
Small Towns Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Small towns are infested with multi-level marketing companies."
"It seems like every small town I visit is either crumbling away into dust or getting ruined by growth and wealth."
"You definitely have more community in small towns."
"People don't have a lot to do in a small City."
"You find some good stuff when you get into these little towns."
"Lawlessness and Stupid behavior is now affecting many people even in smaller towns and cities."
"Klamath is likely the first town you'll run across and it's best to stay here for a while."
"Coronado is a great small town located right on the water in San Diego."
"They have some of the best small towns in the country."
"Small towns lack the engineering, infrastructure, and budgets to survive the kinds of storms that increasingly more and more of these small towns are being impacted by."
"In small towns, you can't understand the hopelessness."
"Lubec is unique. You know, people would say, 'Well, why Lubec?' You know, I don't really know why other than when I came here, it was just a throwback in time, and I was excited about that."
"In many small towns it's rare to see a traffic light."
"This is a great place to live, especially if you want to have that small town vibe for a while."
"I love towns like this, and there's tons of them in this country."
"...aside from just enjoying the journey as a whole, I truly love looking at these little small towns and the train stops."
"Small towns can just have some outright creepy stuff go down."
"In small towns, people know all about the bad things, and it's not that they can't see it, they just choose not to."
"Small towns in real life aren't like in the movies where every single person sees you and immediately approaches you wanting updates about your life."
"I really love little towns like this."
"Everyone in these small towns is dead nice. How nice is everyone?"
"I recommend you don't try that in a small town."
"Big things are possible in small towns."
"People really underestimate these small towns. It really gives you a sense of what communities should be."
"There's something about small towns that just seem to hold the darkest and creepiest stories."
"...small towns is where it's at... you get a look into the real people that actually live there."
"I love small towns, look at this little place."
"You truly never know what history may be hiding in every small town."
"I like these older towns when you go visit somewhere in PA or something, you'll just see a regular residential house mixed in on a tight Main Street."
"Lakewood is one of the prettiest little towns in all of New England, especially in the wintertime."
"These plantations were basically just small little towns; they were self-sufficient."
"It's one of the rewards to riding your bike across America, you end up in little towns like this that you would have never visited otherwise."
"Goshen, Indiana is a small town whose name means a place of peace and plenty."
"Maybe it's those quiet little towns that you never expect that end up being the best."
"The most impressive thing for her was probably the unparalleled Vitality that this small town exudes."
"Small towns may well be some of the best places to reside because you kind of have a bit of both worlds."
"The charm of finding those little movie houses in those small towns."
"I've logged a lot of hours on the road, and I thought I'd just seen about every small town between the Mississippi and the Atlantic, but I was wrong."
"I want to come to these kinds of towns where you can just explore."
"Small towns hold the deepest and darkest of all secrets."
"The road to softball glory seems to start here, fast pitch is played in the small towns of America."
"This region, this area that's a collection of small towns, everyone shares a lot of the same values and they look out for each other."
"Every small town has their fair share of creepy urban legends to keep their residents in line."
"Every corner of our planet boasts remarkable small towns waiting to be discovered."
"I love small towns, that's nice too. If I just like in my personal vehicle went and explored the country, I would drive all the back highways and go through all the small towns just to see what you can see."
"Small towns are extraordinary destinations, each one rich in history and full of happiness."
"There are things you just don't talk about in towns like this, and just because people don't talk about them doesn't mean they don't exist."
"Americans like to make friends... those who visit one of the numerous small towns are likely to find locals who will smile and try to strike up a conversation."
"Part of the fun of traveling around a place like the Keweenaw Peninsula is stopping in the small towns and getting a bite to eat."
"From day tripping down the back roads and Main streets of America to prove that small towns are extraordinary destinations."
"People tend to be much more friendly in small towns."
"I really love coming to these small towns on the prairies."