
Customer Perception Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Marketing then is getting customers to believe that your products and services are important and that they deliver a better value than the competition's."
"A brand is put simply the way that a customer base feels about your product."
"If you don't charge them enough, they won't value your service or product adequately."
"Culver's is one of those establishments that has always been regarded as being yeah it's fast food but it's generally a little higher quality."
"Getting initial reviews is all about social proof, like seeing a line out the door at a restaurant."
"It's not going to solve their problems with their membership, but it will rebrand."
"We need to mainstream the idea of attention as sacred because it's so important."
"It's bad marketing, it's not good. It's not a good look. It's gonna make people upset."
"Creating a feeling of value." - Joint CEO Adam Kaczynski
"The whole brand has been left with a bad taste in its mouth."
"The first impression that a customer gets when they look at the product is the fit and finish of it."
"Blizzard are really trying... it is nice to see that Blizzard are actually putting some effort in here."
"If people sort of say, 'Oh don't go there, there's always a row going on,' you just won't go there."
"I didn't expect them to come here. We're very, very clean, the food's good, it's beautiful, and that's not what I saw in the show."
"Clients can tell when it's 'Wow' and when it's mediocre."
"At this point you gotta package it in a way where the fans feel like they're getting more for their money."
"The best product is a very good way to go. However, only the customer gets to decide what the best product is."
"It's very much like, like does anyone work here aside from these college students who don't really care about this place because it looks like it, it smells like it, and there's a line out the door but gosh darn it."
"The good news is our prices have not changed. Everyone's like, 'Wow, they're really consistent on prices.'"
"Your brand is a feeling you want customers to have when they think of you."
"This feels like an end of life update just tidying up how a game functions rather than one that brings it into an exciting New Era obviously that's not the intent it can't be legally but I can only share what it honestly feels like."
"Super Six isn't cheap but it doesn't feel like anyone had cost cutting top of mind."
"When you charge more, you get greater emotional investment from your clients, greater perceived value, greater results, more demand, and more revenue."
"Sometimes revolutionary products aren’t understood by customer clinics but are embraced by customers when they’re launched."
"Age matters! Keeping your product's age optimal can significantly impact customer perception."
"I just think it makes the store a bit more clean and customers are very fickle if they've gone to your store and they're having a look around and they see 'powered by Shopify' sometimes they can be a bit skeptical."
"There's just like a lot of things talking about how different proportions, how this like little baby doll proportion affects the design and the mood and the age of the customer wearing it."
"Every brand contact matters because it can affect what people think and feel."
"When you do stuff like this, people see it and then obviously they think, you know what, this garage is serious."
"Perception is reality, and you're dealing with customers who are trying to make decisions with limited information."
"You still need to be proud of what you do, you still need to be excited about what you do because customers can tell."
"Customer sentiment towards Papa John's also fell, but Papa John's is trying to rebrand and rebuild."
"The word 'imports' doesn't mean the same thing to customers now."
"How does the external customer describe or perceive what they receive?"
"Your brand isn't what you say it is, it's what they, your customers, say it is."
"Sierra really became an apparition in customer's eyes, and because of that, Ford had massive problems selling the Sierra for the first two years."
"When you pull up to a job with a truck that's organized, you know, the homeowner, they're spending quite a bit of money with you, they kind of want to see some organization."
"The optics of the entire presentation of your business is important... how is your customer perceiving it?"
"You want to own a category in the minds of your customers so whatever space you're in, you want to be able to define that space."
"Expand your products... it makes your shop look better to customers because it doesn't look so empty and barren."
"Every little effort that you put into your food truck to make it look good... people do notice that kind of stuff."
"If you really have a good product and someone put some good reviews on that product, that will basically boost your product impression to the next customers."
"It just sets your store apart, it makes your store appear so much more professional."
"What you're selling and what people are buying are two different things."
"The person that is your perfect ideal dream customer should see these impressions of your banner and your brand name and your color scheme and they should get it immediately."
"My image is the most important thing to that customer."
"In the customer's mind, the jewelry should always be perfect and this is how we should present it to the customer."