
Business Goals Quotes

There are 259 quotes

"The measurement phase is not just measuring sales; it's finding out if you're achieving what you've expected to achieve."
"The goal is not 10 million or a hundred million. Given the goal is just profitable, having fun, helping people, I actually should be okay with making more time for myself."
"What would a home run look like?... my goal is to deliver 100% customer satisfaction."
"Our goal was to get to 50 employees, and the goal really was not so much to make a lot of money."
"Our goal was not to sell loads of coffee. Our goal was to foster a community of specialty coffee in London."
"Our goal is not to sell you beans. Our goal is to make you a successful cafe."
"Have a north star and know the magic moment that when a user experiences that, they will deliver on that metric for you on the north star, and then think about the marginal user, don't think about yourself."
"I feel very strongly that Magic can and should succeed... I want to see the success measured in terms of quality of the product."
"Investors either want a company to make money or grow preferably both."
"Our goal is not to produce as much output as possible... Our goal is to reach the desired outcome."
"We all feel a tremendous obligation to deliver in the long run to build great companies."
"Our objectives: reach a monthly profit from rides of two thousand dollars, not coasters just rides."
"Let's make this platform really super successful."
"At the end of the day, the point of a business is to turn a profit."
"Tesla is striving to be the best manufacturing company in the world."
"Your goal is to turn customers into raving fans."
"Tesla's goal is to ramp their production from their current rate of around 2 million units annually up to 20 million units annually by 2030."
"My vision is for Sweet Mickey to be the next leading dessert and gift brand."
"The goal is to build the most incredible company in the world."
"Honestly, I'm a little bit worried because in order to be profitable with this advertisement because we did pay $120 for it, we need to sell a minimum of portable steamers."
"The net net is you're going to make more sales."
"In case you're unaware, if you've forgotten, we need to... basically, we need to get gold on a commercial gig."
"For Tesla to be at $1,000, they need to sell 20 million cars a year."
"Your biggest drive is to solve problems and provide value to the customers of your product."
"It wasn't based on how do I make as much money totally it was how do I create something that can really make a lasting change."
"IPO is the ultimate goal, like a standalone company."
"My goal here is to make the customers whole."
"People aren't in business to lose money, they're in business to make money."
"Innovation is something that we're hoping to see more of."
"Our goal is always to significantly move beyond what we have previously delivered."
"Goals to results: the essential journey for any successful venture."
"Our goal here is to optimize the shop ability of the store."
"We want it to be a product that we are proud of."
"Successful products are the target we should aim for."
"Money, was really a very, very narrow part of what I was really setting out to do."
"When reaching Six Sigma, we achieve the ultimate goal of producing only three point four defects per million opportunities."
"I don't want to buy a watch, I want to buy a watch company."
"I wanna build a business, make money, and get to the American dream."
"Their goal wasn't to make players happy, it wasn't to make a better game system, their goal was to monetize everybody more effectively."
"We weren't the first, but we will be the best."
"That is inspiring to me. That's what we should all be striving for: the ability to control our own business, have a system that works specifically catered to what you are trying to do."
"Magria's long-term goal is to become one of the largest producers of magnesium in the world."
"My whole goal is to create conscious consumerism... and have it be sustainably focused."
"We're hoping to sell 7.6 million possibly more than that."
"Scale is also critical by 2030 we're aiming to sell 20 million electric vehicles per year compared to 0.94 million in 2021." - Tesla's ambitious goal for the future.
"For me, I've said many times I'm going to sell Hollywood Unlock for 500 million. I remember the first time I said that."
"Our job is to dramatically improve the probability that you're worth 80 and then 800 billion."
"Maybe I could turn my planners into a million dollar brand."
"At the end of the day, happy guests, that's what it's all about."
"Happy guests is what we strive to maintain here on the islands."
"Our goal: A million dollars in sales. We're relentless until we reach it."
"Our goal is to create the most loyal customer base on the darknet."
"Your goal is focused on making really good decisions and few really good decisions."
"That's looking pretty good, so next time if all goes well we could potentially be earning 14,000 which is kind of nuts."
"My purpose is to create a company that creates more millionaires than any other company in history."
"We're just at the beginning. If you think about half a million global, yeah, we're only what, 10% of the way there?"
"Our goal is to do 50 million in payouts next year. It's a very worthy thing for us to work towards."
"I want to deal with that part of the market where I don't merely beat them but I beat them decisively."
"What's your end game for Midas? To change the way the media is consumed."
"Are you at seven figures right now in business? Are you going for it?"
"We want to make a big impact, we're not looking to be a small player."
"The goal is to design monetization in a way that makes people happy to spend money."
"Plus we want this place to be like known for a long time."
"Every single client that ever walks into my office has one goal and one goal only."
"By the end of the quarter we'd reduced it to around 20 days, and our goal in Q4... is to get the average time of a car from factory to customer under 10 days. This is a giant improvement in the capital efficiency of the company." - Elon
"My goal of 2022 is to hit the pavement running and be specifically focused on making your P/L higher."
