
Industry Competition Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"It's almost as if Apple is chasing Tesla's yesterday's plans."
"The quick success of the PlayStation can’t be overstated, as this got the understandable attention of longtime Nintendo developers."
"Tesla sells more electric cars than any other company in most markets, but the competition is heating up."
"It's good news for Xbox; it definitely is good news for competition."
"Every company has to start with itself, to innovate, to develop, and at the end, to perform," said Oliver Blume at the auto show in Munich.
"Each year, Bank of America publishes its 'Car Wars' study, suggesting that in the EV Marketplace, Tesla is likely to remain on top."
"Nvidia invested in AI, perceptual visuals... others need to catch up."
"This is an interesting way to describe this because even though Microsoft is clearly in the lead on Game Pass, this sounds like there's a lot of entrance and a lot of dynamism in the industry."
"China's electric vehicle manufacturers are now gearing themselves up to take on all of the majors all across the globe."
"The PC just kept going, helped along by competitors pushing the technology forward."
"It's going to force companies like HP and Microsoft to innovate."
"Chick fil A is next in line to overtake Starbucks and McDonald's."
"For other launch providers it will turn into the mandatory effort of trying to keep up with SpaceX."
"Sandy believes that with this technology other automakers like Toyota can actually compete with someone like Tesla."
"Tesla versus Neo, battle for the world's largest EV market."
"I think the summary is 2020, the discussion is now Canon versus Sony."
"He really made a case for Big Auto in the U.S., Europe, and Japan needing to fear Chinese auto companies in just the next couple of years."
"The competitive nature across the industry is as robust today as it always is, ensuring access to food."
"Electric cars are not necessarily created equal, and legacy automakers are struggling to compete with the Teslas of the world."
"More competition in the RPG market would be fantastic."
"K-pop perfected the group formula, leaving Western pop groups struggling to compete."
"The battle of the next century: Apple versus Tesla."
"PlayStation needs better competition to force the platform to up its game."
"The reality was that the Americans still made the best computers, the best chips, and the best lithography equipment."
"I think it's unfortunate that Microsoft is choosing to set this one out because Sony is going to have the performance dominance if they do produce this console for a good four years potentially this generation."
"It's good to hear that Intel has maybe a little bit of confidence with its new products because we need something exciting on the CPU market to keep things going." - Intel
"It's really looking like Elden Ring's not gonna have any competition for game of the year, which sucks because I had one of the most negative reviews of it."
"But where there is money and success, there's going to be competition and drama per year."
"For the first time in years, wrestling fans are hoping for a serious alternative to the WWE."
"Who cares if they have the source code? Tesla has already improved on it multiple times."
"More competition for Steam is certainly a good thing." - TotalBiscuit
"If Glock does not do something very soon to innovate, they are going to be left behind."
"Bikes like this have been nothing short of a revolution, like an arms race for brands."
"Who I think is more dedicated to dominate the live streaming platform services industry in three to four years? I think it's YouTube."
"All the drone companies told us they welcome competition in hopes it's soon the norm for online orders to be lowered from the skies."
"I'm not hating on Intel, I'm just reporting the news... selfishly I want Alchemists to succeed."
"You've got competitors for these big three automakers paying a lot less in some cases for labor than these companies."
"But today, only two manufacturers remain that can make the most advanced five-nanometer chips: TSMC and Samsung."
"I'd be pretty nervous if I was Jensen Wang especially when I know I'm backed into a corner"
"It's good that these platforms feel like they need to compete for talent."
"This is a story of drama, betrayal, and passion where Titans of the industry clashed and fought for domination."
"Stadia is not meant to be a new generation or a replacement for all video games, it's a new option, a new competitor to keep pushing the rest of the industry further."
"I'm just excited to see another studio get involved for sure. Competition, oh I'm a fan of competition in this way."
"We really need this competitive sort of approach to really push graphics forward because Nvidia has been pushing graphics forward and it seems that Intel is also working to do the same."
