
Potential Outcomes Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"What if it could turn out better than you can imagine?"
"No matter what role disorientation played in the crash, investigators are about to learn that the crew wasn't properly trained to deal with it."
"Had the pilots of FlashAir 604 received a formal CRM training program the outcome of this flight may have been substantially different."
"We've got to be conscious of the potential of the Kremlin to trigger exactly the kind of refugee crisis that he describes."
"If Jake loses, now we start talking about maybe the KSI's of the world, which are big fights but there's a big difference here. If he wins, he really does open that door." - Ariel Helwani
"This could be a massive thing all over the world, really, really could."
"I would be very surprised if we could not make it to around 120 plus I'd be surprised I really would."
"I think this is going to be a really, really good thing."
"That does take courage, but it might turn out better than what we expect."
"I genuinely do think the dominoes are set up for potentially a culmination of a more radicalized leftist group."
"The worst case scenario for the left is that Trump fumbles around for another four years, but it cripples the establishment."
"Even if Spotify were to finally fold to the pressure, canceling Joe Rogan's show would result in dumb outcomes."
"Welcome along then to the Australian Grand Prix, a new season then a clean slate where anything could happen."
"There is something in Islam that if you read it a particular way you're only going to get a violent response and a violent output."
"What sort of position might you be in, what sort of family might you have, what sort of relationship might you be able to forge if you abided by your conscience for five years or for ten years?"
"I'm not saying I'm supporting it, but you think it can't happen. Of course."
"The worst that can happen is you get rejected."
"Lewis Hamilton could have quite easily won that race right if things have gone slightly more wrong for rebel."
"If we don't take risks, we'll never know how good or how bad things can be."
"You have not one but two aces as your first cards, hinting at the outcome or the outcome potential depending on what you choose."
"The upside with those three wide receivers on a week-to-week basis is the ceiling is extremely high."
"By anything you do here, it's not saying that you're wrong to try to push him away, but it just leads to only potential negatives. That's all it is: potential."
"I truly feel in my heart if she was arrested she would have called her parents, they would have intervened and once she was away from her abuser she would have came clean with the abuse and gotten help." - Angela
"Any tiny little shift could really, really change the outcome of the life you already enjoy."
"We have a hunch if we do it right, we're going to see this combinatorial explosion in creativity."
"It's actually true to say that something like 44% of Americans... would see a silver lining in this cloud because it would presage that the best thing that is ever going to happen is about to happen."
"What Sanders did in that city is kind of a preview of what could happen if there's an actual movement behind him on a national scale."
"If this goes away we think we think it's going to go I think arteta is in line for for for a lot of credit."
"If Trump gets back in the White House all of them will be discredited and knocked from their perches."
"Anything could happen, guys, anything could happen."
"The fall of Vienna would open the door for the Ottomans to conquer all of Western Christendom."
"What do you guys think is coming? I feel like a reunion is definitely possible..."
"What's the worst that could happen? Nothing."
"Could it be possible perhaps that it would manifest in that way?"
"You don’t always win when you decide to fight these battles, but you definitely can’t win unless you do fight."
"Ripple either ripple EDA puts a dent in the universe or it goes away."
"Lean into that possibility and see if it still makes sense."
"Could it happen? Is it really possible for the Ukrainians to cause the Russian defenses to collapse?"
"I do expect if Moreno plays his cards right, he possibly is the only fighter in this division that will be able to defeat him."
"We still have so many different possibilities."
"There is no flipping way on God's green earth that this can end well."
"The storytelling can be both backwards in terms of all the good things can happen but all the bad things could happen the exact same time."
"I kind of like the idea of having you as a vassal. I'm gonna do it. You may thrive under me, you may not."
"One second later and the outcome could have been very different."
"I actually want it to succeed just because of what the consequences will be if it does."
"It's chaos theory. Okay, what can happen will happen, and it's gonna happen next."
"What is the best that could happen for the collective today?"
"It's worth considering and it's just another... thing in the bullish thesis of potential outcomes."
"It is just the beginning... interesting to see where this ultimately leads."
"The rewards will be enormous... if we are right."
"Focus on the positive aspects of what's possible."
"No matter what you feel, I think there might be some positive stuff that could come out of this."
"His defeat might actually lead to something down the line."
"I think it's either the worst idea or the best idea, either one of those things, right?"
"Put some more gas in your tank and god knows what would come out."
"I think realistically what would happen is that there would be legal challenges filed both in state court and in federal court and it would get hashed out between those judges."
"Just taking the little steps and you never know where it might lead you."
"Moves I change your policy on the scale I proposed could either go really well or it could cause confusion, anger, and resentment if the process is opaque."
"This is trench warfare as well but I think if the Russians can take this back Moot and they can break through the line there then we may well see a collapsing of the Ukrainian military forces."
"Granted Gary wigs directing it... it's got the potential to be either great or an absolute disaster."
"If Mark Meadows flips... the likelihood of a Donald Trump conviction has gone up exponentially."
"What Miracle is on the other side of your perseverance?"
"Infinite amounts if need be. Imagine the possibilities."
"I think we're coming up to a resolution on this relatively soon... it'll either break up or break down."
"He's got a chance to go into rage mode later in the game when the stars eventually choose to align for him..."
"Focus instead of what could go wrong on what could go right."
"I think it's a very real possibility and I mean it wouldn't be very smart if they didn't consider that."
"What you birth together may not just be a physical child, it could be a business adventure, a creative project, or something else."
"God sees all the connections and knows all the results of those connections, and so could if he wanted only make the people whose ripples will have the results that he wants."
"Just put yourself first and just show yourself and see what could happen."
"I have a premonition that there's a good chance this will make things more interesting."
"I think it might be safe to say at that point the Central Powers were more than likely win again Russia will probably go through a civil war."
"The potential, the possibilities of so many different things that can happen is something that's really exciting."
"It's really important that you focus on staying open and receptive towards your best possible outcome."
"I use different methods to make decisions, including card spreads to see potential outcomes."
"Hassan Ethan Deb major conservative that almost happened it almost did close and I have that one too"
"Indecision can highlight a lot that could potentially happen in the market."
"If you're standing on the sidelines wondering why, what's the worst thing that could happen if you try?"
"...history isn't destiny, but history does give us a sense of what could happen and it gives us tools to think with."
"Having a crush isn't inherently stressful, it's what can potentially result from it."
"When you take exceptionally talented people and put them all together to do a thing, there's only two outcomes: you're gonna get a masterpiece or you're gonna get a pile of trash."