
Fictional Battle Quotes

There are 134 quotes

"The final fight of Mortal Kombat kicks off in earnest: Liu Kang vs Shang Tsung."
"Hulk can clobber Superman if he's angry enough and not even just punch him lightly but send the last son of Krypton into outer space."
"These are not soldiers nor warriors. This enemy is an act of murder-given flesh, and they will not stop until terror is the only thing that lives." - Captain Jeff the Cull
"The real win for the studio here isn't about who wins. It's that neither monster loses."
"In a direct contest of force power, Yoda would no doubt win."
"I'd say Thanos with The Infinity Gauntlet versus God Doom..."
"Team Avatar faces off against the Dai Li in an intense battle that ends with the good guys victorious."
"He regained the high ground, pulled Jin's blade into his hand, and cut down the stunned Sith Lord."
"I think the big battle we need to focus on here is Superman Wonder Woman and the big three players of Wonder Woman versus mark 50 Iron Man or Doctor Strange."
"Goku would probably destroy Superman, let's be honest."
"In terms of strength alone, Zoro does take this category. It is a tough fight, and I don't think that Zoro comes out on top by much, but with everything we've seen, I would say that he has the general edge in raw power."
"The loyalists' last stand: defending Magma City."
"The winner becomes the new ruler of the gaping maw gaining control over its morphic characteristics and the tanari subtype if he doesn't already have it."
"There is nothing more badass than 30 foot mechs just destroying monsters with full auto artillery fire."
"If Mr. Bean could just catch Goku off guard, feed him laxatives by any means necessary, then Goku would just [expletive] himself to death."
"We shall win this battle and then take over the world by destroying every last human alive. Then we shall rule what should be ours!"
"For the beyonders to be defeated, the presence is going to have to get involved."
"Ayano climbs on the roof wondering how long she can last against Kazuma when she sees him flying towards their location she jumps from the building and launches Fireballs at him while falling but he blocks all her attacks."
"Grand King Ghidorah gave Mothra Leo quite a lot of trouble."
"You can defeat me, but you can never defeat The Power of Love."
"Godzilla just has way too much in his arsenal when it comes to going up against the giant monkey."
"Absolutely King Kong would wipe the floor with Godzilla and here's why."
"Venom Hulk and Carnage rage against one another in one of the most awesome displays of raw power."
"The Battle of Mon Gazza, known to history as the Miracle at Mon Gazza, firmly ended the hopes of Supreme Leader Snoke for a swift victory."
"Both characters are mighty powerful but Galactus just doesn't have any realistic ways to stop the Unicron singularity from regenerating making the winner of this battle Unicron."
"It's the Saiyan invasion on both ends of the universe."
"In the future, I think a fight between Shang-Chi and Scarlet Witch would make an epic fight."
"Krillin then goes into a brief rage because of Yamcha's death and obliterates all of the Cybermen with a single blast."
"Resolve stand ready to defend every inch of the River Muse with each explosion that rips through the sky with each life snuffed out in the cold mud their tenuous grip on Hope tightens."
"Wanda and Strange against Victor Von Doom and Mephisto."
"He's also gonna be part of a lady fight where all the women team up to fight the female antagonist."
"It's time for us to burn the xenos in righteous Fire."
"King Kong doesn't stand a chance against Godzilla!"
"Savage because if you're able to take down an enemy who has no curse energy."
"Mothra will bear this in mind when fighting the Queen MUTO, the idea of getting killed will not be daunting enough for Mothra to think twice before making a bold move."
"Mothra would be the close winner of this fight."
"So it's Bran thinks that Jaime can help fight the White Walkers. Jaime won't die, Jaime will help fight the White Walkers."
"He turned his fist into a giant monkey god gun that was larger than a mountain and then pummeled Kaido miles deep into the ground in a hole that was shaped exactly like a dragon."
"Protect the Allspark, protect each other. Good luck, Prime out."
