
King Arthur Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"The story of King Arthur is not a happy one."
"In that almost unimaginable period of darkness and desperation, the legends of King Arthur emerge."
"Arthur, legendary King of the Britons, and the tale of the greatest quest his knights embarked upon: the quest for the Holy Grail."
"Welsh folklore maintains King Arthur's slumber in Arthur's cave."
"King Arthur's quest for the Holy Grail symbolized restoring fertility to a blighted land."
"Excalibur... can only be drawn from the stone by Arthur, the true king of England."
"As for the story, as someone who is a fan of anything King Arthur this is a pretty cool take on Arthurian Legend."
"Based on Mordred's betrayal when he usurped King Arthur's position."
"We are all familiar with the legend of King Arthur and his sword Excalibur."
"There are many King Arthur stories, but there is only one Excalibur."
"While most experts still don't believe in King Arthur, Radford was convinced."
"The legends of King Arthur and his companions are the greatest gift that Welsh literature has made to the world. They originated as patriotic Welsh Heroes fighting the English, and then went on to become International characters."
"An hour's drive north is Tintagel Castle, the legendary home of King Arthur. Rocky, remote, and romantic."
"The popular tales of Camelot are pure fantasy. They may have been based on a real person, while there's no physical record of a King Arthur, experts have reason to believe that a ruler by that name probably lived in this area back in the 6th century."
"This is the time of King Arthur, and violence is not strength and compassion is not weakness."
"Goodbye, King Arthur. Hail and farewell."
"The Green Knight comes into the Hall they're all having a big Feast King Arthur's there he's the king the other Knights are around King Arthur's wife gwynevere is there."
"...the final resting place of King Arthur who lies concealed in an underground chamber watched over by the faithful Merlin."
"The definitive King Arthur is Artoria Pendragon from Fate."
"You can't come to tintacho, talk about the castle and not mention King Arthur."
"The legend of King Arthur, where history meets legend."
"That's beautiful, I do love King Arthur."
"Inside the hall, you'll find a 13th-century round table which has a deep connection with the legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table."
"From King Arthur we learn the value of the male mentor in the lives of young men."
"Everyone knows King Arthur, but what if King Arthur was a lady?"
"King Arthur is fantastic, and this is a magnificent set."
"Merlin allegedly carried King Arthur in one of the caves under Tintagel Island."
"Tintagel became legendary across the world as the place where King Arthur was supposedly conceived."
"The most fantastical of them is that King Arthur slew a giant here."
"We're at the court of King Arthur, and this is going to be a little series of readings where we're going to explore something slightly different, something slightly more mythical, mystical."
"I must protect King Arthur; the world I fought so hard for hangs in the balance."
"King Arthur is the legendary king... most people would say that it was a mythical story."
"Excalibur was thrown into a lake when King Arthur died."
"King Arthur of Camelot was an ideal."
"Here lies the renowned King Arthur in the Isle of Avalon."
"He's sitting at this round table with all his knights... he lives in a big stone castle called Camelot."
"He pulled the sword out of the stone; that's how he got to be King."
"Legend Born by Tracy Deonn is partially a reimagining of the legend of King Arthur."
"Excalibur was named after the legendary sword of King Arthur."
"Legend says that after they wounded King Arthur in battle, he retreated to Avalon to be healed."
"King Arthur's real historical accuracy of all these characters has been debated for centuries."
"The specter of King Arthur himself has been seen as a full apparition walking the now non-existent round parts of the castle."
"King Arthur was certainly someone who actually existed, albeit in a much different form than modern audiences would be familiar with."
"Which Arthur is associated with the mythical kingdom of Camelot? It was King Arthur."
"Seriously, I'm such a legend nerd. I love the stories about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table."
"Of all her kings, Arthur was always the most glorious, as the tales tell."
"Before King Arthur held court at Camelot, he held Court in a mythical place called seliwig or keshowig."
"King Arthur supposedly existed during the Dark Ages around 500 A.D."
"Harry Potter may very well be the reincarnation of King Arthur."
"This is the time of King Arthur when violence is not strength and compassion is not weakness."
"Legend has it that around about 1,500 years ago, King Arthur was seeing off the Saxons and assembling his Round Table."
"The Celtic Church records are actually quite stunning when it comes to King Arthur."
"I would like to watch a good realistic King Arthur movie though, like one that's very well crafted."