
Incident Quotes

There are 475 quotes

"We got swatted, and as Luke was discussing post-pandemic civil unrest, a police officer walks in."
"This incident was so frightening that she had to spend a few nights at her boyfriend's."
"The last one was a female named Celia, and a falling tree sadly ended her life."
"The crash of Flight 311 underscored the need for more advanced Air Traffic Control technology."
"What happened on flight 243 made flying safer."
"One such incident allegedly occurred at Malmstrom Air Force Base, in which 10 of our nuclear ICBMs were rendered inoperable at the same time a glowing red orb was observed overhead."
"I watched a man being eaten alive by goats a mere 15 feet from me. Didn't even break my rhythm."
"From what I could see on the CCTV, the person was walking towards the main door when Missy entered."
"The prevailing theory is that Brandon tripped and fell into a river."
"The tragedy that befell the victim Shawn Jackson should never have occurred."
"But perhaps the creepiest incident of the night..."
"Ah, it looks like something very bad has happened."
"Tragedy struck while rehearsing it with the cinematographer Helena Hutchins who was standing at the camera's monitor to set up the shot."
"Literally the day after this incident happened."
"We've got a fan that's just getting beat up and Matthew McConaughey in the background."
"I wish I had a name like buddy love actually knowing I know brother love did you see the story that made him do it like yeah you shoot someone in a nightclub."
"Koby, the Hero of Rocky Port, saved countless lives during the famous incident."
"Do not be concerned about anything that happened to Gino, it was basically just a situation of his own doing unfortunately."
"That's kind of happened again but this time with schmittykicks.com."
"Somebody found a condom in a Big Mac, so there you go."
"Juicy Smollett: Dancing with Michelle Obama one year before he faked a hate crime against himself."
"Whatever happened to Matt Hardy was a terrible situation, it was scary."
"Whatever happened to them happened when they were... caught off guard."
"The Virginia incident quickly gained widespread media coverage and attracted international attention."
"What was the reasoning behind Stephen's actions that night?"
"Actually, I can't. I came by to say happy birthday, but also tell you that a scientist and two security guards were killed at ESU last night."
"Shout out for the return, shout out to the dogs, and shout out to the dog walker."
"My tour bus burnt down. But hey, the shows are still happening so I hope to see you there."
"To this day, the Gandia Mackay incident remains one of the most mysterious and frightening abductions ever reported."
"Be so thorough, like you can attach it to your pets."
"The headline doesn't say, but it was two sisters. Oh, there you go. They got drunk at Disney Springs, which is the Orlando Downtown Disney."
"But by any measure, what happened that night in Wisconsin was a tragedy..."
"...and it was a tragedy on many fronts because there is a lot of ignorance just on the basic facts of the case."
"Look, let's stop for a second and go back to what happened that night last year..."
"There's been one incident that was even close to any kind of violence."
"Somewhere out there, a lucky Instagram employee is about to get his jollies."
"What happened that night and why did Sean remove his shoes and belts?"
"Big news: a massive 20-ton chunk of China's failed rocket fell to earth."
"That's a big deal. A non-wrestling talent has been assaulted."
"I laughed so bad I think I actually peed in my pants."
"Female walked into YouTube headquarters, shot her boyfriend, shot two other women."
"I think it was an unusual incident for all professionals involved."
"You have the DNA there, his genetic material everywhere, he got cut with the glass."
"Milk bubbles coming out of his nose... it was so gross."
"The car was the first clue to what happened to Ray Rivera."
"It was feeling like a lost cause, a waste of time, but then I heard an explosion coming from launch site."
"This was a very small town area... it really shook the community."
"Texas man on a date paid $40 to park, only to learn he was scammed, allegedly went back and fatally shot the man posing as an attendant and then returned for dinner."
"A suspect has been identified as in custody for the mass casualty incident in Waukesha, Wisconsin when a red Ford Escape plowed into a holiday parade. So far, five had been confirmed dead, more than 40 injured."
"Newsflash: YouTuber takes the Florida mantle and gets arrested for breaking into a zoo just to pet a tiger and share a cheeseburger."