"There is only one way to win against Thanos sorry I mean against the knight King and that is to kill the knight King."
"We're going to need all of our allies, all of our might, all that we have learned, in order to emerge triumphant and save Azeroth."
"Yuji figures that this is a fight of two arms versus four arms."
"The fate of Kolasha hangs by a thread, but one thing that remains undefeated is the courage of the brave men and women of the mobile infantry."
"Edison stood no chance... it was left to Nami to fight es Shar alone."
"Men of Dale and dwarves, vastly outnumbered, fight to the last man against the onslaught."
"For all their range, there's one pairing I would never have expected to see: Sadako versus Kayako."
"So yes I give this battle to the MC 90 and I say the Mon Calamari come out ahead nine times out of ten."
"Eskino versus All Might is an A that could go up to S. It might be an S."
"For without that one chapter of space marines, that one force over mere thousand super soldiers, we were lost."
"I'm not the same child that was before Frieza. I'm the one who will defeat you."
"Saber would absolutely destroy Goku, Superman, SpongeBob, or whoever."
"I can't believe the low death count of main characters."
"That's awesome for Jinbe's first major battle as a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, I think it was pretty damn solid there."
"Teasing a massive climactic battle between Optimus Prime and Megatron? I mean, are you kidding? I'm there, dude!"
"The rubric Marines open fire, aiming to obliterate the enemy. Will they succeed in their onslaught?"
"The best chance blue team would have of taking down Thanos would probably be positioning him for a clear Mac blast."
"Sporting that never-ending confidence, the android quips if Goku couldn’t defeat him, what chance does he hope to have?"
"The complete decimation of Big Mom and her entire pirate crew, taking out the ranks of the Yonko, that I would be very surprised if that went down."
"If you fuse Goku and Vegeta, now I want to say they would be stronger than Black Frieza."
"They each charge a Kamehameha, knowing they have to overpower it, not only for their lives but for Earth's survival."
"Imagine you know, Iron Man fighting Hulk, like, you want those incredible blows."
"Broly would beat Jiren, but not easily, it would be a battle of attrition and stamina."
"This envelopment left the Orcs hopelessly out-maneuvered, with Fingolfin coming from the West and Maedhros marching in from the East."
"Boruto and Naruto's battle is a smoke screen for the real final boss."
"The battle at Winterfell that pits an uneasy collection of allies against the Night King and his army of the undead."
"I want to see the battle of Earth again from a different front."
"The family kamehameha sweeps around, cleaning house and ensuring victory for Universe 7."
"Despite everything going downhill, everything going to [expletive], you got snake bites on one hand, nids on the other, the Imperium is barely holding out, then a giant warp portal opened up and good old reinforcements started to arrive."
"And while I don’t think the robot will defeat any of the elder stars, if he can even just give us a hint of how to beat them then that would be a huge advantage for the Straw Hats."
"Kakarot will defend this planet as long as he's around. Kakarot will defeat Frieza."
"The Battle of Hoth was such a moral victory for the Rebel Alliance."
"Batman couldn't fight Superman without some kryptonite being around."
"In the end, Zee definitely had enough experience fighting smart and keeping on her toes to hang with Wanda long enough to get in a finishing blow."
"Eisen was an unbelievably overpowered foe, but Madara's own powers, illusions, and devastating truth-seeking orbs allowed him to crush the ex-shinigami."
"Our military arm has defeated an alien warship. Victory for the academy."
"I'm very excited to see how this whole R2 plays out. I want Beatrice versus Elsa and Beatrice just slices her like absolutely destroys her."
"All of this was just to bring a zombie to annoying ass Cersei."
"The legendary Super Saiyan versus the Super Saiyan God, a battle between two legendary beings that will make the entire universe tremble with their confrontation." - Whis
"The fight between Thor and Amadeus Cho Hulk shows us where Jane Foster stands in relation to the Hulk when it comes to strength."
