
Animal Crossing Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Raymond is an incredibly popular villager, perhaps more popular than any villager ever in the history of Animal Crossing."
"He is one of the very few villagers in the game that does not have an associated amiibo card, making the opportunity to meet him and invite him to move into the player's town quite rare."
"New leaf is animal crossing on the 3ds that's pretty much all I can say to do the game justice if you've never played the series before new leaf is a great place to start you know uh turning over a new leaf."
"Nintendogs should come back, especially with Animal Crossing being so popular."
"Animal Crossing New Horizons first week sold over 13 million copies."
"I'm so glad we didn't get her, grumpy villagers were my favorite, all roasts."
"If you enjoyed this video, be sure to give it a big awesome like and if you haven't already, definitely subscribe before tons more on Animal Crossing New Horizons."
"It’s difficult to describe the appeal of Animal Crossing."
"Animal Crossing was designed for just about everybody."
"And finally, after waiting for over a decade... We get to see a traditional new Animal Crossing on a home console."
"I'm down, so amaze me, Toadette, here we go, what did I say in the video? What did I say? Animal Crossing stuff, Super Mario Cute 35th Anniversary jokes, items are coming to the Animal Crossing, show me what you're going to give me."
"With everyone self-isolated at home and finding themselves on social media more than ever by now, you've probably heard about Nintendo's new game, Animal Crossing: New Horizons."
"From butterflies to wharf roaches, your island is a bustling home for various insects and other little animals. Keep it that way!"
"Animal Crossing, this is a communal style game."
"Animal Crossing is kind of weirdly zeitgeisty."
"Another one of the most surprising entries in Ultimate has to be Isabelle, the secretary for your player in Animal Crossing: New Leaf."
"Animal Crossing New Horizons... the definitive 2020 title."
"Animal Crossing New Horizons is breaking new ground."
"I can buy myself a Nook Miles ticket, a free pass to a randomly generated new island."
"Isabelle from the Animal Crossing series... Another very good doggo, Isabelle has become the unofficial mascot of the Animal Crossing franchise."
"Toy Day drops on December 21st and Jingle will be ringing it in with you, this thing is a super fun one as you get to play Santa Claus and deliver toys and gifts to your villagers."
"Animal Crossing is weird... but I guess it's their main appeal."
"It reminds me a lot of Animal Crossing actually, and I quite like it."
"Animal Crossing: New Leaf allowed us to customize our towns more than ever before, making it an evergreen joy."
"I need red, red windflower, cedar saplings, yellow tulip, yellow, white tulip, white windflower."
"I've been listening to a lot of Animal Crossing hour-long music streams, they're really relaxing."
"I think this genuinely might be my favorite Animal Crossing item that I own."
"I wanted to play Animal Crossing, and because I wanted to build this thing, and I wanted to do it on stream, I was like, 'Well, I gotta stream.'"
"Animal Crossing keeps the fun high and activities endless."
"Animal Crossing New Leaf Welcome Amiibo, a new version of New Leaf for purchase."
"Nintendo's software sales milestones: 'Animal Crossing hits 22.4 million in less than four months!'"
"From loneliness to millions: Katsuya Iguchi's journey to create Animal Crossing."
"Most tracks tend to look exactly the same every time they're played which yeah that's to be expected but Animal Crossing breaks the norm."
"I've gotten back into the habit of playing Animal Crossing for like 20 to 30 minutes a day again, and it's just so relaxing."
"Animal Crossing: New Leaf truly blows them all out of the water."
"Animal Crossing is Nintendo's hottest title."
"They're adding Mario items to Animal Crossing."
"It sort of feels like the Animal Crossing museum and I absolutely love that."
"How good is that Animal Crossing update? Oh, my God."
"Now, I was a big player, okay? I was a big Animal Crossing player last year when it first came out."
"So I'm back into it. I love the update so much in fact that I actually restarted my island. That's right."
"But Midge is up there of like greatest of all time for me."
"I'm excited to show everybody my island because it's all i've been doing i've written one page in the whole month of quarantine but my island looks goddamn exquisite."
"All traffic must halt, let these little guys go."
"You're never gonna believe this, but it's Animal Crossing."
"Animal Crossing is a far more accessible game."
"Animal Crossing is so much more approachable."
"The original Animal Crossing had like a million NES games built-in."
"Halloween fun fact: if you play Animal Crossing, my island is called Halloween."
"Animal Crossing looks cute, very cute."
"It's by far one of the cutest Animal Crossing avatars that I've seen."
"I'm currently in a state of complete and utter relaxation, Animal Crossing strokes obviously."
"Animal Crossing is a charming game."
"Ah, Animal Crossing, the game that's keeping most of the population sane while 2020 burns outside our windows."
"Animal Crossing has definitely pioneered the chill lifesim genre."
"I'm very excited to play Animal Crossing this evening because I just finally unlocked terraforming and path building."
"It's just giving Animal Crossing energy, okay."
"I'm really looking forward to Animal Crossing."
"Animal Crossing is beyond child-friendly."
"I'm really excited because I think Animal Crossing gets delivered today."
"Anything Animal Crossing makes me happy."