"He fell to the ground leaving everyone in astonishment."
"That's a far arrow show was that wait was that an attempted hit right there cuz I just got punched."
"That wasn't just for show. For example, I accidentally looked at an Enderman and this happened."
"A damn guy in Tennessee blew up a freaking RV, a good RV, the guy parked it out in front of a Hooters and damn blew it up."
"That was pretty bad, dude. Oh my god, it's going down!"
"The real tragedy unfolded at the nearby Truman Medical Center."
"Democrats should make a much bigger deal out of these kinds of incidents."
"Michelle Poole arrived at her father's ranch in San Antonio, Texas, and discovered the fence that kept her beloved horse Opie in his paddock had been clipped and opened, and the horse was gone."
"I still don't know what the hell was that. I would like to believe someone tried to make me stop and I just ran over him or something."
"Jon Jones hit and run: Hits a pregnant woman at an intersection."
"Neither of you wanted whatever happened to happen the way that it did."
"The Ever Given was a wakeup call to everybody."
"Well yeah, well let's get into it man, recently you were in a fight at the casino."
"On a cold and foggy January evening in 1990, one of the most unbelievable events in aviation history would take place."
"There was one incident that changed our lives forever."
"The story of that incident encompasses such a large swath of people in such a small area that all have the same story."
"I feel like everybody's going to end up talking about the situation that happened at the end of the match."
"All those months he'd been coughing and wheezing, he'd been walking around with a pea plant growing in his left lung."
"The painting hadn't fallen off the wall; instead, the glass had shattered out of the frame on its own."
"It took a kid falling into a gorilla pen and, you know, not dying for public perception to change."
"It's all yours. I said to the leader. So they whisked me out put me in the car they put the national singer and her husband in the car."
"Here's a look at the incident that caused the red flag."
"I wish I could say this incident changed her entitled ways, but I know Mrs. Jenkins still silently seethes about that blasted Oak."
"I never told a living Soul about that incident till now."
"Karen messed with the wrong tired Barista that day."
"He got attacked, they think it was a possum."
"There was an incident with the pyrotechnics, unfortunately James is on his way to the hospital right now."
"The next trick of the whale hits the middle of the boat."
"So the big question for investigators right now will be who are those people, and where did that car come from? What were their intentions? And the biggest question will be, was this intentional or not?"
"Liverpool police were called to a home in the affluent suburb of Walton."
"Baldwin refused to put away his cell phone which he was reportedly using to play the mobile game Words With Friends and eventually became belligerent towards the cabin crew."
"Documenting the incident helps to create a record of what happened, which can be used for future reference."
"Now the stage is set, the pieces arrayed. Let's watch as this calamity unfolds in the Tomed Incident."
"In 2016 this deranged fan shined a laser right into Hardin's eyes."
"You wonder why he got changed. He was sick in the taxi."
"I'm sorry, that mom just kicked a security officer."
"...no tea bag is gonna help you, no no, the only tea bag you can have then is like in your cup which I have done at least 17 times since the incident."
"One time see Bankhead bounced and the power went out."
"Everybody said it was an accident."
"I treated this incident no differently."
"Things just got weirder after that small incident."
"There's a bit of incident behind it, look at me. Hello, you're gone."
"This incident serves as a reminder to exercise vigilance when using a Starbucks restroom."
"This incident has left him shocked."
"She injured her shoulder this morning."
"The incident was not only a horrific and tasteless blow to Amanda's loved ones, it also understandably had the effect of sowing major distrust between the public and the city's police force."
"...why do you say that because the two weeks after two weeks after he ran into my car ran into another car with his truck out..."
"We have ample video evidence showing exactly what happened during this incident."
"One day we had a major incident, one that literally could have cost the company millions."
"The daughter-in-law parked the trolley and kid beside me."
"Probably the most powerful incident situation in the entire trial."
"It's like one incident, Snapchat, you know?"
"So the Water started getting red and the daycare people tried to get everybody out the water like there was something going on and then once everybody was out of the water one of the daycare people go I'm so so so so so so sorry everybody I lost my tampon I need to find it."
"One of his most amusing incidents so far. The rest was profound boredom."
