
Performance Standards Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Every time you've got to fill the cowl, George Clooney couldn't do it, Val Kilmer couldn't do it. Christian Bale set the tone for modern superheroes going forward."
"You got to do it every night. You got to be Jordan every night."
"We far exceed the national benchmark, not by a few minutes, but by 10 or more hours."
"Always, not sometimes, always. It can never fail, always."
"You've got competitive people and they're going to do whatever is required to perform the best in their sport."
"If you're not gonna do it properly, just don't do it."
"For people watching now, I think we know the bar."
"We need high standards where coming second is seen as failure."
"In today's video we are purely going to be talking about 4K gaming monitors which means we are not talking about any 60 hertz displays. 120 hertz is the minimum."
"If you want me to say you're one of the best players in the world you have to be able to actually win the game for me."
"You can't afford to be selectively urgent when you're trying to win at the highest level."
"It doesn't matter who you are... It's got to be repeatable."
"Enables the Spartans to continue to operate above and beyond all possible human standards."
"We hold each other to a high level of performance."
"Nvidia doesn't let up so you want to compete with Nvidia you've got to constantly bring the gains you've got to not slip up you've got to constantly be on your game to compete with them."
"It's still manages to limbo its way under the incredibly low bar..."
"More exciting, out-of-the-world performances will be needed to keep on having K-Pop continue."
"A tenant of Elite Performance is setting high standards and holding yourself and your team accountable to those standards."
"Porsche once again raises the bar even further, solidifying itself as the sports car benchmark."
"The Lexus LFA... set the bar for just how super the Supercar could be..."
"93 is a really good threshold to hit for that gold anchor."
"You better make damn well sure every single one of them works really well."
"If a car is putting out numbers that a supercar is putting, what's the difference?"
"The 6800 XT not only delivers on 4K 60 frames per second but in most cases, it overperforms."
"We need a team where everyone's got to be eights and nines, no zeroes."
"They're among the best of the best of the best and they've absolutely raised the bar with what's possible."
"Give me that consistency, that's all I ask for."
"It's not about who does it first, but it's about who does it right."
"There's not gonna be somebody on my team that's sixth. You are cut from this team."
"If you can't run an event in Brazil and beat valorant numbers, that's a failure."
"That was insane. They keep outdoing themselves every year."
"You're only as good as your last record." - Akon
"I don't respect people who don't bring their A game."
"First place or disappointment, that is what we've got to get back to."
"If you're a Manchester United player, you have to perform to your level."
"Every goal that Mason now scores sets the bar that much higher for Jadon Sancho if he were to come next season."
"Why don’t we put the shoe on the other foot and tell gamers, hey I know you like playing CS:GO at 144hz or higher, but let’s compromise and have you play at 30fps. You’d get your head chewed off and rightly so."
"It's not about doing your best, it's about doing what's required."
"We're not doing the best we can anymore, we're doing the safest we can."
"There's a quality shelf that we need to hit, and it's not just about effort, it is quality we need."
"Scarcity is what adds value to things and a list of Standards tells you what performances are rare and what performance is a run-of-the-mill."
"I can handle bad mechanics, I can't handle just pure stupidity."
"So when you're not reaching that, it's my job to address it."
"Mctom was really good today and again I know we can talk about standards but you have to judge the game that we've just watched."
"Standards not the ceiling, that's the floor."
"It does require a certain degree of not sucking."
"Quality control is more than just how many flips you can do in a match."
"That's what competitive excellence comes from."
"It's about winning, and if you're not winning, we're not gonna be happy."
"It's the mentality and the togetherness that they've got. They'll not allow one player, regardless of who it is, to slack off."
"All our goals and expectations are to be beyond what we've done."
"If Arteta doesn't win a trophy, he has to leave."
"We gotta go 110 every day, we gotta give everyone our best effort at that."
"This is what Excellence looks like. Remember, he is constantly watching you, so don't do anything stupid and upset him."
"This is not a very competitive experience if you're not getting 60+ all of the time."
"Consistently is what Manchester United demands."
"Consistency has to be right there with quality."
"If you were playing on a Steely Dan record, every bar of every song just had to groove, it had to be great."
"For AAA gaming, something like an RX 570 or GTX 1060 is probably where the minimum is today."
"I'm here about the team, I'm about the performance, and you either deliver or you get out the door."
"It's better to be optimal than to be suboptimal."
"The culture within the club is not competitive... and if you don't have the people that are competitive versus your peers and your competition then you're never going to succeed."
"Why are we taking the 80 percent as the standard instead of saying let me figure out what the eleven or five percent are doing?"
"If it's good enough in Week One, it's got to be good enough in Week 18."
"Every footballer who puts on a Man United shirt doesn't need a 'tryhard' attribute."
"We're top of the league, let's move like the league leaders."
"I wonder if you want to be on that team, so you know, you're making good games right, like you want to knock it out of the park, you want to not get a game that's got a 60 on open critic."
"To do well at this competition you need everything to be perfect."
"Mediocrity is no longer acceptable. Be stellar or be nothing."
"Availability is key. If you're not available enough, that doesn't make you good enough to be a top footballer."
"Anything under 60 frames a second is a crime."
"If you can bring that kind of dynamic you can keep your job but if you're lying then that's different."
"Setting a standard, then going below the expectation."
"Cam just giving Harry Kane the Salah treatment and cradling world-class players to world-class standards."
"They give the people what they paid for and they don't get up there and do some Rockstar [ __ ] that a lot of these groups do."
"I just think that maybe I just hold this defense to a really low standard so whenever he does perform all right I'm like wait wait you know it's not too bad."
"Top three isn't good enough... like they expect to contend at the top for titles."
"BMW's M5 is the yardstick against which all serious performance saloons are judged."
"Playing simple pieces beautifully should be our goal. If you can't play a simple Sor etude or Logma beautifully, why could you play something that involves three voice counterpoints with imitation so well?"
"I'm really feeling the pressure. I just want to get it down to a good standard."
"The most important part of holding responsibility is having performance standards. Everyone on your team always holds their roles so well that they have excess capacity that can then be distributed to support others."
"Westgard rules are used to define specific performance limits for QC."
"The only way to fix what comedy is in terms of that like that's a Netflix special worthy thing."
"Nissan has raised the bar so much with this car that they have to work double for the next R35."
"Against rampant prejudice, you had to be the tightest, most undeniable, most technically perfect emcee ever to take the mic."
"You're either meeting the standard, not meeting the standard, or you're exceeding it."
"It was the first car actually to pace the Indy 500 that needed absolutely no modifications."
"Anything over 80 percent in the industry is considered good; anything over 90 percent in the industry is considered excellent."
"I didn't want to be the guy that let the level of play slip."
"There's no worst thing a boss can do than tolerate low performance."
"Teams that aspire to win Super Bowls, they don't make mistakes like this."