"We benefit greatly from the competitive nature of the consoles."
"Life Force was released in June 1985, competing against 'Cocoon.'"
"China's building its own plane, threatening Boeing's duopoly."
"AMD, obviously. Team red has been crushing it lately."
"The story of Mixer is one that will be remembered for some time - it's the story of possibly the best Twitch competitor failing yet to slay the beast."
"If we have call of duty battlefield and halo these developing teams all these studios are going to feel challenged not threatened maybe a little bit but challenged and at the end of the day the people that end up winning is us the gamers."
"It is bad... AMD just spell the death toll for Intel."
"AMD making Intel better until having some open-source graphics drivers but this is a win for everybody."
"AMD just reckoning the field when it comes to laptops."
"I don't care that they're basically copying Spotify and catching up to Spotify - that's fine with me."
"It's nice to see that Sony's exclusives are picking up some slack."
"The M1 chip is still holding its own against competing chips."
"Competition is fantastic. This move over was absolutely monumental."
"Velocity is more important than position. A fast game will become great, but a great slow game will very quickly fall behind."
"We need new GPUs and we need AMD and Nvidia to keep innovating and competing."
"PlayStation 4 is absolutely crushed it this generation by basically being a gaming device first."
"Look, the Cybertruck is simply in a different class. I mean if Tesla can pull off cold-rolled stainless steel exoskeleton, I think they are hands down the winner."
"Eventually, hopefully a competitor company that is much better and fairer to content creators will emerge."
"I mean Popeyes has raised the fcking standard for these fcking chicken sandwiches"
"AEW could consistently beat WWE unthinkable post 2001 but it is in fact happening."
"Amd cannibalized Intel, that's what happened really."
"It's gonna be very, very difficult for other car companies to really compete with Tesla long term."
"Why does the publishing industry not have a competitor to Audible? There should be some way out from under Amazon's thumb."
"Where does this go from here? Because I feel like beating the automakers is kind of a shooting at this point and going to be a cakewalk."
"But this news actually could play a significant role in Microsoft finally overtaking Google in the search engine and browser game."
"The camera industry has been rough ever since smartphones have been gaining market share."
"Canon announces the 5d Mark II... completely dwarfs Nikon and Canon by an order of magnitude."
"This is so exciting to be in this time because a couple of years ago there was no competition. It was boring, and this is exciting."
"The Xbox 360 was a resounding success, and by many accounts bested Sony in areas like third-party support and online functionality."
"Competition is good, Blizz. It's time to up that game, Activision decision-makers. Stop being stingy with Blizzard, please."
"Everybody's lying to you about whether or not the three GPU companies can get along."
"The competitive advantage that Tesla had over the last 10 years has eroded fairly considerably."
"There are only two companies in the world that really make high-performance CPUs. There are only two companies in the world that really make high-performance graphics. And we're the company that does both."
"The Sony Playstation hit the shelves... immediately left Sega's new system in the dust."
"Everybody is trying to build electric vehicles as fast as possible because they see the signal from Tesla."
"If they [Apple] really do have the AI, the autonomous car technology to be able to compete or even beat Tesla, that would be a game-changer."
"Oh, it's really excellent that we're half a decade behind Tesla because now we know what we need to do to catch up to them."
"Jim Ryan has been doing absolutely everything in his power to torpedo the proposed Microsoft acquisition of Activision Blizzard."
"WWE wants to elbow out the competition for WrestleMania 36 it seems that the g1 super card show Madison Square Garden might have been the last straw if anything WWE wants to be the only game in town now more than ever."
"I think it's the closest that the industry has gotten to a true competitor to Grand Theft Auto."
"I think competition between these companies is finally going to heat up."
"To have a healthy competition though and to be able to colonize Mars as Elon Musk wants to, there needs to be more than one company working on it."
"Universal's destroying them in animation. Disney has lost a family-friendly animation King of the Hill status."