"Just making them happy should be your ultimate goal."
"Long-term success should be the ultimate goal."
"It always struck me that this was not just you deciding okay I'm going to figure out how to make money off this interwebs thing."
"You're never gonna be a billionaire unless you build a billion-dollar business."
"We wanted to do it right, we wanted the product to be perfect."
"I want to be a hundred million dollar company and I will be."
"Our goal is to build something of Charles Schwab's size and impact."
"Our mission is to create that third producer who's gonna pick up the two comma Club award."
"It's not about the money I just know the vision where I want to go with it."
"That's the goal... something that people hold label out and we're super excited about."
"The goal of every social media company is to keep your attention."
"When I first started business, all I wanted was just £2,000 a month."
"Our number one priority is to make sure that all of our shareholders make money."
"They want this generation by the balls, we want the next one by the balls."
"There's nothing like being able to deliver exactly the product as we want it to you guys in the way that we want it."
"Embrace your business goals, embrace your status goals."
"We entrepreneurs don't intend to work on the same company for 20 years."
"There are three things important to making a game... not dying, shipping, and making money in that order."
"At the end of the day, we just want to deliver as much value as we possibly can on the products that we create."
"Creating value for others, that's the thing that I am the most focused on and I will continue to be the most focused on."
"My goal honestly is to make like 20 to 25 dollars a pair you know that's good."
"The number one goal from every single person here and every business here is to build a brand."
"Our goal is for people to feel rewarded in a variety of ways."
"I want to build a business that does good in the world."
"Entrepreneurship isn't about making money, it's about solving problems."
"We want to go from 1.1 million users to 100 million."
"It's our belief and our hope that if we do the best job we absolutely can you guys will stick with us."
"Our goal is to grow the business and keep customers happy while we're doing that, so we all have one goal. We just gotta figure it out between all of us."
"I want to make it affordable, I want to make it popping."
"The content strategy is basically what content should go on the website and aligning this with the client's overall strategy and business goals."
"Customers will get what they want to achieve their business goals."
"My goal with Tuxedo Junction was to build it up and sell it so I could pay everyone back that was my driving goal even in the toughest times."
"McDonald's will attempt to draw in even more members to reach its ambitious goal of 250 million over the next few years."
"Our main goal is to build up a chain of brick and mortar establishments for TR Burger."
"It's important to have singular focus on what the business results are that you are working to drive in your team."
"What is the reason why we are going to launch or release this content? What are we trying to achieve with this content, and does this even align with our business goals?"
"Designed to help you smash your income goals and give every customer an amazing experience."
"I really want my booth business to bless my family, and I want yours to bless your family too."
"The primary goal of improved quality is increased profits for the organization."
"Requirements encompass high-level business goals, stakeholder needs, and solution characteristics."
"Our first goal is to get the 50 location Nationwide with our franchise opportunity."
"My focus with having a CNC is fully to be able to use it for a business."
"You either generate revenue, increase market awareness, customer attraction, make your customers happy, company growth, employee happiness, cost reduction, or process efficiency."
"It would be lovely off the back of this video to be able to see one of my subscribers going away with one of my cars."
"I'm focusing on moving this company to Next Century."
"Your comp plan is aligned with what you're trying to drive for the business."
"I don't know where the ceiling of this is because nobody's ever done this before, but there's a clear path to 75 million and we're going to get there."
"More traffic, more sales, more profit - that is what we're all here to do."
"The dream of every entrepreneur is to be flooded with leads interested in their products or services."
"Customer success managers are really about driving to the outcomes, the goals, the value realization for the customer."
"The goal of business is to solve our problems."
"What we want to do is we want to be a problem solver for our clients."
"We're trying to make as few mistakes as possible, give the highest level of customer service and quality as possible."
"I would want to have my own business; I wouldn't want to work for someone else."
"Nobody goes into business just to break even."
"The end game of a business is to provide a product or service that meets a need."
"The objective is not more employees, it's more profit."
"Balancing demand and supply, but with a purpose, is achieving your business goals."
"Every decision taken during a project should be viewed in the light of the overriding project goal to deliver what the business needs when it needs to be delivered."
"If you want to be a successful Pinterest manager, you should show your clients you really care about their unique business goals."
"Alignment with business goals ensuring that IT systems support and align with the organization's strategic objectives is a key aspect of IT audits."
"I believe that if we do this, next quarter we'll all be driving Mercedes."
"Our goal is not just to ship a product but to ship a product that has an impact on our customers in a way that creates value for our business."
"The goal of the SaaS Factory is really to make AWS the best place to build your SaaS solutions."
"The ultimate goal is to automate, integrate and automate as much as we possibly can."
"We have a long track record of focusing on long-term goals towards user satisfaction."