"Captain Crunch battling Captain America with a spoon."
"Spider-Man fighting Sonny the cuckoo bird and winning."
"In a battle between Sargeras and the old gods, it's hard to say who'd win."
"The girls got it done, they beat the [ __ ] out of Stormfront and they got the upper hand."
"In short, this battle, having prevented a war and spurring the Romulan-Klingon Alliance briefly, would have an impact on the quadrant that would last for decades."
"Reagan and Evelyn then use this knowledge to fight off the approaching monsters and hopefully give Humanity a shot at survival."
"Bruce should win. It's the battle of the genius billionaire playboy philanthropists."
"Chan Fang effortlessly blocks Lee Tenu's Iron Fist with a single finger."
"Bro, Orochimaru would get obliterated. Every atom of Orochimaru would get completely destroyed by Naruto."
"God tree has won, Shiaa Ching's efforts were not in vain."
"Fili's luck ran out; he was slain during the battle while fighting side by side with his brother."
"The penultimate battle, Mewtwo versus Incineroar."
"The government unleashes the Sentinels...the Sentinels kill Invisible Woman, Iron Fist, and Spider-Man within minutes of the first battle...sweet, yeah, that's pretty."
"Thanos was fighting Dr Doom and Thor and it's amazing."
"At the dawn of the second day of the assault, the Carcadons took matters into their own hands."
"It's the culmination of one of the key storylines in the whole show... but without John, you wouldn't have won the Battle of the Bastards."
"The writing here is basically on the wall with the insinuation that of course Goku now can easily destroy Moro with the power that he has, but the question is can he do it cognitively and not let anything else stand in his way?"
"It seemed like Ashura Doji was at least on an even keel with Jack."
"Total destruction of all Republic ships in orbit and without a single Imperial casualty."
"Dean finally succeeds in killing Lucifer, but then Michael takes off with Dean's body."
"That's why you want to spin it when we're not going to stand for it it is the case you plan no action against the press the press will carry on and do its job..."
"Thor and Hercules take down the worthy to defeat Cole Before He spreads enough fear."
"Naruto decides to check up on Sasuke and in terms of Sasuke and Itachi's fight, it's going in the favor of Sasuke because Naruto gave Sasuke an evolution."
"Iron Man versus One Punch Man, if Iron Man can beat One Punch Man, that'll be like an upset, that'll be just no one ever would have thought that would happen but it happened, you know?"
"The final battle everyone's been waiting for is Wolverine versus the demon master, alright? Whoever's wielding lightsabers, that's pretty cool."
"Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes fought a brutal fight."
"Nothing beats Dumbledore versus Voldemort."
"The battle between Vision and Vision, dope."
"Unfortunately, Godzilla would easily beat King Kong."
"Spirit the beams clashed, but Buu didn't stand a chance, and in an instant, Majin Buu was gone, obliterated from Earth."
"Dare to bully my senior sister? Taste the wrath of my sword!"
"Shadow Squadron was making a run on Grievous' ship."
"We're gonna work together to stop Zygon. That's the main Easter."
"Aang got his head right in his fight against Ozai, he showcased great use of the Avatar State."
"Gohan launching towards him with a massive blast coming his way, completely eradicating Raditz."
"The monster tore through the village with ease, the Shinobi did their best to save as many lives as possible."
"The Battle of The Uchiha Prodigy and the son of the Yellow Flash was a sight to see."
"In a fight against the Custodes, it would be Sigismund's skill not strength or speed that would win it for him."
"I love Galactus versus Unicron, even though the general consensus is that Galactus wins."
"Mace Windu defeated Palpatine, people. He defeated Palpatine."
"I fought for him at the Battle of Blackwater."
"Even though all seemed lost against Frieza, they're able to recuperate."
"The battle between Celestia and Luna was incredible."
"Garmadon would school Thanos in a fight, doesn't even break a sweat."
"I'll use the full power of the Ultimate King of Charity to be your opponent."