"I don't care about console wars, I just want cool hardware and games."
"I want this game to do very good. I don't want genin impact to be sitting alone at the [__] top."
"The idea behind crash was to create a 3d platformer to rival sonic Mario and Donkey Kong but from a new perspective."
"WWE why not why not why not, you know? If AEW continues to try and take shots or to have partnerships or whatever else and drive business that way, why wouldn't WWE want to be open to that?"
"If every car came off the assembly line like that one, Tesla would have eaten the competition."
"Tesla is already about to eclipse Mercedes, even without Tesla 3.0 or their new model 2."
"Intel is the greatest hope that we have for graphics cards and they're proving it."
"Competition being good for the ttrpg industry."
"Competition breeds excellence, and so whatever PlayStation's reaction is to this Bethesda situation, that is going to build PlayStation up as a first party and build PlayStation up to have to be able to compete with that, which I think is exciting."
"I mean if you can't beat Marvel with them having their whole franchise what do you do just grab everything you got under your umbrella and just go put it in a movie."
"There's not going to be a monopoly on NFT music... the whole thing is going to be whoever is able to reward the artists the most is going to win most of the business."
"I think what I'm trying to say is if Automotive companies competed in an Olympics the goal of which is to make the dumbest possible decisions government Motors would be uncontested when in gold silver and bronze medals for their incompetence."
"Competition makes wrestling companies work harder and can often make them better."
"I think this film is just going to likely be more defined by how much people dislike Disney rather than how much they like this actual film however it goes."
"I want them to succeed because Hollywood desperately needs some competition but if they want to compete with this giant they need to be better than them in more than just one way."
"Xbox has made this same offer to other competitors and at least one, Nintendo, has accepted to date. Sony refuses to deal."
"Volkswagen CEO Herbert Diess: 'We are building up competencies to become a serious competitor in this race.'"
"Stop playing hard to get before I kick you in the butt."
"Tesla's done that a little better than any uh one here before. The Americans are going to have to keep up. Chinese are coming quickly. This Market's it is."
"Behind this massive company is the incredible story of a teenage kid who just wanted to build something useful and wound up competing with the largest players in the transportation industry."
"Making Virgin Orbit's a new power player at least as far as low Earth orbit is concerned and perhaps just a little bit further than that."
"I don't think anyone right now has a way of challenging Tesla. At least not right now."
"Spotify Hi-Fi is a lossless streaming tier coming later this year... your turn Apple Music."
"It seems like the opportunity for wrestling companies to strike would be now because the McMahon's might not have a monopoly on wrestling inside Madison Square Garden for much longer."
"I think the real long-term competitor to Tesla's Apple."
"...fusing it look at this as an amazing media opportunity this isn't a competition between two promotions or two businesses..."
"...the RPG industry was really cutthroat and that you didn't have room for everyone." - Tom
"The big story, of course, with the 7 Series besides the electric and gas powertrains is the exterior styling and an interior that should shame any rival in this segment."
"Competition will keep VR fresh, and I'm just excited to see any competition."
"I want competition in the DJ market, I want to see lots of people offering alternatives."
"In production planning and control, you learn about product structures, building materials, scalability, and dealing with competition."
"Once the industry realized it would face competition from other forms of travel, the railroads sought ways to rival high speeds while at the same time maintaining safety and competitiveness."
"I'm grateful for the competition in the space right now and I think the trajectory for gaming moving forward just keeps going up and up."
"They set a new precedent which is really cool because more competition is only going to make cars better and more efficient."
"The build quality on this saw really makes it stand apart from the competition."
"No other streaming service is doing that; none of them are growing as fast as Disney Plus."
"Microsoft Azure is a close second to Amazon web services."
"The history of DreamWorks is unique, beginning again to be counteracting Disney and Pixar."
"The success of AEW is better for the wrestling business as a whole, specifically the wrestlers, because there's leverage there in negotiating new contracts."