"so i broke out in hives i have absolutely no history of allergies and i didn't do slash consume anything the day or other than a burrito from chipotle"
"You told us to start taking swipe payments after the incident last week."
"The best part about this whole incident was he could have checked the drain from his own property and never needed access to my garden."
"If it hadn't been for one of his shoes falling off as he had a seizure, we might never have even known he was gone."
"The real issue here however the 800 gram spring penetrated the helmet visor and struck him just above his left eye with so much force he was not unconscious instantly."
"A massive incident that brought out the safety car."
"Um so it was just that and then they stopped for acorns and then one of the panels fell down."
"When Jay-Z was 12, he shot his older brother in the shoulder for stealing his jewelry. He later referenced it in a song titled 'You Must Love Me.'"
"Woody Haroldson had an altercation with a photographer just after he finished filming Zombie Land."
"This became known as tomato gate."
"Someone got into some sort of trouble trying to retrieve their poo from between a window and its secondary double glazing in a--is that the right answer? Yes. Yes, that is the right answer."
"I remember every scrape that I had on my shoes from the blue ice cream incident."
"I think she laid there for a while but yeah, no, took a while for someone to find her."
"Some random person just came to pepper spray a party of people that were in the area, child was being held by the parents and just got caught up in the pepper spray."
"He says he had an accident with his barbecue grill."
"She hands me a mug of water that says lisabloom.com yeah I mean how many weeks after the incident days oh that was his day I was not in my right mind I just want to say it was so nuts"
"Adam sat down, yeah, it [expletive] up the whole show."
"This Texas team has not been the same since that altercation in the huddle."
"The occurrence in Watertown echoes a larger narrative on workplace safety."
"Nothing else happened at that house though, and I lived there for another three years without incident."
"...but just over an hour to go Antonio Garcia is going to be late on the brakes into the toe of the boot and loses the car a little bit heading into the Apex."
"Tragedy struck at the Heidegger homestead."
"...for the second week in a row we've got a story about how a complaint about cold french fries ended up with someone being hauled off to jail."
"In the yard, a police backhoe went to work excavating the filled-in ravine."
"Now, we will go for the creation of an incident. So what I will do I click new."
"NASA's problems with the shuttle continued in May 1995. The launch of Discovery had to be abandoned when woodpeckers pecked 200 holes into the foam coating on the fuel tank."
"On February 14, Valentine's Day, Aisha's father entered her bedroom at this time and found both children were asleep in their beds."
"This whole incident wouldn't have been as eerie or unsettling if it had ended there."
"The reason why is that there has been a new incident in the Arctic."
"Thankfully no one was injured but unfortunately six of the apartment units in the building next door were damaged by water and those residents were displaced."
"They begin discussing the framed shoplifting incident."
"So what had happened was... Starting November of 2017, we met up at a liquor store and switched cars." - Anjanae Bell
"We're just looking into a recent fend Aerospace incident involving their automated flight system."
"You got in a fight with another comic at The Comedy Store, yes, right?"
"After Rhodes was finally arrested by this Arizona police officer on the side of the highway."
"Oh trouble here for car 15 out of shade."
"The couple were new to the community having moved in just five weeks before the incident."
"She was going at a low speed," proceeded Sams, "and as she passed Humes, I noticed her look up at the windows."
"We get a call from uh my daughter's principal like it's like the second day of school yeah and we get a call from the principals like we got Ariana down here for uh uh there was an email that was sent about a school shooting that we need to talk to you guys about."
"...when I plugged the card in and unfortunately something interesting happened off-camera."
"The first footballing nonsense incident."
"Facing such an incident was his first guard and the best experience he could get."
"And he puked right in the middle of the street."
"What's happened, but if it's taking too long... why did he hit the stairs? When did he hit the stairs?"
"They lost time during the incident."
"In July 2016, Michael Barsman was arrested for threatening and pointing a semi-automatic handgun at a man smoking in front."
"According to the FBI, Dan and his abductors arrived at the bank around 2:00 AM."
"Even after that incident, you know, just once the fight stopped, it was back to joking around."
