up their consciousness for long-term sustainable change."
"Humanity has recently experienced a very powerful shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness."
"This is about the awakening awareness process on the planet."
"A new consciousness is developing which sees the earth as a single organism."
"The world is shifting from a mental existence to a spiritual existence."
"You are these light workers here to help a broader community help raise the Consciousness on this planet."
"This is a spiritual renaissance sweeping the planet."
"As you spread this loving kindness, this beautiful golden light over the whole planet Earth, how do you feel?"
"We're one, and all the earth, we're one."
"Your own shift and healing has an enormous effect on global consciousness ayahuasca has made that clear that's how connected we truly are."
"A kind of planetary Consciousness which would allow the Earth to continuously and consciously direct its own regulation and its own future."
"There are soul connections being made all over the planet."
"Your personal transformation has ripple effects that extend far beyond your immediate environment."
"I really see clearly right now what's the impact this has on the planet as a whole, not just as me."
"Surf with the flow, go with the flow, and live each moment fully, then let it go."
"Elevating global consciousness through vibrational mastery is both a personal journey and a collective endeavor."
"According to millions of astrologers, yes."
"He coined the term 'global brain' with his 1980s bestseller of the same name."
"We're giving rise to a global digital brain, and that brain looks poised in this century or not long after, to take on a life of its own."
"We have the opportunity to be leaders right now, to change the consciousness of this planet, one decision at a time."
"When you heal yourself, you heal the world."
"The consciousness of the world is shifting."
"One world, one humanity, one consciousness, locally and globally."
"The ascension of the earth, the ascension of humanity, the worldwide awakening that many of us have intuited is possible, is supported by the soul of the world."
"This is all about the awakening of the individual soul and the awakening of the planet."
"The theme of the Anthropocene appears as a revelation of the disquieted consciousness of the inhabitant of a globalized world."
"We are at this moment circa 1500 in a period of increasing global consciousness."
"We're all on this planet together, like there's one vibration on this whole planet, right? And yeah, like make it a good one so that we all have a nice ride."
"It's probably in this in-between stage where we're one step away from some global consciousness."
"Sending all of this love all of this gratitude out to the entire planet to every single being."
"I send white light and love to every single continent, every single island, all the rivers, lakes, and streams, all the oceans and seas of the world."
"Everyone's consciousness and goals are connected, and there will be no more wars in the world."
"Twitter is the closest thing that we have to like a global consciousness where you can actually see the world in real-time."
"Every single one of us, no matter where we live in the world, should be more aware and more conscious of how we live."
"If we could process that catalyst and find the love in the moment, then we could all come together as a planetary mind right here on Earth."
"What is needed above all else is a new orientation, what I would call a kind of universal consciousness that will enable us to regard others as being essentially the same as oneself."
"We human beings seem to be moving, although gradually and with many disheartening setbacks, toward supplementing our local and national feelings with a planetary consciousness that embraces the whole of humanity."
"If we try to do a good deed every day, it helps to raise the vibration of the planet."