"This board should be built in a way that it will help us visualize if we're on the right path to reaching our larger business objectives."
"Make sure you know what your business goals are and how you can be driving social media towards those business goals."
"A company that's growing isn't the end goal. The end goal is to build a massive company that withstands time."
"We all want the best for the business at the end of the day."
"For us, we want our customer service to actually be better than our food, and we think our food's pretty good."
"My goal every day with this business is to go to bed proud of the work I've done."
"I'm hoping and planning to make about a hundred and fifty thousand dollars total for my business."
"You'll have a strong product strategy when it answers the questions of how it focuses the work to achieve the business goals."
"That's essentially the goal of being in business, right? Making a good living and marketing strategies."
"One of the main goals when we are considering to propose some deal structures is whether it's simple enough to be understood."
"My main goal with my business has always been, and always will continue to be, inspiring you."
"I believe that much in business. In business, the goal is for you to become independent and be the boss."
"One of the main goals is customer satisfaction."
"I'm building the coolest snack food company in the greatest country in the world."
"This needs to be a major objective in your business and it has to be something that you're working on day to day."
"You want to understand what the customer wants and what they're trying to achieve and what they're looking for."
"Let's go build a million dollar business."
"Ultimately when you build up a business, your end goal is to build it up so much that you can sell it."
"We want AEW to be a healthy, happy company hiring wrestlers in perpetuity."
"If you have a whole company doing this, then you can accelerate reaching those business results that you all are trying to achieve."
"This is the end game, this is where you want it to be for the longest time with e-commerce."
"We don't need to be the biggest bank, we need to be the best bank."
"Our goal wasn't to sell more products, our goal was to make sure that we would have great customer service."
"We don't want to be the biggest, we just want to be the best."
"When you work with a partner, you should be an expert on your business, your goals, your outcome."
"I didn't want to be the Walmart, I wanted to be the Mercedes-Benz."
"In December, if we meet our goals, we're going to have $757,000 worth of cash."
"We want to build a lease fleet, get it up to pretty close to about a thousand trailers, and then just continue to sell five to eight hundred trailers a year."
"We wanted to build a good company and improve the social status of our industry."
"Deliver results. This is last but perhaps the most important."
"Hitting 10K a month is both extremely easy and extremely hard."
"Every business objective has a personal objective."
"The goal of the business when it comes to the platform is to improve the quality and quantity of the interactions that are happening on top of the platform."
"I want sixty to seventy percent of that to be profit."
"Optimize your keyword bids according to your business goals."
"Companies must strive for continuous improvement in quality, efficiency, and cost reduction."
"Facebook has created an amazing advertising platform that can help you achieve your business goals."
"Campaign metrics need to focus on the business objectives, not just on the external factors of rankings and visibility."
"No matter what your business goal is, whether it's awareness and leads, leads and sales, or even offline actions like store visits, we'll have a look at the solutions that can help us reach those goals."
"Being profitable in this business is not the end goal; making money in the bar business is a byproduct of excellence."
"Every UX project would start with a business goal, be it cost reduction, revenue increase."
"When the goals of a user align with the goals of a business, that's user experience."
"I always dreamt of creating startups."
"You have to have clarity around your breakeven point and your income goal."
"Our goal is to be helpful and to bring more to the table than just economics."
"What are we trying to do when we start a business? It's become incredibly muddled over the last 20 years."
"Every year our goal is to make more than we did the last year, and we have been steady on that journey."
"The goal is to make a friend, make a customer, make a repeat customer."
"We ultimately want to have all of our customers and even the shops who deal to have the best experience possible."
"I wanted to rise to the challenge of creating a unique brand."
"The endgame for business should be to take care of customers and employees."
"To have a successful online presence, you need three things: traffic, trust, and conversion."
"The overall goal of the company, they're not just a company selling juicers, man, they are a lifestyle company."
"I'm going to build a monster company."
"Once you understood your business goals and objectives, you will build up your strategy."
"Are you doing this just to sell a handful of items, or are you looking to sell items to build a business and to make some real money?"
"We want to build a business that not only pays money but pays time."
"My first goal is breaking even for my clothing line."
"We would have for sure hit a million dollars if the site was functioning."
"We have two assessments, and for the first assessment that application costs are too high, we have two goals: reduce maintenance cost and reduce direct application cost."
"The purpose of business is to produce profitable solutions to the problems of people and the planet."
"Customer satisfaction... could lead to other potential objectives being met in the long term."
"Building our organic search rankings is one of our biggest goals."
"The project Charter should be absolutely focused on the business activities, the business requirements, what the business hopes to achieve from the project, what the benefits the business will get from the project."
"The aim is to become a business owner, not the head chef at your own restaurant."
"What would having a thriving business do for you? It would give me a sense of purpose and contribution."
"We're actually happy that we bought Eastern Airlines and we really believe that some of the original objectives that we had in buying Eastern can be fulfilled."
"The objective of a business should be to maximize its value."