"I would say that I had a red SUV five feet from my hood and then I saw a red SUV drive through the parade and wanted to notify the police that I had seen that."
"This apartment building fell over and remained intact."
"You've just witnessed an HR incident in real time."
"He tore her rotator cuff ice skating."
"I got two gashes, one deep, deep gash."
"This one incident has caused the theme park to become a shell of its former self."
"The incident served as a wake-up call to cybersecurity experts, highlighting the existence of intentional, manufactured internet black holes and the inherent vulnerability of global internet traffic."
"I don't believe in curses or evil spirits, but the fact remains that two curious incidents have occurred without any apparent cause."
"A 12-year-old boy named Todd dumasi was actually almost killed when he fell into a sudden 4ft sinkhole"
"Guys, we all saw what happened there's a bit of a melee people start pushing like that grass our coach comes running over he starts running over to try and break it up we're going grass get out of it grass get out of it."
"Deputies from the Whitfield County Sheriff's Office and Georgia Bureau of Investigation agents arrive on the scene."
"his head was pretty much through their open window"
"These incidents occurred during the filming of the Haunted Mansion."
"I just had a real bad, real bad accident... it went south."
"One former co-star recounted a disturbing incident where Lewis allegedly assaulted her during a film shoot."
"One extraordinary incident that was as Brooking put Tails away."
"I hit two 245 I got I got sucked in by car for a mile bro enter a mile I know right I was it was it was just weird."
"Critically wounded special agent John Kua was inside the Cold Case Squad office when the shooting had stopped."
"Grimes finally snapped and accidentally unalived himself."
"He was covered in human feces, urine, and debris following the explosion of a toilet at a Dunkin Donut location in Winter Park."
"In 2003, something really freaking dark happened on the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad roller coaster at Disneyland."
"A stripper in Florida was arrested for allegedly hitting a patron with a stack of cash. Police were called to Body Talk, a topless club in Port St. Lucie."
"A tragic incident that would define his legacy."
"...a 5-year-old boy noticed what he thought was a cute, cuddly cat and tried to pet it, only to be bitten in the face by the creature."
"I'll take you back to um the takeaway and I'll wear my girlfriend at the time got jumped I bird got jumped in this uh takeaway yeah New Delhi."
"On February 6, 1997, Victor Ferrega, a convict serving one to four years for drug possession, was supposed to be on the way to the mess hall when he wandered off from the Maria shock incarceration facility, a minimum security prison in Mineville, New York."
"The Sephora lipstick lawsuit isn't actually the first time this happened."
"There's actually 70 separate pieces of shrapnel that pierced the tail section of this plane."
"He was coming from Shoreline, which is near San Jose, back to San Francisco in a helicopter."
"Their plane leaving their house had some kind of mechanical failure."
"The motive behind the brutal attack was unclear."
"The only thing I can tell you for sure about this video is that it shows an incident that does happen in real life."
"This is what we know missus Fall under you went over to your daughter's house this morning and something went wrong you didn't mean it to which is important because then it wasn't premeditated."
"The guy immediately fell to the ground after the blow."
"The last and most chilling piece of the story though, the earbuds that I lost the morning of this incident... I found them the next day on the kitchen counter exactly where they were supposed to be."
"It didn't bleed. Right where the bullet entered his body emerged a yellow dot that grew bigger."
"Those kids set off the fireworks and burned down Griffith Park."
"She was so terrified she had peed herself."
"The only bright spot was that we had the man's plate number."
"It's just too bad we got in that altercation off of two."
"It literally just flew off of that and it was on the ground like on my foot."
"There was nothing the police officers involved in this night were Joseph Gabrish and John Bowser Zach they would later be fired for this incident for a number of reasons."
"Somebody was stabbed in that kitchen."
"So I went to open my driver's door to get out, and I haven't even gotten one foot out of the car when I see the car that was parked behind me start to pull forward."
"It's the second pit lane fire we've seen today"
"Big Al Benton actually commits a murder himself. He kills a shot caller in DC blacks called Abdul Salam in early 1997."
"Fame can have its pitfalls on October 18th 1956 Elvis stopped at a gas station in Memphis a crowd quickly gathered."